Greetings To All Biden Supporters

That's hilarious! Trump has been an impeached one-term crook who is exploring ways to PARDON himself. That will look great on his resume for another term. Hilarious!

The nifty thing about that is ---- a Pardon is also an admission of guilt.

Of course, that won't stop him --- he did all those bankruptcies and then denied them too, he'll just run the same play expecting different results.
You voted for a lying crook. If he screws up the country, it's your fault. I hope you like higher taxes. Start saving money now. You're gonna need it. (Of course, you can always get a second job or put your kids to work) Here, he admits he'll raise your taxes

Incidentally, that $400,000 you heard is a number floated around by Bernie Sanders. Neither Sanders nor Biden ever tried to put it into law and both have been in Congress for decades.

Of course he's a lying crook. A politician who tells the truth is rarely elected, voters want lies that make them feel good.

AOC, tells her constituents the truth, as do other members of "The Squad", but the majority of voters in her district are uncommon, in that they are tired of the lies that make them feel good, and have faced the fact that the government has been screwing average Americans for decades.

The only difference between the impeached president trump and President Elect Biden, is Biden is practiced at being civil, and brings dignity back to the Presidency.

It ain't much, but it will be far less embarrassing to the American people when Biden meets with foreign leaders.

As for the average Americans' treatment by the government, we will continued to get screwed by the politicians, except a few Democrats like AOC, Warren, Sanders, and a few others, the rest work for the ruling billionaire class, and no amount of votes are going to change that.


are you war loving liberals excited about the regime change war we are about to get into syria? are you going? is a member of your family going? how many dead brown people equals one bad orange man?

The rules have changed. The Banana Republicans have expanded executive power to include all sorts of goodies, including meddling into domestic politics with the full power of the federal agencies including the DOJ CIA and FBI. Congressional oversight is a thing of the past too. Just use the acceptable delaying tactics. Don't forget, the president can't be charged with a crime while in office.

But don't worry, Dems will probably puss out again and say things like "we need to come together as a country", "time to heal the nation" and pacifist stuff like they always do.
Liberals, how many American deaths and how many dead brown people was it worth to get the bad orange man out of office.

Just 2 numbers. What is it worth to you in American lives and brown peoples lives?

We are going to war to oust Assad. You do realize that, I hope. You are not just fucking stupid sheep, you research who you vote for, right?

the media LOOOOOOOOVE war. amazing ratings.
Liberals, how many American deaths and how many dead brown people was it worth to get the bad orange man out of office.

Just 2 numbers. What is it worth to you in American lives and brown peoples lives?

We are going to war to oust Assad. You do realize that, I hope. You are not just fucking stupid sheep, you research who you vote for, right?

the media LOOOOOOOOVE war. amazing ratings.
NARRATORS VOICE: The Left Loves US Military Adventurism.
You voted for a lying crook. If he screws up the country, it's your fault. I hope you like higher taxes. Start saving money now. You're gonna need it. (Of course, you can always get a second job or put your kids to work) Here, he admits he'll raise your taxes

Incidentally, that $400,000 you heard is a number floated around by Bernie Sanders. Neither Sanders nor Biden ever tried to put it into law and both have been in Congress for decades.

For those of you who don't want high taxes, there is some hope. The GOP members of Congress generally oppose any tax increase. Giving the Republicans a majority in either the House or the Senate is the only way to stop the Democrats tax plan.

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