Guardians of the Galaxy


Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2014
Just saw this one the other day. I enjoyed it.

The special effects were good, the jokes were funny, the "oldies" inspired sound track was awesome, and the cast were all basically great for their roles.

I laughed out loud through pretty much the whole movie, as did everyone else in the theater where I saw it.

My only real complaint was with some of the writing. They were so busy making jokes while breezing over important plot elements in some scenes that I had a hard time following what was going on.

However, that is really only a minor complaint, all things considered.


8 out of 10
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Just saw this one the other day. I enjoyed it.

The special effects were good, the jokes were funny, the "oldies" inspired sound track was awesome, and the cast were all basically great for their roles.

I laughed out loud through pretty much the whole movie, as did everyone else in the theater where I saw it.

My only real complaint was with some of the writing. They were so busy making jokes while breezing over important plot elements in some scenes that I hard time following what was going on.

However, that is really only a minor complaint, all things considered.


8 out of 10
thats about what i expected....the comic nerds at Comic Vine and SuperHero Hype said it is supposed to be on the wise ass side.....this was in response to people who had never read the comic suggesting that the previews looked kinda corny...they also gave it 8 out of 10.....
thats about what i expected....the comic nerds at Comic Vine and SuperHero Hype said it is supposed to be on the wise ass side.....this was in response to people who had never read the comic suggesting that the previews looked kinda corny...they also gave it 8 out of 10.....

To be honest, I felt kind of the same way just going off the trailers.

I was actually pleasantly surprised by the movie itself. It worked really well.
thats about what i expected....the comic nerds at Comic Vine and SuperHero Hype said it is supposed to be on the wise ass side.....this was in response to people who had never read the comic suggesting that the previews looked kinda corny...they also gave it 8 out of 10.....

To be honest, I felt kind of the same way just going off the trailers.

I was actually pleasantly surprised by the movie itself. It worked really well.

thats good to hear....
Marvel/Disney has a got a good formula going. They're willing to have fun with their superhero movies.

DC/Warner Brothers, the opposite. They keep trying to make their movies all gritty and serious and grownup. It doesn't work. They're men in tights, for pete's sake.

Marvel/FOX wasn't as good as Marvel/Disney. FOX still holds the movie rights to a lot of Marvel characters, which is why you won't see them in crossovers in the Marvel/Disney movies.
Marvel/Disney has a got a good formula going. They're willing to have fun with their superhero movies.

DC/Warner Brothers, the opposite. They keep trying to make their movies all gritty and serious and grownup. It doesn't work. They're men in tights, for pete's sake.

Marvel/FOX wasn't as good as Marvel/Disney. FOX still holds the movie rights to a lot of Marvel characters, which is why you won't see them in crossovers in the Marvel/Disney movies.

We haven't seen a shared movie universe from DC yet, so it's a bit premature to say much about what their superhero movies will be like. There have certainly been 'fun' and not serious movies made from DC characters, yet they were terrible. The later Batman movies or Green Lantern come to mind.

And while you may think the seriousness of tone in DC movies doesn't work, plenty of people disagree. I still consider The Dark Knight to be the greatest comic book hero movie made to date.

Marvel has done a good job with their shared movie universe, but they have actually done so with some average and below average films. The second and third Iron Man movies, the first Captain America, and both Thor movies were pretty mediocre. Sure, they've hit gold with Iron Man, Avengers, the second Cap, and from what I'm reading GotG, but it isn't as though they only make great movies.

I thought Man of Steel was pretty good and I'm hopeful for Batman V Superman, even if it is another 'serious' movie.
Marvel/Disney has a got a good formula going. They're willing to have fun with their superhero movies.

DC/Warner Brothers, the opposite. They keep trying to make their movies all gritty and serious and grownup. It doesn't work. They're men in tights, for pete's sake.

Marvel/FOX wasn't as good as Marvel/Disney. FOX still holds the movie rights to a lot of Marvel characters, which is why you won't see them in crossovers in the Marvel/Disney movies.

It works pretty well with Batman. It gets a little silly with anyone else, however.

Man of Steel, for instance, could've really used a little levity, IMO.

It was okay. Don't get me wrong. However, the atmosphere was almost oppressively heavy for some of the source material.
Marvel/Disney has a got a good formula going. They're willing to have fun with their superhero movies.

DC/Warner Brothers, the opposite. They keep trying to make their movies all gritty and serious and grownup. It doesn't work. They're men in tights, for pete's sake.

Marvel/FOX wasn't as good as Marvel/Disney. FOX still holds the movie rights to a lot of Marvel characters, which is why you won't see them in crossovers in the Marvel/Disney movies.

yea and Fox will screw them up too.....
Marvel/Disney has a got a good formula going. They're willing to have fun with their superhero movies.

DC/Warner Brothers, the opposite. They keep trying to make their movies all gritty and serious and grownup. It doesn't work. They're men in tights, for pete's sake.

Marvel/FOX wasn't as good as Marvel/Disney. FOX still holds the movie rights to a lot of Marvel characters, which is why you won't see them in crossovers in the Marvel/Disney movies.

We haven't seen a shared movie universe from DC yet, so it's a bit premature to say much about what their superhero movies will be like. There have certainly been 'fun' and not serious movies made from DC characters, yet they were terrible. The later Batman movies or Green Lantern come to mind.

And while you may think the seriousness of tone in DC movies doesn't work, plenty of people disagree. I still consider The Dark Knight to be the greatest comic book hero movie made to date.

Marvel has done a good job with their shared movie universe, but they have actually done so with some average and below average films. The second and third Iron Man movies, the first Captain America, and both Thor movies were pretty mediocre. Sure, they've hit gold with Iron Man, Avengers, the second Cap, and from what I'm reading GotG, but it isn't as though they only make great movies.

I thought Man of Steel was pretty good and I'm hopeful for Batman V Superman, even if it is another 'serious' movie.

all a matter of opinion aint it?......i thought Cap America 1 was done much better than what i thought it would be......i gave the last Superman movie a C+.....
I hope they get Howard the Duck right in future films, unlike the 1986 George Lucas abomination. Howard was a sarcastic little bastard in his comics, but the movie made him family-friendly. His cameo gave me a little hope.
Marvel/Disney has a got a good formula going. They're willing to have fun with their superhero movies.

DC/Warner Brothers, the opposite. They keep trying to make their movies all gritty and serious and grownup. It doesn't work. They're men in tights, for pete's sake.

Marvel/FOX wasn't as good as Marvel/Disney. FOX still holds the movie rights to a lot of Marvel characters, which is why you won't see them in crossovers in the Marvel/Disney movies.

We haven't seen a shared movie universe from DC yet, so it's a bit premature to say much about what their superhero movies will be like. There have certainly been 'fun' and not serious movies made from DC characters, yet they were terrible. The later Batman movies or Green Lantern come to mind.

And while you may think the seriousness of tone in DC movies doesn't work, plenty of people disagree. I still consider The Dark Knight to be the greatest comic book hero movie made to date.

Marvel has done a good job with their shared movie universe, but they have actually done so with some average and below average films. The second and third Iron Man movies, the first Captain America, and both Thor movies were pretty mediocre. Sure, they've hit gold with Iron Man, Avengers, the second Cap, and from what I'm reading GotG, but it isn't as though they only make great movies.

I thought Man of Steel was pretty good and I'm hopeful for Batman V Superman, even if it is another 'serious' movie.

all a matter of opinion aint it?......i thought Cap America 1 was done much better than what i thought it would be......i gave the last Superman movie a C+.....

I was pleasantly surprised when I first saw the first Cap movie. However, even then I didn't think it was all that good, just better than the crap I expected going in. Having seen it once or twice more since my first viewing, I have to say it gets a bit worse with repeated viewing.

Of course you are right about it all being opinion.....with the caveat that my opinion is the right one. :lol:
I'm after watching this one, but my wife doesn't want to know it at all.
I'll have to sneak out and watch it alone.
We haven't seen a shared movie universe from DC yet, so it's a bit premature to say much about what their superhero movies will be like. There have certainly been 'fun' and not serious movies made from DC characters, yet they were terrible. The later Batman movies or Green Lantern come to mind.

And while you may think the seriousness of tone in DC movies doesn't work, plenty of people disagree. I still consider The Dark Knight to be the greatest comic book hero movie made to date.

Marvel has done a good job with their shared movie universe, but they have actually done so with some average and below average films. The second and third Iron Man movies, the first Captain America, and both Thor movies were pretty mediocre. Sure, they've hit gold with Iron Man, Avengers, the second Cap, and from what I'm reading GotG, but it isn't as though they only make great movies.

I thought Man of Steel was pretty good and I'm hopeful for Batman V Superman, even if it is another 'serious' movie.

all a matter of opinion aint it?......i thought Cap America 1 was done much better than what i thought it would be......i gave the last Superman movie a C+.....

I was pleasantly surprised when I first saw the first Cap movie. However, even then I didn't think it was all that good, just better than the crap I expected going in. Having seen it once or twice more since my first viewing, I have to say it gets a bit worse with repeated viewing.

Of course you are right about it all being opinion.....with the caveat that my opinion is the right one. :lol:

why i oughta.....
Just saw this one the other day. I enjoyed it.

The special effects were good, the jokes were funny, the "oldies" inspired sound track was awesome, and the cast were all basically great for their roles.

I laughed out loud through pretty much the whole movie, as did everyone else in the theater where I saw it.

My only real complaint was with some of the writing. They were so busy making jokes while breezing over important plot elements in some scenes that I had a hard time following what was going on.

However, that is really only a minor complaint, all things considered.


8 out of 10

The jokes make it as stupid as Jar-Jar did the prequels? Compared to the 4-6 ones, the 1-3 with Jar-Jar and other jokes made it feel more like kids' movies than the adult-vibe of at least 4 and 5, 6 started going off the rails with the Ewoks I think. :)
I'm after watching this one, but my wife doesn't want to know it at all.
I'll have to sneak out and watch it alone.

...What kind of 'extremist muslim' goes to movies to actually watch movies (especially superhero ones?) Can imagine an extremist muslim going to a movie theatre for...other reasons, but not to see a silly superhero flick. :)

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