Growing Arab Support For Israel

A pay wall.
All it takes for Muslims to form a terrorist group is for Muslims to be born.
The European refugees sought sanctuary in Palestine and proceeded to abuse the people who had lived there for thousands of years
The European refugees sought sanctuary in Palestine and proceeded to abuse the people who had lived there for thousands of years
The Sunnis and Shiites have been murdering each other for centuries, not to mention murdering non-Muslims, so you can stick your The JOOS Are To Blame For All Problems in The Muslim World up your ass.
What cracks me up is that Azog and his butt boy Independent (if ever there were a misnomer) here barely say squat to or about the REAL anti-Semites on this board...and they are many and not disguised.
Most Arabs have nothing but contempt for Palestinians. Those that live in other Arab countries are often socially and economically disadvantaged.

Arab leaders are only interested in the Palestinians as cannon fodder against Israel.

I'm not surprised the Arab man on the street has had enough of their hijinks.

It is true the Palestinians are very mixed, so then the tribal Arab countries never liked them.
But what does that have to do with anything?

The point is still that Israel is basically illegal immigrants stealing all the land.
Which is horrific.
That is never going to lead to any sort of civil society, and instead teaches that everyone should steal whatever they can.

Look at who got elected in Israel.
Menachem Begin was the criminal who gunned down the UN Moderator, Folke Bernadotte.
Any country that can elect a criminal like that is totally corrupt.
What cracks me up is that Azog and his butt boy Independent (if ever there were a misnomer) here barely say squat to or about the REAL anti-Semites on this board...and they are many and not disguised.
Other than JobB and The Black Boys, who else?
I think you're rather naive and have a lot to learn about how politicians work 24/7 manipulate us.
Other than JobB and The Black Boys, who else?
I think you're rather naive and have a lot to learn about how politicians work 24/7 manipulate us.
Rigby, LaDarious, Uncensored...many others.

You just ignore it because they are Trumpers (with the exception of Rigby who is a Kremlin stooge)
It is true the Palestinians are very mixed, so then the tribal Arab countries never liked them.
But what does that have to do with anything?

The point is still that Israel is basically illegal immigrants stealing all the land.
Which is horrific.
That is never going to lead to any sort of civil society, and instead teaches that everyone should steal whatever they can.

Look at who got elected in Israel.
Menachem Begin was the criminal who gunned down the UN Moderator, Folke Bernadotte.
Any country that can elect a criminal like that is totally corrupt.
Really? What Arab country did you live in?

"There is a people returning to its promised land."
A Kuwaiti writer challenged the Arab states' longstanding solidarity against Israel Sunday in interview with Kuwait's Alrai TV channel, calling the Jewish state "independent and sovereign." "Like it or not, Israel is an independent and sovereign state," Abdullah Al-Hadlaq said. "It exists, and it has a seat at the United Nations, and most peace-loving and democratic countries recognize it." The countries that don't recognize Israel, Al-Hadlaq said, are "the countries of tyranny and oppression," citing North Korea as an example.

I will concede the fact the original crimes by Israel were 70 years ago, so we can't pass them on to their children.
But Israel is still committing new crimes daily, and clearly should not be occupying Jerusalem.
So there are new crimes the new Israelis must bear the guilt for.

Anyone who thinks they are the Chosen People with a Promised Land is insane and dangerous.

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