Growing Arab Support For Israel

the ugliest face of betrayal

This is the issue of Dalal and many other merchants of the Palestinian cause like her: "I hold Israeli citizenship and benefit from all the advantages of education, treatment, employment and others inside Israel, and then I sell my Palestinian identity to the Arabs, insult Israel, and do a boycott of the Arabs to sympathize with me and give me what is in the share.

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After decades in which Anti-Zionism was a mainstay of the Arab world and at times the defining theme of Arab unity, some in the Arab world are breaking away and embracing Israel as a legitimate, and even indigenous, element in the region. This is happening at a time when Anti-Zionism, which seeps into antisemitism, is gripping some parts of the West. This development raises questions about the connection between Western Anti-Zionism and regional Middle Eastern realities.

Thousands of Iraqis want to reach Israel,
but not to "liberate Al-Aqsa", rather live in Israel.

Most Arabs have nothing but contempt for Palestinians. Those that live in other Arab countries are often socially and economically disadvantaged.

Arab leaders are only interested in the Palestinians as cannon fodder against Israel.

I'm not surprised the Arab man on the street has had enough of their hijinks.
Lesh believes all Jews to be Nazis who stole land from peaceful terrorists.

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