Greta Thunberg: Time Person of the Year

Climate change is a hoax
Climate Science’s Myth-Buster

Activists like poor Greta have to get more hysterical
Alarmists Propose Rebranding ‘Climate Change’ for Greater Shock Value

She's fighting mass extinction doncha know.
Keep your head in the sand. If we do nothing, the effects in some areas could be devastating.

It doesn't matter what we do as a country if the entire rest of the world doesn't participate.

Developing countries will not participate because it will hamper their development thereby reducing the wealth they can generate.

So, you think that developing countries should not develop because the developed nations have already pushed CO2 levels to the limit they are now?

Where did you get that from what I said?

I said developing countries will not abide by climate agreements if it hampers their ability to modernize and grow the wealth of the country.

if all countries do not participate in climate agreements they will not work

Why can't the developed nations help make sure these developing countries use to cleanest energy to help them develop.

China has said they would need a few years & then work on reducing emissions. They have switched to cleaner plants now.

But you are claiming that no one should do anything because developing nations want to develop.

You evidently have no idea what you post.
Climate change is a hoax
Climate Science’s Myth-Buster

Activists like poor Greta have to get more hysterical
Alarmists Propose Rebranding ‘Climate Change’ for Greater Shock Value

She's fighting mass extinction doncha know.
Keep your head in the sand. If we do nothing, the effects in some areas could be devastating.

It doesn't matter what we do as a country if the entire rest of the world doesn't participate.

Developing countries will not participate because it will hamper their development thereby reducing the wealth they can generate.

So, you think that developing countries should not develop because the developed nations have already pushed CO2 levels to the limit they are now?

Where did you get that from what I said?

I said developing countries will not abide by climate agreements if it hampers their ability to modernize and grow the wealth of the country.

if all countries do not participate in climate agreements they will not work

Why can't the developed nations help make sure these developing countries use to cleanest energy to help them develop.

China has said they would need a few years & then work on reducing emissions. They have switched to cleaner plants now.

But you are claiming that no one should do anything because developing nations want to develop.

You evidently have no idea what you post.

You do realized that history shows us that developed countries do very little to "help" undeveloped countries don't you?

ANd here you go again making shit up

Where did I say we shouldn't do anything?

If you're going to tell e what I said use the fucking quote function
But I did not cast a vote for president in the last election because there were no suitable candidates
Then you, effectively, voted for the one you least preferred. Don't make the same mistake again.

It would have made no difference to the outcome
So why do you vote at all. Just sit on the curb & throw stones.
I vote for local representation because that's where my vote has the most impact.

My vote for president is meaningless because of our electoral college system. And since there really hasn't been even on presidential candidate I felt was worthy of my vote I abstain rather than try not to puke after voting for some idiot

Say you are captured by terrorists.

They strap you to the chair and give you the choice between two types of torture. One is to tickle you with a feather and the other is using a blowtorch on your toes. I guess you wouldn't choose because you don't want either option.

No two candidates are the same and have the same negatives.

With Hillary, we would still be a world leader in climate change. We would have improved the ACA, be fixing our infrastructure, and not skyrocketing the deficit.

If McCain would have beat Obama, we'd still be battling preexisting conditions,

If Gore would have been given credit for beating Bush, we would have 4600 soldier living today that Bush killed in his fake war in Irag.

To say both were bad and you were going to stomp your feed, pout & not vote is just plain chickenshit.

You don't know if any of that is true.
But I did not cast a vote for president in the last election because there were no suitable candidates
Then you, effectively, voted for the one you least preferred. Don't make the same mistake again.

It would have made no difference to the outcome
So why do you vote at all. Just sit on the curb & throw stones.
I vote for local representation because that's where my vote has the most impact.

My vote for president is meaningless because of our electoral college system. And since there really hasn't been even on presidential candidate I felt was worthy of my vote I abstain rather than try not to puke after voting for some idiot

Say you are captured by terrorists.

They strap you to the chair and give you the choice between two types of torture. One is to tickle you with a feather and the other is using a blowtorch on your toes. I guess you wouldn't choose because you don't want either option.

No two candidates are the same and have the same negatives.

With Hillary, we would still be a world leader in climate change. We would have improved the ACA, be fixing our infrastructure, and not skyrocketing the deficit.

If McCain would have beat Obama, we'd still be battling preexisting conditions,

If Gore would have been given credit for beating Bush, we would have 4600 soldier living today that Bush killed in his fake war in Irag.

To say both were bad and you were going to stomp your feed, pout & not vote is just plain chickenshit.

With Hillary, you would have a Republican House and a Republican Senate. We would be in another ME war. The ACA would not have been improved, House investigations into Clinton would be ongoing. Our infrastructure may or may not have improved. With a Republican House and Senate and a Democratic President, the deficit would not be soaring because historically it never does with that combination.

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Cue RW attacks on Dan Rather

Well no attacks needed he lost his job for making shit up so he's about as credible as the 16 year old child

And you support a man who has lied over 3,000 times in three years. Lol

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That is a lie.

Prove me wrong.

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Hitler was in 1938...what’s your point? Stalin made it in 1939 and 1942. But, nobody pays attention to time magazine anymore.

If Trump was person of the year, you would have purchased a hundred copies & pasted then on your bedroom ceiling.
I would not give $$$ to support that liberal propaganda tool.
Time used to be one of the most powerful and influential publications in the world. Now, it's a thin little rag of a has-been publication.
Much like the peace prize, they are losing credibility with their choices. Being Time's person of the year is no longer taken seriously as it was years ago. They are nothing more than political hacks.

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