Gruesome details in the attack on Bataclan by the practitioners of the "religion of peace."

The chief police witness in Parliament testified that on the night of the attacks, an investigating officer, tears streaming down his face, rushed out of the Bataclan and vomited in front of him just after seeing the disfigured bodies.

The 14-hour testimony about the November attacks took place March 21st.

According to this testimony, Wahhabist killers reportedly gouged out eyes, castrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths. They may also have disemboweled some poor souls. Women were reportedly stabbed in the genitals – and the torture was, victims told police, filmed for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda. For that reason, medics did not release the bodies of torture victims to the families, investigators said.

Elsewhere, the investigator says, women were sexually tortured, stabbed in the genitals, and their eyes were plucked out. People were decapitated.

The clerk of the inquiry (or “rapporteur”) pressed the chief of committee for clarity on whether victims were decapitated or mutilated. The committee chief replied that the authorities had given out conflicting information that said victims were merely shot or blown up. He then added this damning statement about one victim’s father discovering the gruesome truth in the morgue:

Mr. President Georges Fenech Indeed, the Committee is troubled by this information which has appeared nowhere [in the media]. Thus, the father of one of the victims sent me a copy of a letter he sent to the investigating judge, which I quote in summary: “On the causes of the death of my son A., at the forensic institute in Paris, I was told, and what a shock it was for me at that moment, they had cut off his testicles, had put them in his mouth, and he was disemboweled. When I saw him behind glass, lying on a table, a white shroud covering it up to the neck, a psychologist was with me. He said: This is “the only presentable part, your son’s left profile.” I found that he had no right eye. I made the remark; I was informed that they had punctured his eye and sliced down the right side of his face, where there was a very large hematoma that we could all see. ”

EXCLUSIVE: France 'Suppressed News of Gruesome Torture' at Bataclan Massacre

Don't worry folks. Left wingers will tell us Christians do bad things too and America does worse things. The people probably deserved what they got. I mean most of them were white. So, all of these horrific acts will be ignored, like it has been.

Now, get back to your TMZ shows and look forward to another Jason Bourne movie that will predictably make white America as the antagonist which always goes completely away from the Robert Ludlum Bourne novels.

Nothing to be all that concerned about. They were not white cops killing black people. So, no outrage. Just hands holding hands and some Elton John songs will help us all forget about carnage.

Wow. How fucked up do you have to be to laugh at this post Nat4900. Do you wish you could have been the one doing the sexual torture you fucking scumbag.
To say nothing of the coup his people instigated in Ukraine, then blamed Putin for it. Blamed Russia for the airliner shoot down, without EVER providing proof, but still placed economic sanctions on Russia (an act of war). Placed more troops and armaments in eastern Europe, along with allowing NATO to perform war games on Russia's borders, further inflaming tensions with them.

But...I fear progs don't know this as their media keeps them in the dark.

Well, we DO rely on your Russian sources for the truth.........(what a classic right wing :ahole-1: LOL)

The only asshole I have seen in this thread is you. You laugh at the very real pain and suffering that was suffered by the victims of that horrible crime. What a fucked up scumbag you are.
The only asshole I have seen in this thread is you. You laugh at the very real pain and suffering that was suffered by the victims of that horrible crime. What a fucked up scumbag you are.

Hey, scum bucket, were you just as "upset" when the "gruesome details" were revealed about those babies at Sandy Hook being slaughtered by the guns you and your ilk help maniacs to have and kill with?

BTW, moron I'm NOT laughing at the slaughter in France, I'm laughing at your equally fucked up right winger(gipper) above who believes in conspiracy theories he gets out of his rotten rectum....Did you help him get those theories out of his rectum?..
The only asshole I have seen in this thread is you. You laugh at the very real pain and suffering that was suffered by the victims of that horrible crime. What a fucked up scumbag you are.

Hey, scum bucket, were you just as "upset" when the "gruesome details" were revealed about those babies at Sandy Hook being slaughtered by the guns you and your ilk help maniacs to have and kill with?

BTW, moron I'm NOT laughing at the slaughter in France, I'm laughing at your equally fucked up right winger(gipper) above who believes in conspiracy theories he gets out of his rotten rectum....Did you help him get those theories out of his rectum?..

Oh piss off you fucking scumbag. There is not a single person I know who LAUGHED at that horrible crime. You have to be a particular form of fucked up human, so called being,
to laugh at the misery of others. You no doubt abuse puppies and cats too. Sociopaths like you do that sort of thing for amusement.
We can't have the public KNOWING what these subhumans are capable of...political correctness dictates this.

funny thing is Islam has a long history of torturing, murdering, enslaving, raping....etc.

Yet many in the West don't know this, but they sure know about Christians and their crazy Crusades.
Counter crusades :eusa_shhh:
h piss off you fucking scumbag. There is not a single person I know who LAUGHED at that horrible crime. You have to be a particular form of fucked up human, so called being,
to laugh at the misery of others. You no doubt abuse puppies and cats too. Sociopaths like you do that sort of thing for amusement.

Hey scum bucket WHERE was I laughing at the slaughter of innocents in France??? Tell me WHERE?

I was laughing at your equally fucked up right winger and his fucked up conspiracy theories about Russia. NOTHING to do with France.......
The scumbag hypocritical cocksucking double talking jackass nat4900 giggled at the story.

He then called me a piece of shit.

Has any left winger expressed their outrage at the brown stink bombs committing these acts on behalf of their false religion?

I have so many of the losers on ignore.

No, scum bucket.....You come across an article of atrocities, and right away claim that NO left winger is outraged.....Which orifice did you pull out THAT "conclusion"????
Lets face it, you're a low-life and a small cog of a bunch of loser-right-wingers.
Yet you are still only expressing outrage at the messenger. Noted.
h piss off you fucking scumbag. There is not a single person I know who LAUGHED at that horrible crime. You have to be a particular form of fucked up human, so called being,
to laugh at the misery of others. You no doubt abuse puppies and cats too. Sociopaths like you do that sort of thing for amusement.

Hey scum bucket WHERE was I laughing at the slaughter of innocents in France??? Tell me WHERE?

I was laughing at your equally fucked up right winger and his fucked up conspiracy theories about Russia. NOTHING to do with France.......

The very first post of this thread you and only YOU hit the little laughing emoticon as a response. Now fuck off scumbag prick.
h piss off you fucking scumbag. There is not a single person I know who LAUGHED at that horrible crime. You have to be a particular form of fucked up human, so called being,
to laugh at the misery of others. You no doubt abuse puppies and cats too. Sociopaths like you do that sort of thing for amusement.

Hey scum bucket WHERE was I laughing at the slaughter of innocents in France??? Tell me WHERE?

I was laughing at your equally fucked up right winger and his fucked up conspiracy theories about Russia. NOTHING to do with France.......

The very first post of this thread you and only YOU hit the little laughing emoticon as a response. Now fuck off scumbag prick.
I couldn't read the details.. It's too terrible. But I checked the ratings, and yes, he was the only one to funny the OP. Sick. Very, very sick.
Don't worry folks. Left wingers will tell us Christians do bad things too and America does worse things. The people probably deserved what they got. I mean most of them were white. So, all of these horrific acts will be ignored, like it has been.

Now, get back to your TMZ shows and look forward to another Jason Bourne movie that will predictably make white America as the antagonist which always goes completely away from the Robert Ludlum Bourne novels.

Nothing to be all that concerned about. They were not white cops killing black people. So, no outrage. Just hands holding hands and some Elton John songs will help us all forget about carnage.

What a piece of right wing turd you certainly must be.......You've taken the inhumanity of some bastards, coupled it with the misery felt by relatives of the dead and tortured, and SOMEHOW, you're fucking sick mind managed to blame, "left wingers" for the tragedy...........YOU ARE SCUM !!!!
you're the people allowing it and covering it up and supporting them.

but him pointing it out to you is bad....
If you all use the term, radical Islamic terrorism how will that help?

True....these right wing morons "think" that we can win thewar on terrorism by calling radical Islamics a bunch of bad names; basically, the "rationale" of 6 years old.

No one ever claimed we'd win the war by calling them radical Islamists.
We just need a leader that is willing to admit Islam is the problem, and then actually DO something about it. Unlike the pro-Islamic twat in office now.
Imagine if Bush hadn't have gone into Iraq and got hundreds of thousands of people killed, and killed without most of the world giving a damn, no one putting the Iraqi flag on their facebook profile, no one sympathizing when it happened. Less people have died in terrorist attacks in the US and Europe since 2003 than people people died in like one or two days in Iraq at the high of the problems.

But people are willing to ignore reality to suit their needs.
There is no question that Bush was a warmongering dumbass.

Problem with you lefties is, you can't see that Big Ears is no different.

But Obama is different to Bush. One of the changes he made was of not going in and starting new stuff. Yes, he's the C-in-C during things like the pull out of Iraq (which people complain he pulled out and complain he didn't pull out fast enough) and of trying to fix the mess Bush made of Afghanistan.

Yes, Obama messed up with Libya, he bombed, rather than invaded, and did so because he's a politician and heart and looking out for his own politics.

But Bush was ideological, or someone was ideological in that office and made things happen that under Obama haven't happened.
Broke Libya and never even tried to fix it........doing same in Syria,........and tried to break have a short selective memory where dems are concerned

Didn't break Syria, Syria broke itself and he stayed out for the most part, doing bombing only against ISIS.

Didn't try to break Egypt either. Wanted to support Mubarak but stood back and allowed events to take their course.

Selective memory? Not at all. I'm not an Obama supporter, but believe he was far better than Bush, as I said. It's funny how I even mentioned these, you bring them up as if they're never been said, and then tell me I have selective memory.

Weird that.
Made a hash of Syria,,,,,,and tried his damnedest to ruin Egypt....funny how most US trainees join the jihadis.....makes ya go hhhhhmmmmm

Made a hash of Syria? So, either he gets involved in which case he gets hammered for being like Bush and being wrong, or he doesn't get involved, in which case he gets accused of making a hash of it.

You know what I think? I think it doesn't matter what Obama does, some people just don't like him and will attack him for whatever.

In Syria he didn't get involved and it was the right thing to do unlike in Libya.

However go look at the news reports from around the time of both of these. McCain was telling everyone that the US had to bomb Libya, and Obama was too slow and all of this. With Syria he didn't care. It's all about US interests and Syria wasn't US interests, Libya is OPEC, that's US interests.
The chief police witness in Parliament testified that on the night of the attacks, an investigating officer, tears streaming down his face, rushed out of the Bataclan and vomited in front of him just after seeing the disfigured bodies.

The 14-hour testimony about the November attacks took place March 21st.

According to this testimony, Wahhabist killers reportedly gouged out eyes, castrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths. They may also have disemboweled some poor souls. Women were reportedly stabbed in the genitals – and the torture was, victims told police, filmed for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda. For that reason, medics did not release the bodies of torture victims to the families, investigators said.

Elsewhere, the investigator says, women were sexually tortured, stabbed in the genitals, and their eyes were plucked out. People were decapitated.

The clerk of the inquiry (or “rapporteur”) pressed the chief of committee for clarity on whether victims were decapitated or mutilated. The committee chief replied that the authorities had given out conflicting information that said victims were merely shot or blown up. He then added this damning statement about one victim’s father discovering the gruesome truth in the morgue:

Mr. President Georges Fenech Indeed, the Committee is troubled by this information which has appeared nowhere [in the media]. Thus, the father of one of the victims sent me a copy of a letter he sent to the investigating judge, which I quote in summary: “On the causes of the death of my son A., at the forensic institute in Paris, I was told, and what a shock it was for me at that moment, they had cut off his testicles, had put them in his mouth, and he was disemboweled. When I saw him behind glass, lying on a table, a white shroud covering it up to the neck, a psychologist was with me. He said: This is “the only presentable part, your son’s left profile.” I found that he had no right eye. I made the remark; I was informed that they had punctured his eye and sliced down the right side of his face, where there was a very large hematoma that we could all see. ”

EXCLUSIVE: France 'Suppressed News of Gruesome Torture' at Bataclan Massacre

Don't worry folks. Left wingers will tell us Christians do bad things too and America does worse things. The people probably deserved what they got. I mean most of them were white. So, all of these horrific acts will be ignored, like it has been.

Now, get back to your TMZ shows and look forward to another Jason Bourne movie that will predictably make white America as the antagonist which always goes completely away from the Robert Ludlum Bourne novels.

Nothing to be all that concerned about. They were not white cops killing black people. So, no outrage. Just hands holding hands and some Elton John songs will help us all forget about carnage.

It is done to protect the muslims from reprisal attacks and repurcusions. Now we will see the muslim leaders trotting out their platitudes and demanding calm because they have condemned all terrorism in the world. A pity they dont condemn just their own terrorism before the event and report those who are extremists to the police for arrest and deportation. The only way to achieve this is to keep on voting out left wing politicians who are protecting muslims from arrest for terrorist leanings
We can't have the public KNOWING what these subhumans are capable of...political correctness dictates this.

funny thing is Islam has a long history of torturing, murdering, enslaving, raping....etc.

Yet many in the West don't know this, but they sure know about Christians and their crazy Crusades.

You sound like Hitler talking about the Jews.

Never came across Hitler ever saying this about the Jews, is this another of your neo marxist blood libels ?

The fact is the muslims are known for torture, murder, slavery, raping etc. and it is well documented in living memory, just look at the former Yugoslavia when they acquired land by violence after it was made illegal to do so. And the UN did nothing to stop them
I remember hearing right after the attack some articles had stated some decapitation then they quickly removed that detail and stated they had sharp weapons. I am getting tired of the media being censored.
What is worse about it is they censor themselves. Of course their selective outrage is duly noted. They are so fast to show us details and report when any black man is killed by any white guy or cop. Oh, they are so fast to tell us all about that.

Oh, but when brown non Christian scumbag terrorists murder white people....and rape women.....

well something about that does not fit the narrative, does it?
Read about what they did at the Beslan school siege. It will make you sick...but then there are numerous incidents in recent history, where such atrocities have taken place by the Religion of Peace.

It is all so disgusting...but only we could silence those damn Christians.:uhoh3:

Look at what happened in the former Yugoslavia where bodies were mutilated to strike fear into the peoples minds. I wonder what the muslims would say if the world did the same to them ?
What's disgusting is the way obama still supports these terrorists after what they did has been exposed.

He has no choice as he is still a muslim according to islamic sharia law, dont be surprised if a fatwah is issued, once he leaves office, for denying islam
the attorney general says we are to the spread the love over them

while the prezbo says diplomacy is key to stopping these animals

Is that mixed with pig fat and encased in pig intestines, as for diplomacy when they understand what it means they will just deny that it applies to them
I remember hearing right after the attack some articles had stated some decapitation then they quickly removed that detail and stated they had sharp weapons. I am getting tired of the media being censored.
What is worse about it is they censor themselves. Of course their selective outrage is duly noted. They are so fast to show us details and report when any black man is killed by any white guy or cop. Oh, they are so fast to tell us all about that.

Oh, but when brown non Christian scumbag terrorists murder white people....and rape women.....

well something about that does not fit the narrative, does it?
Read about what they did at the Beslan school siege. It will make you sick...but then there are numerous incidents in recent history, where such atrocities have taken place by the Religion of Peace.

It is all so disgusting...but only we could silence those damn Christians.:uhoh3:

Look at what happened in the former Yugoslavia where bodies were mutilated to strike fear into the peoples minds. I wonder what the muslims would say if the world did the same to them ?
You know full well what the Muslims would say. If that were to happen, we all know what side the left would take.
The only asshole I have seen in this thread is you. You laugh at the very real pain and suffering that was suffered by the victims of that horrible crime. What a fucked up scumbag you are.

Hey, scum bucket, were you just as "upset" when the "gruesome details" were revealed about those babies at Sandy Hook being slaughtered by the guns you and your ilk help maniacs to have and kill with?

BTW, moron I'm NOT laughing at the slaughter in France, I'm laughing at your equally fucked up right winger(gipper) above who believes in conspiracy theories he gets out of his rotten rectum....Did you help him get those theories out of his rectum?..
Let us not forget those who continue to insist that Sandy Hook didn't really happen...that it was a government Black Flag ops.
The only asshole I have seen in this thread is you. You laugh at the very real pain and suffering that was suffered by the victims of that horrible crime. What a fucked up scumbag you are.

Hey, scum bucket, were you just as "upset" when the "gruesome details" were revealed about those babies at Sandy Hook being slaughtered by the guns you and your ilk help maniacs to have and kill with?

BTW, moron I'm NOT laughing at the slaughter in France, I'm laughing at your equally fucked up right winger(gipper) above who believes in conspiracy theories he gets out of his rotten rectum....Did you help him get those theories out of his rectum?..
Let us not forget those who continue to insist that Sandy Hook didn't really happen...that it was a government Black Flag ops.
Here we go. He was white, therefore he was acting like a Christian.

The left folks. The left.

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