Greenwald to Trump: You are Prince Mohamed's bitch. You said USA should not be the world's policeman

Snowflakes like you would have opposed to entering WWII, arguing it has nothing to do with us - 'f* 'em. Don't let any of our people die for them' Germany took Britain and all of Europe before focusing on Russia and defeating them.
You didn't enter the war until war was declared on you. We spent years pouring out blood and treasure protecting you from the Nazi scourge whilst you tended your cash registers. What is it with this rewriting history shit? Just as you try to project your/the US' Middle East agenda as contributing to world peace.
This was an attack on the world's economy and it screams for heavy and costly punishment....we must send a strong message to the tyrants out there...its not against anything Trump said for us to repay Iran militarily...Trump never said he would allow us to be attacked physically or economically without reprisal....

You are posting like it’s the bush boy years & no one remembers all the lies about Iraq.

Who attacked us? That answer would be NO ONE.

Saudi Arabia isn’t America.

This isn’t our situation. It’s Saudi Arabia’s.

I thought you far right radical extremists agreed with trump, America isn’t the world’s police.

Stop lying about this situation,

NO ONE attacked us.

Stop repeating the bush boy years of lying us into needless wars.
Snowflakes like you would have opposed to entering WWII, arguing it has nothing to do with us - 'f* 'em. Don't let any of our people die for them' Germany took Britain and all of Europe before focusing on Russia and defeating them.
You didn't enter the war until war was declared on you. We spent years pouring out blood and treasure protecting you from the Nazi scourge whilst you tended your cash registers. What is it with this rewriting history shit? Just as you try to project your/the US' Middle East agenda as contributing to world peace.
True story...little know factoid....after Pearl Harbor, Germany declared war on US...had they not, it would have been a German FDR was fixated on Europe.
One of Hitler's bigger mistakes.
Glen Greenwald should be avoided and ignored at all costs...regardless of what side he is on
This was an attack on the world's economy and it screams for heavy and costly punishment....we must send a strong message to the tyrants out there...its not against anything Trump said for us to repay Iran militarily...Trump never said he would allow us to be attacked physically or economically without reprisal....

You are posting like it’s the bush boy years & no one remembers all the lies about Iraq.

Who attacked us? That answer would be NO ONE.

Saudi Arabia isn’t America.

This isn’t our situation. It’s Saudi Arabia’s.

I thought you far right radical extremists agreed with trump, America isn’t the world’s police.

Stop lying about this situation,

NO ONE attacked us.

Stop repeating the bush boy years of lying us into needless wars.

This was an attack on the worlds oil supply which as long as we and the rest of the free world are buying oil from Saudi Arabia which will be a long time if libs keep hampering our fracking industry....its an attack on us...
I don't know what foolishness you speak of concerning Bush...not sure what the Bush family has to do with this and Trump never said we would absorb attacks on our economy without fighting back...and before you accuse one of lying you had better dig up a grown up argument...not the silly one you presented here....if your gas price goes up one cent over this its an attack on you...whether you think its worthy of defending is up to you...but if we do nothing it will happen again...and that time it may cost you much more in money or blood...
This was an attack on the world's economy and it screams for heavy and costly punishment....we must send a strong message to the tyrants out there...its not against anything Trump said for us to repay Iran militarily...Trump never said he would allow us to be attacked physically or economically without reprisal....

We were not attacked
This was an attack on the worlds oil supply....that is an attack on each and every citizen of the United States...this time it was oil in time it could be Airlines or other means of you want to wait and see what is next?....
Selling arms to Iran to fund the Contras? Attacking Grenada? The Falkland Islands perhaps? Hell, this slippery slope could lead just about anywhere!
Okay you showed us all your age now tell us what that has to do with my post or this tragic event.....
And so are 190 plus other nations...let them pick up the slack for a change
So then you agree...that something must be done...well that's a start I guess....
in my 30+ years of corporate life, the most useless person i ever found was the one pounding their fist on the table screaming SOMETHING MUST BE DONE.

the ones who i valued the most identified *what* must be done and why, with potential pitfalls going along with any decision and then making an educated plan to attack the issues. nothing....what about the next time? we do nothing then too...because if we do nothing this time you had better bet your ass it will happen again....
This was an attack on the world's economy and it screams for heavy and costly punishment....we must send a strong message to the tyrants out there...its not against anything Trump said for us to repay Iran militarily...Trump never said he would allow us to be attacked physically or economically without reprisal....
great. now let's prove 100% that iran did this.

has that happened yet? i may be behind in the news, but all i see to date is speculation. you'd think after the russians played us emotionally with their trolling we'd wake up and stop believing everything in front of us "as presented".
I'm all for being certain...but the weapons used have signatures....we can tell if they came from rebels or a nation and what nation they most likely came from....
And so are 190 plus other nations...let them pick up the slack for a change
So then you agree...that something must be done...well that's a start I guess....
in my 30+ years of corporate life, the most useless person i ever found was the one pounding their fist on the table screaming SOMETHING MUST BE DONE.

the ones who i valued the most identified *what* must be done and why, with potential pitfalls going along with any decision and then making an educated plan to attack the issues. nothing....what about the next time? we do nothing then too...because if we do nothing this time you had better bet your ass it will happen again....
i said to think about what we do in return. not every whine the left throws out needs to be challenged or even acknowledged. doing so only puts you in a reaction mode and those don't contribute to thinking through issues.
This was an attack on the world's economy and it screams for heavy and costly punishment....we must send a strong message to the tyrants out there...its not against anything Trump said for us to repay Iran militarily...Trump never said he would allow us to be attacked physically or economically without reprisal....

We were not attacked
This was an attack on the worlds oil supply....that is an attack on each and every citizen of the United States...this time it was oil in time it could be Airlines or other means of you want to wait and see what is next?....
Selling arms to Iran to fund the Contras? Attacking Grenada? The Falkland Islands perhaps? Hell, this slippery slope could lead just about anywhere!
Okay you showed us all your age now tell us what that has to do with my post or this tragic event.....
Okay so you don't understand your own reliance upon slippery slope fallaciousness. Tragic event? Won't someone think of all that poor, unextracted sludge? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!
This was an attack on the world's economy and it screams for heavy and costly punishment....we must send a strong message to the tyrants out there...its not against anything Trump said for us to repay Iran militarily...Trump never said he would allow us to be attacked physically or economically without reprisal....
great. now let's prove 100% that iran did this.

has that happened yet? i may be behind in the news, but all i see to date is speculation. you'd think after the russians played us emotionally with their trolling we'd wake up and stop believing everything in front of us "as presented".
I'm all for being certain...but the weapons used have signatures....we can tell if they came from rebels or a nation and what nation they most likely came from....
i've not seen this available yet. i would also like more than a WE FOUND IT moment as i do believe this can be faked as well.
This was an attack on the world's economy and it screams for heavy and costly punishment....we must send a strong message to the tyrants out there...its not against anything Trump said for us to repay Iran militarily...Trump never said he would allow us to be attacked physically or economically without reprisal....

We were not attacked
This was an attack on the worlds oil supply....that is an attack on each and every citizen of the United States...this time it was oil in time it could be Airlines or other means of you want to wait and see what is next?....
Selling arms to Iran to fund the Contras? Attacking Grenada? The Falkland Islands perhaps? Hell, this slippery slope could lead just about anywhere!
Okay you showed us all your age now tell us what that has to do with my post or this tragic event.....
Okay so you don't understand your own reliance upon slippery slope fallaciousness. Tragic event? Won't someone think of all that poor, unextracted sludge? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!
People were killed in that yeah....tragic...and that sludge has fed convenienced and educated you your whole life....
This was an attack on the world's economy and it screams for heavy and costly punishment....we must send a strong message to the tyrants out there...its not against anything Trump said for us to repay Iran militarily...Trump never said he would allow us to be attacked physically or economically without reprisal....
great. now let's prove 100% that iran did this.

has that happened yet? i may be behind in the news, but all i see to date is speculation. you'd think after the russians played us emotionally with their trolling we'd wake up and stop believing everything in front of us "as presented".
I'm all for being certain...but the weapons used have signatures....we can tell if they came from rebels or a nation and what nation they most likely came from....
i've not seen this available yet. i would also like more than a WE FOUND IT moment as i do believe this can be faked as well.
We can trust Trump to be sure before he does anything...he is not interested in more needless conflict...but he knows that you either do something or it will happen again...
This was an attack on the world's economy and it screams for heavy and costly punishment....we must send a strong message to the tyrants out there...its not against anything Trump said for us to repay Iran militarily...Trump never said he would allow us to be attacked physically or economically without reprisal....
You were attacked led economically LOL. Dont come back crying when they punch back and you keep questioning why they attacked us or why they hate us.
Fuck Glenn Greenwald, fuck him, fuck him, fuck him and for variety, fuck that anti-American treasonous cocksucker even more! The REAL reason that fag hates America is because his Brazilian (probably underage) twink boyfriend couldn't get a visa to live in the US. So that Islam-fellating, self-hating-Jew detests this country on that basis alone. When gay men are told no, they turn into the most vindictive, malicious, evil sons of bitches I've ever seen (I've had gay men hit on me and saw their baby tantrums when I politely turn them down).
Haha! You demonstrate so well that which you describe.
Has Trump set any policies during his term that you have found yourself agreeing with?
Yeah, tons. I think his general impulse that the U.S. and Russia should make strides to reduce tension rather than escalate them. Why should we arm the Ukrainians and involve ourselves in a region of direct national security interest to Russia and risk escalation with Russia, a nuclear armed power, in order to defend Ukraine, which we have kind of a direct interest in? I think it’s entirely legitimate to question what the going value of NATO is, an alliance constructed around an ideology that basically no longer exists, or an alliance that no longer exists, the Warsaw Pact. I think asking about these internationalized institutions like the World Trade Organization, NAFTA, TPP, who they’re benefitting, and serving the interest of the people who [Trump’s] supposed to be representing, not the transnational oligarchical elite, but the everyday citizen. The problem is that Trump often raises legitimate questions in a very sloppy, manipulative, deceitful way with bad motives, but the views themselves are often very valid ones.
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