Greenwald to Trump: You are Prince Mohamed's bitch. You said USA should not be the world's policeman

Mind you, Glenn greenwald goes on Fox all the time and hates Democrats (and Democrats hate him). And even he socks it to Donald Trump's today, calling him out on his hypocrisy and love for the Saudi Prince.

Glenn Greenwald on Twitter

I don’t get it, what is wrong with selling Saudi weapons so they can use it to bomb Iran and kill other Muslims?

Us making money off Muslims killing each other sounds good to me.

We sold them and gave them to Iraq for a did that turn out?

Considering Iraq and Iran murdered each other in droves, it worked out great.

Tell that to the families of the more than 4000 US service members killed in Iraq and the more than 50,000 walking wounded US service members....they may not agree it as so fucking great.

Which had nothing to do with the Iran - Iraq war. Now stop projecting your hatred of the military on me.
Mind you, Glenn greenwald goes on Fox all the time and hates Democrats (and Democrats hate him). And even he socks it to Donald Trump's today, calling him out on his hypocrisy and love for the Saudi Prince.

Glenn Greenwald on Twitter

I don’t get it, what is wrong with selling Saudi weapons so they can use it to bomb Iran and kill other Muslims?

Us making money off Muslims killing each other sounds good to me.

We sold them and gave them to Iraq for a did that turn out?

Considering Iraq and Iran murdered each other in droves, it worked out great.

Tell that to the families of the more than 4000 US service members killed in Iraq and the more than 50,000 walking wounded US service members....they may not agree it as so fucking great.

Which had nothing to do with the Iran - Iraq war. Now stop projecting your hatred of the military on me.

Nope, but it had everything to do with the Iraq war.

Why would i hate what I spent 20 years in?
I don’t get it, what is wrong with selling Saudi weapons so they can use it to bomb Iran and kill other Muslims?

Us making money off Muslims killing each other sounds good to me.

We sold them and gave them to Iraq for a did that turn out?

Considering Iraq and Iran murdered each other in droves, it worked out great.

Tell that to the families of the more than 4000 US service members killed in Iraq and the more than 50,000 walking wounded US service members....they may not agree it as so fucking great.

Which had nothing to do with the Iran - Iraq war. Now stop projecting your hatred of the military on me.

Nope, but it had everything to do with the Iraq war.

Why would i hate what I spent 20 years in?
-------------------------------------------- it was your choice as you VOLUNTEERED to join up for the benefits , pay , government favors and maybe Surgery GGator
Trump declares emergency to expedite arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE - CNNPolitics

That was five months ago and spineless Republicans let him usurp congressional powers.

The Saudis bomb the Houthis in Yemen and we call it war. The Houthis attack the Saudis and we call it terrorism. It's not a world without consequences.
That's correct. I've never seen a conservative condemn Saudi bombings of yemeni children or infrastructure.
The sad thing is most Democrats don’t either. The neocons and neoliberals love war.
In fact, an overwhelming majority of Democrats voted to end US assistance to Saudi Arabia. Most Republicans voted against ending it.
Trump declares emergency to expedite arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE - CNNPolitics

That was five months ago and spineless Republicans let him usurp congressional powers.

The Saudis bomb the Houthis in Yemen and we call it war. The Houthis attack the Saudis and we call it terrorism. It's not a world without consequences.
That's correct. I've never seen a conservative condemn Saudi bombings of yemeni children or infrastructure.
The sad thing is most Democrats don’t either. The neocons and neoliberals love war.
In fact, an overwhelming majority of Democrats voted to end US assistance to Saudi Arabia. Most Republicans voted against ending it.
LOL. The vast majority of Ds voted for W’s war. The vast majority of Ds supported Ear’s many wars. The vast majority of Ds supported Trump’s air strikes on Syria. The vast majority of Ds voted to increase the war budget under Donnie, while calling him a Russian traitor.

Wake the fuck up!
We sold them and gave them to Iraq for a did that turn out?

Considering Iraq and Iran murdered each other in droves, it worked out great.

Tell that to the families of the more than 4000 US service members killed in Iraq and the more than 50,000 walking wounded US service members....they may not agree it as so fucking great.

Which had nothing to do with the Iran - Iraq war. Now stop projecting your hatred of the military on me.

Nope, but it had everything to do with the Iraq war.

Why would i hate what I spent 20 years in?
-------------------------------------------- it was your choice as you VOLUNTEERED to join up for the benefits , pay , government favors and maybe Surgery GGator

Iran's attack on the Saudi oil fields was not just an attack on Saudi but was an attack on every nation in the world that relies on Saudi oil, and the seizure of oil tanker attempting to transit the Strait of Hormuz is not just an attack on the US. The restriction to the freedom of navigation of oil that is relied on by the world / the world economy by Iran is an attempt by Iran to negatively impact the WORLD'S economy and an attack on the world.
No it isn't.
This was an attack on the world's economy and it screams for heavy and costly punishment....we must send a strong message to the tyrants out there...its not against anything Trump said for us to repay Iran militarily...Trump never said he would allow us to be attacked physically or economically without reprisal....
great. now let's prove 100% that iran did this.

has that happened yet? i may be behind in the news, but all i see to date is speculation. you'd think after the russians played us emotionally with their trolling we'd wake up and stop believing everything in front of us "as presented".
And so are 190 plus other nations...let them pick up the slack for a change
So then you agree...that something must be done...well that's a start I guess....
in my 30+ years of corporate life, the most useless person i ever found was the one pounding their fist on the table screaming SOMETHING MUST BE DONE.

the ones who i valued the most identified *what* must be done and why, with potential pitfalls going along with any decision and then making an educated plan to attack the issues.
Then they can pick up the slack and go break some knee caps.

Does that make you happy?
They'll pick up the slack by making a group offer Iran can't refuse. Then the Capo will kneecap it. Let's have some reality here, even though this is not the place for it.
This was an attack on the world's economy and it screams for heavy and costly punishment....we must send a strong message to the tyrants out there...its not against anything Trump said for us to repay Iran militarily...Trump never said he would allow us to be attacked physically or economically without reprisal....

We were not attacked
This was an attack on the worlds oil supply....that is an attack on each and every citizen of the United States...this time it was oil in time it could be Airlines or other means of you want to wait and see what is next?....
Selling arms to Iran to fund the Contras? Attacking Grenada? The Falkland Islands perhaps? Hell, this slippery slope could lead just about anywhere!
Iran's attack on the Saudi oil fields was not just an attack on Saudi but was an attack on every nation in the world that relies on Saudi oil, and the seizure of oil tanker attempting to transit the Strait of Hormuz is not just an attack on the US. The restriction to the freedom of navigation of oil that is relied on by the world / the world economy by Iran is an attempt by Iran to negatively impact the WORLD'S economy and an attack on the world.
No it isn't.


Ok, I will see that 'Nuh-Uh' and 'raise you' actual intelligent, factual information...

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

What percent of the world oil passes through the Strait of Hormuz?
That was about 30 percent of crude and other oil liquids traded by sea in 2016. About 17.2 million bpd of crude and condensates were estimated to have been shipped through the Strait in 2017 and about 17.4 million bpd in the first half of 2018, according to oil analytics firm Vortexa

Why the Strait of Hormuz Is Still the World’s Most Important Chokepoint

Why is the Strait of Hormuz so strategically important?

Why This Narrow Strait Next to Iran Is So Critical to the World’s Oil Supply

Really. Your/the US'/Trump's agenda is not the world's agenda.
I see you neither read any of the links nor attempted to grasp how the world / world economy is connected and effects us.

Snowflakes like you would have opposed to entering WWII, arguing it has nothing to do with us - 'f* 'em. Don't let any of our people die for them' Germany took Britain and all of Europe before focusing on Russia and defeating them. No worries, right?! That would have satisfied Hitler, right. 'I've got enough now'?! You would sit back as our enemies conquered former allies, one-by-one, consolidating power, and finally getting around to us. At that point we would look around to see there would be no one to come to our aid because no one would be left. At this point you and your ilk would recommend surrendering rather than face the military challenge.

I say that confidently because Dems and Snowflakes have been calling for the US to surrender to China in our bloodless Trade War just so we can buy cheap crap, ignorant to the fact that they were helping China's military rise to power. As long as you can get your cheap crap and our enemies screwing our allies does not effect you to harshly 'why get involved - it's not our fight'....

Don't look now, but you are the frog in the pot of warm water. Our enemies are turning up the heat slowly, and you are content to sit back and enjoy the 'spa'....for now.

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