Greta Thunberg: Time Person of the Year

How many years would it take...of pointing out that something subjectively chosen from year to year always will have sufficient reasons that it shoulda/woulda/coulda been someone else...

before the shoulda/woulda/coulda folks realize what a whiny waste of fuckin time that exercise actually is
Pointing what literal imbeciles progressives are is never a waste of time, as it always enrages you dickless pieces of so much that they try to prove even harder how stupid you are.
I think we see who's enraged there, snowflake
Classic Goebbels. It should be clear what should have came are "pieces of". But it's Christmas.
I guess that’s the least Time can do for her since we stole her childhood from her.
It is sad that our children can not depend on the adults to pull their heads out of their fat asses & believe the science & take action. But noooooooooooo, you stupid fucks worship a "stable genius" who is so fucking stupid that he calls climate change a hoax.
Is that why you use children as human shields?
Pretty Ironic from those who lock up children and purposefully "lose" track of them in order to put them in the child sex trafficking market.
Do you ever stop lying? My fucking eyes aren't two different colors!
Enjoying the photo shop, eh? I you have any idea as to what such posts say about you?

No need to answer....your posts speak for you..all too clearly.

The whole charade of climate change is so stupid and ridiculous......what else can one say LOL!
The entire world is mocking conservatives whose scientific rebuttal is......”climate change is so stupid and ridiculous”


Now we are talking.

Quite the orange "Chosen One" cultist you are.
Conservatives’ unwarranted attacks on Thunberg are yet another manifestation of the reprehensible right, and the fact that most conservatives are cowards.

Oh piss off you little hypocritical ass. You and your fellow stalinists couldn't attack sandman fast enough.

You fuckers invented all sorts of stories to try and rationalize the vicious hate you were spewing, and then, when the truth came out most of you scumbags refused to admit you were wrong.

In other words little pseudo intellectual, fuck off.
:itsok: Really :itsok:
Navy’s Task Force Climate Change (TFCC)
U.S. Navy Task Force Climate Change (TFCC) – The Center for Climate & Security

US Army Corps of Engineers>
Engineer Research and Development Center > Missions > Environmental Quality and Installations > Arctic – ERDC Facilitates DOD Gateway

SERDP and ESTCP harness the latest science and technology to develop and demonstrate innovative, cost-effective, and sustainable solutions to meet DoD’s environmental challenges.
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, Environmental Security Technology Certification Program

Fake News! :71:

They have a nice map out of the impending doom of ocean rise, Dufus.

Obama’s environment destroying mansion circled in red.

View attachment 294595

Obama’s know it’s BS.

That raises the question.

If Obama really believes in this silly AGW horseshit why did he buy a house a few yards from the ocean?

If he believes that crap then he is a dumbshit, isn't he?

He is either a dumbshit or a liar. No other options.
I guess that’s the least Time can do for her since we stole her childhood from her.
It is sad that our children can not depend on the adults to pull their heads out of their fat asses & believe the science & take action. But noooooooooooo, you stupid fucks worship a "stable genius" who is so fucking stupid that he calls climate change a hoax.
Is that why you use children as human shields?
Pretty Ironic from those who lock up children and purposefully "lose" track of them in order to put them in the child sex trafficking market.
Trump sells the kids to Bill and Jeff.
The majority of the WORLDS Climate Scientists disagree with you
Still using that fake news? Hilarious.

'You Have Stolen My Dreams And My Childhood,' Says Girl Currently Gracing Cover Of Time Magazine

You have a point somewhere?
Other than you humiliating yourself by saying children should have input into government policies?
Children have a right to an opinion
Even if they are President
No not really

An opinion is only worth something if the person offering has some sort of credibility

Children have none

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk, to you, a young person's opinion is worthless.
Still using that fake news? Hilarious.

'You Have Stolen My Dreams And My Childhood,' Says Girl Currently Gracing Cover Of Time Magazine

You have a point somewhere?
Other than you humiliating yourself by saying children should have input into government policies?
Children have a right to an opinion
Even if they are President
No not really

An opinion is only worth something if the person offering has some sort of credibility

Children have none

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk, to you, a young person's opinion is worthless.

When it from a stupid brainwashed 14 year old spoiled brat then yes.
What’s the carbon footprint of a $15M mansion on a Martha’s Vineyard beach?

Who ever said you are not allowed to have mansions?

Our lovely First Lady Michelle stands up for children who are cyber bullied
Third Lady Melania complains that someone pointed out that Baron is not really a Barron and complains about cyber bullies

Be ass
Tell me more about this woman who buys a $15M mansion a few feet above sea level and her belief in manmade global warming.
Definitely envy on your part.......trailer park vs mansion. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
She doesn't. She's a carnival sideshow aimed at freaks seeking a new Messiah now that Obama is history.

Talky Tina, if you will. Pre-programmed. Pull the string.

Climate change is a reality
Greta is attacking politicians for selling out to oil companies

It is the Climate Deniers who are sideshow freaks
Climate change has always been a reality, it happens all the time, Man Made climate change is another story.
The majority of the WORLDS Climate Scientists disagree with you
Still using that fake news? Hilarious.

'You Have Stolen My Dreams And My Childhood,' Says Girl Currently Gracing Cover Of Time Magazine


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Boy...isn't THAT the truth!!!!
Still using that fake news? Hilarious.

'You Have Stolen My Dreams And My Childhood,' Says Girl Currently Gracing Cover Of Time Magazine

You have a point somewhere?
Other than you humiliating yourself by saying children should have input into government policies?
Children have a right to an opinion
Even if they are President
No not really

An opinion is only worth something if the person offering has some sort of credibility

Children have none

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk, to you, a young person's opinion is worthless.
The opinion of children is worthless. Anyone who is younger than me can be called a young person so some of those young people will be adults and have some experience in the real world

Like I said I don't ask 16 year old children for advice on anything.
What’s the carbon footprint of a $15M mansion on a Martha’s Vineyard beach?

Who ever said you are not allowed to have mansions?

Our lovely First Lady Michelle stands up for children who are cyber bullied
Third Lady Melania complains that someone pointed out that Baron is not really a Barron and complains about cyber bullies

Be ass
Tell me more about this woman who buys a $15M mansion a few feet above sea level and her belief in manmade global warming.
Definitely envy on your part.......trailer park vs mansion. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
So you can't see the hypocrisy of a person telling others to live a less impactful life but then who buys a mansion that is the very definition of high impact?

IDGAF what they buy or how they spend their money but they should keep their mouths shut and not be telling anyone else how to live

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