Green New Deal

Well, from your political perspective, sure. But it's very possible that, at some point, you'll need to make a strong and serious argument.

What I don't to see is a continuation of these wild swings back and forth. This ain't good for the country.
Calling for the elimination of the internal combustion engine, elimination of 99% of all cars / trucks / boats / trains / planes in the US, for every single building in the US to be upgraded or REBUILT, for electric trains that travel across OCEANS, & for the elimination of every energy source we currently use except for those that only provide 11% of what we use now is an INSANE NON-STARTER.

If someone actually offered you that deal before you sat down at the negotiating table, you would not sit down because you would think that person was mentally incompetent to negotiate anything.

Trying to come across as somebody who would not do that in defense of AOC and this deal this morning is making you look silly.
sounds more like he's simply saying we need to slow down these rush from one extreme to another moreso than arguing over an issue that in principal he seems to agree with while noting the depth of the argument you provide seems to stay at a surface level.

then again i'm still waiting on my energy drink to kick in and wondering if our office will provide another bad ass breakfast around 8.
This is where we are. Totally binary. Make a contrary point and you're the enemy.

This country is in trouble.
i said that when i came in here and got blasted by several. if i tell someone i don't agree with their 1 point, i suddenly agree with everything they hate.

like i always say, a billion shades of gray between black and white but black and white is all most people choose to see.
Such is the power of ideology. I'm in awe of it more every day.
It is amusing how you are attempting to make it seem like we have EVER heard something so ridiculously stupid proposed before, at least from an ADULT ... politician .... so far. As mentioned earlier by another board member, the closest thing spoken aloud by an elected US politician was the idea voiced by D-Hank Johnson that the ISLAND of Guam could actually CAPSIZE if we placed one more US military troop on the island. In Hank's defense, at least, I am pretty sure he was being facetious, unlike, sadly AOC.
Breathe dude..the hyperbole is going to give you a stroke
As I have said, I am feeling nothing more than humor in response to this epically moronic 'deal' just introduced. Don't worry about me....worry about how the Democratic Party is going to endure this humiliation. :p
Calling for the elimination of the internal combustion engine, elimination of 99% of all cars / trucks / boats / trains / planes in the US, for every single building in the US to be upgraded or REBUILT, for electric trains that travel across OCEANS, & for the elimination of every energy source we currently use except for those that only provide 11% of what we use now is an INSANE NON-STARTER.

If someone actually offered you that deal before you sat down at the negotiating table, you would not sit down because you would think that person was mentally incompetent to negotiate anything.

Trying to come across as somebody who would not do that in defense of AOC and this deal this morning is making you look silly.
sounds more like he's simply saying we need to slow down these rush from one extreme to another moreso than arguing over an issue that in principal he seems to agree with while noting the depth of the argument you provide seems to stay at a surface level.

then again i'm still waiting on my energy drink to kick in and wondering if our office will provide another bad ass breakfast around 8.
This is where we are. Totally binary. Make a contrary point and you're the enemy.

This country is in trouble.
i said that when i came in here and got blasted by several. if i tell someone i don't agree with their 1 point, i suddenly agree with everything they hate.

like i always say, a billion shades of gray between black and white but black and white is all most people choose to see.
Such is the power of ideology. I'm in awe of it more every day.
It is amusing how you are attempting to make it seem like we have EVER heard something so ridiculously stupid proposed before, at least from an ADULT ... politician .... so far. As mentioned earlier by another board member, the closest thing spoken aloud by an elected US politician was the idea voiced by D-Hank Johnson that the ISLAND of Guam could actually CAPSIZE if we placed one more US military troop on the island. In Hank's defense, at least, I am pretty sure he was being facetious, unlike, sadly AOC.
Okay, keep laughing.
Again. Green is the wave of the 21st Century.

THAT is where job growth is and will be

Wasn't Solyndra the wave of the future? Obama dry-humped the crap out of them, after all.
Solyndra received a $535 million U.S. Energy Department loan guarantee, the first recipient of a loan guarantee under President Barack Obama's economic stimulus program, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, while the overall loan program was in the black in 2014, it took a $528 million loss from Solyndra

In every emerging technology there are false starts. The world moves on
The Service economy was supposed to replace the Industrial economy and what a sell out that was. Solandra also gave us 5 dollar a gallon gas prices. Can you at least take the people that made money on that fiasco to be put on large solar panels and burnt to ashes? Can we agree on that? The world moves on after all.
We can’t afford not to do it

Just like we invested in highway safety. Roads cost a lot more to build but the lives we save are worth it

Everyone uses the roads, regardless of their economic status. "Green energy" only benefits those who can afford it, while increasing the burden on the poor, who can't really afford the associated rise in energy costs.

Everyone breathes the air and drinks the water

Those on the coasts suffer flooding and erosion
Hurricanes become more severe
Inland areas see more tornadoes
Fires become more devastating
So a guaranteed income for everyone. You support that?
i support promoting the general welfare such that we solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
There will always be poverty because there will always be some people that will not work.
you can't hire everyone, anyway. and, there will always be Poor even if they work. solving simple poverty is a promotion of the general welfare.
Unwilling??? Really?

employment is at-will, not for right wing, alleged morality.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is giving it short shrift, she knows it is impossible, literally, and looks at those actually supporting as a mother does to her kids, playing space aliens in the back yard. Keeps them busy and they're not hurting anyone.
All I know is that we have a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the legal concept of employment at will.

The right wing doesn't care about being illegal to those laws, as long as they can "blame less fortunate illegals" for their illegality.
The Service economy was supposed to replace the Industrial economy and what a sell out that was. Solandra also gave us 5 dollar a gallon gas prices. Can you at least take the people that made money on that fiasco to be put on large solar panels and burnt to ashes? Can we agree on that? The world moves on after all.

With every stupid post you make you show us what an idiot you are. Please stop.

Someone told you that the service industry (waiters and waitresses) would replace manufacturing? And you thought thy were worth listening to?


Solyndra gave us "5 dollar a gallon" gas prices? On what fucking planet did we ever HAVE 5 dollar a gallon gas prices and wtf did Solyndra have to do with gas prices ANyWAY you dolt...
AOC didn't do all her homework, did she?

If Solar Panels Are So Clean, Why Do They Produce So Much Toxic Waste?

If Solar Panels Are So Clean, Why Do They Produce So Much Toxic Waste?

The last few years have seen growing concern over what happens to solar panels at the end of their life. Consider the following statements:

  • The problem of solar panel disposal “will explode with full force in two or three decades and wreck the environment” because it “is a huge amount of waste and they are not easy to recycle.”
  • “The reality is that there is a problem now, and it’s only going to get larger, expanding as rapidly as the PV industry expanded 10 years ago.”
  • “Contrary to previous assumptions, pollutants such as lead or carcinogenic cadmium can be almost completely washed out of the fragments of solar modules over a period of several months, for example by rainwater.”
California should be taking the lead in reclamation technologies.
The fact that the left wingers that post here and voted for hillary and are all suffering from acute TDS are not even embarrassed by that fucking shit stick moron.

Think about what I am saying. They are not even embarrassed. That says a whole lot more than what that fucking moron proposed.

Doesn't it? In fact, they all cheer for it and defend it. There is nothing that illustrates more of what sort of shit our educational system is in.

That fucking moron is supposed to be ivy league educated?
Trump did a great thing in his SOTU address labeling the stupid Democrats as Socialists and proclaiming America isn't going to have any of that disastrous shit.

Then the Democrats come out with their crazy extreme far Left Socialist Green doctrine.

They ain't too smart, are they?
Ever heard of electric vehicles?
No electric trains that can travel over OCEANS... :p

Know how many recharging stations there are in the US? How about how many we would need if we eliminated the internal combustion engine?

What do you do with all those batteries when they stop working? Landfill?

When Libs outlaw all of America's favorite cars and confiscate them, is the govt going to give them money to buy new cars?

Maybe new antigrav technology will make tires obsolete.
Her zero emission goal means eliminating every internal combustion engine in the United States.....

7 million Americans alone work in the auto I did try making, selling cars, parts, repair, etc.....not counting truck drivers, can drivers, etc....and millions of others who rely on automobiles...

You are talking about National Suicide....

Anyone still CONSIDERING listening to this psycho is NUTS. :p
Ever heard of electric vehicles?

Electric vehicles still need to be powered, and that will require a lot more power plants.

Although even if not another internal combustion engine were built beginning today, we would still have millions of older vehicles on the road in 10 years.
improvements in technology means we will be getting more renewable energy.
you telling me the left doesn't sit there and mock and laugh at the right?

No, not at all. it's just that I don't care so much about the Left's mockery.. Few if any "adults" on that side imo.

the problem is the vast majority of us in the middle put up with it and that needs to end. we need an adult to tell the kids to shut the fuck up and go to the corner while we clean up their mess. while trump is doing some things i certainly agree with, to date he's far from the adult to pull us out of this.

Why are the vast majority of "us in the middle" putting up with it ? Are we too apathetic to do something about it? Could the truth be that we no longer can?

if the the left wants to be taken seriously, then they need to stop saying stupid shit like 90% of this GREEN deal is.

They ARE being taken millions and millions of REALLY stupid indoctrinated Millennials who are now voting and beginning to out number the "adults". Does it really matter what their plan is IF they eventually have the numbers to get it all passed?
AOC didn't do all her homework, did she?

If Solar Panels Are So Clean, Why Do They Produce So Much Toxic Waste?

If Solar Panels Are So Clean, Why Do They Produce So Much Toxic Waste?

The last few years have seen growing concern over what happens to solar panels at the end of their life. Consider the following statements:

  • The problem of solar panel disposal “will explode with full force in two or three decades and wreck the environment” because it “is a huge amount of waste and they are not easy to recycle.”
  • “The reality is that there is a problem now, and it’s only going to get larger, expanding as rapidly as the PV industry expanded 10 years ago.”
  • “Contrary to previous assumptions, pollutants such as lead or carcinogenic cadmium can be almost completely washed out of the fragments of solar modules over a period of several months, for example by rainwater.”
California should be taking the lead in reclamation technologies.

California has the most poverty, the worst schools, highest price of housing and the most debt.

They aren't the leader in anything except Left Wing failure.
you telling me the left doesn't sit there and mock and laugh at the right?

No, not at all. it's just that I don't care so much about the Left's mockery.. Few if any "adults" on that side imo.

the problem is the vast majority of us in the middle put up with it and that needs to end. we need an adult to tell the kids to shut the fuck up and go to the corner while we clean up their mess. while trump is doing some things i certainly agree with, to date he's far from the adult to pull us out of this.

Why are the vast majority of "us in the middle" putting up with it ? Are we too apathetic to do something about it?

if the the left wants to be taken seriously, then they need to stop saying stupid shit like 90% of this GREEN deal is.

They ARE being taken millions and millions of REALLY stupid indoctrinated Millennials who are now voting and beginning to out number the "adults". Does it really matter what their plan is IF they eventually have the numbers to get it all passed?[/QUOTE]
fair points to be sure. thank you for the additional insight.
Her zero emission goal means eliminating every internal combustion engine in the United States.....

7 million Americans alone work in the auto I did try making, selling cars, parts, repair, etc.....not counting truck drivers, can drivers, etc....and millions of others who rely on automobiles...

You are talking about National Suicide....

Anyone still CONSIDERING listening to this psycho is NUTS. :p
Ever heard of electric vehicles?

Electric vehicles still need to be powered, and that will require a lot more power plants.

Although even if not another internal combustion engine were built beginning today, we would still have millions of older vehicles on the road in 10 years.
improvements in technology means we will be getting more renewable energy.

That's fair enough. But the GND is still stupid, gutting hundreds of millions of buildings and replacing the HVAC system within 10 years.
AOC didn't do all her homework, did she?

If Solar Panels Are So Clean, Why Do They Produce So Much Toxic Waste?

If Solar Panels Are So Clean, Why Do They Produce So Much Toxic Waste?

The last few years have seen growing concern over what happens to solar panels at the end of their life. Consider the following statements:

  • The problem of solar panel disposal “will explode with full force in two or three decades and wreck the environment” because it “is a huge amount of waste and they are not easy to recycle.”
  • “The reality is that there is a problem now, and it’s only going to get larger, expanding as rapidly as the PV industry expanded 10 years ago.”
  • “Contrary to previous assumptions, pollutants such as lead or carcinogenic cadmium can be almost completely washed out of the fragments of solar modules over a period of several months, for example by rainwater.”
California should be taking the lead in reclamation technologies.

California has the most poverty, the worst schools, highest price of housing and the most debt.

They aren't the leader in anything except Left Wing failure.
we really just need a cost of living adjustment to fifteen dollars an hour;

capitalism can be wonderful for Labor, as well.

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