Gruber apologizes for his inaccurate remarks

A racist cartoon from a racist thug

Where is the racism, you subversive THUG?

Vigi follows the SaulAlinksyRule #12, to accuse others of what you are doing.

In other words, you posted a bunch of shit, since that CITIZEN appears to be WHITE! Fakey, you are a child, and I hope a PEA gets caught in your throat at dinner... But that isn't a threat, that's just a hope!
Hell I hope the ground opens up and swallows his sorry worthless ass.
What are you tonight: a cop, a security guard, a correctional officer, a MP, or a plumber with a gun?
Gruber apologized for his newly-resurfaced 2013 remarks Thursday, telling MSNBC's Ronan Farrow that they had been an “off-the-cuff” mistake, an attempt to lay out the way political calculations affected the law as it was being written.

“The comments in the video were made at an academic conference,” Gruber said. “I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments.”

Who is Jonathan Gruber - The Washington Post

Farrow suggested to Gruber that the underlying point of his remarks was actually “nuanced” and was intended to illustrate that in order to effectively pass Obamacare into law, the process needed to be “opaque.”

Gruber replied that he was trying to convey that laws that center on federal spending aren’t popular.

Jonathan Gruber to MSNBC My 8216 Stupidity of the American Voter 8217 Remark was Inappropriate Mediaite

That's Gruber talking, far right dorks, so get over it; the American citizens have

Just what is the Obama / Gruber connection? never trusted that guy!!
What are you tonight: a cop, a security guard, a correctional officer, a MP, or a plumber with a gun?
Dumb ass what in the fuck is wrong with you?
You are getting beat up over your lies and years of deception on this board.
I have said many times that I had been in the Air Force 81150 crossed trained over to ABGD/ COMBAT READY
I have said many times I was a police officer at one time
After being a police officer I went with the money and am a Plumber ever since 89
Now stop changing the subject.and get back to your ass kicking.
I doubt you are telling the truth you defend obama and everything democrat and attack republicans way to much not to be pro obamacare.
That's why you're're so twisted by what you've heard lefties and centrists think, you can't imagine the reality.

That's what insane people do.
Once again You defend obama and democrats and attack republicans way to much not to support obamacare. Is that hard to grasp? Now the truth has come out I understand you want to back away from defending obamacare but too late toad to fucking late.
I don't defend Obama, or Obamcare. I attack Republicans for being retarded.

The party out of power is always back seat driving like some old nagging my ex wife
That is about the biggest lie and dumbest comment I have ever read.
You attack Republicans because you think they are retarded, but do not attack democrats for their policies? You are one stupid cock sucking son of a bitch to lie like this.
I criticize stupid people. A law like Obamcare isn't stupid, it's very complex, and idiots like you could never read more than 2000 pages if your life depended on it...unless it's the bible...

Stupid asses know nothing about something they criticize because people as retarded as them told them what to think.

Squeeky wheel gets the grease from me.

Of course it's complex. One of its architects just explained to us that they deliberately wrote it that way to avoid having a tax called a tax.
That is about the biggest lie and dumbest comment I have ever read.
You attack Republicans because you think they are retarded, but do not attack democrats for their policies? You are one stupid cock sucking son of a bitch to lie like this.
I criticize stupid people. A law like Obamcare isn't stupid, it's very complex, and idiots like you could never read more than 2000 pages if your life depended on it...unless it's the bible...

Stupid asses know nothing about something they criticize because people as retarded as them told them what to think.

Squeeky wheel gets the grease from me.

You didn't need to read 2000 pages to know the ACA was a con job, Toxic. I figured it out as soon as someone assured me that even though the plan would make charging more for pre-existing conditions illegal that the cost of healthcare wouldn't be going up for healthy Middle Class folks but would actually be going down! That's entirely unworkable. Why would I sign up for something that is going to cost me an arm and a leg when I'm healthy if I can simply sign up for it after I get sick and they have no choice but to insure me? It would be like carrying the cheapest car insurance you can until you get in a car accident and then taking out collision with no deductible to get your vehicle fixed. Only a moron would set up a system that ridiculous.

I was going to add essentially the same thing, but after all, I'm retarded. But wait! Wasn't it the chief Liberal Nazi Nancy Pelosi who all but admitted they hadn't read it as well when she stated that "we have to pass the bill to see what's in it?" Guess the democrats are retarded, too. After all - they were the lone votes for a bill that they themselves admitted they hadn't read.

You know what amazed me so much about that comment by Pelosi, Randall? She was supposedly one of the ones writing the ACA behind closed doors. If SHE didn't know what was in the law...then who the heck did?

Indeed. I have often wondered the same thing. If the most powerful person in the House doesn't READ what she is supposedly WRITING - who the HELL actually wrote the damned thing? Not one of those jerks up there would EVER lay claim to having actually READ the bill - let alone AUTHORED the bill. So, again, the question remains - WHO WROTE THE DAMNED BILL!?!?! Was it some 22 year old Georgetown Law School graduate named "Buffy" that actually did the deed? Because if it was - her folks should sue the school.

Every democrat in the House and the Senate voted for a bill that they had no clue whatsoever was actually IN THE BILL. THIS SHOULD SCARE THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF AMERICANS!!!

Now that everyone has a much better idea of what is in the stool sample (we had to pass it to see what is in it), why not pull it back for revisions and another vote now that the president doesn't have a stranglehold on Congress? Or is that too dangerous to its continued existence?
Gruber apologized for his newly-resurfaced 2013 remarks Thursday, telling MSNBC's Ronan Farrow that they had been an “off-the-cuff” mistake, an attempt to lay out the way political calculations affected the law as it was being written.

“The comments in the video were made at an academic conference,” Gruber said. “I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments.”

Who is Jonathan Gruber - The Washington Post

Farrow suggested to Gruber that the underlying point of his remarks was actually “nuanced” and was intended to illustrate that in order to effectively pass Obamacare into law, the process needed to be “opaque.”

Gruber replied that he was trying to convey that laws that center on federal spending aren’t popular.

Jonathan Gruber to MSNBC My 8216 Stupidity of the American Voter 8217 Remark was Inappropriate Mediaite

That's Gruber talking, far right dorks, so get over it; the American citizens have

So just where did he say those comments were inaccurate?

This is really a fail of a thread, Jake. It isn't that you didn't try. Its just that the comments can't be peddaled back. They were said and can't be undone.

This is true. He said they were "inappropriate". He knew what he was saying, and he meant it.
That's why you're're so twisted by what you've heard lefties and centrists think, you can't imagine the reality.

That's what insane people do.
Once again You defend obama and democrats and attack republicans way to much not to support obamacare. Is that hard to grasp? Now the truth has come out I understand you want to back away from defending obamacare but too late toad to fucking late.
I don't defend Obama, or Obamcare. I attack Republicans for being retarded.

The party out of power is always back seat driving like some old nagging my ex wife
That is about the biggest lie and dumbest comment I have ever read.
You attack Republicans because you think they are retarded, but do not attack democrats for their policies? You are one stupid cock sucking son of a bitch to lie like this.
I criticize stupid people. A law like Obamcare isn't stupid, it's very complex, and idiots like you could never read more than 2000 pages if your life depended on it...unless it's the bible...

Stupid asses know nothing about something they criticize because people as retarded as them told them what to think.

Squeeky wheel gets the grease from me.

Of course it's complex. One of its architects just explained to us that they deliberately wrote it that way to avoid having a tax called a tax.
Do yiou realize no one person knows what's in the ACA?...there are only people who know parts of it. Same goes for social security, and medicare.

Nancy Pelosi's words were accurate...we need to pass it to find out what's in it.

Same went for medicare and social security.

Now most Republicans, with a mean average age of 62, will be utilizing social security and medicare very soon.
Gruber apologized for his newly-resurfaced 2013 remarks Thursday, telling MSNBC's Ronan Farrow that they had been an “off-the-cuff” mistake, an attempt to lay out the way political calculations affected the law as it was being written.

“The comments in the video were made at an academic conference,” Gruber said. “I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments.”

Who is Jonathan Gruber - The Washington Post

Farrow suggested to Gruber that the underlying point of his remarks was actually “nuanced” and was intended to illustrate that in order to effectively pass Obamacare into law, the process needed to be “opaque.”

Gruber replied that he was trying to convey that laws that center on federal spending aren’t popular.

Jonathan Gruber to MSNBC My 8216 Stupidity of the American Voter 8217 Remark was Inappropriate Mediaite

That's Gruber talking, far right dorks, so get over it; the American citizens have

he got caught, he exposed the dem/lib beliefs regarding the american people. sorry, snake, but your emperor has no clothes
Gruber apologized for his newly-resurfaced 2013 remarks Thursday, telling MSNBC's Ronan Farrow that they had been an “off-the-cuff” mistake, an attempt to lay out the way political calculations affected the law as it was being written.

“The comments in the video were made at an academic conference,” Gruber said. “I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments.”

Who is Jonathan Gruber - The Washington Post

Farrow suggested to Gruber that the underlying point of his remarks was actually “nuanced” and was intended to illustrate that in order to effectively pass Obamacare into law, the process needed to be “opaque.”

Gruber replied that he was trying to convey that laws that center on federal spending aren’t popular.

Jonathan Gruber to MSNBC My 8216 Stupidity of the American Voter 8217 Remark was Inappropriate Mediaite

That's Gruber talking, far right dorks, so get over it; the American citizens have

What Gruber has said has been misreported. He really did not call Americans stupid, it fact he said about 60% are smart. He said those that fell for ObamaCare were stupid and ignorant and easy to fool. Which is only 40% of Americans. He also said that he and Obama are evil liars, taking advantage of the ignorance of their followers. But again he said those that opposed ObamaCare are smart, knowledgeable and hard to fool. Watch the videos and you will see that it true.
Gruber apologized for his newly-resurfaced 2013 remarks Thursday, telling MSNBC's Ronan Farrow that they had been an “off-the-cuff” mistake, an attempt to lay out the way political calculations affected the law as it was being written.

“The comments in the video were made at an academic conference,” Gruber said. “I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments.”

Who is Jonathan Gruber - The Washington Post

Farrow suggested to Gruber that the underlying point of his remarks was actually “nuanced” and was intended to illustrate that in order to effectively pass Obamacare into law, the process needed to be “opaque.”

Gruber replied that he was trying to convey that laws that center on federal spending aren’t popular.

Jonathan Gruber to MSNBC My 8216 Stupidity of the American Voter 8217 Remark was Inappropriate Mediaite

That's Gruber talking, far right dorks, so get over it; the American citizens have

You know what they did to Nazi spies, right?

That's all you are. A Socialist in Republican clothing.

Even Democrats are embarrassed by Gruber, and here you are telling people from the middle over to get over it.

You'd be shot for treason for being the consummate turncoat. You probably dreamt of being a Commie during the Cold War.

You're no Republican. You're not even a Democrat.

You're just a rat. Period.

Hell, even liberal Republicans would kick your ass.

he is also a sock, jake and rightwinger are the same person.
I'm not excusing it.....

But it sounds like nobody has ever caught a politican lying during a campaign....

I would LOVE to see every politician who is involved in a be required to be hooked up to a lie detector...with a real time graph that shows if he's lying or not. Instead of those silly audience reaction graphs.
Gruber apologized for his newly-resurfaced 2013 remarks Thursday, telling MSNBC's Ronan Farrow that they had been an “off-the-cuff” mistake, an attempt to lay out the way political calculations affected the law as it was being written.

“The comments in the video were made at an academic conference,” Gruber said. “I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments.”

Who is Jonathan Gruber - The Washington Post

Farrow suggested to Gruber that the underlying point of his remarks was actually “nuanced” and was intended to illustrate that in order to effectively pass Obamacare into law, the process needed to be “opaque.”

Gruber replied that he was trying to convey that laws that center on federal spending aren’t popular.

Jonathan Gruber to MSNBC My 8216 Stupidity of the American Voter 8217 Remark was Inappropriate Mediaite

That's Gruber talking, far right dorks, so get over it; the American citizens have
What is amusing is that you don't even see that he is proving that what he really thinks is that the American voter is stupid by making these assertions. He is, in essence, stating that Americans are stupid and I can prove it by making these claims that the remarks are just "inappropriate".

One thing is certain. He's proven you are.

Remember. Not a singe conservative or Republican bought into the Obamacare lies. ONLY Democrats did.
Once again You defend obama and democrats and attack republicans way to much not to support obamacare. Is that hard to grasp? Now the truth has come out I understand you want to back away from defending obamacare but too late toad to fucking late.
I don't defend Obama, or Obamcare. I attack Republicans for being retarded.

The party out of power is always back seat driving like some old nagging my ex wife
That is about the biggest lie and dumbest comment I have ever read.
You attack Republicans because you think they are retarded, but do not attack democrats for their policies? You are one stupid cock sucking son of a bitch to lie like this.
I criticize stupid people. A law like Obamcare isn't stupid, it's very complex, and idiots like you could never read more than 2000 pages if your life depended on it...unless it's the bible...

Stupid asses know nothing about something they criticize because people as retarded as them told them what to think.

Squeeky wheel gets the grease from me.

Of course it's complex. One of its architects just explained to us that they deliberately wrote it that way to avoid having a tax called a tax.
Do yiou realize no one person knows what's in the ACA?...there are only people who know parts of it. Same goes for social security, and medicare.

Nancy Pelosi's words were accurate...we need to pass it to find out what's in it.

That's bogus on its face. If obamadoesn'tcare was too big to understand, it should have been broken into pieces small enough to be understood. That's the bottom line. I don't EVER want our overseers in Washington voting on stuff deliberately designed to be misunderstood. That way lies disaster.

Same went for medicare and social security.

Now most Republicans, with a mean average age of 62, will be utilizing social security and medicare very soon.

Irrelevant to the discussion.
Gruber apologized for his newly-resurfaced 2013 remarks Thursday, telling MSNBC's Ronan Farrow that they had been an “off-the-cuff” mistake, an attempt to lay out the way political calculations affected the law as it was being written.

“The comments in the video were made at an academic conference,” Gruber said. “I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments.”

Who is Jonathan Gruber - The Washington Post

Farrow suggested to Gruber that the underlying point of his remarks was actually “nuanced” and was intended to illustrate that in order to effectively pass Obamacare into law, the process needed to be “opaque.”

Gruber replied that he was trying to convey that laws that center on federal spending aren’t popular.

Jonathan Gruber to MSNBC My 8216 Stupidity of the American Voter 8217 Remark was Inappropriate Mediaite

That's Gruber talking, far right dorks, so get over it; the American citizens have

You know what they did to Nazi spies, right?

That's all you are. A Socialist in Republican clothing.

Even Democrats are embarrassed by Gruber, and here you are telling people from the middle over to get over it.

You'd be shot for treason for being the consummate turncoat. You probably dreamt of being a Commie during the Cold War.

You're no Republican. You're not even a Democrat.

You're just a rat. Period.

Hell, even liberal Republicans would kick your ass.

he is also a sock, jake and rightwinger are the same person.

PaintMyHouse too
Once again You defend obama and democrats and attack republicans way to much not to support obamacare. Is that hard to grasp? Now the truth has come out I understand you want to back away from defending obamacare but too late toad to fucking late.
I don't defend Obama, or Obamcare. I attack Republicans for being retarded.

The party out of power is always back seat driving like some old nagging my ex wife
That is about the biggest lie and dumbest comment I have ever read.
You attack Republicans because you think they are retarded, but do not attack democrats for their policies? You are one stupid cock sucking son of a bitch to lie like this.
I criticize stupid people. A law like Obamcare isn't stupid, it's very complex, and idiots like you could never read more than 2000 pages if your life depended on it...unless it's the bible...

Stupid asses know nothing about something they criticize because people as retarded as them told them what to think.

Squeeky wheel gets the grease from me.

Of course it's complex. One of its architects just explained to us that they deliberately wrote it that way to avoid having a tax called a tax.
Do yiou realize no one person knows what's in the ACA?...there are only people who know parts of it. Same goes for social security, and medicare.

Nancy Pelosi's words were accurate...we need to pass it to find out what's in it.

Same went for medicare and social security.

Now most Republicans, with a mean average age of 62, will be utilizing social security and medicare very soon.
What does something I pay into social security have to do with a mandate of a program I will never use Obama care? Not a god damn thing so stop fucking using social security as a reference.
Once again You defend obama and democrats and attack republicans way to much not to support obamacare. Is that hard to grasp? Now the truth has come out I understand you want to back away from defending obamacare but too late toad to fucking late.
I don't defend Obama, or Obamcare. I attack Republicans for being retarded.

The party out of power is always back seat driving like some old nagging my ex wife
That is about the biggest lie and dumbest comment I have ever read.
You attack Republicans because you think they are retarded, but do not attack democrats for their policies? You are one stupid cock sucking son of a bitch to lie like this.
I criticize stupid people. A law like Obamcare isn't stupid, it's very complex, and idiots like you could never read more than 2000 pages if your life depended on it...unless it's the bible...

Stupid asses know nothing about something they criticize because people as retarded as them told them what to think.

Squeeky wheel gets the grease from me.

Of course it's complex. One of its architects just explained to us that they deliberately wrote it that way to avoid having a tax called a tax.
Do yiou realize no one person knows what's in the ACA?...there are only people who know parts of it. Same goes for social security, and medicare.

Nancy Pelosi's words were accurate...we need to pass it to find out what's in it.

Same went for medicare and social security.

Now most Republicans, with a mean average age of 62, will be utilizing social security and medicare very soon.

Come on, Toxic! You've got Gruber bragging about how they purposely made the ACA so confusing that nobody would understand what was in it because otherwise they couldn't get it passed but you're pretending that's "normal"?

Nancy Pelosi's words were "accurate", I suppose...but only because they didn't want us to know what was in it.
There is a level of "sleaze" involved in the passage of the ACA that is quite frankly worse than anyone knew.

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