Green New Deal

Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...

It's not hate, dude. It's ridicule of stupid leftist bimbo.
the right wing is still "praising the virtues" of Tax Cut economics in public venues.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Tax cut increased federal revenues. Tax cuts are not problem, dummy, the spending is.
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...
Nothing to think about. Her plan is a financial disaster. Even an idiot who was honest could see that.

It's not even a plan. It's bunch of leftist socialist propaganda and promises that have never been delivered. Only stupid can take a bait and fall for it.
Is this your way of forgetting that she is now a lawmaker and has the support of other imbecile dems?

We have many stupid lawmakers. Some think the island will capsize, some want's to take over companies, some are megaphones for others, ans some are just plain stupid.

Nearly all Democrat presidential candidates support this "deal". When they see there is no public support for it, because is ridiculous and just plain stupid, they will all reject it by the primaries.
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...
Nothing to think about. Her plan is a financial disaster. Even an idiot who was honest could see that.

It's not even a plan. It's bunch of leftist socialist propaganda and promises that have never been delivered. Only stupid can take a bait and fall for it.
Is this your way of forgetting that she is now a lawmaker and has the support of other imbecile dems?

We have many stupid lawmakers. Some think the island will capsize, some want's to take over companies, some are megaphones for others, ans some are just plain stupid.

Nearly all Democrat presidential candidates support this "deal". When they see there is no public support for it, because is ridiculous and just plain stupid, they will all reject it by the primaries.
of course you are talking about the only people in the world who don't believe in global warming, and the only political party in the world that doesn't believe in global warming, also known as oh brainwashed functional morons...
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...

It's not hate, dude. It's ridicule of stupid leftist bimbo.
the right wing is still "praising the virtues" of Tax Cut economics in public venues.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Tax cut increased federal revenues. Tax cuts are not problem, dummy, the spending is.
Especially spending on investment in the middle class and the country, right super dupe? Tax cuts on the rich have never actually worked, except once maybe, when Reagan cut the top tax rate to 50% in 1982. His cutting it to 28% on his way out is a catastrophe and so is keeping it below 70% at this point. A flat tax is a disaster for everyone but the rich, super dupes. And that is what we have now.

Reagan also tripled the debt. So what you idiots know is fake news as usual and as always ....
You have to believe me... you see, I'm crying.

How long would it take for a high speed train to get to Honolulu from Boston? Would it be a non stop, or would we need to stop several times on the trip?

If you had a 300 unit apartment building, would we see hundreds of extension cords out the windows of the units to the cars? If there are several hundred cars in the lot, would there be several hundred chargers somewhere on the lot? Or would everyone wait in line?

Rebuild every building in the US? I own a house. What does this mean? Do I have to pay for it? If I have to rebuild my 1950s home to meet an ambitious green plan, I met as well hand the keys over to the bank and move on.

Why is this dumb bimbo making so many retarded proposals when all she needs to do is introduce a bill that bans global warming? Problem solved. :D
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...
Nothing to think about. Her plan is a financial disaster. Even an idiot who was honest could see that.

It's not even a plan. It's bunch of leftist socialist propaganda and promises that have never been delivered. Only stupid can take a bait and fall for it.
Is this your way of forgetting that she is now a lawmaker and has the support of other imbecile dems?

We have many stupid lawmakers. Some think the island will capsize, some want's to take over companies, some are megaphones for others, ans some are just plain stupid.

Nearly all Democrat presidential candidates support this "deal". When they see there is no public support for it, because is ridiculous and just plain stupid, they will all reject it by the primaries.
But who knows even you brainwashed twits might figure out what the plan actually is, as opposed to your ridiculous GOP propaganda, super duper.
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...

It's not hate, dude. It's ridicule of stupid leftist bimbo.
the right wing is still "praising the virtues" of Tax Cut economics in public venues.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Tax cut increased federal revenues. Tax cuts are not problem, dummy, the spending is.
only in right wing fantasy. tax cut economics are worthless whenever they don't or can't cover spending.
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

You don't even know how stupid this makes you look boy.
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

It's even in their name, moron.

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

Have you read their platform?

I take socialist for their words. You read NSDAP platform, it's like reading parts of Democrat party platform. No wonder why you like this "Green New Deal".
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

You don't even know how stupid this makes you look boy.
Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the Right Wing.
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

It's even in their name, moron.

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

Have you read their platform?

I take socialist for their words. You read NSDAP platform, it's like reading parts of Democrat party platform. No wonder why you like this "Green New Deal".
national socialists are relative right wingers when compared to liberal socialists.
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!
so you believe all right wing propaganda, even Nazis'. Brilliant, brainwashed functional moron... Breaking for you...none of the phony scandals you know about Democrats actually happened, the GOP is robbing you blind behind its bologna 9

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

It's even in their name, moron.

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

Have you read their platform?

I take socialist for their words. You read NSDAP platform, it's like reading parts of Democrat party platform. No wonder why you like this "Green New Deal".
Congratulations you believe all garbage right wing and fascist propaganda, even the Nazis', the biggest Liars ever. Breaking for you, super duper... None of the garbage phony scandals you know all about against Democrats and even the FBI have any basis in fact and and every journalist and law enforcement agency IN THE WORLD knows it, brainwashed functional moron. Change the channel and read something.

I have a master's in history with a concentration on Nazis and Hitler, and you are totally ignorant about it. Their name and their platform are pure propaganda. Read something. Your idea that Nazis are socialists is a brand new piece of GOP propaganda. based on a book called liberal fascism which is a joke in the real world super duper. Pure garbage propaganda.
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!
so you believe all right wing propaganda, even Nazis'. Brilliant, brainwashed functional moron... Breaking for you...none of the phony scandals you know about Democrats actually happened, the GOP is robbing you blind behind its bologna 9

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

It's even in their name, moron.

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

Have you read their platform?

I take socialist for their words. You read NSDAP platform, it's like reading parts of Democrat party platform. No wonder why you like this "Green New Deal".
Congratulations you believe all garbage right wing and fascist propaganda, even the Nazis', the biggest Liars ever. Breaking for you, super duper... None of the garbage phony scandals you know all about against Democrats and even the FBI have any basis in fact and and every journalist and law enforcement agency IN THE WORLD knows it, brainwashed functional moron. Chang'e the channel at Reed something.

I have a master's in history with a concentration on Nazis and Hitler, and you are totally ignorant about it. Their name and their platform are pure propaganda. Read something. Your idea that Nazis are socialists is a brand new piece of GOP propaganda. based on a book called liberal fascism which is a joke in the real world super duper. Pure garbage propaganda.

Wait, don't you have TWO degrees, are 6'4" and 240?
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!
so you believe all right wing propaganda, even Nazis'. Brilliant, brainwashed functional moron... Breaking for you...none of the phony scandals you know about Democrats actually happened, the GOP is robbing you blind behind its bologna 9

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

It's even in their name, moron.

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

Have you read their platform?

I take socialist for their words. You read NSDAP platform, it's like reading parts of Democrat party platform. No wonder why you like this "Green New Deal".
Congratulations you believe all garbage right wing and fascist propaganda, even the Nazis', the biggest Liars ever. Breaking for you, super duper... None of the garbage phony scandals you know all about against Democrats and even the FBI have any basis in fact and and every journalist and law enforcement agency IN THE WORLD knows it, brainwashed functional moron. Chang'e the channel at Reed something.

I have a master's in history with a concentration on Nazis and Hitler, and you are totally ignorant about it. Their name and their platform are pure propaganda. Read something. Your idea that Nazis are socialists is a brand new piece of GOP propaganda. based on a book called liberal fascism which is a joke in the real world super duper. Pure garbage propaganda.

Wait, don't you have TWO degrees, are 6'4" and 240?
Well I have a ba and an MA and then 0 6 ft 4 in and 204 at the moment. Read what I said a few more times dingbat.
so you believe all right wing propaganda, even Nazis'. Brilliant, brainwashed functional moron... Breaking for you...none of the phony scandals you know about Democrats actually happened, the GOP is robbing you blind behind its bologna 9

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

It's even in their name, moron.

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

Have you read their platform?

I take socialist for their words. You read NSDAP platform, it's like reading parts of Democrat party platform. No wonder why you like this "Green New Deal".
Congratulations you believe all garbage right wing and fascist propaganda, even the Nazis', the biggest Liars ever. Breaking for you, super duper... None of the garbage phony scandals you know all about against Democrats and even the FBI have any basis in fact and and every journalist and law enforcement agency IN THE WORLD knows it, brainwashed functional moron. Chang'e the channel at Reed something.

I have a master's in history with a concentration on Nazis and Hitler, and you are totally ignorant about it. Their name and their platform are pure propaganda. Read something. Your idea that Nazis are socialists is a brand new piece of GOP propaganda. based on a book called liberal fascism which is a joke in the real world super duper. Pure garbage propaganda.

Wait, don't you have TWO degrees, are 6'4" and 240?
Well I have a ba and an MA and then 0 6 ft 4 in and 204 at the moment. Read what I said a few more times dingbat.

No need, you're a brainwashed idiot.
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

It's even in their name, moron.

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

Have you read their platform?

I take socialist for their words. You read NSDAP platform, it's like reading parts of Democrat party platform. No wonder why you like this "Green New Deal".
national socialists are relative right wingers when compared to liberal socialists.
National Socialists are Nazis and far right-wing fascists who should be shot on sight.

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