Green New Deal

AOC placed the Democrats in a tough position - admit to the world she is an ignorant JOKE or back her, proving they are a joke.

They are desperately looking for a 3rd option somewhere in the middle.
She is no more naive or stupid than the Don who had absolutely zero experience before he was elected.

A Socialist sorority sister versus a highly successful businessman who turned our economy around.

Let me know how your trip was after you take that TRAIN ride from San Fran to Honolulu.

I'm with you. I'd like to meet some of the people who voted for this idiot. They sure didn't investigate the dingbat before they voted for her. Unless, of course, they are socialist dingbats just like her.

To be honest, I think instead of the Democrats looking into Trump's financial background, they should look into hers. I really think she is a Republican plant. They seen this waitress, sweating it up and making nothing, and decided she would be a good candidate for their plan. They paid her to run not expecting her to win, but get enough media attention to say all these stupid things. After she surprisingly won, she went from a waitress to a six figure earner, and still gets paid by some Republican for every stupid thing she says, maybe 5K each time. She should be a millionaire by now.

It's the only thing that would make sense about this situation.

It makes perfect sense to me that leftist voters in New York are droolingly pig-stupid and put Socialist Barbie in office because she was "a fresh, exciting face and we need women of color in office just because they're women and they're color and that's important for some reason we don't know". It also makes perfect sense to me that leftists around the country are droolingly pig-stupid and will cheer and agree with something that makes no frigging sense whatsoever because they didn't read it, don't understand it, and really don't give a damn anyway so long as it sounds "caring" and like it has "feelz".

It makes sense to me. It's just really sad.

It's like I've said repeatedly on USMB: Democrats vote in representatives on the same grounds they voted for their favorite American Idol. Don't worry about their policies, their record, their past, what they want to do in the future. Just vote if they look and dress good.

If this bimbo had the face of Elizabeth Warren, she'd barely get local media attention yet alone national. She'd still be where she belongs, waiting tables at a restaurant somewhere.

Another person who needs an eye exam immediately!

I would hardly call her ugly. She's just an average woman if you ask me. But for some, she is attractive.

I think she's one of those women that can look good sometimes and other times just the opposite. It depends on the shot.

Her soul makes her ugly enough to steer clear. She is so far below average I seriously wonder about some of you.
AOC placed the Democrats in a tough position - admit to the world she is an ignorant JOKE or back her, proving they are a joke.

They are desperately looking for a 3rd option somewhere in the middle.
She is no more naive or stupid than the Don who had absolutely zero experience before he was elected.

A Socialist sorority sister versus a highly successful businessman who turned our economy around.

Let me know how your trip was after you take that TRAIN ride from San Fran to Honolulu.

Yeah they are both boots so get used to it.
The plan looks like it was written by a high school freshman. No wonder it was taken down.
The number of pinhead Dems that signed onto it gave future fodder to anyone that runs against them. That's the cool part.

Page not found, it was taken down.

But it's not gone.

Green New Deal

Yes you brainiac there were electric powered autos and gasification autos that burned trash for power, so why don’t you stfu for once.

And how did those electric cars work out?

The VIABLE means of locomotion used an internal combustion engine. That a farmer somewhere harnessed 20 rats running on a wheel to power his tractor is irrelevant. As frankly, most of the idiocy you post is.... :dunno:
Trains are electric so that is where it ended up..

All trains that carry anything other than passengers in the northeastern corridor of the US are diesel, dumbass! They convert diesel energy to electricity to drive the wheels. Without diesel, they go nowhere.

Why are you so stupid?
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Trains are electric so that is where it ended up..


No stupid, some subway systems are electric, virtually ALL trains are diesel. Hybrid technology started in trains, using 2000 HP Rolls Royce diesels to run generators to drive electric motors on passenger trains is where it all started. But they are still diesel.
That is why there is a move to electrify the rail system. The only thing standing in the way is capitalist who do not want change but they die and things change anyway.

I wish you had gone to college and learned about things like transmission line loss when it comes to electricity. Sending electricity by wire to power a train through the vast distances in America is simply not feasible due to the laws of physics.
An end to 35 years of GOP screwing the country and giving it away to the rich? Right you are.
Sure they have but giving the liberals power is even more insane.
Republicans are a catastrophe everytime stupidest Wars ever and always a corrupt bubble and bust if they have eight years to screw things up. And they have brainwashed half the country with total garbage misinformation phony scandals and character assassination no one in the real world cares about --garbage.
Yet it's the democrats proposing this massive failure...liar.
The left side of the Democrats young ones, actually a good idea a good idea. Your brain washers and you don't even believe in global warming so of course you can't have a intelligent idea about this.
Notice how anyone that disagrees with these America hating liars is always uneducated?
Miseducated and brainwashed that is
... Often educated in accounting engineering Madison, certainly not history political science etc. For example doctors are incredibly Republican and misinformed. I had to tell my physician's assistant about the existence of subsidies.
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...
Nothing to think about. Her plan is a financial disaster. Even an idiot who was honest could see that.

It's not even a plan. It's bunch of leftist socialist propaganda and promises that have never been delivered. Only stupid can take a bait and fall for it.
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...
Nothing to think about. Her plan is a financial disaster. Even an idiot who was honest could see that.

It's not even a plan. It's bunch of leftist socialist propaganda and promises that have never been delivered. Only stupid can take a bait and fall for it.
Is this your way of forgetting that she is now a lawmaker and has the support of other imbecile dems?
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

$7 Trillion?

If anyone were stupid enough to do it, we would be eating zoo animals by the end of the year.

Get rid of cars? Get rid of fuel oil? Get rid of airplanes?

If it were't coming from the dumbest person to ever enter congress, I'd think it were in the Onion.

This is the kind of shit 4 year olds come up with.

In order for US to switch to 100% renewable resources with existing technology... it would take 12 million square miles of solar panels, or 833 fully operational nuclear plants, 10 million windmills.

To get rid of all combustion engine cars in US, and replace them with all electric, battery powered cars, we'll have to purchase all known world reserves of cobalt (used in batteries and electroplating), and we would run out of it before reaching 75% mark.
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

$7 Trillion?

If anyone were stupid enough to do it, we would be eating zoo animals by the end of the year.

Get rid of cars? Get rid of fuel oil? Get rid of airplanes?

If it were't coming from the dumbest person to ever enter congress, I'd think it were in the Onion.

This is the kind of shit 4 year olds come up with.

In order for US to switch to 100% renewable resources with existing technology... it would take 12 million square miles of solar panels, or 833 fully operational nuclear plants, 10 million windmills.

To get rid of all combustion engine cars in US, and replace them with all electric, battery powered cars, we'll have to purchase all known world reserves of cobalt (used in batteries and electroplating), and we would run out of it before reaching 75% mark.
No don't worry! She'll find all the parts in a warehouse in Temecula Ca.
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...
Nothing to think about. Her plan is a financial disaster. Even an idiot who was honest could see that.

It's not even a plan. It's bunch of leftist socialist propaganda and promises that have never been delivered. Only stupid can take a bait and fall for it.
Is this your way of forgetting that she is now a lawmaker and has the support of other imbecile dems?

It makes them all stupid, if they think that riding the AOC horse is a winning ticket nationally they are as stupid as she is.
Sign me up for the income for those unwilling to work
What if everybody decides they don't want to work. oh that's right then they use force to make people work for the glory of the Mother land. A land where everybody is equal, and nobody has anything except the Political class. Welcome comrade
Garbage GOP propaganda, super dupes.

There is no need for propaganda.

We just have to point to leftist's great achievements: Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela.
How long would it take for a high speed train to get to Honolulu from Boston? Would it be a non stop, or would we need to stop several times on the trip?

If you had a 300 unit apartment building, would we see hundreds of extension cords out the windows of the units to the cars? If there are several hundred cars in the lot, would there be several hundred chargers somewhere on the lot? Or would everyone wait in line?

Rebuild every building in the US? I own a house. What does this mean? Do I have to pay for it? If I have to rebuild my 1950s home to meet an ambitious green plan, I met as well hand the keys over to the bank and move on.

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