
Davocrat is a forum troll and now he's landed here. Luck you.

Folks, davo is a troll who has been banned on my forum for at least 50 socks. All he does is troll and stalk people. If he's here, it's because he's bored and stalking someone. He's a bitter little man with Leukemia (or something like that) and he spends his time chasing people on forums. He thinks he's funny. He is toxic and should be put on ignore.
Hmm, sounds like Cereal Killer..
Hi. Thought I should formally introduce myself here. Still trying to get adjusted to the user interface. It's nice but so different from my planet.

Nice to have an alternate board to check out now and then.

"It's nice but so different from my planet."

You are not an Earthling then? You could tell us what your planet is like, for instance are Martini's and bacon available?



I come from the planet Hotwire.

Well here it's often haywire, so be prepared :smoke:
Introductory thread for a poster that signed up 4 years ago? Sock?
Introductory thread for a poster that signed up 4 years ago? Sock?

I was invited here when a dust-up occurred at my regular place. But I didn't participate after joining. No sleight against the site. I just didn't have time to participate much anywhere else.
Davocrat: All I have to do here is read. And I've already exposed your big lie told elsewhere.
(end quote)

And there he goes, threatening another member and stalking her. Typical Davocrat.

Told ya...
Davocrat: All I have to do here is read. And I've already exposed your big lie told elsewhere.
(end quote)

And there he goes, threatening another member and stalking her. Typical Davocrat.

Told ya...

Whatever. I must have really gotten under your skin.

Good quoting skills, by the way.
Hi. Thought I should formally introduce myself here. Still trying to get adjusted to the user interface. It's nice but so different from my planet.

Nice to have an alternate board to check out now and then.

Okay no arguing :meow:Or else :whip:
Guys...a couple of rules here.

Intro threads (even re-intro threads) are not the place for flaming. Take it elsewhere.

A few of you know each other from another forum - keep stuff from over there outta here...ok?

Now...Flame Zone is to your left, down the stairs take a right and try not to slip on the wet stuff.

Davocrat: All I have to do here is read. And I've already exposed your big lie told elsewhere.
(end quote)

And there he goes, threatening another member and stalking her. Typical Davocrat.

Told ya...

Whatever. I must have really gotten under your skin.

Good quoting skills, by the way.
Dave, people laugh at you because you're a jerk. Nobody likes you but your sicko troll friends at that failing forum or hate-mongers. They won't like you here either and the mods will deal with you.

Mods: you were warned about him. Protect your forum from this creep.

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