Green New Deal

Well, save your fucking money as you condemn future generations to a more difficult life.

You really need to put down that gun & pick up a brain.,

What a fucking moron you are.

We provide a BETTER life. YOU want to go back to a society of slaves and masters.

All this Communism you promote really is, is a return to feudalism. A tiny elite of Algore and Elon Musk ruling over impoverished masses who work their lands and their factories for them in exchange for scraps from their table.

You want to provide future generations with lives that are short, brutal , and filled with misery.

You need to get some guns... a communist just told you to put down the gun. That's the surest sign you will need it very shortly.

Look dickbrearh, I probably own more guns than both of you combined.
How many squirtguns do you own?

He probably has full auto AK47's and Mac 10's from the 60's. Along with hand grenades and an RPG.

This is Dave back in the day;

How is fighting AGW going back to slavery.

A Trumpette & a minimum wage fighting asshoile complaining about how someone pays is just too funny.

What will America be like when it becomes too hot & dry to grow crops in the bread belt?

Retard; name a time in history when Americans lived better than they do now?

Name a time in history when ANYONE lived better than we do now? Henry the VIII didn't have as many luxuries as your little VietCong ass has. Thanks to capitalism and freedom - the very things you work to destroy.
How long would it take for a high speed train to get to Honolulu from Boston? Would it be a non stop, or would we need to stop several times on the trip?

If you had a 300 unit apartment building, would we see hundreds of extension cords out the windows of the units to the cars? If there are several hundred cars in the lot, would there be several hundred chargers somewhere on the lot? Or would everyone wait in line?

Rebuild every building in the US? I own a house. What does this mean? Do I have to pay for it? If I have to rebuild my 1950s home to meet an ambitious green plan, I met as well hand the keys over to the bank and move on.

and they never tell us how the electricity to recharge all those electric cars will be generated. or how the toxic batteries will be disposed of when worn out.

I recently heard how those batteries lose a lot of power in the winter time in single digit temperatures or below. You'd be charging those things 24/7.
Well, save your fucking money as you condemn future generations to a more difficult life.

You really need to put down that gun & pick up a brain.,

What a fucking moron you are.

We provide a BETTER life. YOU want to go back to a society of slaves and masters.

All this Communism you promote really is, is a return to feudalism. A tiny elite of Algore and Elon Musk ruling over impoverished masses who work their lands and their factories for them in exchange for scraps from their table.

You want to provide future generations with lives that are short, brutal , and filled with misery.

How is fighting AGW going back to slavery.

A Trumpette & a minimum wage fighting asshoile complaining about how someone pays is just too funny.

What will America be like when it becomes too hot & dry to grow crops in the bread belt?

You ask, I provide. November 2nd, 1922. Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish and Icebergs Melt.

Global warming 'could trigger alien attack'

Flashback 1989: UN Predicted Global Warming Would Destroy Entire Nations By 2000

FLASHBACK: ABC News Warns NYC Will Be Under Water by 2015 Due to Global Warming and Polar Bears Will Fall From Sky
You keep being a liar & fraud & dumber than shit.

As proof the UN official said "COULD" SOME NATIONS like island nations in the Pacific.

Islands are disappearing: Eight low-lying Pacific islands swallowed whole by rising seas

You are the guy calling scientists a liar because you have been smoking for 30 years & don't have lung cancer.,

in the year 2000 the prophet algore said that florida would be under water and there would be no ice at the poles in 10 years. Was he lying or just stupid?

ask them these simple questions: What are your goals, and how much will it cost us?

methinks Flopper nailed it>

Here's The Full Text Of Congress' Green New Deal Resolution, Introduced By Rep. Alexandra Ocasio Cortez | CleanTechnica

what should be asked (and is somewhat addressed in the resolution) is what we have to LOOSE if we don't meet these goals


The better question is, what will we have to lose if we do meet them?

I find it truly odd that Progressives tell us exactly what they want to do and then their "supporters" set about telling us what they really meant.

The problem is even if we did all those things on that list, they would still be complaining and wanting more.

Years ago the feds told us that our state is too dirty, so they forced us into having our vehicles tested in the areas where the meter hit the red line. E-Check has cost Ohioans tens of millions of dollars. After ten years or so, they measured the air quality again and found no change. So what did they do? Insist we continue the failed program.

This country coming from a guy that lives in a state that used to have rivers that caught on fire until those “failed programs” stopped them burning.

The difference is that we had empirical evidence chemicals didn't dissipate in the water, and THEN we did something about it. Global Warming is different because we are acting on something we don't know is happening because of man or cow farts. It's a theory. The Cuyahoga river starting on fire was not theory.
we have the highest inequality since the roaring 20s. that's a disaster. its not that we hate rich people, we love poor people.

if you want us to work, you need to pay us. American workers want a cut on the deal. I'M HERE TO COLLECT!
we have the highest inequality since the roaring 20s. that's a disaster. its not that we hate rich people, we love poor people.

if you want us to work, you need to pay us. American workers want a cut on the deal. I'M HERE TO COLLECT!

the poor in America are equivalent to the middle class in the rest of the world. If you don't like your station in life, learn a new skill, go to school, invent something, stop whining and work. no one owes you a certain standard of living.
What a fucking moron you are.

We provide a BETTER life. YOU want to go back to a society of slaves and masters.

All this Communism you promote really is, is a return to feudalism. A tiny elite of Algore and Elon Musk ruling over impoverished masses who work their lands and their factories for them in exchange for scraps from their table.

You want to provide future generations with lives that are short, brutal , and filled with misery.

How is fighting AGW going back to slavery.

A Trumpette & a minimum wage fighting asshoile complaining about how someone pays is just too funny.

What will America be like when it becomes too hot & dry to grow crops in the bread belt?

You ask, I provide. November 2nd, 1922. Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish and Icebergs Melt.

Global warming 'could trigger alien attack'

Flashback 1989: UN Predicted Global Warming Would Destroy Entire Nations By 2000

FLASHBACK: ABC News Warns NYC Will Be Under Water by 2015 Due to Global Warming and Polar Bears Will Fall From Sky
You keep being a liar & fraud & dumber than shit.

As proof the UN official said "COULD" SOME NATIONS like island nations in the Pacific.

Islands are disappearing: Eight low-lying Pacific islands swallowed whole by rising seas

You are the guy calling scientists a liar because you have been smoking for 30 years & don't have lung cancer.,

in the year 2000 the prophet algore said that florida would be under water and there would be no ice at the poles in 10 years. Was he lying or just stupid?

we have the highest inequality since the roaring 20s. that's a disaster. its not that we hate rich people, we love poor people.

if you want us to work, you need to pay us. American workers want a cut on the deal. I'M HERE TO COLLECT!

the poor in America are equivalent to the middle class in the rest of the world. If you don't like your station in life, learn a new skill, go to school, invent something, stop whining and work. no one owes you a certain standard of living.
Unless you are a minority who grew up in a poor household, you really need to shut the fuck up.

Some eople who live in poverty work full time.
methinks Flopper nailed it>

Here's The Full Text Of Congress' Green New Deal Resolution, Introduced By Rep. Alexandra Ocasio Cortez | CleanTechnica

what should be asked (and is somewhat addressed in the resolution) is what we have to LOOSE if we don't meet these goals


The better question is, what will we have to lose if we do meet them?

I find it truly odd that Progressives tell us exactly what they want to do and then their "supporters" set about telling us what they really meant.

The problem is even if we did all those things on that list, they would still be complaining and wanting more.

Years ago the feds told us that our state is too dirty, so they forced us into having our vehicles tested in the areas where the meter hit the red line. E-Check has cost Ohioans tens of millions of dollars. After ten years or so, they measured the air quality again and found no change. So what did they do? Insist we continue the failed program.

This country coming from a guy that lives in a state that used to have rivers that caught on fire until those “failed programs” stopped them burning.

The difference is that we had empirical evidence chemicals didn't dissipate in the water, and THEN we did something about it. Global Warming is different because we are acting on something we don't know is happening because of man or cow farts. It's a theory. The Cuyahoga river starting on fire was not theory.

Don't use your ignorance as proof something is or is not happening.

Look at any temperature graph. Look at any CO2 ppm graph.

More CO2 in the atmosphere => More green house gas effect => high temps.

How long would it take for a high speed train to get to Honolulu from Boston? Would it be a non stop, or would we need to stop several times on the trip?

If you had a 300 unit apartment building, would we see hundreds of extension cords out the windows of the units to the cars? If there are several hundred cars in the lot, would there be several hundred chargers somewhere on the lot? Or would everyone wait in line?

Rebuild every building in the US? I own a house. What does this mean? Do I have to pay for it? If I have to rebuild my 1950s home to meet an ambitious green plan, I met as well hand the keys over to the bank and move on.

and they never tell us how the electricity to recharge all those electric cars will be generated. or how the toxic batteries will be disposed of when worn out.

I recently heard how those batteries lose a lot of power in the winter time in single digit temperatures or below. You'd be charging those things 24/7.

As a Truck driver, you should know cold can reduce your MPGs especially on short trips. AN EV can lose 25% of its range.
How is fighting AGW going back to slavery.

A Trumpette & a minimum wage fighting asshoile complaining about how someone pays is just too funny.

What will America be like when it becomes too hot & dry to grow crops in the bread belt?

Retard; name a time in history when Americans lived better than they do now?

Name a time in history when ANYONE lived better than we do now? Henry the VIII didn't have as many luxuries as your little VietCong ass has. Thanks to capitalism and freedom - the very things you work to destroy.
Whzst the fuck does yiour stupid post have to do with mine?

Corn loses a percentage of its yield on every day the temps are above 90/95%.

I guess you don't look at the future or don't have any kids.

So you think we should have let the building industry continue with asbestos in our homes & lead paint.

Because, OMG OMG capitalism is about freedom. To you assfucks it is the freedom to sicken & kill people
Nationalizing institutions does not meant the countries economic system is socialism. The US has nationalized private posts, railroads, telephone companies, and electric power companies and has instituted price controls. That does make the US a socialist country.

The German Workers Party was renamed to the National Socialist German Workers' Party in order to gain support of the trade unions which Hitler hated and later destroyed.

Nazism is traditionally held to be an extreme right-wing ideology, the party’s conspicuous use of the term “socialist”, which refers to a political system normally plotted on the far-left end of the ideological spectrum has long been a source of confusion. The assumption that because the word “socialist” appeared in the party’s name and socialist words and ideas popped up in the writings and speeches of top Nazis then they must have been actual socialists is naive and does not match the facts.
This is very good post.

Socialism inevitably leads to taking control of means of production by nationalization, because that is purpose of socialism. Although it's true that US throughout the history used nationalization of properties and businesses, it did it with different reasons.

During WWI, all US railroads were operated (not owned) by Railroad Administration as a wartime measure and were return to private control after war. The same happened with telephone systems that were under control of US government for about a year. Amtrak was created for the purpose of relieving privately own railroads of legal obligation to provide passenger service that was not profitable.

You said that German Worker Party changed name to gain support of trade unions. If that is only reason, and if they were not socialists, there wouldn't be a reason to keep "socialist" in their name after they had full control of the government beyond 1933.

Despite having declared, at various times, “I am a socialist,” “We are socialists,” and similar avowals, on a personal level, Hitler displayed little regard for the actual tenets of socialism, or, for that matter, socialists themselves. In order to prepare the country for the struggle he saw to coming, he nationalized much of the country's institutions but also leaving much of industry in private hands. He left in place capitalism when it served his needs. Hitler upheld ownership of private property, individual entrepreneurship, and economic competition, and disapproved of trade unions and workers’ interference in the freedom of owners and managers to run their concerns. Capitalism was, therefore, left in place. Hitler was certainly no socialist; a fascist, a right wing nationalist, and a dictator, yes.
You claim that Hitler kept ownership of private properties and companies in private hands. It sure appeared that way, but the German government, not the owners, exercised powers of ownership by deciding what is to be produced, in what quantities, how, and what were the prices of the products, and wages of the workers producing it. Most of the owners of those properties and companies were part of the German government, not by choice, but by necessity of their own survival.

You're overlooking another aspect of socialism, where common good comes before private good, and that individual exists as the means required by the state, in other words, individual is own by the state, and therefore individual's property as well. Just as it happened in Germany, it happened in every socialist country, since October revolution is Russia, until Venezuela, with the exactly the same outcome.
Well, save your fucking money as you condemn future generations to a more difficult life.

You really need to put down that gun & pick up a brain.,

What a fucking moron you are.

We provide a BETTER life. YOU want to go back to a society of slaves and masters.

All this Communism you promote really is, is a return to feudalism. A tiny elite of Algore and Elon Musk ruling over impoverished masses who work their lands and their factories for them in exchange for scraps from their table.

You want to provide future generations with lives that are short, brutal , and filled with misery.

You need to get some guns... a communist just told you to put down the gun. That's the surest sign you will need it very shortly.

Look dickbrearh, I probably own more guns than both of you combined.
How many squirtguns do you own?

He probably has full auto AK47's and Mac 10's from the 60's. Along with hand grenades and an RPG.

This is Dave back in the day;


That would be any member of the NRA. Are you an NRA member?

I have no use for a semi-automatic rifle.

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