Iranian Militia Leader Leading Iraq U.S. Embassy Raid Listed as Obama White House Guest

Clearly....Obama is a traitor

then every other politician negotiating with the enemy is as well.....~S~
That's ridiculous. We negotiate with our enemies all of the time. Obama is doing it without the okay of the US Government. He's giving Iran tactical advice on how to beat Trump foreign policy. And I'm not talking Obama himself, because he doesn't know shit about military tactics, but Obama's people are advising Iran on how to beat the United States overseas. That's treason of the first order.
Trump continues to have a fucked up Middle East policy and all you guys can do is find some meeting with Obama from nine years ago.


You are one of those kids who only needs to know whether there is a D or an R next to a name to know what you are supposed to think, now ain't ya?
Trump continues to have a fucked up Middle East policy and all you guys can do is find some meeting with Obama from nine years ago.

Clearly....Obama is a traitor.....because he let people like this visit the WH when he was president.
They don't just walk off the street.....they have to be invited.
Who's to be held accountable here? Iran who wants to wipe the Jewish state off the map or Obama's supporters who wants to wipe President Trump off the face of the map. They've already gone to far on the impeachment lies. So what are they doing? Making an even more unbelievable scenario up while they assume the victimy position again.
Trump continues to have a fucked up Middle East policy and all you guys can do is find some meeting with Obama from nine years ago.

What's pathetic is the chronology of Democrat behaviors trying to do in President Trump. You expect him to lay over and play dead? It ain't gonna happen.

I think Obama needs to be quizzed by the Supreme Court as of an hour ago.
I love your style. Cool, polite, facts. Smashmouthing them in the face with kindness is a rare skill and art....I'm so jealous of
Iranian Militia Leader Leading Iraq U.S. Embassy Raid Listed as Obama White House Guest

We know that Obama was training ISIS.....he's been advising Iran on how to counter Trump foreign policy....and now it has been discovered that the leader of the embassy raid in Iraq was on the White House visit list while Obama was president.

Militia Leader Who Led Raid on U.S. Embassy a White House Visitor

Iranian militia leader Hadi al-Amiri, one of several identified as leading an attack on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad on Tuesday, reportedly visited the White House in 2011 during the presidency of Barack Obama.

On Tuesday, a mob in Baghdad attacked the U.S. embassy in retaliation against last weekend’s U.S. airstrikes against the Iran-backed Shiite militia Kataib Hezbollah (KH), responsible for killing an American civilian contractor. KH is one of a number of pro-Iran militias that make up the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF/PMU), which legally became a wing of the Iraqi military after fighting the Sunni Islamic State terrorist group.

President Donald Trump has since accused Iran of having “orchestrated” the embassy attack and stated that the government would be “held fully responsible.”​
OTOH during the Obama admin they felt no need to riot against Iraq or elsewhere. Trump pulled the rug out from under a hard won deal and the Obama gains are now forgotten.

If only Trump would send plane loads of cash to, and drop sanctions on terrorists, we'd all be safer.

I still can't fathom that. 3 plane loads of cash seeping out of the escape door. What rotten SOB's we had
OTOH during the Obama admin they felt no need to riot against Iraq or elsewhere. Trump pulled the rug out from under a hard won deal and the Obama gains are now forgotten.

Trump is an agent of Iran. Always was.
Why is it I'm not shocked? not surprised?

In fact from Hussein Barack this comes naturally and it's totally expected. :rolleyes-41:
You morons

"In December 2011, Mr. Amiri was serving as Iraq’s minister of transport when he attended a meeting in the Oval Office with Mr. Obama"....WT
Trump didn't spew the crap Obama is wallowing in. We can see what the Sainted Kenyan did to destroy America and he's still at it.
Hossfly, what the heck are you talking about? Explain what you claim Obama is wallowing in and what your leader told you Obama did to destroy America and is still 'at it'. You keep making claims that nobody can take at face value without at least a hint of what actions you are talking about. Please please please don't be yet another Russky infesting this board that thinks all we have to do is read an accusation from a Trumper to believe it without some kind of example. Even the National Enquirer offers an example, if only to print lies and rumors.
Trump didn't spew the crap Obama is wallowing in. We can see what the Sainted Kenyan did to destroy America and he's still at it.
Hossfly, what the heck are you talking about? Explain what you claim Obama is wallowing in and what your leader told you Obama did to destroy America and is still 'at it'. You keep making claims that nobody can take at face value without at least a hint of what actions you are talking about. Please please please don't be yet another Russky infesting this board that thinks all we have to do is read an accusation from a Trumper to believe it without some kind of example. Even the National Enquirer offers an example, if only to print lies and rumors.
If you don't know of the crimes Obama and his henchmen committed and the things he did to divide the country, then I can't help you. I draw my conclusions from the newscasts and newspapers and nobody tells me what to think or to present. Everything he did was reported and recorded and the media either ignored or sugarcoated his crimes. Nuff said.
If you don't know of the crimes Obama and his henchmen committed and the things he did to divide the country, then I can't help you. I draw my conclusions from the newscasts and newspapers and nobody tells me what to think or to present. Everything he did was reported and recorded and the media either ignored or sugarcoated his crimes. Nuff said.
Classy way of saying nothing. I asked for an example and get an overview of your reading and watching habits, presumably the ones you are told are non-fake. chuckle
Trump didn't spew the crap Obama is wallowing in. We can see what the Sainted Kenyan did to destroy America and he's still at it.
Hossfly, what the heck are you talking about? Explain what you claim Obama is wallowing in and what your leader told you Obama did to destroy America and is still 'at it'. You keep making claims that nobody can take at face value without at least a hint of what actions you are talking about. Please please please don't be yet another Russky infesting this board that thinks all we have to do is read an accusation from a Trumper to believe it without some kind of example. Even the National Enquirer offers an example, if only to print lies and rumors.
Bullwinkle, I know it's hard to understand someone you were politically proud of, but Obama had a dark side when Donald Trump the successful New York businessman put in his bid for President. He and Hillary launched a scorched-earth false narrative using the best tall-talers in the dirty politics industry. We are still learning details about their conspiracy every day, and trust me, it isn't a happy thing to find out a former President of the United States and a former First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State actually did collude with Russia in order to bring America into a no-return socialist state that would destroy the Constitution's Bill of Rights.

And it doesn't stop there. They brought in to the fray FBI agents, CIA, Democrat operatives in California whose specialties were fooling the lie detector test, creating false narratives where truth was optional to nonexistent, and the rest. Attorney General William Barr must be beside himself with the criminal conduct inspired by the Hillary-Obama Cabal in conjunction with Russia to take out Donald Trump so Hillary could do what she's been intending to do all along--destroy the Founder's America. In fact, she's hiding out in Ireland with factions that want to break up Great Britain with dirty tricks. IOW, Hillary has no intention of ever coming here to face the sorry music she played to do in Donald Trump. And with her exit, the elusive Camelot in the mind of minions is now being shown for what it was--nonstop dirty tricks on President Trump and quite bluntly, treason of the worst kind.

I'm only trying to prepare you for what's ahead in the Justice Department. Those who cooperated with this coup attempt will pay the price, and we already know the financial story on them due to honest American workers in the government, photos, and the lost emails that point a finger to a co-erced treason brought to you by Hillary Clinton with full approval of then-President Obama. I feel bad for honest Democrats who were fooled by the Cabal we've come to know as the Deep State, in spite of panicked Deep-state deniers in the Party. I'm sorry for the Nation that this came about, but I guess they thought pulling one fast one after another in rapid fire was enough to fool everybody It wasn't.
Trump didn't spew the crap Obama is wallowing in. We can see what the Sainted Kenyan did to destroy America and he's still at it.
Hossfly, what the heck are you talking about? Explain what you claim Obama is wallowing in and what your leader told you Obama did to destroy America and is still 'at it'. You keep making claims that nobody can take at face value without at least a hint of what actions you are talking about. Please please please don't be yet another Russky infesting this board that thinks all we have to do is read an accusation from a Trumper to believe it without some kind of example. Even the National Enquirer offers an example, if only to print lies and rumors.
Bullwinkle, I know it's hard to understand someone you were politically proud of, but Obama had a dark side when Donald Trump the successful New York businessman put in his bid for President. He and Hillary launched a scorched-earth false narrative using the best tall-talers in the dirty politics industry. We are still learning details about their conspiracy every day, and trust me, it isn't a happy thing to find out a former President of the United States and a former First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State actually did collude with Russia in order to bring America into a no-return socialist state that would destroy the Constitution's Bill of Rights.

And it doesn't stop there. They brought in to the fray FBI agents, CIA, Democrat operatives in California whose specialties were fooling the lie detector test, creating false narratives where truth was optional to nonexistent, and the rest. Attorney General William Barr must be beside himself with the criminal conduct inspired by the Hillary-Obama Cabal in conjunction with Russia to take out Donald Trump so Hillary could do what she's been intending to do all along--destroy the Founder's America. In fact, she's hiding out in Ireland with factions that want to break up Great Britain with dirty tricks. IOW, Hillary has no intention of ever coming here to face the sorry music she played to do in Donald Trump. And with her exit, the elusive Camelot in the mind of minions is now being shown for what it was--nonstop dirty tricks on President Trump and quite bluntly, treason of the worst kind.

I'm only trying to prepare you for what's ahead in the Justice Department. Those who cooperated with this coup attempt will pay the price, and we already know the financial story on them due to honest American workers in the government, photos, and the lost emails that point a finger to a co-erced treason brought to you by Hillary Clinton with full approval of then-President Obama. I feel bad for honest Democrats who were fooled by the Cabal we've come to know as the Deep State, in spite of panicked Deep-state deniers in the Party. I'm sorry for the Nation that this came about, but I guess they thought pulling one fast one after another in rapid fire was enough to fool everybody It wasn't.
Beautress, I thank you for your thoughtful assessment of the prior admin's inefficiencies, but you haven't answered a single of my questions. Who (I got that part) WHAT (that's the question) Where and When, and add How? I assume the ACA is the socialism outcry, but a weak one considering Medicare and Social Security and assorted bail-outs.
My thoughts about the Barr crusade are well known, but epithets like your claim the previous admin's intentions to destroy the Founder's America, Democratic collusion with Russia to destroy the Democratic candidate and Hillary's evil plot of working from Ireland to help break up Great Britain with dirty tricks is straight out of the Trump Twilight zone. But again, my chief complaint is the blanket accusations without an example of an action taken to achieve that goal.
Isn't it telling that all the Democrat asshole Presidential candidates are taking the side of the Iranian terrorist leader?
Trump continues to have a fucked up Middle East policy and all you guys can do is find some meeting with Obama from nine years ago.

so just who has had a GOOD middle east policy?

obama sending iran billions on pallets in the dead of night in foreign currency?
obama bowing before the leadership?
bush waging war against the wrong country?

we can go back to almost every president out there and the end result is usually the same - the middle east is usually a shithole for politics and doesn't seem to have much of a desire for peace anyway. i'd just as soon we pull out and leave them to themselves, as long as they leave us out of their bullshit and attacks. however i also know it's never that simple.

but if they're gonna attack us and kill americans, we're going to attack back. that's just this admin. the last admin would send more money or something and hope that stopped them. neither method seems to appease them as the violence continues.
Yeah, nuthin here. Everybody still pickin' on the Kenyan Jesus.
Yep! But Ever-Trumpers are accustomed to sucking up the crap Trump spews, especially on Obama. It keeps them from having to look at his actions and/or inactions without bothering their conscience.
Trump didn't spew the crap Obama is wallowing in. We can see what the Sainted Kenyan did to destroy America and he's still at it.
Oh poop! Y'all cut Obama off at the ankles from the git-go (ala McConnel's mission statement on inauguration day), and now sit around listening to your portly Prince whine about how everybody hates him (sniff)...just because, as you continue to vomit unspecified hatred on everyone your hater-in-chief targets.
bitch - you still whining about "block his plans"? crap? lord the butthurt is strong with the left and people whining about that.

please - tell me ANY political party that as soon as they lost an election said "wow, we lost. ok people, please work with our new president and give him anything he wants without issue"/

go ahead. tell me ANY PARTY that has EVER done that.

fucking morons.
please - tell me ANY political party that as soon as they lost an election said "wow, we lost. ok people, please work with our new president and give him anything he wants without issue"/
An idiotic, contrived question, as that is not the only alternative. Childlike.
Yeah, nuthin here. Everybody still pickin' on the Kenyan Jesus.
Yep! But Ever-Trumpers are accustomed to sucking up the crap Trump spews, especially on Obama. It keeps them from having to look at his actions and/or inactions without bothering their conscience.
Trump didn't spew the crap Obama is wallowing in. We can see what the Sainted Kenyan did to destroy America and he's still at it.
Oh poop! Y'all cut Obama off at the ankles from the git-go (ala McConnel's mission statement on inauguration day), and now sit around listening to your portly Prince whine about how everybody hates him (sniff)...just because, as you continue to vomit unspecified hatred on everyone your hater-in-chief targets.
bitch - you still whining about "block his plans"? crap? lord the butthurt is strong with the left and people whining about that.

please - tell me ANY political party that as soon as they lost an election said "wow, we lost. ok people, please work with our new president and give him anything he wants without issue"/

go ahead. tell me ANY PARTY that has EVER done that.

fucking morons.
Grow up!
Yeah, nuthin here. Everybody still pickin' on the Kenyan Jesus.
Yep! But Ever-Trumpers are accustomed to sucking up the crap Trump spews, especially on Obama. It keeps them from having to look at his actions and/or inactions without bothering their conscience.
Trump didn't spew the crap Obama is wallowing in. We can see what the Sainted Kenyan did to destroy America and he's still at it.
Oh poop! Y'all cut Obama off at the ankles from the git-go (ala McConnel's mission statement on inauguration day), and now sit around listening to your portly Prince whine about how everybody hates him (sniff)...just because, as you continue to vomit unspecified hatred on everyone your hater-in-chief targets.
bitch - you still whining about "block his plans"? crap? lord the butthurt is strong with the left and people whining about that.

please - tell me ANY political party that as soon as they lost an election said "wow, we lost. ok people, please work with our new president and give him anything he wants without issue"/

go ahead. tell me ANY PARTY that has EVER done that.

fucking morons.
Pretty much every congress prior to Obama found ways to compromise and get things done for the country. Now it's my way or else with no room for the slightest compromise.
Yeah, nuthin here. Everybody still pickin' on the Kenyan Jesus.
Yep! But Ever-Trumpers are accustomed to sucking up the crap Trump spews, especially on Obama. It keeps them from having to look at his actions and/or inactions without bothering their conscience.
Trump didn't spew the crap Obama is wallowing in. We can see what the Sainted Kenyan did to destroy America and he's still at it.
Oh poop! Y'all cut Obama off at the ankles from the git-go (ala McConnel's mission statement on inauguration day), and now sit around listening to your portly Prince whine about how everybody hates him (sniff)...just because, as you continue to vomit unspecified hatred on everyone your hater-in-chief targets.
bitch - you still whining about "block his plans"? crap? lord the butthurt is strong with the left and people whining about that.

please - tell me ANY political party that as soon as they lost an election said "wow, we lost. ok people, please work with our new president and give him anything he wants without issue"/

go ahead. tell me ANY PARTY that has EVER done that.

fucking morons.
Grow up!
you're the one bitching about WAH THEY DIDN'T WORK WITH OBAMA WAH SO NEW SO UNFAIR - yet you can't name a single party that welcomed the OTHER party with open arms, can you? hypocritical fucktard.
Yeah, nuthin here. Everybody still pickin' on the Kenyan Jesus.
Yep! But Ever-Trumpers are accustomed to sucking up the crap Trump spews, especially on Obama. It keeps them from having to look at his actions and/or inactions without bothering their conscience.
Trump didn't spew the crap Obama is wallowing in. We can see what the Sainted Kenyan did to destroy America and he's still at it.
Oh poop! Y'all cut Obama off at the ankles from the git-go (ala McConnel's mission statement on inauguration day), and now sit around listening to your portly Prince whine about how everybody hates him (sniff)...just because, as you continue to vomit unspecified hatred on everyone your hater-in-chief targets.
bitch - you still whining about "block his plans"? crap? lord the butthurt is strong with the left and people whining about that.

please - tell me ANY political party that as soon as they lost an election said "wow, we lost. ok people, please work with our new president and give him anything he wants without issue"/

go ahead. tell me ANY PARTY that has EVER done that.

fucking morons.
Pretty much every congress prior to Obama found ways to compromise and get things done for the country. Now it's my way or else with no room for the slightest compromise.
so name a party that said they'd do all they could to work with the new admin.

simple question. these generic answers are fluffy and all, but they don't answer the base question of - the other party simply doesn't really go out of their way to help the new party. nature of the beast.

to use that as a justification to impeach trump, make up shit about him, invent reasons to spy and so forth? bullshit.
so name a party that said they'd do all they could to work with the new admin.
How old are you? Clue: the world didn't begin with the Trump admin. If all you can remember is divisiveness like today, you must be under 12. All admins have had opposition, and today's divisions began with Tom Delay IMHO. Heck, I'm so old I remember when Republicans were for Law & Order beginning at the top of the ticket, not Constitution busters. And Republicans like Ev Dirksen who worked so hard within his party for civil rights, not separating families as punishment for seeking refuge here. I even remember when Republicans got the vapors over Paula Jones and Monica Lewinski, before Stormy Daniels and that plethora of hussies who accuse The Donald of loose knickers. Heck, I remember when even Presidents answered subpoenas, such as Nixon and Clinton, before the current one refused because he knows he can't tell a straight story without lying and self aggrandizing. It cost the prior Execs, but they obeyed the law and didn't hide behind a slimy AG that will go down in infamy just like Roy Cohn. And nobody since before George Washington ever EVER tried to get foreign help with their campaigns for office, as a favor or thru extortion.

You want a party name that said they'd work with a new admin: Republican before McConnell and Democratic that has placed over 110 pieces of legislation proposals on McConnell's desk to rot there.

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