Greta Thunberg: Time Person of the Year

. Sodom was given its name by its residents because of their love for sodomy.

That is downright silly. It's the other way around, as the term sodomy is derived from the name of the town, instead.

…...all of which has absolutely nothing to do with the exploitation of a child with Asperger's by our cynical media, which is now congratulation itself on the way it created her.

The leftists on this thread are all quite stupid, and if they knew anything at all, they would realize that Asperger's syndrome limits the ability to understand other people for those suffering from it. A child suffering from Asperger's is all too easily manipulated as a result, and this particularly histrionic one is simply a tool for a political agenda. Whether or not a person believes in global warming is moot as the real issue here is the dog and pony show the media has constructed around a girl with a mental disorder that renders her with a reduced ability to comprehend human relationships.
If leftists believed JUMPING OFF A BRIDGE was a good thing, they'd BELIEVE IT even if it was a LITTLE IGNORANT CHILD telling them to do it.


The STUPIDITY in that is just MIND NUMBING, but such a great example how FUCKED UP leftists are.
A very very Ironic post considering how CRC cult members have gone from distrusting Russia to loving Russia just because their orange "Chosen One" has told them too.
A very very Ironic post considering how CRC cult members have gone from hating deficits to loving deficits just because their orange "Chosen One" is now ok with them.
A very very Ironic post considering how CRC cult members have gone from supporting the military and veterans to hating the military and veterans because their orange "Chosen One" denigrates them.
A very very Ironic post considering how CRC cult members were all about moral behavior and now don't care about moral behavior because their orange "Chosen One" is not in any way moral.
A very very Ironic post considering how CRC cult members were all about "pro-life" and now support separating children from their parents and locking them up, losing them in the ICE system, easier to put them in the child sex traffic pipeline because their orange "Chosen One" supports that.
Climate change is a reality
Greta is attacking politicians for selling out to oil companies

It is the Climate Deniers who are sideshow freaks
Climate change has always been a reality, it happens all the time, Man Made climate change is another story.
The majority of the WORLDS Climate Scientists disagree with you

So why aren't they humping China's leg?
Even China acknowledges climate change

No one denies climate change. Those of sound mind do however deny Progressives' puerile attempt to get control of the money by fibbing about the cause.
True...and it's too late to do anything about it.
Climate change has always been a reality, it happens all the time, Man Made climate change is another story.

These Moon Bats don't know any more about Climate Science than they do Economics, History, Ethics or Biology.
I guess that's why the Military isn't doing anything, isn't concerned about climate change.
Why do you leftist believe ANYTHING, ANYONE says, even if it's an IGNORANT LITTLE CHILD?

Oh... wait... I might know the answer... BECAUSE IT FITS WITH YOUR NUT CASE AGENDA.

Hell, they want 16-year-olds to vote, because they are so psychologically malleable.
16 year olds... felons in prison... non citizens... anyone that isn't an American.


Interesting how much 16 year olds trigger you, snowflake.
They "liked" Hitler? Like the GOP did, I guess.

Actually it was roosevelt, you know the Dem president who liked and admired both he and mussolini. Dems seem to have a love affair with dictators. They certainly try and act like them.
Nope, it was the Republicans. All the way up to Pearl Harbor and Hitler declaring war on us. There's a lovely book, anthology of all the Republican speeches in Congress gushing over Hitler and Mussolini....."The Illustrious Dunderheads".

Nope, it was the progressives. Are you that historically ignorant, or are you just stupid?
Unless you consider Henry ford and Charles Lindbergh Progressive..and they were emphatically might want to rethink your position. It is known by most historians that a great many Republican, right-wing businessmen were rabidly anti-Semitic..and in love with the NAZI party. The extreme Progressives of the time were Socialist at best..and many were Communist. Now, I know a lot of your ilk have been conflating socialist and Nazi----as most thinking people know..they were blood enemies. Especially given the prevalence of Jewish influence on the left of the time..your premise..just isn't true.

Ummm, Charles Lindbergh was a big Hitler supporter till it became a problem. Same with Ford. You might want to check your facts again.
Which was his point. They were NOT progressives. Your reading comprehension on the fritz?
Why would anyone listen to a 16 year old's opinion on anything?

Do you ask a 16 year old for financial or legal advice? No? Why not?
Climate change has always been a reality, it happens all the time, Man Made climate change is another story.
The majority of the WORLDS Climate Scientists disagree with you

So why aren't they humping China's leg?
Even China acknowledges climate change

No one denies climate change. Those of sound mind do however deny Progressives' puerile attempt to get control of the money by fibbing about the cause.
True...and it's too late to do anything about it.

Humans cannot control natural cycles. They can only adapt.
Other than you humiliating yourself by saying children should have input into government policies?
Nobody suggested that, freak.
Liar. Your entire agenda requires constant uncontrollable lies.
Sure, freak.
She spoke to the UN why?

Your lies are beyond stupid.
Because she was invited.....and she wasn't laughed at like your orange "Chosen One" that sticks in your craw.
The majority of the WORLDS Climate Scientists disagree with you

So why aren't they humping China's leg?
Even China acknowledges climate change

No one denies climate change. Those of sound mind do however deny Progressives' puerile attempt to get control of the money by fibbing about the cause.
True...and it's too late to do anything about it.

Humans cannot control natural cycles. They can only adapt.

Yet humans can have a direct effect on their environment. Especially when you consider that there are over 7 billion of them.
The majority of the WORLDS Climate Scientists disagree with you

So why aren't they humping China's leg?
Even China acknowledges climate change

No one denies climate change. Those of sound mind do however deny Progressives' puerile attempt to get control of the money by fibbing about the cause.
True...and it's too late to do anything about it.

Humans cannot control natural cycles. They can only adapt.
In other words "fix, not prevent".......and guess who's gonna get the short end of the stick......
Other than you humiliating yourself by saying children should have input into government policies?
Nobody suggested that, freak.
Liar. Your entire agenda requires constant uncontrollable lies.
Sure, freak.
She spoke to the UN why?

Your lies are beyond stupid.
Because she was invited.....and she wasn't laughed at like your orange "Chosen One" that sticks in your craw.
Thank you. You Leftards put a 16 year old high school dropout on a pedestal and whine when we laugh.
The majority of the WORLDS Climate Scientists disagree with you

So why aren't they humping China's leg?
Even China acknowledges climate change

No one denies climate change. Those of sound mind do however deny Progressives' puerile attempt to get control of the money by fibbing about the cause.
True...and it's too late to do anything about it.

Humans cannot control natural cycles. They can only adapt.

That's exactly the thing. Further, I don't see how the liberal plans to supposedly change the weather can ever expect to be successful.
What’s the carbon footprint of a $15M mansion on a Martha’s Vineyard beach?

Who ever said you are not allowed to have mansions?

Our lovely First Lady Michelle stands up for children who are cyber bullied
Third Lady Melania complains that someone pointed out that Baron is not really a Barron and complains about cyber bullies

Be ass
Tell me more about this woman who buys a $15M mansion a few feet above sea level and her belief in manmade global warming.
A few feet? How many feet are a few feet? The home is like 15-20 feet above sea level.
Pathological liar.

Obama Ocean Mansion 3-10 Feet Above Sea Level Extremely Vulnerable to Global Warming - Frontpagemag

The site "what is my elevation" says 10' Since the property is sloped, I looked on a topological map & it was between 10' & 20" - likely around 15.

Estimated for sea level rise by 2100 was 43 inches.

So, by the time the ocean rise would get their house, they would be long dead.

They also know that eventually all you ignorant fucks will be out of power & action will happen to reduce the effects of AGW.
They have a nice map out of the impending doom of ocean rise, Dufus.

Obama’s environment destroying mansion circled in red.


Obama’s know it’s BS.
You have a point somewhere?
Other than you humiliating yourself by saying children should have input into government policies?
Children have a right to an opinion
Even if they are President
Using children as human shields shows how low you’ve gone.
You support stealing children at the border as a deterrent. That is lower than low
View attachment 294488
Again, a CRC trumpanzee showing us their fixation on pedophilia above all else.
How many years would it take...of pointing out that something subjectively chosen from year to year always will have sufficient reasons that it shoulda/woulda/coulda been someone else...

before the shoulda/woulda/coulda folks realize what a whiny waste of fuckin time that exercise actually is
Pointing what literal imbeciles progressives are is never a waste of time, as it always enrages you dickless pieces of so much that they try to prove even harder how stupid you are.
How many years would it take...of pointing out that something subjectively chosen from year to year always will have sufficient reasons that it shoulda/woulda/coulda been someone else...

before the shoulda/woulda/coulda folks realize what a whiny waste of fuckin time that exercise actually is
Pointing what literal imbeciles progressives are is never a waste of time, as it always enrages you dickless pieces of so much that they try to prove even harder how stupid you are.
I think we see who's enraged there, snowflake

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