Greenspan right about tax-rates

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
He was 'spot-on' the other day:
Greenspan Says U.S. Should Let Bush-Era Tax Cuts Expire - Bloomberg
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said tax cuts put in place by former U.S. President George W. Bush should be allowed to expire and the U.S. should return to tax rates that were in effect under former President Bill Clinton to help address the budget deficit.

We should “allow the Bush tax cuts to expire,” Greenspan said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” today, calling the economic crisis “imminent and dire.” We should “put the rates back to where they were during the Clinton administration,” he said.
I was going to post this, but glad that I found yours. The guy knows what he is talking about. But the naysayers on the board will tell us he is a old fool. They will still be saying that when we are paying over 50% of each dollar to service our debt. Anything for the wealthy! A long as they get their tax break.
Alan Greenspan is one of the reasons why our economy is in the shitter right now.
Alan Greenspan is one of the reasons why our economy is in the shitter right now.

So lets' ignore him...?

I can only hope the bipartisan Gang of 6 will come up with a plan that will work. There is too much partisan bickering on both the left and the right for a real solution to come about.

Now, go ahead and Hack that.

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