Growing Movement of Democrats Leaving the Party

A Republican with the nerve to talk about rights for gays.

They can't possibly believe anyone could take that seriously.
There are lots of gay republicans, I know some personally, and he was as well. They see the bullshit you progressives say and then see your hateful fascist actions and say #walkaway
Do they love Dutarte? Kim? Putin? The growing rightwing authoritarians in Eastern Europe?

They are not right wing. If you understood governments, you would know that the farther left on the spectrum, the more tyrannical. The far right would actually be no government at all and total anarchy. Our Republic is just right of the middle.

Now you've slipped from naive to pathetic. They are rightwing just like ol' Stalin was left. Quit the white washing. No amount of lipstick is going to change that pig.
We've had this discussion, the right wing liked monarchs, but do not support them in a liberal democracy. the left wing started fascism with Mussolini (he was a socialist), and fascists, communists and socialists love big government, we do not. We want to make the government smaller and give states more power, but you guys don' how are they even close to us?
The Big Government far right wing fascists love Progressive government to rule for them on nativism, and ubernationalism, and racialism, and antidemocracy, and abortion, and gay marriage, etc.

There are no small government far right wingers anymore.
Do they love Dutarte? Kim? Putin? The growing rightwing authoritarians in Eastern Europe?

They are not right wing. If you understood governments, you would know that the farther left on the spectrum, the more tyrannical. The far right would actually be no government at all and total anarchy. Our Republic is just right of the middle.

Now you've slipped from naive to pathetic. They are rightwing just like ol' Stalin was left. Quit the white washing. No amount of lipstick is going to change that pig.
We've had this discussion, the right wing liked monarchs, but do not support them in a liberal democracy. the left wing started fascism with Mussolini (he was a socialist), and fascists, communists and socialists love big government, we do not. We want to make the government smaller and give states more power, but you guys don' how are they even close to us?

Leftists won't admit the truth. To have socialism (and eventually communism), you need BIG GOVERNMENT. The extreme right means no government and complete anarchy. The extreme left means oligarchy and total government control. Our Republic is more to the right. Our founders knew exactly where to draw the line to ensure our rights and freedoms while keeping government in check. Government is merely a necessary evil designed to protect our inalienable rights. The left seems to believe that government can grant or take away those rights as they see fit. Wrong!!!!

The reality is that libs have already moved us more left. Our government is too big. The oppressive laws literally mean that everyone is likely to break at least one law without even knowing it. That is an old trick from past dictators to ensure that they are able to arrest anyone who opposes them. Our government is performing functions that are not constitutional. By giving new meaning to old wording, the left has convinced people that our forefathers intended for government to grow huge, take more money from the people for redistribution, create thousands of laws, tax everything possible, and disarm us. They believe government should hold the power instead of the people. The constitution is not a living document. It should be carved in stone and all politicians should abide by it or be forced to leave office, maybe even face charges.
Do they love Dutarte? Kim? Putin? The growing rightwing authoritarians in Eastern Europe?
kim and putin are communists, clearly leftwing.

don't know enough about dutarte

and really, that's as weak as it comes.
Now Putin is a corrupt oligarch like Trump, super dupe.
that's doesn't change the absolute, undeniable fact that he's a leftist commie and one of yours.

he runs his country the way you want it run here, you're just to much of a pussy to make it happen
He is a corrupt oligarchist like Trump... For the millionth time, America is desperate for measures to help the non-rich after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich...
UE is so low now that anyone that wants a job has one.

that's how you help poor people.
Do they love Dutarte? Kim? Putin? The growing rightwing authoritarians in Eastern Europe?
kim and putin are communists, clearly leftwing.

don't know enough about dutarte

and really, that's as weak as it comes.
Now Putin is a corrupt oligarch like Trump, super dupe.
that's doesn't change the absolute, undeniable fact that he's a leftist commie and one of yours.

he runs his country the way you want it run here, you're just to much of a pussy to make it happen
He is a corrupt oligarchist like Trump... For the millionth time, America is desperate for measures to help the non-rich after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich...
UE is so low now that anyone that wants a job has one.

that's how you help poor people.
One sixth of black male adults are felons and are not counted, and these are crap GOP jobs 4 years now..
Inequality and upward Mobility have not been worse since the Gilded Age... If you count all taxes, we have a flat tax system with the bloated rich ending up with all the new wealth... We more than desperately need investment in the country and its people... Infrastructure and training and living wage. And why are we the only rich country without good health care Day Care vacations paid parental leave etc etc. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes....
Do they love Dutarte? Kim? Putin? The growing rightwing authoritarians in Eastern Europe?

They are not right wing. If you understood governments, you would know that the farther left on the spectrum, the more tyrannical. The far right would actually be no government at all and total anarchy. Our Republic is just right of the middle.

Now you've slipped from naive to pathetic. They are rightwing just like ol' Stalin was left. Quit the white washing. No amount of lipstick is going to change that pig.
We've had this discussion, the right wing liked monarchs, but do not support them in a liberal democracy. the left wing started fascism with Mussolini (he was a socialist), and fascists, communists and socialists love big government, we do not. We want to make the government smaller and give states more power, but you guys don' how are they even close to us?

Leftists won't admit the truth. To have socialism (and eventually communism), you need BIG GOVERNMENT. The extreme right means no government and complete anarchy. The extreme left means oligarchy and total government control. Our Republic is more to the right. Our founders knew exactly where to draw the line to ensure our rights and freedoms while keeping government in check. Government is merely a necessary evil designed to protect our inalienable rights. The left seems to believe that government can grant or take away those rights as they see fit. Wrong!!!!

The reality is that libs have already moved us more left. Our government is too big. The oppressive laws literally mean that everyone is likely to break at least one law without even knowing it. That is an old trick from past dictators to ensure that they are able to arrest anyone who opposes them. Our government is performing functions that are not constitutional. By giving new meaning to old wording, the left has convinced people that our forefathers intended for government to grow huge, take more money from the people for redistribution, create thousands of laws, tax everything possible, and disarm us. They believe government should hold the power instead of the people. The constitution is not a living document. It should be carved in stone and all politicians should abide by it or be forced to leave office, maybe even face charges.
No country has ever gone communist without violent revolution. Socialism is what stops communism. Marx wrong again and of course the GOP lies Non-Stop, super duper.
Some are starting to look around the Dem party and realizing that they are total hypocrites. The left has shown just how hateful and intolerant they are, all the while pointing their fingers at others. They've done nothing for minorities. They've kept them down by making it nearly impossible for them leave the liberal plantation. The left preaches one thing and does another.

They hate freedom of speech. They hate liberty. They hate our rights. They hate America.

They love communist countries and evil dictators. They bash Trump and all Republicans yet sang the praises of Castro and his ilk for decades. They used to praise Russia.

Now they are completely unglued because their plan to destroy America and replace it with an Oligarchy has been derailed. And they will continue to demonstrate pure hatred for Trump and all who voted for him. The "deplorables" stopped them. Now, the violence and propaganda have increased because they are desperate to regain some power so they can get their evil agenda back on track. I am hoping that more people have awakened to see what the Dem party has really become. Most don't hide their true vision anymore. Hillary was open about One World Government. For years, liberals rolled their eyes when this was bought up. The liberals also denied that they wanted socialism or communism for years and bashed anyone who suggested otherwise. Now, we know. The "conspiracy theorists" were right all along.

Some Dems are starting to feel betrayed by the party because they can see that it stands for everything they hate.

Great video at bottom explaining the reasons for the growing movement.

"Manipulating Fear

Straka, who grew up in a small town in Nebraska, was on board with the fear and loathing campaign around Trump until he began asking people back home why they had voted for him. To his astonishment, they told him about Obama-era regulations that had crippled their small businesses.

He started to research media canards like the one about Trump supposedly mocking a disabled reporter. When he found that it was a total distortion, he kept going, his anger rising.

He eventually became “completely ‘red-pilled.'” And isolated. He told himself that he would have to give up his lifelong dream of becoming an actor if he hit the “publish” button on his video, but, encouraged by one conservative gay friend, he decided to go ahead.

“This was a matter of the media specifically using and manipulating people’s deepest fears, based on legitimate traumas,” he explained.

“Many gay people have experienced very serious homophobia and even physical violence. Can you imagine manipulating a domestic violence survivor’s fears just for political purposes? It’s insane.

“I was afraid of losing all my friends. As I began posting about these things on social media, people started attacking me and unfriending me.

“But I thought, ‘You know what, this is too important.’ Maybe it’s the fact that I’m a gay man and I’ve already been through this—people making up lies about what it means to be gay and trying to shame me. I was like, ‘I’m not doing it. I’m not doing this twice.’

“The more resentment I received, the stronger I got. Finally, I thought, ‘To hell with it. I’m just going to blow the lid off this whole thing and make this video.’”


“I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and apathetically steamroll over the truth.”

And then this devastating line—the Rosa Parks moment of the video:

“I reject hate.”

If Democratic strategists were still able to watch the rest of the video without suffering a nervous breakdown, they’d see that it quickly got worse.

“These are the reasons why I became a liberal. And these are the same reasons why I am now walking away.”

Tidal Wave

Meet Brandon Straka, the unlikely liberator and new face of the “silent minority” of Americans who’ve been cast out by family and friends, fired from jobs, and forced into silent social ghettos for their failure to “get it” about how hateful and dangerous Donald Trump is, and why he and all his supporters should be subjected to an ever-expanding social and professional fatwah.

Since Straka published his confessional video on May 26, his life as a New York City hairdresser and aspiring actor has been overtaken by a tidal wave.


Viral 'Walk Away' Videos Highlight Growing Movement of Democrats Leaving the Party

The right has even less to offer.
Do they love Dutarte? Kim? Putin? The growing rightwing authoritarians in Eastern Europe?

They are not right wing. If you understood governments, you would know that the farther left on the spectrum, the more tyrannical. The far right would actually be no government at all and total anarchy. Our Republic is just right of the middle.

Now you've slipped from naive to pathetic. They are rightwing just like ol' Stalin was left. Quit the white washing. No amount of lipstick is going to change that pig.
We've had this discussion, the right wing liked monarchs, but do not support them in a liberal democracy. the left wing started fascism with Mussolini (he was a socialist), and fascists, communists and socialists love big government, we do not. We want to make the government smaller and give states more power, but you guys don' how are they even close to us?

Leftists won't admit the truth. To have socialism (and eventually communism), you need BIG GOVERNMENT. The extreme right means no government and complete anarchy. The extreme left means oligarchy and total government control. Our Republic is more to the right. Our founders knew exactly where to draw the line to ensure our rights and freedoms while keeping government in check. Government is merely a necessary evil designed to protect our inalienable rights. The left seems to believe that government can grant or take away those rights as they see fit. Wrong!!!!

The reality is that libs have already moved us more left. Our government is too big. The oppressive laws literally mean that everyone is likely to break at least one law without even knowing it. That is an old trick from past dictators to ensure that they are able to arrest anyone who opposes them. Our government is performing functions that are not constitutional. By giving new meaning to old wording, the left has convinced people that our forefathers intended for government to grow huge, take more money from the people for redistribution, create thousands of laws, tax everything possible, and disarm us. They believe government should hold the power instead of the people. The constitution is not a living document. It should be carved in stone and all politicians should abide by it or be forced to leave office, maybe even face charges.
No country has ever gone communist without violent revolution. Socialism is what stops communism. Marx wrong again and of course the GOP lies Non-Stop, super duper.
Why would you want the govt to control your life? Is life too hard?
They are not right wing. If you understood governments, you would know that the farther left on the spectrum, the more tyrannical. The far right would actually be no government at all and total anarchy. Our Republic is just right of the middle.

Now you've slipped from naive to pathetic. They are rightwing just like ol' Stalin was left. Quit the white washing. No amount of lipstick is going to change that pig.
We've had this discussion, the right wing liked monarchs, but do not support them in a liberal democracy. the left wing started fascism with Mussolini (he was a socialist), and fascists, communists and socialists love big government, we do not. We want to make the government smaller and give states more power, but you guys don' how are they even close to us?

Leftists won't admit the truth. To have socialism (and eventually communism), you need BIG GOVERNMENT. The extreme right means no government and complete anarchy. The extreme left means oligarchy and total government control. Our Republic is more to the right. Our founders knew exactly where to draw the line to ensure our rights and freedoms while keeping government in check. Government is merely a necessary evil designed to protect our inalienable rights. The left seems to believe that government can grant or take away those rights as they see fit. Wrong!!!!

The reality is that libs have already moved us more left. Our government is too big. The oppressive laws literally mean that everyone is likely to break at least one law without even knowing it. That is an old trick from past dictators to ensure that they are able to arrest anyone who opposes them. Our government is performing functions that are not constitutional. By giving new meaning to old wording, the left has convinced people that our forefathers intended for government to grow huge, take more money from the people for redistribution, create thousands of laws, tax everything possible, and disarm us. They believe government should hold the power instead of the people. The constitution is not a living document. It should be carved in stone and all politicians should abide by it or be forced to leave office, maybe even face charges.
No country has ever gone communist without violent revolution. Socialism is what stops communism. Marx wrong again and of course the GOP lies Non-Stop, super duper.
Why would you want the govt to control your life? Is life too hard?
Republican-dominated government of the last 35 years is controlling Our Lives with a huge giveaway to the rich and cuts in all benefits and services for the non rich, silly dupe. Why are we the only rich country without a living wage good vacations Healthcare Day Care paid parental leave national ID card to stop illegal immigration and work, good infrastructure cheap college and training etc etc? Duh doop....
Do they love Dutarte? Kim? Putin? The growing rightwing authoritarians in Eastern Europe?

They are not right wing. If you understood governments, you would know that the farther left on the spectrum, the more tyrannical. The far right would actually be no government at all and total anarchy. Our Republic is just right of the middle.

Now you've slipped from naive to pathetic. They are rightwing just like ol' Stalin was left. Quit the white washing. No amount of lipstick is going to change that pig.

Stalin was a fucking commie, you fucking moron. HOLY shit but was that a stupid statement.
They are not right wing. If you understood governments, you would know that the farther left on the spectrum, the more tyrannical. The far right would actually be no government at all and total anarchy. Our Republic is just right of the middle.

Now you've slipped from naive to pathetic. They are rightwing just like ol' Stalin was left. Quit the white washing. No amount of lipstick is going to change that pig.
We've had this discussion, the right wing liked monarchs, but do not support them in a liberal democracy. the left wing started fascism with Mussolini (he was a socialist), and fascists, communists and socialists love big government, we do not. We want to make the government smaller and give states more power, but you guys don' how are they even close to us?

Leftists won't admit the truth. To have socialism (and eventually communism), you need BIG GOVERNMENT. The extreme right means no government and complete anarchy. The extreme left means oligarchy and total government control. Our Republic is more to the right. Our founders knew exactly where to draw the line to ensure our rights and freedoms while keeping government in check. Government is merely a necessary evil designed to protect our inalienable rights. The left seems to believe that government can grant or take away those rights as they see fit. Wrong!!!!

The reality is that libs have already moved us more left. Our government is too big. The oppressive laws literally mean that everyone is likely to break at least one law without even knowing it. That is an old trick from past dictators to ensure that they are able to arrest anyone who opposes them. Our government is performing functions that are not constitutional. By giving new meaning to old wording, the left has convinced people that our forefathers intended for government to grow huge, take more money from the people for redistribution, create thousands of laws, tax everything possible, and disarm us. They believe government should hold the power instead of the people. The constitution is not a living document. It should be carved in stone and all politicians should abide by it or be forced to leave office, maybe even face charges.
No country has ever gone communist without violent revolution. Socialism is what stops communism. Marx wrong again and of course the GOP lies Non-Stop, super duper.
Why would you want the govt to control your life? Is life too hard?
I am very happily retired and just want what is best for the country, not for the GOP mega-rich, super dupe.
Do they love Dutarte? Kim? Putin? The growing rightwing authoritarians in Eastern Europe?

They are not right wing. If you understood governments, you would know that the farther left on the spectrum, the more tyrannical. The far right would actually be no government at all and total anarchy. Our Republic is just right of the middle.

Now you've slipped from naive to pathetic. They are rightwing just like ol' Stalin was left. Quit the white washing. No amount of lipstick is going to change that pig.

Stalin was a fucking commie, you fucking moron. HOLY shit but was that a stupid statement.
The spectrum of right is Tiny government and left is fascism and communism is brand new garbage GOP propaganda. Far-right is capitalist Nazism dictatorship, far-left is communist dictatorship

Do they love Dutarte? Kim? Putin? The growing rightwing authoritarians in Eastern Europe?

They are not right wing. If you understood governments, you would know that the farther left on the spectrum, the more tyrannical. The far right would actually be no government at all and total anarchy. Our Republic is just right of the middle.

Now you've slipped from naive to pathetic. They are rightwing just like ol' Stalin was left. Quit the white washing. No amount of lipstick is going to change that pig.

Stalin was a fucking commie, you fucking moron. HOLY shit but was that a stupid statement.
The spectrum of right is Tiny government and left is fascism and communism is brand new garbage GOP propaganda. Far-right is capitalist Nazism dictatorship, far-left is communist dictatorship


You are as stupid as Valerie.....a brain dead without even a modicum of common sense. You ARE a commie at heart.
I am totally against any dictatorship which is what communism is, dingbat Hater dupe. Any argument about your silly political Spectrum propaganda, for crying out loud?
They are not right wing. If you understood governments, you would know that the farther left on the spectrum, the more tyrannical. The far right would actually be no government at all and total anarchy. Our Republic is just right of the middle.

Now you've slipped from naive to pathetic. They are rightwing just like ol' Stalin was left. Quit the white washing. No amount of lipstick is going to change that pig.

Stalin was a fucking commie, you fucking moron. HOLY shit but was that a stupid statement.
The spectrum of right is Tiny government and left is fascism and communism is brand new garbage GOP propaganda. Far-right is capitalist Nazism dictatorship, far-left is communist dictatorship


You are as stupid as Valerie.....a brain dead without even a modicum of common sense. You ARE a commie at heart.
I am totally against any dictatorship which is what communism is, dingbat Hater dupe. Any argument about your silly political Spectrum propaganda, for crying out loud?

Stealing from others by threat of "gubermint" to subsidize others is a dictatorship, ya dumb fuck. Most people barter their labor in one hour increments in exchange for paper notes of debt in order to eek out an existence on this prison how in the FUCK do commie fucks like yourself believe that "da gubermint" is entitled 25 to 39 percent of my sweat equity? They certainly aren't there beside the laborer doing the job but yet they have their hand out. Seems like a clever form of slavery to me.

Here is the deal, commie labor is private property and the value of my skills doesn't have a fucking thing to do with "gubermint"....are we clear on this???
Last edited:
Now you've slipped from naive to pathetic. They are rightwing just like ol' Stalin was left. Quit the white washing. No amount of lipstick is going to change that pig.

Stalin was a fucking commie, you fucking moron. HOLY shit but was that a stupid statement.
The spectrum of right is Tiny government and left is fascism and communism is brand new garbage GOP propaganda. Far-right is capitalist Nazism dictatorship, far-left is communist dictatorship


You are as stupid as Valerie.....a brain dead without even a modicum of common sense. You ARE a commie at heart.
I am totally against any dictatorship which is what communism is, dingbat Hater dupe. Any argument about your silly political Spectrum propaganda, for crying out loud?

Stealing from others by threat of "gubermint" to subsidize of others is a dictatorship, ya dumb fuck. Most people barter their labor and effort in one hour increments in exchange for paper notes of debt in order to eek out an existence on this prison how in the FUCK do commie fucks like yourself believe that "da gubermint" is entitled 25 to 39 percent of my sweat equity? They certainly aren't there beside the laborer doing the job but yet they have their hand out. Seems like a clever form of slavery to me.

Here is the deal, commie labor is private property and the value of my skills doesn't have a fucking thing to do with "gubermint"....are we clear on this???
We have a Second Amendment; end our useless and alleged, wars on crime, drugs, and terror; that, you all right wingers, don't want to pay for with war time tax rates, anyway.
Stalin was a fucking commie, you fucking moron. HOLY shit but was that a stupid statement.
The spectrum of right is Tiny government and left is fascism and communism is brand new garbage GOP propaganda. Far-right is capitalist Nazism dictatorship, far-left is communist dictatorship


You are as stupid as Valerie.....a brain dead without even a modicum of common sense. You ARE a commie at heart.
I am totally against any dictatorship which is what communism is, dingbat Hater dupe. Any argument about your silly political Spectrum propaganda, for crying out loud?

Stealing from others by threat of "gubermint" to subsidize of others is a dictatorship, ya dumb fuck. Most people barter their labor and effort in one hour increments in exchange for paper notes of debt in order to eek out an existence on this prison how in the FUCK do commie fucks like yourself believe that "da gubermint" is entitled 25 to 39 percent of my sweat equity? They certainly aren't there beside the laborer doing the job but yet they have their hand out. Seems like a clever form of slavery to me.

Here is the deal, commie labor is private property and the value of my skills doesn't have a fucking thing to do with "gubermint"....are we clear on this???
We have a Second Amendment; end our useless and alleged, wars on crime, drugs, and terror; that, you all right wingers, don't want to pay for with war time tax rates, anyway.

Too many "commas".......don't have any idea as to where you were going with your response. I am neither left or don't ever try to put me into a category.... lest I bitch-slap you into next week. I have very few peers when it comes to the knowledge that I possess.Move along, little can't deal with me on any level.

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