Green New Deal

Trains are electric so that is where it ended up..


No stupid, some subway systems are electric, virtually ALL trains are diesel. Hybrid technology started in trains, using 2000 HP Rolls Royce diesels to run generators to drive electric motors on passenger trains is where it all started. But they are still diesel.
That is why there is a move to electrify the rail system. The only thing standing in the way is capitalist who do not want change but they die and things change anyway.
For all of you that feel the "Green Deal" is wonderful. Keep in mind California has passed legislation, to take effect in 2020, requiring solar panels on each new house built. That should increase the price of these new houses by about $20,000....enjoy.

The housing market has already collapsed in California. It is the ONLY state where new housing starts declined in 2018.
Yes you brainiac there were electric powered autos and gasification autos that burned trash for power, so why don’t you stfu for once.

And how did those electric cars work out?

The VIABLE means of locomotion used an internal combustion engine. That a farmer somewhere harnessed 20 rats running on a wheel to power his tractor is irrelevant. As frankly, most of the idiocy you post is.... :dunno:
Trains are electric so that is where it ended up..

Trains are electric? Not in this country.
wanna bet?
Electric locomotives are used on freight routes with consistently high traffic volumes, or in areas with advanced rail networks

They're not electric, they are hybrids with diesel engines.
A group of progressive-minded activists and industry experts have proposed that the federal and state governments, together with the railroad industry, invest in a long-term project to electrify U.S. railroads. In a book published in October 2016, Solutionary Rail, a people-powered campaign to electrify America’s railroads to a clean energy future,
And how did those electric cars work out?

The VIABLE means of locomotion used an internal combustion engine. That a farmer somewhere harnessed 20 rats running on a wheel to power his tractor is irrelevant. As frankly, most of the idiocy you post is.... :dunno:
Trains are electric so that is where it ended up..

Trains are electric? Not in this country.
wanna bet?
Electric locomotives are used on freight routes with consistently high traffic volumes, or in areas with advanced rail networks

Give us a link champ.
why do you not know how it's done?
You have never seen electric subway systems?
Diesels engines are going away like the dinosaur because electric locomotives and more energy efficient and cost less to maintain. You personally can't stop progress because you believe fossil fuels are the darling of humans..

Electric Trains vs. Diesel Trains
Though trains are more efficient than trucks, not all trains are equally efficient. Diesel-powered trains transfer about 30-35 percent of the energy generated by combustion to the wheels, while supplying electricity directly from an overhead powerline transfers about 95 percent of the energy to the wheels. Powering trains with electricity rather than diesel has several other benefits, according to the authors of Solutionary Rail:

.Electrification of U.S. Railways: Pie in the Sky, or Realistic Goal? | Article | EESI

Your link refutes you moron. It speaks of what enviro wackos WANT to do in the future.

Trains are diesel.

You bullshitted and got caught, then you lied to try and cover it up.

How democrat of you.

Slink away now, you've been humiliated yet again.
any good first world doesn't need to "steal from the Poor" merely so the Richest can get richer faster.

Stealing from the poor huh? Because the poor have all the money.

Pot has rotted away your brain, retard.
why do Olde Worlders have Any problems when they have lords, spiritual and temporal?

It should be as easy as going to your lord and simply stating, "my lord, i am here to render All of my problems unto you." Thank you.
Trains are electric so that is where it ended up..


No stupid, some subway systems are electric, virtually ALL trains are diesel. Hybrid technology started in trains, using 2000 HP Rolls Royce diesels to run generators to drive electric motors on passenger trains is where it all started. But they are still diesel.
That is why there is a move to electrify the rail system. The only thing standing in the way is capitalist who do not want change but they die and things change anyway.

You didn't claim "a move" by a group of enviro wackos, you made the statement that "trains are electric." They are not.
The green swoon deal.

But it has danielpalos all in, free money for refusing to work. That's all it takes for much of America that has been mind raped by schools to the point that thought is something alien to them.

What these scum don't grasp is that when we are reduced to eating zoo animals, it will be those like me who get to eat.
you forget, in the new world, we have new fashioned arguments, old worlder. olde fashioned arguments may not work very well in our new world.

You mean, you just make shit up, no need for facts, reason, or reality

The problem is stupid, reality is. Venezuela found out, after they stole everything they had nothing left, no one was creating any more wealth.

That's where we are headed, and soon.
lousy right wing management does that. Thank Goodness, FDR was a left winger.
Anyone still trying to defend this joke is simply trolling or mentally unstable. Since I see a good portion of the Ignore Island population is chiming in, that would lean more to the mental instability crowd.

The laughable, pathetic, infantile Green New Deal sets a new low for Democrats

The proposal was mercilessly ridiculed on social media, and even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seemed to mock the infantile blueprint. “It will be one of several or maybe many suggestions that we receive,” Mrs. Pelosi said. “The green dream, or whatever they call it, nobody knows what it is, but they’re for it, right?”

Here’s the bottom line: The GND proposal is an absolute non-starter, for one simple reason: When you’re too left even for Speaker Pelosi, you ain’t going nowhere.
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Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.
First generating all electric from solar wind and hydroelectric power for a nation our size is pretty well a pipe dream yea sounds great do do it in 10 years she needs to pass the bowel of tide pods

For the fourth year in a row, new US electricity capacity from renewable energy sources surpassed those from natural gas, and accounted for half of all new capacity additions, according to recent figures published by the country’s Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

New electricity capacity from renewable energy sources — including biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, and wind — accounted for 49.85% of all new capacity installed during 2017, which totaled 24,614 MW (megawatts), meaning that there was 12,270 MW worth of new renewable energy capacity. New natural gas capacity accounted for 48.67%, with the remaining new capacity being served by waste heat (0.89%), nuclear (0.41%), and oil ( 0.16%). There was no new coal capacity added during 2017.

These are the key statistics from Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) latest issue of its “Energy Infrastructure Update” (PDF) which includes data through to the end of 2017. Ken Bossong’s Sun Day Campaign highlighted these statistics in an email on Wednesday.

While renewable energy capacity was down on 2016’s impressive 16,124 MW, it nevertheless retained its position as the dominant new form of energy, outpacing natural gas for the fourth year in a row.

“Notwithstanding a year-long effort by the Trump Administration and its congressional allies to prop up coal, nuclear, and natural gas at the expense of renewable energy sources, clean energy technologies have proven themselves to be amazingly resilient,” noted Ken Bossong, Executive Director of the SUN DAY Campaign. “The unmistakable lesson to be drawn from the past five or more years of FERC data is that solar, wind, and the other renewable energy sources are carving out a large and rapidly-expanding share of the nation’s electrical generation.”

Technology-specific statistics were similarly impressive. By the end of last year, utility-scale solar had reached 30.30 GW (gigawatts) — approximately eight times greater than what FERC had reported five years ago. Solar now makes up 2.55% of the total US utility-scale generating capacity — an inherently underrated figure, considering FERC does not include distributed solar in its statistics.

Over the past five years, renewable energy generating capacity has increased across the board in the United States. On top of solar’s 7.77% increase, wind energy grew by 53.88%, biomass by 11.20%, geothermal by 3.51%, and hydropower by 2.79%. In fact, the generating capacity of all non-hydro renewable energy sources is 73.89% greater than it was five years ago, and renewables together account for 20.21% of the United States’ installed generating capacity. Five years ago this figure stood at only 15.40%. Unsurprisingly, given its popularity and economic viability, wind energy stands out from the pack for the moment, accounting for 7.45% of total US generating capacity.

On the other side of the energy generating street, natural gas has only increased its share of generating capacity by 5.14% over the past five years, and oil by only 5.35%. Most importantly, however, is the state of coal, which over the past five years has seen its share of total generating capacity decline by 17.83%.

Were you rightards parents as stupid as you mental midgets are?
No we aren't because we don't believe the fake news bullshit that you mind raped "experts" do.
AOC placed the Democrats in a tough position - admit to the world she is an ignorant JOKE or back her, proving they are a joke.

They are desperately looking for a 3rd option somewhere in the middle.
Trains are electric so that is where it ended up..


No stupid, some subway systems are electric, virtually ALL trains are diesel. Hybrid technology started in trains, using 2000 HP Rolls Royce diesels to run generators to drive electric motors on passenger trains is where it all started. But they are still diesel.
That is why there is a move to electrify the rail system. The only thing standing in the way is capitalist who do not want change but they die and things change anyway.

You didn't claim "a move" by a group of enviro wackos, you made the statement that "trains are electric." They are not.
So what some are electric and some are not. Electric motors have a usde you people think everything should be internal combustion driven yet that is not the state of the world.
If it’s a priority to stop bovine emissions, I wonder how long it will take them to realize people fart too
Yes we all know that anything resembling efficiency of policing up one's environment is so bad to the average couch potato.
the Green Big Deal eliminates carbon free nuclear energy which indicates the Green Big Deal is not about carbon. its about destroying our economy so they can build a new socialist one
For all of you that feel the "Green Deal" is wonderful. Keep in mind California has passed legislation, to take effect in 2020, requiring solar panels on each new house built. That should increase the price of these new houses by about $20,000....enjoy.

The housing market has already collapsed in California. It is the ONLY state where new housing starts declined in 2018.

Don't say things like that, I'm still in California. New housing declining, that's ok.
AOC placed the Democrats in a tough position - admit to the world she is an ignorant JOKE or back her, proving they are a joke.

They are desperately looking for a 3rd option somewhere in the middle.
She is no more naive or stupid than the Don who had absolutely zero experience before he was elected.
Many people allow their political biases to affect even the judgment of physical beauty.

shitty way to live, but people love to be miserable.

You actually think Che Guevara Barbie is "beautiful"? Passable at best. I get it though, her politics attract you. She hold the same views that you do.

Where did I say she was beautiful? Damn dude, do you ever respond with anything but lies?

The only thing about her that "attracts" me are her is you and those like you that are obsessed with her and start a dozen threads a day about her.
Sen. Lindsey Graham tweeted in favor of a vote on the Green Big Deal Friday, because “Americans deserve to see” what’s in it.

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