Guess How Many Troops Obama Just Authorized 2B Deployed to Iraq?? Sound Familiar, LOL?

EC 10151229
You were completely trounced weeks ago on every issue to do with Iraq.

But you cannot find one post out of the thousand you claim to have whet I was shown to be wrong about Iraq.

Your foul mouth has returned - a sign that you are lost and bewildered by the facts and the truth I bring to my posts.
You aren't seriously contending that Obama supported a long term troop presence in Iraq and that it was only because of the SOFA agreed to in 2008 that Obama's hands were tied are you?

Talk about goofy revisionist history. Obama's primary campaign point was unconditional withdrawal from Iraq.
Ste 10151512
You aren't seriously contending that Obama supported a long term troop presence in Iraq and that it was only because of the SOFA agreed to in 2008 that Obama's hands were tied are you?
I did not contend in anyway what you have erroneously surmised.

I contend the known facts are what must be observed and respected. Obama's hands were tied as well as Bush's, because Iraq/Maliki chose to act as a sovereign state many months before Obama inherited both of Bush's unfinished wars. The 2008 SOFA formalized that reality. I have reposted below Panetta's remarks on the matter of Iraq's sovereignty as well as a "TooTall" post and cite that expresses what I have been 'contending ' on this topic.

NF 10145035 regarding EC 10143035
Panetta dismissed McCain’s claims that Obama wanted all US troops out of Iraq by the end of 2011 and leave no residual force behind. <> Panetta in November 2011: "This is about their country making a decision as to what is necessary here. ...This is about negotiating with a sovereign country, an independent country. This was about their needs. This is not about us telling them what we're going to for with them or what they're going to have to do. "

NF 10145478 regarding EC 10145272
Iraq made the decision in 2011 to stay with the Bush deadline that was agreed to in 2008. That is what Panetta said in 2011.

TT 10150464
"In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate. And as Middle East historian Juan Cole has noted, “Bush had to sign what the [Iraqi] parliament gave him or face the prospect that U.S. troops would have to leave by 31 December, 2008, something that would have been interpreted as a defeat… Bush and his generals clearly expected, however, that over time Washington would be able to wriggle out of the treaty and would find a way to keep a division or so in Iraq past that deadline.”

But ending the U.S. troop presence in Iraq was an overwhelmingly popular demand among Iraqis, and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki appears to have been unwilling to take the political risk of extending it. While he was inclined to see a small number of American soldiers stay behind to continue mentoring Iraqi forces, the likes of Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, on whose support Maliki’s ruling coalition depends, were having none of it. Even the Obama Administration’s plan to keep some 3,000 trainers behind failed because the Iraqis (read Iraq Parliament) were unwilling to grant them the legal immunity from local prosecution that is common to SOF agreements in most countries where U.S. forces are based.

And I believe the following example of ignorance should be exposed and removed from the discussion on combatting Daesh and the threat the pose to Iraq and the rest of the region.

EC 9495796 regarding NF 9493384, EC 9492265
President DumbFuck inserts a POISON PILL. He requires that the Iraqi Legislature had to approve the agreement. Well a) that's difficult for a western legis but especially for one as messy as this one but b) that has never been a requirement in any of the 40 other SOFA agreements we have with other nations. <> So please folks, anyone interested in dealing in truth, please help override the corrupt press and WH and get the actual truth out to the public. Which is already happening on Twitter and other parts of the internet.

Which side are you on? Obama did not insert a poison pill. Do you think he did?

Referencing TooTall's post, do you know why, "the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008"? If you wish to know a very relevant fact about Iraq and Iraq's sovereignty I will inform you why that UNSC mandate expired and the impact on 'tying American President's hands' on Iraq that expiration had.
An interesting comparison:

TT 10150464
"In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate.

"unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend"​

TooTall's source is absolutely correct. The Iraqi government had to be willing to negotiate. And if they were not willing to negotiate away their opposition to granting immunity along with an extension of the withdrawal deadline there were no options available to Obama to force them to comply.. No one would have supported Obama conceding away the immunity protections for our troops.

But look at what EconChick made up.​

EC 9495796 regarding NF 9493384, EC 9492265
President DumbFuck inserts a POISON PILL. He requires that the Iraqi Legislature had to approve the agreement. Well a) that's difficult for a western legis but especially for one as messy as this one but b) that has never been a requirement in any of the 40 other SOFA agreements we have with other nations. <> So please folks, anyone interested in dealing in truth, please help override the corrupt press and WH and get the actual truth out to the public. Which is already happening on Twitter and other parts of the internet.
To suggest that "Obama's hands were tied" is what is erroneous. Obama called for a unconditional withdrawal during his campaign in 2008. He admitted his opposition to SOFA in 2012 as well. He opposed Bush's SOFA because it did not withdraw troops quickly enough. Though this didn't stop him from taking credit for Bush's SOFA at the end of the day and breaking his promise to remove troops by 2010. He has been duplicitous and dishonest throughout the whole Iraq affair. He was a political coward. He knew that pulling out in 2010 was not tenable and could have negative consequences, that is why he broke his initial campaign promise. He then used Bush's SOFA agreement as political cover to make a foreign policy decision he knew could have adverse geopolitical consequences, but he didn't want to lose political capital by violating his primary campaign promise of withdrawing troops. He played politics with national security and American geopolitical standing. Panetta is just helping the President save face, like any loyal member of a presidential administration would do. It is not surprising, but it also isn't an honest assessment by Panetta.

The fact of the matter is, the Iraqi parliament voted to approve the request for extended US presence, however they refused to vote for complete immunity. Obama required a vote of complete immunity from the Parliament as a precondition he knew very well couldn't be fulfilled, nor was it a precondition Bush required in the 2008 SOFA. Obama never intended to remain in Iraq. Maliki offered an executive agreement for complete immunity but the Obama administration rejected it. While they did "negotiate", they were never serious negotiations given the preconditions they set and the minimal amount of troops they offered.

Rick Brennan How Obama Bungled the Iraq Withdrawal Foreign Affairs
Ste 10151512 regarding NF 10151458, EC 10151229
You aren't seriously contending that Obama supported a long term troop presence in Iraq and that it was only because of the SOFA agreed to in 2008 that Obama's hands were tied are you?.

Can you provide any scenario where the decision to extend the 2008 SOFA beyond its original deadline of January 1, 2012 was placed into the hands of the US government.
Ste 10151512 regarding NF 10151458, EC 10151229
You aren't seriously contending that Obama supported a long term troop presence in Iraq and that it was only because of the SOFA agreed to in 2008 that Obama's hands were tied are you?.

Can you provide any scenario where the decision to extend the 2008 SOFA beyond its original deadline of January 1, 2012 was placed into the hands of the US government.
I just did. Maliki offered and executive memorandum for immunity in September 2011, and the Iraqi Parliament approved the extension for continued US military presence in October 2011. Obama rejected Maliki's offer of an executive memorandum and we withdrew all combat forces at the end of the year.

How about your read my post and the corresponding link before you ask questions that were clearly answered?

Its funny, just a couple years ago, Obama and his supporters where celebrating the withdrawal from Iraq as one of his preeminent policy accomplishments, now that Iraq took a turn for the worse, not so much. How convenient.
The numbers are irrelevant. In any case, more would be required to fumigate the landscape of Muslim vermin.

It seems Barry is finally working to dust off that label as a lapdog for the religion of piss, nice to see!
The numbers are irrelevant. In any case, more would be required to fumigate the landscape of Muslim vermin.

It seems Barry is finally working to dust off that label as a lapdog for the religion of piss, nice to see!
What kind of name is Roshan?
Ste 10151876
Obama required a vote of complete immunity from the Parliament as a precondition he knew very well couldn't be fulfilled, nor was it a precondition Bush required in the 2008

Do you think the 2008 SOFA had to be passed by Iraq's Parliament? Do you consider Iraq to be a constitutional democracy?

In a constitutional democracy it requires parliament to waive its own laws. An agreement signed by Mr. Maliki without parliamentary approval, as he suggested, would not suffice. James Franklin Jeffrey - WSJ - Updated Nov. 2, 2014 7:31 p.m. ET

Mr. Jeffrey, a visiting fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, served as U.S. ambassador to Iraq (2010-12) and Turkey (2008-10), among other posts.
Ste 10151876
Panetta is just helping the President save face, like any loyal member of a presidential administration would do. It is not surprising, but it also isn't an honest assessment by Panetta.

Are you saying that none of this is true?

Panetta in November 2011: (A) "This is about their country making a decision as to what is necessary here. ..." (B) This is about negotiating with a sovereign country, an independent country. (C) This was about their needs. (D) This is not about us telling them what we're going to for with them or what they're going to have to do. "

If you think it is not true, please explain why not?
Stop posting "Ste 10151876", whereas you think it makes you look serious, it makes you look silly and spergy.

In the 2008 SOFA, regarding immunity, only partial immunity was granted by Iraqi Parliament, Bush never required full immunity when signing the SOFA because he knew this could threatened stability in the reason by forcing an early exit of American forces. US contractors were subject to Iraqi criminal law and US Forces were subject to prosecution from a joint Iraqi-American committee. Obama required full immunity, not only this, demanded it from Parliament, and wouldn't accept an executive memorandum from Maliki. He knew such a condition was untenable and provided him cover for the withdrawal he wanted all along.
Its funny, just a couple years ago, Obama and his supporters where celebrating the withdrawal from Iraq as one of his preeminent policy accomplishments, now that Iraq took a turn for the worse, not so much. How convenient.

I celebrate the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq as much today as I did then. What are you talking about? The dumb war that got 4484 Americans in Uniform killed to find WMD that was not there was finally over. Didn't you celebrate it?
Ste 10151876
Panetta is just helping the President save face, like any loyal member of a presidential administration would do. It is not surprising, but it also isn't an honest assessment by Panetta.

Are you saying that none of this is true?

Panetta in November 2011: (A) "This is about their country making a decision as to what is necessary here. ..." (B) This is about negotiating with a sovereign country, an independent country. (C) This was about their needs. (D) This is not about us telling them what we're going to for with them or what they're going to have to do. "

If you think it is not true, please explain why not?
That part isn't false, it is the second excerpt you quoted, where Panetta said Iraq chose to stick with the 2008 SOFA in 2011, which is patently a lie. Maliki offered blanket immunity in September 2011 and Iraqi parliament voted for a continued US presence in October 2011.
It's called mission creep.

And Obama playing politics with foreign policy. Remember all those times you told me it wouldn't happen??????????????????????????


Just got the CNN alert below:

The White House announced Friday that President Barack Obama has authorized the deployment of up to 1,500 "additional U.S. military personnel in a non-combat role to train, advise, and assist Iraqi Security Forces, including Kurdish forces" against ISIS.

The deployment will bring the total number of U.S. troops there to about 2,900.

The White House said in a statement that it will also ask Congress for another $5.6 billion dollars to fund the fight against ISIS.

Get complete coverage of breaking news on CNN TV, and CNN Mobile.

Look at Obama's top campaign donors. Military Defense Contractors are buying more than one party now days.

The Military Industrial Complex wants return for the donations.
Its funny, just a couple years ago, Obama and his supporters where celebrating the withdrawal from Iraq as one of his preeminent policy accomplishments, now that Iraq took a turn for the worse, not so much. How convenient.

I celebrate the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq as much today as I did then. What are you talking about? The dumb war that got 4484 Americans in Uniform killed to find WMD that was not there was finally over. Didn't you celebrate it?
Talk about cognitive dissonance. On one hand you celebrate the withdrawal, and credit Obama's decision there, but on the other hand claim his hands were tied, and that the current situation isn't his fault because of Bush's SOFA. So which is it?

And no, I didn't celebrate the withdrawal. The question of whether we should have gone in is entirely separate from the withdrawal. I thought it was a bad idea to go in and in hindsight I was proven right. I also thought it was a bad idea to leave prematurely, and in hindsight I was proven right. I disagree with both decisions because both created a dangerous political vacuum for Iran(and by default Russia and China) and Sunni Islamists which undermine American geopolitical position in the region.
Ste 10152022
Obama required full immunity, not only this, demanded it from Parliament, and wouldn't accept an executive memorandum from Maliki.

Apparently if you are citing someone, you have not fact-checked him.

The Obama administration was willing to “roll over” the terms of the 2008 Status of Forces Agreement as long as the new agreement, like the first, was ratified by the Iraqi Parliament. -James Franklin Jeffrey - WSJ - Updated Nov. 2, 2014 7:31 p.m. ET

If Obama was willing to roll over the terms of the 2008 SOFA then you are wrong. You are wrong in your post 10152022.

And you are wrong about the Maliki memo being valid if such a memo even exists.

In a constitutional democracy it requires parliament to waive its own laws. An agreement signed by Mr. Maliki without parliamentary approval, as he suggested, would not suffice. . - James Franklin Jeffrey - WSJ - Updated Nov. 2, 2014 7:31 p.m. ET

Your guy wrote, " White House lawyers rejected that offer, arguing that for any such agreement to be legally binding, it would have to be formally ratified by the Iraqi parliament.". Buy you make it sound like Obama was supposedly being unreasonable. And there is no discussion from what I read that Maliki could even get away with simply writing a memo. Do you think the Sadrists would have not wondered why US troops were staying in Iraq after January 1, 2012?

Amb Jeffrey was much more close to the action that your source who cites anonymous officials in the meeting etc.
Ste 10152035
On one hand you celebrate the withdrawal, and credit Obama's decision there, but on the other hand claim his hands were tied, and that the current situation isn't his fault because of Bush's SOFA. So which is it?

The decision on the complete withdrawal came from the Iraqi side. I celebrate the fact that they achieved and were practicing sovereignty and I don't fall for the same old neocon anti-Iran warmongering and sabre rattling that helped influence Bush make the original 'bad decision' to invade in the first place. He had a perfect option to disarm Iraq peacefully via the UN inspection process that he constantly proclaimed he preferred over war. I also accept David Petraeus' admonition that no one knows whether a residual force staying on would have had an influence against the IS terrorist assault.

No. If you bother to read my posts you would have seen that I have said Bush's was in the same situation as Obama was later when they both were in negotiations with a sovereign nation where 80 Percent of the population was very sensitive about keeping troops on their soil without being subject to their new found democratic institutions courts and constitution. Its not a matter of 'fault' for either president on the end of the war that Bush started in 2003. It is a matter of the reality of what the war left in its wake even before the IS terrorist burst onto the scene last June. Bush didn't have a say when the Iraqis demanded a date certain. And Obama did not have a say when they later decoded their priority was to hold that date and not concede on the immunity issue. You are trying to devise a technical bypass around the reality that Iraq was in control of the decision to go it alone. If you think 17,000 non military Americans were still in Iraq .. And then there is the matter of Maliki's behavior and whether Obama should have stayed on as the air force for the Shiite exclusive regime that he had turned their democracy into. .
It is an established fact that Maliki offered an executive memorandum of immunity. Also, I find it odd, in one sentence, you claim no such memo exists, than you go on to defend why he shouldn't have signed this non-existent memo. This is an incredibly odd line of argument. If you don't trust the source from the CFR article, a rudimentary google search can point to articles in the Daily Beast(a conservative publication) and the Politico(where an author defending Obama explains why Obama was right to reject Al-Maliki's offer of an executive memorandum of immunity). If you can't accept this basic matter of fact, I don't think we can even have a constructive discussion. Like I said, don't take my word on the Maliki memo, search on your own, you will find I am right.

Obama's position was unreasonable. In the Bush SOFA, US contractors being subject to Iraqi law and US Forces being subject to joint Iraq-American committees. They didn't just want to continue the Bush terms of the SOFA, they wanted to revise them. If you bothered to read the CFR article, you would have read that blanket immunity from the parliament wasn't a feasible option, and Obama knew it wasn't during negotiations. Parliament supported a continued US presence, but not blanket immunity. Like I said before, this precondition offered him cover for the withdrawal he always wanted, he could posture like he was negotiating seriously, and not be blamed when the deal fell through and potential instability from the US withdrawal occurred. H certainly thought that could happen, as evidenced by the fact he broke his initial campaign promise to withdraw in 2010. He played politics with foreign policy and our national security, and geopolitical position was harmed because of it.

Also, stop writing like a robot, typing random numbers to each post you make, it is annoying. If you can't construct mature posts going forward, and desist from that style of posting, I simply won't talk to you anymore. I don't come here to get annoyed, I come here to have constructive debate and discussion.
That part isn't false, it is the second excerpt you quoted, where Panetta said Iraq chose to stick with the 2008 SOFA in 2011, which is patently a lie. Maliki offered blanket immunity in September 2011 and Iraqi parliament voted for a continued US presence in October 2011.

And your proof of this is?

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