Who did that?

Post number.

I’m no hunting dog. Something jack

It took 2 seconds to find this. Don't forget it this time. You and I have been down this road before. And I proved to you before.

Don't ask again.

$14 trillion to $22 trillion = $8 trillion

The Trump supporters claim that it was Trump himself who made the economy great when he was president. The left denies it.
The Biden supporters claim that it was Biden who's making the economy better now. And the Trump supporters deny it.
Same can be said with oil/gas prices.

But I'd like to inject a little common sense into these arguments by saying that neither Trump nor Biden made the economy better or the gas prices cheaper.

When Trump entered the White House in 2017, "We the People" had been the ones who were put through the ringer of a bad economy. A recession from Obama handing out too much free money that was borrowed from the fed. An oil bust cycle that created high fuel prices.
We're the ones who cut back on spending and going places. We're the ones who paid the higher prices that kept the grocery stores and retail shops open. We kept the oil companies going.
When Obama dumped all that new money into the economy, it reduced the value of existing currency, forcing inflation on us. But just prior to Trump coming into office, "We the people" had struggled through all that and were finally rebounding the economy in our favor. We did that.
So when Trump enters the white house, we had already started making things work for us again. And until Covid, Trump was riding on OUR coat tails. And now he and his supporters are bragging about how it was all Trumps doing.
Trumps $8 trillion in just 4 years helped to create what we're going through now. But it was us who struggled through all this once again. Again, it was us who paid the high prices that kept the grocery & retail stores open. The manufacturing and gas/oil companies going.
Biden got the blame from things he didn't have much to do with. But now that we the people are rebounded the economy, the left wants to falsely give Biden credit for it, like the Trump supporters gave Trump. All of the money that's being spent now, is going to show up in high inflation in the next two years and reek havoc on the next presidents economy. The left will blame the right. The right will blame the left. And we the people will get stuck fixing something that the government screwed up.

FFS, it's the same cycle that's been going on for the last 5 decades. Why so many people can't recognize this pattern is a mystery.

The common denominator in all of this, is that the government screws things up, and "we the people" suffer through it and fix it ourselves. But some president gets the credit for making things better.

I say it's time to give credit where credit is due. To "we the people," who do all the work. Who is put through all the struggles and makes this economy better.

Fact: Dumping trillions of new money into the economy only makes things look better. But in a year or two, the bill comes due in the form of inflation. Trumps bills came due in 2021 & 22. Biden's bills will come due in 2025 or 26.

US oil production doubled during the Obama administration.
And prices dropped under Trump

That's what happens during a boom cycle. Regardless of who's president. Right now they're in a boom cycle and the prices are coming down. That's doesn't mean Trump or Biden had anything to do with it.
That's what happens during a boom cycle. Regardless of who's president. Right now they're in a boom cycle and the prices are coming down. That's doesn't mean Trump or Biden had anything to do with it.

US oil is going for stability rather than boom and bust.

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