Greta Thunberg: Time Person of the Year


Enjoying the photo shop, eh? I you have any idea as to what such posts say about you?

No need to answer....your posts speak for you..all too clearly.

The whole charade of climate change is so stupid and ridiculous......what else can one say LOL!
The entire world is mocking conservatives whose scientific rebuttal is......”climate change is so stupid and ridiculous”
Or..."it's really hard to come up with an alternative to coal so why bother even trying?".
Enjoying the photo shop, eh? I you have any idea as to what such posts say about you?

No need to answer....your posts speak for you..all too clearly.

The whole charade of climate change is so stupid and ridiculous......what else can one say LOL!
The entire world is mocking conservatives whose scientific rebuttal is......”climate change is so stupid and ridiculous”
Or..."it's really hard to come up with an alternative to coal so why bother even trying?".

Have you ever thought of moving to a steel town with coal fired furnaces? If you came over that ridge at night north of Birmingham and saw that pink fog, felt the sting in your lungs and in your eyes, you wouldn't be rallying or higher coal production and use.
Are you that guy that just put the largest private coal mining company in America into Bankruptcy court?
Enjoying the photo shop, eh? I you have any idea as to what such posts say about you?

No need to answer....your posts speak for you..all too clearly.

The whole charade of climate change is so stupid and ridiculous......what else can one say LOL!
The entire world is mocking conservatives whose scientific rebuttal is......”climate change is so stupid and ridiculous”
Or..."it's really hard to come up with an alternative to coal so why bother even trying?".

Have you ever thought of moving to a steel town with coal fired furnaces? If you came over that ridge at night north of Birmingham and saw that pink fog, felt the sting in your lungs and in your eyes, you wouldn't be rallying or higher coal production and use.
Are you that guy that just put the largest private coal mining company in America into Bankruptcy court?
You've convinced me.
I'm changing my opinion from whatever you think it was to not "rallying for higher coal production and use".
Sorry, but the science says that our climate is warming & the reason is man's emissions.
Science doesn't "say" anything - you must be hearing voices.

Research acknowledges the role of natural factors in climate change, so the actual debate is how much if it is natural, as opposed to how much is man-made.

A consensus means that a majority of climate scientists agree. Their research & reviews of research agree.
Consensus has no Bering on the validity of research; that's just co-opting scientific opinions for political purposes. Just as it's subject to change.

When we do to the doctor & they give you a diagnosis and you get a second opinion, we should ignore it because we never went to med school.

If climate change is being fomented by emissions, don't you think we should reduce emissions? But hey, you're the smart one, what is your solution? Pretend it doesn't exist & do nothing?
I'd favor entrepreneurship, such as companies investing in efficient alternative energy sources like Tesla and co to futile public policy, but that's just me.[/QUOTE]
Ok, strange they would honor someone so ineffectual.

View attachment 294293
What enables you to measure effectiveness? By what metric? She's enhanced the conversation...and many in her generation are listening to her.
Hell...given the mass amount of hate and out-and-out lying directed at her by most here..she MUST be doing something right!

Congratz Greta--you have already made more of a mark in history at 16 than most of these geezers have made or will make in their entire life.
The future is bleak if people her generation are manipulated so easily.
Enjoying the photo shop, eh? I you have any idea as to what such posts say about you?

No need to answer....your posts speak for you..all too clearly.

The whole charade of climate change is so stupid and ridiculous......what else can one say LOL!
The entire world is mocking conservatives whose scientific rebuttal is......”climate change is so stupid and ridiculous”
Or..."it's really hard to come up with an alternative to coal so why bother even trying?".

Have you ever thought of moving to a steel town with coal fired furnaces? If you came over that ridge at night north of Birmingham and saw that pink fog, felt the sting in your lungs and in your eyes, you wouldn't be rallying or higher coal production and use.
Are you that guy that just put the largest private coal mining company in America into Bankruptcy court?
Wonder how those steelworkers felt about that paycheck every week?
Sorry, but the science says that our climate is warming & the reason is man's emissions.
Science doesn't "say" anything - you must be hearing voices.

Research acknowledges the role of natural factors in climate change, so the actual debate is how much if it is natural, as opposed to how much is man-made.

A consensus means that a majority of climate scientists agree. Their research & reviews of research agree.
Consensus has no Bering on the validity of research; that's just co-opting scientific opinions for political purposes. Just as it's subject to change.

When we do to the doctor & they give you a diagnosis and you get a second opinion, we should ignore it because we never went to med school.

If climate change is being fomented by emissions, don't you think we should reduce emissions? But hey, you're the smart one, what is your solution? Pretend it doesn't exist & do nothing?
I'd favor entrepreneurship, such as companies investing in efficient alternative energy sources like Tesla and co to futile public policy, but that's just me.
So now you resort to lying.

What natural causes are driving this? You think researchers never considered this? Really. They did & they say man is the major cause.

Now you think that having a majority of scientists agree has no value. We are looking into the future & these scientists, based on current & past events, predict a future. I think this means we should passy attention. You think we should ignore it.

Do you rally think that corporate America will act, that people will act without government action? Government policy had us reducing emissions.
But I did not cast a vote for president in the last election because there were no suitable candidates
Then you, effectively, voted for the one you least preferred. Don't make the same mistake again.

It would have made no difference to the outcome
So why do you vote at all. Just sit on the curb & throw stones.
I vote for local representation because that's where my vote has the most impact.

My vote for president is meaningless because of our electoral college system. And since there really hasn't been even on presidential candidate I felt was worthy of my vote I abstain rather than try not to puke after voting for some idiot
Climate change is a hoax
Climate Science’s Myth-Buster

Activists like poor Greta have to get more hysterical
Alarmists Propose Rebranding ‘Climate Change’ for Greater Shock Value

She's fighting mass extinction doncha know.
Keep your head in the sand. If we do nothing, the effects in some areas could be devastating.

It doesn't matter what we do as a country if the entire rest of the world doesn't participate.

Developing countries will not participate because it will hamper their development thereby reducing the wealth they can generate.
Climate change is a hoax
Climate Science’s Myth-Buster

Activists like poor Greta have to get more hysterical
Alarmists Propose Rebranding ‘Climate Change’ for Greater Shock Value

She's fighting mass extinction doncha know.
Keep your head in the sand. If we do nothing, the effects in some areas could be devastating.

It doesn't matter what we do as a country if the entire rest of the world doesn't participate.

Developing countries will not participate because it will hamper their development thereby reducing the wealth they can generate.

So, you think that developing countries should not develop because the developed nations have already pushed CO2 levels to the limit they are now?
Climate change is a hoax
Climate Science’s Myth-Buster

Activists like poor Greta have to get more hysterical
Alarmists Propose Rebranding ‘Climate Change’ for Greater Shock Value

She's fighting mass extinction doncha know.
Keep your head in the sand. If we do nothing, the effects in some areas could be devastating.

It doesn't matter what we do as a country if the entire rest of the world doesn't participate.

Developing countries will not participate because it will hamper their development thereby reducing the wealth they can generate.

So, you think that developing countries should not develop because the developed nations have already pushed CO2 levels to the limit they are now?

Where did you get that from what I said?

I said developing countries will not abide by climate agreements if it hampers their ability to modernize and grow the wealth of the country.

if all countries do not participate in climate agreements they will not work
But I did not cast a vote for president in the last election because there were no suitable candidates
Then you, effectively, voted for the one you least preferred. Don't make the same mistake again.

It would have made no difference to the outcome
So why do you vote at all. Just sit on the curb & throw stones.
I vote for local representation because that's where my vote has the most impact.

My vote for president is meaningless because of our electoral college system. And since there really hasn't been even on presidential candidate I felt was worthy of my vote I abstain rather than try not to puke after voting for some idiot

Say you are captured by terrorists.

They strap you to the chair and give you the choice between two types of torture. One is to tickle you with a feather and the other is using a blowtorch on your toes. I guess you wouldn't choose because you don't want either option.

No two candidates are the same and have the same negatives.

With Hillary, we would still be a world leader in climate change. We would have improved the ACA, be fixing our infrastructure, and not skyrocketing the deficit.

If McCain would have beat Obama, we'd still be battling preexisting conditions,

If Gore would have been given credit for beating Bush, we would have 4600 soldier living today that Bush killed in his fake war in Irag.

To say both were bad and you were going to stomp your feed, pout & not vote is just plain chickenshit.

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