Green New Deal

It is funnier than shit to see an uneducated, ignorant Trumpette trash those with an education & call their degrees worthless.

That's Dr. uneducated, ignorant Trumpette trash to you...


Bull shit.

Doctor of stupidity.



I studied under Eli Goldratt. My (joint) thesis is an extension of his work. You want to know who I really am? Look it up.

This in the internet & I can make up shit too.

Pretty much everything you post is made up. :thup:

To an ignorant person like you, I am sure you never heard any of it before.
Well, save your fucking money as you condemn future generations to a more difficult life.

You really need to put down that gun & pick up a brain.,

What a fucking moron you are.

We provide a BETTER life. YOU want to go back to a society of slaves and masters.

All this Communism you promote really is, is a return to feudalism. A tiny elite of Algore and Elon Musk ruling over impoverished masses who work their lands and their factories for them in exchange for scraps from their table.

You want to provide future generations with lives that are short, brutal , and filled with misery.

How is fighting AGW going back to slavery.

A Trumpette & a minimum wage fighting asshoile complaining about how someone pays is just too funny.

What will America be like when it becomes too hot & dry to grow crops in the bread belt?

You ask, I provide. November 2nd, 1922. Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish and Icebergs Melt.

Global warming 'could trigger alien attack'

Flashback 1989: UN Predicted Global Warming Would Destroy Entire Nations By 2000

FLASHBACK: ABC News Warns NYC Will Be Under Water by 2015 Due to Global Warming and Polar Bears Will Fall From Sky
You keep being a liar & fraud & dumber than shit.

As proof the UN official said "COULD" SOME NATIONS like island nations in the Pacific.

Islands are disappearing: Eight low-lying Pacific islands swallowed whole by rising seas

You are the guy calling scientists a liar because you have been smoking for 30 years & don't have lung cancer.,

These islands are not nations dumb ass. And why is NYC still above water?

6 Lost cities found underwater around the world

Proof that islands are disappearing. Again, the predictions you are mocking said "could" not "would".
She is likely bettyer educated thatg 90% of the Treumpttes that are posting here.

So is it her heritage or that she is a female that you hate?

Nope, it's her stupidity along with yours for touting her as your "leader".

She has a degree from Boston U.

Your degree is from Roosevelt Elementary School. Probably where that other moron got his PhD he claims to have

She is not my leader.
Ok dumbass....explain how any of her "educated" gibberish is even possible in the time frame allotted.
I have to laugh at all the Truimpette crying & lying about the New Green Deal.

You assfucks are too stupid to know we are heading there on many fronts. Electric cars are coming. Greener, cheaper HVAC is already here. Both are cheaper to run & drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Mass transit will replace some intra city air travel by making it cheaper & more convenient, saving emissions.

It is only a matter of time before the younger people who will suffer the effects of AGW, will step up & make the changes we need. Sooner than you think. Just watch 2020. Younger Republicans will reject the climatre deniers.
Yes electric cars are coming…..but not everyone will have one in tens yrs,,,,not possible...……
now how are you going to charge them when she shuts off the electricity
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I have to laugh at all the Truimpette crying & lying about the New Green Deal.

You assfucks are too stupid to know we are heading there on many fronts. Electric cars are coming. Greener, cheaper HVAC is already here. Both are cheaper to run & drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Mass transit will replace some intra city air travel by making it cheaper & more convenient, saving emissions.

It is only a matter of time before the younger people who will suffer the effects of AGW, will step up & make the changes we need. Sooner than you think. Just watch 2020. Younger Republicans will reject the climatre deniers.

The only thing you leftists are concerned about is running other people's lives.

Tell us Dave (as if I expect an honest answer) how many solar panels do you have on your roof? How big is your windmill? How long does it take to charge your car? How many times do you use mass transit a year?

You people want to tell everybody else how to live their lives except yourselves. Want to be green? Then be green, but don't try to force the rest of us to. I would be willing to bet you don't even recycle you hypocrite.
What a fucking moron you are.

We provide a BETTER life. YOU want to go back to a society of slaves and masters.

All this Communism you promote really is, is a return to feudalism. A tiny elite of Algore and Elon Musk ruling over impoverished masses who work their lands and their factories for them in exchange for scraps from their table.

You want to provide future generations with lives that are short, brutal , and filled with misery.

How is fighting AGW going back to slavery.

A Trumpette & a minimum wage fighting asshoile complaining about how someone pays is just too funny.

What will America be like when it becomes too hot & dry to grow crops in the bread belt?

You ask, I provide. November 2nd, 1922. Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish and Icebergs Melt.

Global warming 'could trigger alien attack'

Flashback 1989: UN Predicted Global Warming Would Destroy Entire Nations By 2000

FLASHBACK: ABC News Warns NYC Will Be Under Water by 2015 Due to Global Warming and Polar Bears Will Fall From Sky
You keep being a liar & fraud & dumber than shit.

As proof the UN official said "COULD" SOME NATIONS like island nations in the Pacific.

Islands are disappearing: Eight low-lying Pacific islands swallowed whole by rising seas

You are the guy calling scientists a liar because you have been smoking for 30 years & don't have lung cancer.,

These islands are not nations dumb ass. And why is NYC still above water?

6 Lost cities found underwater around the world

Proof that islands are disappearing. Again, the predictions you are mocking said "could" not "would".

No, they said it would just like AO Kotex said we only have 12 years left if we don't do something about climate change. Climate models are wrong almost all of the time, and that's what they base their predictions on.
And btw do you really want to live in the poverty WWII families lived in,,,,,,,thats what her artificial emergency will create in order to "save" you
How long would it take for a high speed train to get to Honolulu from Boston? Would it be a non stop, or would we need to stop several times on the trip?

If you had a 300 unit apartment building, would we see hundreds of extension cords out the windows of the units to the cars? If there are several hundred cars in the lot, would there be several hundred chargers somewhere on the lot? Or would everyone wait in line?

Rebuild every building in the US? I own a house. What does this mean? Do I have to pay for it? If I have to rebuild my 1950s home to meet an ambitious green plan, I met as well hand the keys over to the bank and move on.

and they never tell us how the electricity to recharge all those electric cars will be generated. or how the toxic batteries will be disposed of when worn out.

I recently heard how those batteries lose a lot of power in the winter time in single digit temperatures or below. You'd be charging those things 24/7.

As a Truck driver, you should know cold can reduce your MPGs especially on short trips. AN EV can lose 25% of its range.

No it does not. I get the same milage in winter or summer. We have computers in our trucks today that tell us MPG. I get on average 6.5 MPG depending on the weight of the loads I take. Idle, I use one gallon an hour.
I recently heard how those batteries lose a lot of power in the winter time in single digit temperatures or below. You'd be charging those things 24/7.

A business associate of mine owns an all electric Tesla with the long range battery system. They drove to Panama City, from Tallahassee to the new PC Airport. Parked and flew out of town for a week. They came back, late at night, and walked to the car. Nothing. It wouldn't move. Without any charge for that period of time, plus running all the on-board computers the batteries had run down to nothing. Of course a simply jump start wasn't possible so it had to be towed on a flat-bed. Yep, I can't wait to have one of those in my garage!

Yep, their time is coming but it's not here yet. Kind of slow getting anywhere. They were invented, the all electric car, over 100 years ago.
The better question is, what will we have to lose if we do meet them?

I find it truly odd that Progressives tell us exactly what they want to do and then their "supporters" set about telling us what they really meant.

The problem is even if we did all those things on that list, they would still be complaining and wanting more.

Years ago the feds told us that our state is too dirty, so they forced us into having our vehicles tested in the areas where the meter hit the red line. E-Check has cost Ohioans tens of millions of dollars. After ten years or so, they measured the air quality again and found no change. So what did they do? Insist we continue the failed program.

This country coming from a guy that lives in a state that used to have rivers that caught on fire until those “failed programs” stopped them burning.

The difference is that we had empirical evidence chemicals didn't dissipate in the water, and THEN we did something about it. Global Warming is different because we are acting on something we don't know is happening because of man or cow farts. It's a theory. The Cuyahoga river starting on fire was not theory.

Don't use your ignorance as proof something is or is not happening.

Look at any temperature graph. Look at any CO2 ppm graph.

More CO2 in the atmosphere => More green house gas effect => high temps.


Yes, let's do that.

She is likely bettyer educated thatg 90% of the Treumpttes that are posting here.

So is it her heritage or that she is a female that you hate?

As you know, education has nothing, whatsoever, to do with common sense. I have known a real genius and scores of people with numerous advance degrees. Some, like AOC do not have the sense to come in out off the rain.
I recently heard how those batteries lose a lot of power in the winter time in single digit temperatures or below. You'd be charging those things 24/7.

A business associate of mine owns an all electric Tesla with the long range battery system. They drove to Panama City, from Tallahassee to the new PC Airport. Parked and flew out of town for a week. They came back, late at night, and walked to the car. Nothing. It wouldn't move. Without any charge for that period of time, plus running all the on-board computers the batteries had run down to nothing. Of course a simply jump start wasn't possible so it had to be towed on a flat-bed. Yep, I can't wait to have one of those in my garage!

Yep, their time is coming but it's not here yet. Kind of slow getting anywhere. They were invented, the all electric car, over 100 years ago.

I simply can't see myself calling work in the morning to tell them I'm not going to be there because my electricity went out and I couldn't charge my car.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

It's even in their name, moron.

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

Have you read their platform?

I take socialist for their words. You read NSDAP platform, it's like reading parts of Democrat party platform. No wonder why you like this "Green New Deal".
national socialists are relative right wingers when compared to liberal socialists.
National Socialists are Nazis and far right-wing fascists who should be shot on sight.
they have more in common with the right wing than the left wing.

they are relative right wingers compared to more liberal socialists on the left.

only the right wing never gets it.
No. They don't.

NAZI Germany was Socialism, Government a control of industry, control of speech.

NAZIs were Progressive before Progressive was chic in America.
Apparently you don't understand the difference between fascism and socialism.
She is likely bettyer educated thatg 90% of the Treumpttes that are posting here.

So is it her heritage or that she is a female that you hate?

As you know, education has nothing, whatsoever, to do with common sense. I have known a real genius and scores of people with numerous advance degrees. Some, like AOC do not have the sense to come in out off the rain.

I was just going to make that comment and you beat me to it. Nobody knows this than somebody who drives for a living. I see the way these architects design buildings. They make a place that can hold about 300 employees, and have only two single bathrooms. These so-called engineers who design road construction sites are worse. They have a narrow lane and a wider lane, and they make trucks use the narrowest lane, and that's usually against the concrete barriers.

What they tell you to do if you have to pull a truck over on the shoulder of a highway is that to re-enter the highway, immediately do so as soon as your vehicle starts rolling. So now you have traffic coming down a highway at 70 mph or more, and this truck just pulls into the right lane barely moving. Who is the genius that thought up that one?

All college people running the show.
Proof that islands are disappearing. Again, the predictions you are mocking said "could" not "would".

Then you agree that pigs COULD fly. That the levels of our oceans COULD be dropping. That the ice at both polls COULD be increasing. Got it!
How is fighting AGW going back to slavery.

A Trumpette & a minimum wage fighting asshoile complaining about how someone pays is just too funny.

What will America be like when it becomes too hot & dry to grow crops in the bread belt?

Retard; name a time in history when Americans lived better than they do now?

Name a time in history when ANYONE lived better than we do now? Henry the VIII didn't have as many luxuries as your little VietCong ass has. Thanks to capitalism and freedom - the very things you work to destroy.
Whzst the fuck does yiour stupid post have to do with mine?

Corn loses a percentage of its yield on every day the temps are above 90/95%.

I guess you don't look at the future or don't have any kids.

So you think we should have let the building industry continue with asbestos in our homes & lead paint.

Because, OMG OMG capitalism is about freedom. To you assfucks it is the freedom to sicken & kill people

Oh just look atchu chicken little.
She is likely bettyer educated thatg 90% of the Treumpttes that are posting here.

So is it her heritage or that she is a female that you hate?

Nope, it's her stupidity along with yours for touting her as your "leader".

She has a degree from Boston U.

Your degree is from Roosevelt Elementary School. Probably where that other moron got his PhD he claims to have

She is not my leader.

Any fool can get a "Degree" she is an idiot.

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