Greetings and Felicitations!

Um, you're not going to get all upset and constantly follow me around the board, are you?

I mean, that shit was funny for a little bit, but you're getting kind of tedious now.

Go find someone else to bother.

Oh, look. The noob doesn't understand the difference between a board post and a PM. Maybe one of the kinder, gentler forum members can teach you the difference.

Who said anything about a PM? Quit talking to the voices in your head, you spastic fucking queef.

p.s. Your gracious concession is duly noted. If you'd like to try again, do come play sometime.

I'll get to that when I get to it. Your schedule doesn't mean jack shit to me.
Who said anything about a PM? Quit talking to the voices in your head, you spastic fucking queef.

Perhaps I should type more slowly, out of deference to your mental feebleness...

You are posting in a public forum. If you don't want people to respond to you, take your conversations to PM.

However, your OP was a quite clear shit-talking request for the locals to bring it.

Consider it broughten.

I'll get to that when I get to it. Your schedule doesn't mean jack shit to me.

It's cute how large and in-charge you think you are.
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You are posting in a public forum. If you don't want people to respond to you, take your conversations to PM.

Of course I want people to talk to me. That's why I'm posting here.

It's you. You're tedious and repetitive. You're like a yapping, shaking, bulgy-eyed chihuahua that won't shut the fuck up.
It's you. You're tedious and repetitive. You're like a yapping, shaking, bulgy-eyed chihuahua that won't shut the fuck up.

I was nominated to head up the welcome wagon. Sorry the cookies made you cry.
Can't you just feel the love?

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