Green New Deal

Control can also mean regulation, dumbass dupe. Like every intelligent rich country in the world that doesn't have greedy idiot GOP dupes running things... Everywhere outside your bubble of stupid ignorance and garbage propaganda, socialism is defined as well regulated capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now!" --Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed... Guess what shithead dupe? Everyone in the world but you brainwashed jackasses who deny global warming and progressive taxation know what socialism is since people found out the USSR was a totalitarian scam. Most successful modern countries have socialist parties and none of them thinks socialism is communism. Wake up and smell the coffee. Only the brainwashed GOP morons...




No you ignorant and uneducated sot, socialism is not capitalism of any form.

Capitalism is based on a free market. Prices are determined by supply and demand. Now you're in my backyard. Arguing economics with me is very dumb, as you have found on dozens of occasions.

The issue we have is that you lack a grasp of the most basic and fundamental concepts. I speak of the market, but you have no idea what that means. Simply put, a market is an exchange of value for value. The seller will relinquish goods if the value of money offered is greater TO HIM than the value of his good. The buyer will offer cash if the goods are of greater value TO HIM than the cash. No one save the buyer and seller have input into what the value of the goods are. Price then follows the judgement of buyers and sellers.

I teach freshmen who grasp these concepts, but YOU fucking don't, regardless of how many times and how basic I explain it to you. Under socialism, the GOVERNMENT is the only entity that decides value. The market is perverted. Under Communism the market is eradicated. Any system where an entity other than the buyer or seller set the price of goods is NOT capitalism.

Would it be socialism if we taxed millionaires and billionaires at 70%?:)

I don't know about Socialism, but it would be economically destructive.

I say we should tax the other 40 some percent that pay no income taxes at all. All you people on the left are gimme, gimme, gimme, and send the bill to somebody else. Perhaps if you had to start paying for all these goodies, you'd lose interest in getting them.

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
It's as though AOC pulled the playbook directly from Trump Tower.

Step 1: Throw out a catchy slogan to prey on the paranoia of your base, the "Green Big Deal" instead of "And Mexico is going to pay for it!"

Step 2: Push the less shiny, attractive politicians in your party to bend the knee and march in lockstep with your moronic proposal.

Step 3: Lash out at the media when they call out the fact that your proposal isn't grounded in economic reality.

It was a hackneyed and pathetic playbook three years ago, and it's even more trashy and disgusting now. If you want to remake America and fundamentally gut and nationalize the economic engine of the modern world, you better damn well stand by your proposals. If you can't so much as coordinate a launch of a six-page wishlist, why should we grant you an iota of intellectual authority to replace centuries of economic consensus and actual academics?
  • It does not specify a date for elimination of fossil fuel. Therefore it is simply long term goal.
  • There is no mention of nuclear energy
  • There is no mention of eliminating cars or motor vehicles at all
  • Gut and rebuild every building in America. - No such requirement
  • Air travel is not addressed
  • A government-guaranteed job. No, it only mentions high quality good paying jobs, not government
  • Free education for life -No mention of free education but provide training, and high-quality education
  • Free money - providing economic security does not mean free money
  • Ban Meat - your assumption, not in the bill

It appears you have not even bothered to read the bill introduce in congress this year or wouldn't be making such asinine comments.
Here's The Full Text Of Congress' Green New Deal Resolution, Introduced By Rep. Alexandra Ocasio Cortez | CleanTechnica

Bill itself doesn't specify details. Bill is just foot in the door. Just like, for example, Obamacare did initially.

Listen what she's saying, and every time she open's her mouth she confirms one, or several points you listed above. For instance, she run her mouth again about price tag.

Ocasio-Cortez defends $40 trillion price tag for progressive proposals

And just when her supporters defended her by saying it's not government takeover, she actually confirmed that she supports it, and have no problem with that.

How much the cost, and how many lives lost, if we don’t do nothing? I don’t think those wild fires, hurricanes, droughts and floods are going to come cheap.

And "Green New Deal" will stop all that, right?

I know doing nothing won’t.
  • It does not specify a date for elimination of fossil fuel. Therefore it is simply long term goal.
  • There is no mention of nuclear energy
  • There is no mention of eliminating cars or motor vehicles at all
  • Gut and rebuild every building in America. - No such requirement
  • Air travel is not addressed
  • A government-guaranteed job. No, it only mentions high quality good paying jobs, not government
  • Free education for life -No mention of free education but provide training, and high-quality education
  • Free money - providing economic security does not mean free money
  • Ban Meat - your assumption, not in the bill

It appears you have not even bothered to read the bill introduce in congress this year or wouldn't be making such asinine comments.
Here's The Full Text Of Congress' Green New Deal Resolution, Introduced By Rep. Alexandra Ocasio Cortez | CleanTechnica

Bill itself doesn't specify details. Bill is just foot in the door. Just like, for example, Obamacare did initially.

Listen what she's saying, and every time she open's her mouth she confirms one, or several points you listed above. For instance, she run her mouth again about price tag.

Ocasio-Cortez defends $40 trillion price tag for progressive proposals

And just when her supporters defended her by saying it's not government takeover, she actually confirmed that she supports it, and have no problem with that.

How much the cost, and how many lives lost, if we don’t do nothing? I don’t think those wild fires, hurricanes, droughts and floods are going to come cheap.

Right, because we never had those things before the first factory opened up in this country.

We never had them to the extent, and as severe, as we have them now. Doing nothing is a nonstarter. If you have a better plan, put it up.
No kidding. Solar is great but it just isn't viable Neither is wind.

If neither were viable, they wouldn’t be building solar and wind farms and renewable energy labor wouldn’t be the fastest growing job market.

Renewable Energy Record Set in U.S.
You'll note that the article points to the private sector pushing this along. It's what many of us have said for years, keep the govt out of it. They'll just screw it up.

Has government screwed up the oil industry with subsidies?

The renewable industry has expanded with government subsidies. Same as the oil industry.

Talk to Ray from Cleveland.

Oh I agree that it's all subsidized but let's face it, the plans being put forth are hardly simple subsidies. Not to mention the silly notion of carbon free by 2030. In addition the current slate of renewables just won't do it. Wind and solar aren't going to keep my house livable when it's 10 deg outside and I haven't seen the sun in a month. It's a nice thought just not realistic. Not only the energy itself but the infrastructure is mind boggling. I keep hearing people compare this plan to the lunar mission or the interstate highway, those were minute projects compared to these proposals. I like bold audacious plans but this is just silly, I much prefer realistic.

You know what else was mind boggling? Building an atom bomb in 2 years to win WWII, and interstate system in 35 years that connected most of America and going to the moon in 10 years.

The greatest generation faced an existential threat in WWII and faced it down, sacrificing cause they knew what it would mean to lose.

Our generation faces an existential threat that IS going to effect our children and grandchildren, making life very difficult, if not impossible on our planet, and bitch and whine it’s impossible without explaining WHY it’s impossible.

All I hear is defeatism

1.) It’s not viable.

Well it is. Very much so.

2.) It’s mind boggling.

So are ever increasing fires that burn whole towns to ashes and floods that are starting to effect our coastal cities and droughts effecting our food supply.

3.) We can’t afford it.

Nonsense. Not only can we afford it but we have been subsidizing renewable energy!

And we can raise taxes on the wealthy. And no, it’s not a road to socialism. We’re not going to become Venezuela.

We had a 90% tax rate on the wealthy during Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy’s terms. Was that socialism then? Did we become Venezuela?

Not only did we build a highway system, go to the moon, fight a war, expand the middle class and built an education system second to none with the worlds highest education rates... we also balanced the budget while doing so!

To say removing our carbon footprint by 2030 is “silly" is abject nonsense.

That’s not an American concerned about their children or grandchildren future speaking.... that’s big oil wanting to keep the status quo when the status quo is starting to kill us and make our planet uninhabitable.

Excuse me..... but isn’t having a can do attitude part of MAGA? Not only do I think we can remove our carbon footprint in 12 years but can do so while expanding the economy, building a 21st century infrasructue and creating new jobs with livable wages.

I don’t know about you..... but in 10 or 20 years when my grandchildren are choking on smog and our water is polluted from fracking, I don’t want to have to explain to my grandkids that it was “silly” and “mind boggling” that we could do something about it besides setting on our asses while our country and planet becomes a cosmic shithole.

I’d rather follow the lead of our parents and grandparents and face that threat head on and make the sacrifices needed so that our children will have a VIABLE place to call home.

You know what else was mind boggling? Building an atom bomb in 2 years to win WWII, and interstate system in 35 years that connected most of America and going to the moon in 10 years.

Stop and think about it, building the interstate highway is a joke when compared to totally remaking our entire energy infrastructure and that took 35yrs. What part of that don't people understand? How many structures in this country are heated by nat gas? You're talking about renovating all of them. And replacing nat gas with what? The comparison to the atomic bomb is ridiculous. The theories behind were well known, someone didn't stand up one day and say "we need a super weapon", and just pull nuclear bomb out of the air. They knew what they were seeking and the theoretical science was already known. And by the way they managed to build 2 of them.

Our generation faces an existential threat that IS going to effect our children and grandchildren, making life very difficult, if not impossible on our planet, and bitch and whine it’s impossible without explaining WHY it’s impossible.

What nonsense. How many times are you going to fall for this crap? The arctic will free of ice by 2003, no wait 2013, no wait 2018, no wait we're all going to die in 12 years. My grandchildren are never going to know snow, I wonder what all that white they're playing in in all those pictures I took this year. But of course there's solid evidence once they "adjust and homogenize" the surface temperature data. Anyone swimming in the streets of NY? They told us that one in 1988.

So are ever increasing fires that burn whole towns to ashes and floods that are starting to effect our coastal cities and droughts effecting our food supply.

Oh yes the "unprecedented" wildfires. 10 million acres(or was it sq-mls?). Unprecedented unless you look before 1960. Hell in the 1930s there wasn't one year under 20 mil. 1930 and 31 it was 50 mil. Drought? do you realize that in 2017 was the lowest percentage of the US in drought on record? Of course it only goes back to 2000 but do you really think it's worse than the 1930s?

How about NASA weighing in.

We had a 90% tax rate on the wealthy during Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy’s terms. Was that socialism then? Did we become Venezuela?

Sure we had 90% tax rates, and no one paid it. The rich will shift their portfolios like they always do. And besides most of the estimates of AOCs 70% come in around 70bil/yr. Yeah that will pay for totally rebuilding our energy infrastructure. And that's before the rich start shifting their wealth.

Excuse me..... but isn’t having a can do attitude part of MAGA? Not only do I think we can remove our carbon footprint in 12 years but can do so while expanding the economy, building a 21st century infrasructue and creating new jobs with livable wages.

First, I'm not a Trump fan. Second, care to enlighten us how we go carbon neutral in now 11yrs? Wishful thinking doesn't help. Third, have you ever looked into what effect the US being carbon neutral will have while the rest of the world keeps building coal plants? I posted an article elsewhere noting that in 2017 there were 1600 coal plants under construction or being planned around the world. The US has 600 total and the number is dropping. The US could stop emitting tomorrow with barely any results.

I’d rather follow the lead of our parents and grandparents and face that threat head on and make the sacrifices needed so that our children will have a VIABLE place to call home

Great, I'm with you, give me a rational plan.
global warming at or above 2 degrees Celsius beyond preindustrialized levels will cause—
(A) mass migration from the regions most affected by climate change;
(B) more than $500,000,000,000 in lost annual economic output in the United States by the year 2100;
(C) wildfires that, by 2050, will annually burn at least twice as much forest area in the western United States than was typically burned by wildfires in the years preceding 2019;
(D) a loss of more than 99 percent of all coral reefs on Earth;
(E) more than 350,000,000 more people to be exposed globally to deadly heat stress by 2050;
and (F) a risk of damage to $1,000,000,000,000 of public infrastructure and coastal real estate in the United States;

global temperatures must be kept below 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrialized levels to avoid the most severe impacts of a changing climate, which will require— (A) global reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from human sources of 40 to 60 percent from 2010 levels by 2030; and (B) net-zero global emissions by 2050;

I looked but I did not see your reliable source and working link. Please provide this for us. Thank you!
this is the official text of the green big deal. print it and read it. have a look:

I have already read the joke.

Even formerly far left, now moderate Democrat Nancy Pelosi has given it short shrift. Sort of like a mom watching her kids playing spaceman or whatever. Let the tykes play, they're not hurting anyone and eventually they mature and get real.
You'll note that the article points to the private sector pushing this along. It's what many of us have said for years, keep the govt out of it. They'll just screw it up.

Has government screwed up the oil industry with subsidies?

The renewable industry has expanded with government subsidies. Same as the oil industry.

Talk to Ray from Cleveland.

Oh I agree that it's all subsidized but let's face it, the plans being put forth are hardly simple subsidies. Not to mention the silly notion of carbon free by 2030. In addition the current slate of renewables just won't do it. Wind and solar aren't going to keep my house livable when it's 10 deg outside and I haven't seen the sun in a month. It's a nice thought just not realistic. Not only the energy itself but the infrastructure is mind boggling. I keep hearing people compare this plan to the lunar mission or the interstate highway, those were minute projects compared to these proposals. I like bold audacious plans but this is just silly, I much prefer realistic.
Of course you are misinformed. ocasio Cortez knows nothing about paying people who are not willing to work or trains across oceans etcetera etc, you know the usual garbage you people believe.
The paying people unwilling to work was on the original screen shot and was later changed, the internet never forgets. Although I've said nothing about either point. She has however spoken of carbon free by 2030 which is what I have spoken of.

I can't figure out why the dems are so taken with her. I have yet to here anything particularly cogent out of her. The interview where she attempts to speak about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was simply painful to watch. As a friend said "if she tried to find the middle east on a map she'd come in somewhere between Philly and Richmond". Her "we're all going to die in 12 yrs" was downright laugh out loud funny. To me she's been an endless source of amusement and I would suspect the repubs see her as a gift from God. If this is the bright shining star of the dems, the dems are in worse shape than I thought.
Everything you know about her is wrong, just like with Hillary Obama Lerner the FBI. So misinformed and dangerous 2.
You'll note that the article points to the private sector pushing this along. It's what many of us have said for years, keep the govt out of it. They'll just screw it up.

Has government screwed up the oil industry with subsidies?

The renewable industry has expanded with government subsidies. Same as the oil industry.

Talk to Ray from Cleveland.

Oh I agree that it's all subsidized but let's face it, the plans being put forth are hardly simple subsidies. Not to mention the silly notion of carbon free by 2030. In addition the current slate of renewables just won't do it. Wind and solar aren't going to keep my house livable when it's 10 deg outside and I haven't seen the sun in a month. It's a nice thought just not realistic. Not only the energy itself but the infrastructure is mind boggling. I keep hearing people compare this plan to the lunar mission or the interstate highway, those were minute projects compared to these proposals. I like bold audacious plans but this is just silly, I much prefer realistic.
Of course you are misinformed. ocasio Cortez knows nothing about paying people who are not willing to work or trains across oceans etcetera etc, you know the usual garbage you people believe.
The paying people unwilling to work was on the original screen shot and was later changed, the internet never forgets. Although I've said nothing about either point. She has however spoken of carbon free by 2030 which is what I have spoken of.

I can't figure out why the dems are so taken with her. I have yet to here anything particularly cogent out of her. The interview where she attempts to speak about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was simply painful to watch. As a friend said "if she tried to find the middle east on a map she'd come in somewhere between Philly and Richmond". Her "we're all going to die in 12 yrs" was downright laugh out loud funny. To me she's been an endless source of amusement and I would suspect the repubs see her as a gift from God. If this is the bright shining star of the dems, the dems are in worse shape than I thought.
Everything you know about her is wrong, just like with Hillary Obama Lerner the FBI. So misinformed and dangerous 2.
Care to expand on that? By all means, share something about her that will impress me. And Hillary's trash.
What’s been economically destructive is laissez faire capitalism. That trickle down bullshit has never worked.

We do not have laissez-faire capitalism. We already have hundreds of thousands of laws guiding capitalism. Unquestionably, fifty percent of them should be scrapped.
I don't know about Socialism, but it would be economically destructive.


Because the rich never lose, that's why.

When you take money from the rich, they recoup that money from other places: no raises for their employees, making them contribute more towards their healthcare plan, increasing prices of their products or services, opening up multinational companies, Foreign investments and accounts, but some way or another, they are not going to lose a dime.

It's always the little people that actually lose. Those losses always get transferred to us.

If you were wealthy and they raised your taxes to 70%, would you stay here or move north to Canada where the tax rate is less than half of that? How about Mexico where you and your jobs would be welcomed with open arms?
  • It does not specify a date for elimination of fossil fuel. Therefore it is simply long term goal.
  • There is no mention of nuclear energy
  • There is no mention of eliminating cars or motor vehicles at all
  • Gut and rebuild every building in America. - No such requirement
  • Air travel is not addressed
  • A government-guaranteed job. No, it only mentions high quality good paying jobs, not government
  • Free education for life -No mention of free education but provide training, and high-quality education
  • Free money - providing economic security does not mean free money
  • Ban Meat - your assumption, not in the bill

It appears you have not even bothered to read the bill introduce in congress this year or wouldn't be making such asinine comments.
Here's The Full Text Of Congress' Green New Deal Resolution, Introduced By Rep. Alexandra Ocasio Cortez | CleanTechnica

Bill itself doesn't specify details. Bill is just foot in the door. Just like, for example, Obamacare did initially.

Listen what she's saying, and every time she open's her mouth she confirms one, or several points you listed above. For instance, she run her mouth again about price tag.

Ocasio-Cortez defends $40 trillion price tag for progressive proposals

And just when her supporters defended her by saying it's not government takeover, she actually confirmed that she supports it, and have no problem with that.

How much the cost, and how many lives lost, if we don’t do nothing? I don’t think those wild fires, hurricanes, droughts and floods are going to come cheap.

Right, because we never had those things before the first factory opened up in this country.

We never had them to the extent, and as severe, as we have them now. Doing nothing is a nonstarter. If you have a better plan, put it up.

My plan is to let God run his earth. We are merely visitors. We don't control anything when it comes to the environment.

Don't be afraid of the things people make up, be afraid of the things you can see.
Control can also mean regulation, dumbass dupe. Like every intelligent rich country in the world that doesn't have greedy idiot GOP dupes running things... Everywhere outside your bubble of stupid ignorance and garbage propaganda, socialism is defined as well regulated capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now!" --Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed... Guess what shithead dupe? Everyone in the world but you brainwashed jackasses who deny global warming and progressive taxation know what socialism is since people found out the USSR was a totalitarian scam. Most successful modern countries have socialist parties and none of them thinks socialism is communism. Wake up and smell the coffee. Only the brainwashed GOP morons...




No you ignorant and uneducated sot, socialism is not capitalism of any form.

Capitalism is based on a free market. Prices are determined by supply and demand. Now you're in my backyard. Arguing economics with me is very dumb, as you have found on dozens of occasions.

The issue we have is that you lack a grasp of the most basic and fundamental concepts. I speak of the market, but you have no idea what that means. Simply put, a market is an exchange of value for value. The seller will relinquish goods if the value of money offered is greater TO HIM than the value of his good. The buyer will offer cash if the goods are of greater value TO HIM than the cash. No one save the buyer and seller have input into what the value of the goods are. Price then follows the judgement of buyers and sellers.

I teach freshmen who grasp these concepts, but YOU fucking don't, regardless of how many times and how basic I explain it to you. Under socialism, the GOVERNMENT is the only entity that decides value. The market is perverted. Under Communism the market is eradicated. Any system where an entity other than the buyer or seller set the price of goods is NOT capitalism.

Would it be socialism if we taxed millionaires and billionaires at 70%?:)

I don't know about Socialism, but it would be economically destructive.

I say we should tax the other 40 some percent that pay no income taxes at all. All you people on the left are gimme, gimme, gimme, and send the bill to somebody else. Perhaps if you had to start paying for all these goodies, you'd lose interest in getting them.

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
That is b******* propaganda. If you count all taxes everybody pays about the same rate and the rich make out like bandits...
My plan is to let God run his earth. We are merely visitors. We don't control anything when it comes to the environment.

Don't be afraid of the things people make up, be afraid of the things you can see.

Snowflakes have been brainwashed / indoctrinated into believing what they are told by their masters.

And when the oceans don't flood all the cities in the coast lime Gore told them it would they just discard that fact and wait for the next lie to be told so they can parrot it...
What’s been economically destructive is laissez faire capitalism. That trickle down bullshit has never worked.

We do not have laissez-faire capitalism. We already have hundreds of thousands of laws guiding capitalism. Unquestionably, fifty percent of them should be scrapped.
It has been tried. Just makes the inequality and corruption even worse
My plan is to let God run his earth. We are merely visitors. We don't control anything when it comes to the environment.

Don't be afraid of the things people make up, be afraid of the things you can see.

Snowflakes have been brainwashed / indoctrinated into believing what they are told by their masters.

And when the oceans don't flood all the cities in the coast lime Gore told them it would they just discard that fact and wait for the next lie to be told so they can parrot it...

Fear and brainwashing has worked very well for the left. If it's not broke--don't fix it.
Control can also mean regulation, dumbass dupe. Like every intelligent rich country in the world that doesn't have greedy idiot GOP dupes running things... Everywhere outside your bubble of stupid ignorance and garbage propaganda, socialism is defined as well regulated capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now!" --Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed... Guess what shithead dupe? Everyone in the world but you brainwashed jackasses who deny global warming and progressive taxation know what socialism is since people found out the USSR was a totalitarian scam. Most successful modern countries have socialist parties and none of them thinks socialism is communism. Wake up and smell the coffee. Only the brainwashed GOP morons...




No you ignorant and uneducated sot, socialism is not capitalism of any form.

Capitalism is based on a free market. Prices are determined by supply and demand. Now you're in my backyard. Arguing economics with me is very dumb, as you have found on dozens of occasions.

The issue we have is that you lack a grasp of the most basic and fundamental concepts. I speak of the market, but you have no idea what that means. Simply put, a market is an exchange of value for value. The seller will relinquish goods if the value of money offered is greater TO HIM than the value of his good. The buyer will offer cash if the goods are of greater value TO HIM than the cash. No one save the buyer and seller have input into what the value of the goods are. Price then follows the judgement of buyers and sellers.

I teach freshmen who grasp these concepts, but YOU fucking don't, regardless of how many times and how basic I explain it to you. Under socialism, the GOVERNMENT is the only entity that decides value. The market is perverted. Under Communism the market is eradicated. Any system where an entity other than the buyer or seller set the price of goods is NOT capitalism.

Would it be socialism if we taxed millionaires and billionaires at 70%?:)

I don't know about Socialism, but it would be economically destructive.

I say we should tax the other 40 some percent that pay no income taxes at all. All you people on the left are gimme, gimme, gimme, and send the bill to somebody else. Perhaps if you had to start paying for all these goodies, you'd lose interest in getting them.

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
That is b******* propaganda. If you count all taxes everybody pays about the same rate and the rich make out like bandits...

If you count all taxes everybody pays about the same
What’s been economically destructive is laissez faire capitalism. That trickle down bullshit has never worked.

We do not have laissez-faire capitalism. We already have hundreds of thousands of laws guiding capitalism. Unquestionably, fifty percent of them should be scrapped.
It has been tried. Just makes the inequality and corruption even worse

Well, "if you count all taxes everybody pays about the same rate", it's quite fair.

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