Greta Thunberg Alert: "We will put world leaders up against the wall"

Well to be factual, "mentally-retarded" is simply the wrong diagnosis, doctor.
As though you actually gave a shit .. You're welcome.

Judging by her scumbag parents, I'm still going with fetal alcohol syndrome.

yes....both she has fetal alcohol syndrome and Asparagus Syndrome

Asparagus always gives me a syndrome too. Worst stuff I ever ate. Besides liver, I mean.

Asparagus and mayonnaise or vinaigrette.... very nice!

Ick. Rather eat Rice-a-Roni and canned Kipper snacks. :04:

Ok lol....:dunno: :laugh:
Well to be factual, "mentally-retarded" is simply the wrong diagnosis, doctor.
Amanda McCarthy of Acton, Massachusetts, thinks back to when she was that age and can barely contain her amazement. That’s a common reaction to watching such a precocious teenager on the world stage, but McCarthy shares a trait with Thunberg that paints a fuller picture.

They both have Asperger’s, a neurological disorder characterized by difficulty with social and communication skills. It’s considered within the range of the autism spectrum, although those with Asperger’s typically have normal language development and normal-to-high IQs, so they’re regarded as “high functioning.’’
Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger's, is a developmental disorder characterised by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.[6] As a milder autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it differs from other ASDs by relatively normal language and intelligence.[10
As though you actually gave a shit .. You're welcome.

Judging by her scumbag parents, I'm still going with fetal alcohol syndrome.

yes....both she has fetal alcohol syndrome and Asparagus Syndrome

Asparagus always gives me a syndrome too. Worst stuff I ever ate. Besides liver, I mean.
I don't like the way my pee smells when I eat asparagus.
everybody who disagrees with her BS is immediately blamed for "attacking a child" and banned. Just brilliant idea!

Michael Knowles: Climate hysteria movement is not about science. If it were about science it would be led by scientists rather that politicians and a mentally ill Swedish child who’s been exploited by her parents
Not simply attacking a child, her family as well:
Great! She'll get placed on the "no fly" list and her parent will lose custody.
Her parents should be arrested for child abuse.
All's well that ends well. :banana:

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Sorry, apoplectic losers,... you're done.

Her parents are antifa. Mom sings opera, Dad is an actor and Grandfather is an actor.

Her parents are the climate activists, leave the poor girl alone, let her be a kid like any other and go to school.
Leave them all alone, you perverts. Greta survived her fetushood! So now you don't give a shit. Scientists are a hoax! Trump! Fossil fuels forever!

No attacks on family members? :laughing0301:

I wasn't aware little Greta was a USMB member?

And no. I don't give a shit that she survived her fetushood.

Well after checking out her mother's internationally well-known cazongas
I'm trying to figure out why at 16
Greta looks more like a little boy than a little girl.

Why do I get the feeling that her mother is anything but monogamous.

A brat is a brat is a brat.

That's all she is

Put a sock in it Gretard.

If that threat was said on the continental United States it would be enough for the FBI to open an investigation.

It sure as hell sounds like a call to execution to me. No matter I fully expect in 10 years to see her in the where are they now column a drugged out dried out drunken slut bag grieving over the loss of her 15 minutes of relevancy..

As soon as Trump is re-elected Soros will pull the funding for the whole movement.

She needs sexy pics.

Sorry, dude. You'll have to wait a few years. :laughing0301:

But pictures of her slut mother Malena Ernman are all over the internet.


Yeah after checking out the name it's not hard to find the sleazy pictures.
Opera singers are inotorious for jumping in bed after each performance with pretty much the entire cast and crew.
I kind of wonder what little Greta has been exposed to growing up around all that crap.

She needs sexy pics.

Sorry, dude. You'll have to wait a few years. :laughing0301:

But pictures of her slut mother Malena Ernman are all over the internet.


Yeah after checking out the name it's not hard to find the sleazy pictures.
Opera singers are inotorious for jumping in bed after each performance with pretty much the entire cast and crew.
I kind of wonder what little Greta has been exposed to growing up around all that crap.


No wonder little Greta has Asparagus disease.
That is not the child is the parents...........nothing more.......
So everyone's favorite poster child for fetal alcohol syndrome is calling for mass execution of politicians now? She is truly following in the footsteps of her fellow Time Person of the Year recipients, Stalin and Hitler.

You go, girl.

"Greta Thunberg told cheering protesters today 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' if they fail to take urgent action on climate change.

The Swedish teen activist was addressing the crowd at a Fridays for Future protest in Turin, Italy.."

Greta Thunberg tells cheering crowd 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' | Daily Mail Online

She should be careful about making such threats. There are nation's leaders that could and have liquidated people that they considered a vocal threat to them.
She needs sexy pics.

Sorry, dude. You'll have to wait a few years. :laughing0301:

But pictures of her slut mother Malena Ernman are all over the internet.


Yeah after checking out the name it's not hard to find the sleazy pictures.
Opera singers are inotorious for jumping in bed after each performance with pretty much the entire cast and crew.
I kind of wonder what little Greta has been exposed to growing up around all that crap.


I wonder about a kid whose mother has porn photos all over the internet or a father that dates porn stars and is accused of child rape.?
Yep, let's just smear parents and paint their kids as victims. That way we avoid having to deal with messy messages altogether.
Trump went light on Greta, actually giving her good advice to get anger mgmt. counseling.

As she is such a nasty child.
Triggered by sixteen year old girl speaking truth to power, butt hurt Trumpette snowflakes project themselves upon anything that moves.
Captain of Greta Thunberg’s sailboat foils ‘zero emissions’ plans by flying to US
It's hard to be a martyred green saint when you live in a secular world. Thunberg's p.r. stunt is greatly diminished when the crew of Thunberg's ship has to be flown via jet back from Europe to the US producing several tons of CO2 in the process
making her sailing trip show of piety moot.

It would be interesting to know what else, from her clothing to the food she eats, etc. is not carbon neutral.
Captain of Greta Thunberg’s sailboat foils ‘zero emissions’ plans by flying to US
It's hard to be a martyred green saint when you live in a secular world. Thunberg's p.r. stunt is greatly diminished when the crew of Thunberg's ship has to be flown via jet back from Europe to the US producing several tons of CO2 in the process
making her sailing trip show of piety moot.

It would be interesting to know what else, from her clothing to the food she eats, etc. is not carbon neutral.

Makes you wonder who paid the cost of air freight to ship that boat. That had to cost a pretty penny.

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