Gruber apologizes for his inaccurate remarks

That's why you're're so twisted by what you've heard lefties and centrists think, you can't imagine the reality.

That's what insane people do.
Once again You defend obama and democrats and attack republicans way to much not to support obamacare. Is that hard to grasp? Now the truth has come out I understand you want to back away from defending obamacare but too late toad to fucking late.
I don't defend Obama, or Obamcare. I attack Republicans for being retarded.

The party out of power is always back seat driving like some old nagging my ex wife
That is about the biggest lie and dumbest comment I have ever read.
You attack Republicans because you think they are retarded, but do not attack democrats for their policies? You are one stupid cock sucking son of a bitch to lie like this.
I criticize stupid people. A law like Obamcare isn't stupid, it's very complex, and idiots like you could never read more than 2000 pages if your life depended on it...unless it's the bible...

Stupid asses know nothing about something they criticize because people as retarded as them told them what to think.

Squeeky wheel gets the grease from me.

I would offer that unless you have read the Bible - you have no clue whatsoever of what you speak. So, because I'm a "republican" - I'm retarded....OK.Gotcha. Makes me wonder exactly how old you actually are......
You may very well be retarded based on how well you read what I wrote.

I've red the King James Bible and I'm a Presbyterian

Being a Republican doesn't make you retarded, watching Fox, listening to Rush, and reading Breitbart and Drudge makes you retarded.
That's why you're're so twisted by what you've heard lefties and centrists think, you can't imagine the reality.

That's what insane people do.
Once again You defend obama and democrats and attack republicans way to much not to support obamacare. Is that hard to grasp? Now the truth has come out I understand you want to back away from defending obamacare but too late toad to fucking late.
I don't defend Obama, or Obamcare. I attack Republicans for being retarded.

The party out of power is always back seat driving like some old nagging my ex wife
That is about the biggest lie and dumbest comment I have ever read.
You attack Republicans because you think they are retarded, but do not attack democrats for their policies? You are one stupid cock sucking son of a bitch to lie like this.
I criticize stupid people. A law like Obamcare isn't stupid, it's very complex, and idiots like you could never read more than 2000 pages if your life depended on it...unless it's the bible...

Stupid asses know nothing about something they criticize because people as retarded as them told them what to think.

Squeeky wheel gets the grease from me.

You didn't need to read 2000 pages to know the ACA was a con job, Toxic. I figured it out as soon as someone assured me that even though the plan would make charging more for pre-existing conditions illegal that the cost of healthcare wouldn't be going up for healthy Middle Class folks but would actually be going down! That's entirely unworkable. Why would I sign up for something that is going to cost me an arm and a leg when I'm healthy if I can simply sign up for it after I get sick and they have no choice but to insure me? It would be like carrying the cheapest car insurance you can until you get in a car accident and then taking out collision with no deductible to get your vehicle fixed. Only a moron would set up a system that ridiculous.
I have read and understand about 300 pages of the ACA. I work for a medical insurance company, and talk with at least 20 ACA policy holders on a daily basis. I call the Healthcare Exchange on a daily basis and talk to them.

I know more about the ACA than anyone on this site, or anybody I've seen on the news.

It sucks.

But not for the reasons most of the retards on this site think, they're just parroting what they've heard.
Once again You defend obama and democrats and attack republicans way to much not to support obamacare. Is that hard to grasp? Now the truth has come out I understand you want to back away from defending obamacare but too late toad to fucking late.
I don't defend Obama, or Obamcare. I attack Republicans for being retarded.

The party out of power is always back seat driving like some old nagging my ex wife
That is about the biggest lie and dumbest comment I have ever read.
You attack Republicans because you think they are retarded, but do not attack democrats for their policies? You are one stupid cock sucking son of a bitch to lie like this.
I criticize stupid people. A law like Obamcare isn't stupid, it's very complex, and idiots like you could never read more than 2000 pages if your life depended on it...unless it's the bible...

Stupid asses know nothing about something they criticize because people as retarded as them told them what to think.

Squeeky wheel gets the grease from me.

You didn't need to read 2000 pages to know the ACA was a con job, Toxic. I figured it out as soon as someone assured me that even though the plan would make charging more for pre-existing conditions illegal that the cost of healthcare wouldn't be going up for healthy Middle Class folks but would actually be going down! That's entirely unworkable. Why would I sign up for something that is going to cost me an arm and a leg when I'm healthy if I can simply sign up for it after I get sick and they have no choice but to insure me? It would be like carrying the cheapest car insurance you can until you get in a car accident and then taking out collision with no deductible to get your vehicle fixed. Only a moron would set up a system that ridiculous.

I was going to add essentially the same thing, but after all, I'm retarded. But wait! Wasn't it the chief Liberal Nazi Nancy Pelosi who all but admitted they hadn't read it as well when she stated that "we have to pass the bill to see what's in it?" Guess the democrats are retarded, too. After all - they were the lone votes for a bill that they themselves admitted they hadn't read.
I've read more of it that politicians and pundits have.

I would offer that unless you have read the Bible - you have no clue whatsoever of what you speak. So, because I'm a "republican" - I'm retarded....OK.Gotcha. Makes me wonder exactly how old you actually are......[/QUOTE]You may very well be retarded based on how well you read what I wrote.

I've red the King James Bible and I'm a Presbyterian

Being a Republican doesn't make you retarded, watching Fox, listening to Rush, and reading Breitbart and Drudge makes you retarded.[/QUOTE]

Presbyterian - Well, sonny, we can't all be perfect, now can we? That's OK. I'll carry the "retard" mantle that you enjoy throwing around. Matthew 7:1-3 Judge not lest ye be judged.

Better start re-reading that Bible Sonny.......

And since you are a member of a "dead" Church, I highly recommend Paul's letter to the Church at Laodecia. You MIGHT actually learn something. But that's just me - an old "retard".
Last edited:
All politicians and combinations think they are smarter than us.

Consider the fools in the TP movement, for instance. It took only two elections to reject them. Hopefully, the Pres and Congress can work on meaningful reform of ACA.

One thing, though, about the useful foolishness of the electorate.

They have never fallen for the libertarians' nonsense. They are worse than far left and far right. The liberts want to privatize all the profit for themselves while socializing all the expense of government services. They are bigger "something for nothing" thieves than other American grouping.

Was it not you that before the election said that the right would be beaten? Why yes it was. And here you are still trying to show your political prowess. What a crock jake, what a crock.

I said the far right would be beaten. I was right. Look at all the screaming, including you, Freewill. We in the mainstream GOP will never give up stomping on you guys.

You're in the GOP? Seriously? I've never heard you argue any viewpoint on this board that wasn't that of the far Left. Why would you be in the GOP with your beliefs?
Maybe he's and Eisenhower or Goldwater Republican like me...we're bearly recognizable to Republicans today.

Let me illustrate.......

Who said this?

“I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in "A," "B," "C" and "D." Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of "conservatism.”

And how would the Fox News, and Rush, react to that today, if he said it now?

Heck, Toxic...I'm a Rockefeller Republican...conservative on fiscal issues...liberal on social ones...but Jake is so far to the left of me on virtually everything he posts on here that it isn't even funny. It would be like BigReb claiming to be a Progressive.
If you're a Rockefeller Republican how come you're not disgusted with evangelicals infesting the GOP?

I would offer that unless you have read the Bible - you have no clue whatsoever of what you speak. So, because I'm a "republican" - I'm retarded....OK.Gotcha. Makes me wonder exactly how old you actually are......[/QUOTE]You may very well be retarded based on how well you read what I wrote.

I've red the King James Bible and I'm a Presbyterian

Being a Republican doesn't make you retarded, watching Fox, listening to Rush, and reading Breitbart and Drudge makes you retarded.[/QUOTE]

Presbyterian - Well, sonny, we can't all be perfect, now can we? That's OK. I'll carry the "retard" mantle that you enjoy throwing around. Matthew 7:1-3 Judge not lest ye be judged.

Better start re-reading that Bible Sonny.......[/QUOTE]Shut it church boy. This site is not my personal life, or church

I would offer that unless you have read the Bible - you have no clue whatsoever of what you speak. So, because I'm a "republican" - I'm retarded....OK.Gotcha. Makes me wonder exactly how old you actually are......
You may very well be retarded based on how well you read what I wrote.

I've red the King James Bible and I'm a Presbyterian

Being a Republican doesn't make you retarded, watching Fox, listening to Rush, and reading Breitbart and Drudge makes you retarded.[/QUOTE]

Presbyterian - Well, sonny, we can't all be perfect, now can we? That's OK. I'll carry the "retard" mantle that you enjoy throwing around. Matthew 7:1-3 Judge not lest ye be judged.

Better start re-reading that Bible Sonny.......[/QUOTE]Shut it church boy. This site is not my personal life, or church[/QUOTE]

Good. Because you make a piss poor example of a Christian.
Was it not you that before the election said that the right would be beaten? Why yes it was. And here you are still trying to show your political prowess. What a crock jake, what a crock.

I said the far right would be beaten. I was right. Look at all the screaming, including you, Freewill. We in the mainstream GOP will never give up stomping on you guys.

You're in the GOP? Seriously? I've never heard you argue any viewpoint on this board that wasn't that of the far Left. Why would you be in the GOP with your beliefs?
Maybe he's and Eisenhower or Goldwater Republican like me...we're bearly recognizable to Republicans today.

Let me illustrate.......

Who said this?

“I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in "A," "B," "C" and "D." Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of "conservatism.”

And how would the Fox News, and Rush, react to that today, if he said it now?

Heck, Toxic...I'm a Rockefeller Republican...conservative on fiscal issues...liberal on social ones...but Jake is so far to the left of me on virtually everything he posts on here that it isn't even funny. It would be like BigReb claiming to be a Progressive.

You mean much further right to Rockefeller. You fool no one.


YOU fool one Jake.
Was it not you that before the election said that the right would be beaten? Why yes it was. And here you are still trying to show your political prowess. What a crock jake, what a crock.

I said the far right would be beaten. I was right. Look at all the screaming, including you, Freewill. We in the mainstream GOP will never give up stomping on you guys.

You're in the GOP? Seriously? I've never heard you argue any viewpoint on this board that wasn't that of the far Left. Why would you be in the GOP with your beliefs?
Maybe he's and Eisenhower or Goldwater Republican like me...we're bearly recognizable to Republicans today.

Let me illustrate.......

Who said this?

“I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in "A," "B," "C" and "D." Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of "conservatism.”

And how would the Fox News, and Rush, react to that today, if he said it now?

Heck, Toxic...I'm a Rockefeller Republican...conservative on fiscal issues...liberal on social ones...but Jake is so far to the left of me on virtually everything he posts on here that it isn't even funny. It would be like BigReb claiming to be a Progressive.
If you're a Rockefeller Republican how come you're not disgusted with evangelicals infesting the GOP?

Infesting? They have their viewpoint...I have mine. The GOP really isn't the small tent that you seem to think it is, Toxic.
Gruber apologized for his newly-resurfaced 2013 remarks Thursday, telling MSNBC's Ronan Farrow that they had been an “off-the-cuff” mistake, an attempt to lay out the way political calculations affected the law as it was being written.

“The comments in the video were made at an academic conference,” Gruber said. “I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments.”

Who is Jonathan Gruber - The Washington Post

Farrow suggested to Gruber that the underlying point of his remarks was actually “nuanced” and was intended to illustrate that in order to effectively pass Obamacare into law, the process needed to be “opaque.”

Gruber replied that he was trying to convey that laws that center on federal spending aren’t popular.

Jonathan Gruber to MSNBC My 8216 Stupidity of the American Voter 8217 Remark was Inappropriate Mediaite

That's Gruber talking, far right dorks, so get over it; the American citizens have

So just where did he say those comments were inaccurate?

This is really a fail of a thread, Jake. It isn't that you didn't try. Its just that the comments can't be peddaled back. They were said and can't be undone.
Gruber is doing damage control, Jake. His repeated comments on how progressives misled the American people in order to pass the ACA were indicative of how they view the public. Gruber thinks he's smarter than you are and therefore it's OK if he lies to you to get what he wants. He's calling YOU stupid, my're just too caught up in defending him to realize it.

All politicians and combinations think they are smarter than us.

Consider the fools in the TP movement, for instance. It took only two elections to reject them. Hopefully, the Pres and Congress can work on meaningful reform of ACA.

One thing, though, about the useful foolishness of the electorate.

They have never fallen for the libertarians' nonsense. They are worse than far left and far right. The liberts want to privatize all the profit for themselves while socializing all the expense of government services. They are bigger "something for nothing" thieves than other American grouping.

Was it not you that before the election said that the right would be beaten? Why yes it was. And here you are still trying to show your political prowess. What a crock jake, what a crock.

I said the far right would be beaten. I was right. Look at all the screaming, including you, Freewill. We in the mainstream GOP will never give up stomping on you guys.

You're in the GOP? Seriously? I've never heard you argue any viewpoint on this board that wasn't that of the far Left. Why would you be in the GOP with your beliefs?
Maybe he's and Eisenhower or Goldwater Republican like me...we're bearly recognizable to Republicans today.

Let me illustrate.......

Who said this?

“I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in "A," "B," "C" and "D." Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of "conservatism.”

And how would the Fox News, and Rush, react to that today, if he said it now?

LOL! That's the classic Leftist abuse of Barry Goldwaters parting words to congress back in the early 80s, right after Ronaldus Magnus rose to power.

It's the 20th Century equivalent of the hijacking of Jefferson's Danburry Letter, wherein the Left divined as "Constitutional", the great: "Wall of Separation...", which in truth, has no relevance to the US Constitution.

Goldwater had his point of view and nothing he said in his 'sick and tired' comment set him distinct from any other conservative, as no one likes to have anyone else deride them on religious beliefs and I don't know of any conservative that does this, nor do I know of any conservative who HAS.

As Goldwater said, Conservatives are such because we seek to conserve the principles that are exercised in the US Constitution, part and parcel of which is the assurance that government can make no law usurping the means of the individual to freely exercise their religion... a principle which Barry Goldwater recognized, respected, defended and adhered to.

And this without regard to the out of context deceit that fraudulently strips his words from their contextual moorings, as a means to influence the ignorant.
Nothing like an apology once you are caught.

There is no reason to think he is there ?

Goldwater said the corruption of the GOP would come from the social cons. He did miss the neo-cons as well.

Keys, EC, and etc no longer have control of party policy and no influence on national party

Thank goodness. Goldwater would approve.
Goldwater said the corruption of the GOP would come from the social cons. He did miss the neo-cons as well.

Keys, EC, and etc no longer have control of party policy and no influence on national party

Thank goodness. Goldwater would approve.

Yet this irony impaired far felt drone supports the corruption in the Democrat party..
Goldwater said the corruption of the GOP would come from the social cons. He did miss the neo-cons as well.

Keys, EC, and etc no longer have control of party policy and no influence on national party

Thank goodness. Goldwater would approve.

Yet this irony impaired far felt drone supports the corruption in the Democrat party..

Not relevant to the OP. Goldwater would rebuke and refute the far right of the party today, would have nothing to do with it.
Goldwater said the corruption of the GOP would come from the social cons. He did miss the neo-cons as well.

Keys, EC, and etc no longer have control of party policy and no influence on national party

Thank goodness. Goldwater would approve.

Yet this irony impaired far felt drone supports the corruption in the Democrat party..

Not relevant to the OP. Goldwater would rebuke and refute the far right of the party today, would have nothing to do with it.

Fuck you Fakey..... You idiot!

Goldwater said the corruption of the GOP would come from the social cons. He did miss the neo-cons as well.

Keys, EC, and etc no longer have control of party policy and no influence on national party

Thank goodness. Goldwater would approve.

Yet this irony impaired far felt drone supports the corruption in the Democrat party..

Not relevant to the OP. Goldwater would rebuke and refute the far right of the party today, would have nothing to do with it.

Fuck you Fakey..... You idiot!

Who does one believe or trust in the video? Who is telling the truth? ANSWER: the video itself exposes the truth and gives it much needed transparency.
Goldwater said the corruption of the GOP would come from the social cons. He did miss the neo-cons as well.

Keys, EC, and etc no longer have control of party policy and no influence on national party

Thank goodness. Goldwater would approve.

Yet this irony impaired far felt drone supports the corruption in the Democrat party..

Not relevant to the OP. Goldwater would rebuke and refute the far right of the party today, would have nothing to do with it.

Yes, you still live in an imaginary world.

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