GROSS. Beyonce’s Super Bowl Performance Was a Racist Political Statement In Support of Marxist Cop K

But when a white guy celebrates his race and it's pride and power....he's smeared and forced to apologize.

Depends, if he's singing some fucked up music, he should apologize for it and if its good music, no apology needed....

Why should he apoligize? Can't he be proud of the accomplishments of his race the same way blacks are of theirs? Can't he express that?

That's not what he's doing.
Only in white america, can a washed up hillbilly hick, such as yourself, still after all these years, harp on a statement that clearly has ran its course in history as both fact and truth.......still be upset and angry of it. I mean, I will forever until the damned day I die, remember just how fuckin insane you white maggots got over a black man being in the white house, I mean you mf's are just losing your fuckin minds over bs. Bush the biggest liar in US history, who took us to war on lies....never hear about that shit....but the nigga in DC? Get the fuck outta here and get a life, dumb ass
Emotions Gone Wild. Did a white boy beat you up when you were 10 years old. Get a life. :rolleyes-41: :chillpill::chillpill:

PS - there is no such thing as "white America". America is a combination of many races and nationalities (except for racist blacks who choose to separate themselves)
Only in white america, can a washed up hillbilly hick, such as yourself, still after all these years, harp on a statement that clearly has ran its course in history as both fact and truth.......still be upset and angry of it. I mean, I will forever until the damned day I die, remember just how fuckin insane you white maggots got over a black man being in the white house, I mean you mf's are just losing your fuckin minds over bs. Bush the biggest liar in US history, who took us to war on lies....never hear about that shit....but the nigga in DC? Get the fuck outta here and get a life, dumb ass
Emotions Gone Wild. Did a white boy beat you up when you were 10 years old. Get a life. :rolleyes-41: :chillpill::chillpill:

PS - there is no such thing as "white America". America is a combination of many races and nationalities (except for racist blacks who choose to separate themselves)
Bullshit ! There is a white America!
Just ask the neo Nazis on this board .
Your yankee doodle dandy act is nauseating.
I shredded your boycott bullshit and you epically failed to bolster your untenable blathering by posting an article about how celebrities lost all their money.
It said nothing about boycotting.
Making you an ignorant slapdick,
Then in a futile attempt to salvage your failure you change the subject to a a false premise.
Time to shut the fuck up.
If you tell what post # it was where you claim to have shredded something of mine (HA HA HA HA!!), then I will be happy to address (SHRED) that. I'm not going to go looking for something. I've already shredded everything you've posted here, so you have no importance. You're just a blithering idiot.

And I see you're still hiding under the desk from my affirmative action question. Must be getting cramped under there all this time. :laugh:
Who's we ?
Anyone who would ludicrously consider putting you on a death penalty jury. That was a tough one, huh ?
I shredded your boycott bullshit and you epically failed to bolster your untenable blathering by posting an article about how celebrities lost all their money.
It said nothing about boycotting.
Making you an ignorant slapdick,
Then in a futile attempt to salvage your failure you change the subject to a a false premise.
Time to shut the fuck up.
If you tell what post # it was where you claim to have shredded something of mine (HA HA HA HA!!), then I will be happy to address (SHRED) that. I'm not going to go looking for something. I've already shredded everything you've posted here, so you have no importance. You're just a blithering idiot.

And I see you're still hiding under the desk from my affirmative action question. Must be getting cramped under there all this time. :laugh:
Thanks for proving my deflection statement correct.
You've just done it again.
your affirmative action bullshit is false and bias therfore meaningless .
It's obvious that your a basement dweller with delusion problems.
Only in white america, can a washed up hillbilly hick, such as yourself, still after all these years, harp on a statement that clearly has ran its course in history as both fact and truth.......still be upset and angry of it. I mean, I will forever until the damned day I die, remember just how fuckin insane you white maggots got over a black man being in the white house, I mean you mf's are just losing your fuckin minds over bs. Bush the biggest liar in US history, who took us to war on lies....never hear about that shit....but the nigga in DC? Get the fuck outta here and get a life, dumb ass
Emotions Gone Wild. Did a white boy beat you up when you were 10 years old. Get a life. :rolleyes-41: :chillpill::chillpill:

PS - there is no such thing as "white America". America is a combination of many races and nationalities (except for racist blacks who choose to separate themselves)
Bullshit ! There is a white America!
Just ask the neo Nazis on this board .
Your yankee doodle dandy act is nauseating.
Both you nuts need to calm the fuck down......I had every right to respond to that idiot still stressing over ACA and the so called lies Obama was to have said....again, its time to move on, people. Life is passing you by, just ask Justice Scallia...dead at 79.
Thanks for proving my deflection statement correct.
You've just done it again.
your affirmative action bullshit is false and bias therfore meaningless .
It's obvious that your a basement dweller with delusion problems.

Thanks for proving my deflection statement correct.
You've just done it again.
My affirmative action question is OBVIOUSLY 100% correct , and you have been unable to answer the question proving your meaninglessness in this forum. .
It's obvious that you're a basement dweller with delusion problems.
No charge for the spelling correction.
It's OK. We know you have no answer to the question. You can go now. :biggrin: (blithering idiot)
Thanks for proving my deflection statement correct.
You've just done it again.
your affirmative action bullshit is false and bias therfore meaningless .
It's obvious that your a basement dweller with delusion problems.

Thanks for proving my deflection statement correct.
You've just done it again.
My affirmative action question is OBVIOUSLY 100% correct , and you have been unable to answer the question proving your meaninglessness in this forum. .
It's obvious that you're a basement dweller with delusion problems.
No charge for the spelling correction.
It's OK. We know you have no answer to the question. You can go now. :biggrin: (blithering idiot)
you could just ad mitting I'm handing you your ass repeatedly.
you could just ad mitting I'm handing you your ass repeatedly.

What a coincidence. I've been thinking the same thing about you, ever since you first showed up here displaying your inadequacy as a poster.:biggrin: (blithering idiot)
Is affirmative action racist?

[Be sure to read the Comments and replies following the article where the analysis continues.]

Since affirmative action programs consider race as a factor in decisions such as hiring and college admissions, I often hear from whites who consider it to be a racist practice. Especially given the state of the economy and the distress this has caused millions of people who are trying not only to get ahead but often just to hold on to what they have, it’s not surprising that many whites might feel this way. And so it’s worth taking a look at.

A place to begin is with the question of what affirmative action is and where it came from. It can be thought of as a response to two problems.

The first problem is that racial discrimination is alive and well in the United States as documented by abundant research, especially in hiring, housing, and the financial industry. African Americans, for example, were systematically targeted for subprime mortgages regardless of income level, and they suffered devastating losses as a result, far greater than the white population. Studies also show that job applications submitted by people whose resumes differ only in the name at the top, are far more likely to result in job interviews if the applicant’s name is one typical of white people rather than typical of African Americans or Latino/as (Bob Jones vs. Jamal Jones, for example).

In addition, a great deal of racial discrimination is difficult to prove because the decisions involved are often subjective and not open to any kind of scrutiny, as when interviewers form personal impressions of applicants. And the higher the position, the more subjective the decision becomes.

Bias is also difficult to prove because it often operates below the level of conscious awareness, so that the person making the decision is unaware that race is playing a role. This is a phenomenon identified by researchers as ‘implicit racism,’ which you can find out more about by following the link at the bottom of this article.

The second problem to which affirmative action responds is that discrimination against people of color and corresponding affirmative action in favor of whites have been going on for hundreds of years. This means that unearned white advantage is not simply a result of current practices but has been accumulating across many generations. The average net wealth of white households, for example, is now roughly 20 times that of African American and Latino households, which has a profound effect on things such as being able to send your children to college. The situation is far worse for many Native Americans who continue to live on the impoverished reservations into which they were forced more than a century ago.

So, the question is, what to do in response to this? To simply say, “Whites won’t discriminate against people of color from now on,” ignores the problem in both its aspects. It ignores the implicit and unconscious nature of much racial discrimination and does nothing to overcome the cumulative effect of centuries of unearned white advantage.

Enter affirmative action, a federal program begun by President John F. Kennedy in 1965. Its purpose was to combat the exclusion of disadvantaged groups from occupations, and to help undo the effects of the long U.S. history of prejudice and discrimination based on race, gender, religion, and national origin.

Most of the objections I hear focus on race. The charge is often made that anything that takes race into account must be racist. One problem with this argument is that it is simply not possible to remedy a problem based on race while at the same time acting as if race doesn’t matter. This means that affirmative action of course must take race explicitly into account. This doesn’t mean that being a person of color is all you need in order to get the job or be accepted into college. What it does mean is that race is considered as one of a long list of criteria, with the goal of doing something, however imperfectly, to respond to the problem of racism as both a current and historical problem.

It is also not possible to undo centuries of prejudice and discrimination directed at people of color without affecting outcomes for individual whites. In a competitive society, anything that increases the odds of success for people of color will decrease the odds of success for white people. It is simply a matter of doing the math. Complaints from whites that this is unfair ignore the fact that the odds of success for white people have for hundreds of years been artificially boosted by the systematic disadvantaging of everyone else.

In the case of college admissions, the complaint that affirmative action is unfair to individuals also doesn’t take into account the fact that as social institutions, the purpose of schools is more than meeting the needs of individuals. Schools also play a major role in reproducing and shaping society itself. As such, the decisions made about who will be given the opportunity for higher education affect not only individuals, but the kind of society we will have in the future. If we are to move toward a society in which inclusion and equal opportunity are the rule, then admissions decisions have a role to play in undoing the long history of white privilege. That this will sometimes conflict with the needs of individual whites is unavoidable because meeting those needs is not the only reason that universities exist.
Is affirmative action racist?

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