Guess what! Government people aren't responsible for their failures!

People like you are why politicians find scapegoats.

Not everything is someone's fault.
People like you are why politicians find scapegoats.

Not everything is someone's fault.
Really. So the total failure of the top people in government positions isn't anyone's fault? Nobody to blame here. The people you're supposed to trust with your healthcare, retirement and in this case your personal information because they made laws demanding you trust them with that aren't responsible when they fail. Shit happens huh?
You can't be serious? Noone should have taken tbe responsibility to make sure the data was secure? Even the IG said it was due to poor management.
People like you are why politicians find scapegoats.

Not everything is someone's fault.
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All you have to is ask them. Nope, not our fault we failed miserably. We did our best and should still be trusted to run your life...

Great news OPM chief says no one is personally responsible for massive security failure Update Video added Hot Air

Well shit. Maybe next time we will get a competent group in government.

Whoever pays the bills (taxpayers) and lets the officials and agencies continue to run up debt without DEMANDING those responsible to pay back the taxpayers
is ultimately responsible for why nothing gets corrected.

Hey, if these govt officials can keep charging mistakes onto the taxpayers' tab,
like an unlimited credit card that our future generations will have to figure out later,
then what is to stop them from "kicking the can down the road."

If Taxpayers formed a union across the different parties, made LISTS of all the waste and corruption,
and formed teams to go after the parties responsible, and either make them come up with a plan to pay it back,
or LEAVE OFFICE and hire someone who DOES have a plan that matches those AMOUNTS
then maybe we'd hire some competent problem solvers and business minded people who
can turn debts into positive income over time.

Example: Since members of Congress, predominantly members of the two major parties, failed to write, negotiate and pass legislation that represents ALL people by resolving conflicts in advance, the unresolved political beliefs and biases over ACA and the subsequent budget caused a 24 billion dollar shutdown.
A1. Form a team of reps from all political parties, and advocates for solutions to health care, to address the 24 billion dollars of tax money wasted when federal govt shut down due to the deadlock over ACA and the budget
A2. Proposed solution: Charge BOTH major parties with the task of raising 24 billion to pay back taxpayers, as part of their fundraising for political campaigns for office. While they are raising millions if not billions to run for office, they can pay this cost back to taxpayers first.

A3. Possible avenues for investing the 24 billion payback to taxpayers:
* Set up a credit account with the Fed and transfer 24 billion towards setting up sustainable health care for Veterans, and then have the Parties responsible for the 24 billion dollar shut down pay off that debt.

* Or have both parties raise and invest 12 billion per party into setting up SEPARATE health care programs to CHOOSE from (such as one based on centralized mandatory Singlepayer, another based on Free Market where the public option is a CHOICE but not a MANDATE; and there can be a track for spiritual health care where costs of care are reduced by offering free spiritual healing, and help is covered by charitable donations, not for profit, but completely voluntary to participate in)

Everyone can be required to pay for their own health care UNDER THE PLAN OF THEIR CHOICE
but govt cannot DICTATE what choices those are without violating RELIGIOUS FREEDOM

The failure of govt officials (Obama, Pelosi, Roberts to name a few key figures) to RECOGNIZE
the conflicting POLITICAL BELIEFS concerning health care as OUTSIDE the jurisdiction of federal govt
has cost and will continue to cost time, money, resources and relationships disrupted by this unconstitutional legislation. The 24 billion is only ONE case where it can be shown to have cost taxpayers a tangible sum.

NOTE: If supporters want to point out cases of lives and health saved by passing ACA in advance of resolving the conflicts, then all the parties in favor can find better ways to pay back those emergency costs. These could have been covered other ways WITHOUT imposing unconstitutional legislation that deprives law abiding citizens of liberty without due process, and which denies discriminates excludes and penalizes citizens on the basis of creed. So this demand to pay back the costs will require other SOLUTIONS for covering health care instead of mandates, but put the burden on the people who PASSED the bill, not on the citizens who never agreed to it.

Choice of political belief, including the right to life and right to health care, is NOT within the authority of Govt to DICTATE MANDATE or REGULATE when this choice belongs to the people by our free will given by God or by Nature, which govt cannot alter or order by legislation,

Now, for those who BELIEVE health care is a right, this would have to be APPROVED chosen and consented to FREELY by the public to pass such a law. Religious beliefs such as this CANNOT be mandated for everyone simply by majority vote in Congress or ruling in Court. Religious freedom is NOT up to govt process to decide.

Anyone who cannot discern the Political Beliefs inherent in the choices of free market health care or govt mandated health care should not hold govt office; anyone who has such a bias in beliefs should make sure they do not abuse their office or govt to IMPOSE such a bias as mandatory policy, but should recognize the equal religious freedom and choice of others who do not share the same beliefs.

Taxpayers should not have to keep paying for all the lawsuits, and mismanagement and conflicts
over a bill that should never have passed since it involves conflicting Political Beliefs.

Anyone in govt office who cannot see past their own biases and PROTECT political beliefs equally instead of competing should either be required to correct the problem, and help pay back any debts they incurred from this incompetence, or let others be in charge who are able to address and resolve these issues independent of bias.
People like you are why politicians find scapegoats.

Not everything is someone's fault.
But someone is always responsible. In this case Obama burning bridges politically throughout his disaster of a presidency is the major malfunction.


You think no one ever spied on us before Obama became President?

Your post doesn't seem to make any sense.
People like you are why politicians find scapegoats.

Not everything is someone's fault.
But someone is always responsible. In this case Obama burning bridges politically throughout his disaster of a presidency is the major malfunction.


You think no one ever spied on us before Obama became President?

Your post doesn't seem to make any sense.
How big does the failure have to be in order for you to begin thinking they aren't trustworthy? Six and a half years of failure upon failure and no success' and you still believe in this shit. How is that possible?
People like you are why politicians find scapegoats.

Not everything is someone's fault.
But someone is always responsible. In this case Obama burning bridges politically throughout his disaster of a presidency is the major malfunction.


You think no one ever spied on us before Obama became President?

Your post doesn't seem to make any sense.
How big does the failure have to be in order for you to begin thinking they aren't trustworthy? Six and a half years of failure upon failure and no success' and you still believe in this shit. How is that possible?

Don't be a fucking moron.

"Trustworthy" doesn't have anything to do with it. Neither does Obama. Hacking happens, and no system is secure.
Calling Obama's handling of the ACA, race relations and foreign policy as anything other than partisan extremism at its worst and most counter-productive is at best disingenuous.
People like you are why politicians find scapegoats.

Not everything is someone's fault.
But someone is always responsible. In this case Obama burning bridges politically throughout his disaster of a presidency is the major malfunction.


You think no one ever spied on us before Obama became President?

Your post doesn't seem to make any sense.
How big does the failure have to be in order for you to begin thinking they aren't trustworthy? Six and a half years of failure upon failure and no success' and you still believe in this shit. How is that possible?

Don't be a fucking moron.

"Trustworthy" doesn't have anything to do with it. Neither does Obama. Hacking happens, and no system is secure.
In other words there is no failure of government big enough for you to step away and think maybe they aren't trustworthy. You will continue to put all of your faith in them even when they fail at the most basic levels of their jobs. Government really does need fools like you to stay in power and actually get more because you can't even recognize complete failure when it happens. Trustworthy has nothing to do with it right? The difference is I can see failure and not want to be a part of it any longer. You on the other hand see failure and incompetence as an investment opportunity.
People like you are why politicians find scapegoats.

Not everything is someone's fault.
But someone is always responsible. In this case Obama burning bridges politically throughout his disaster of a presidency is the major malfunction.


You think no one ever spied on us before Obama became President?

Your post doesn't seem to make any sense.
How big does the failure have to be in order for you to begin thinking they aren't trustworthy? Six and a half years of failure upon failure and no success' and you still believe in this shit. How is that possible?

Don't be a fucking moron.

"Trustworthy" doesn't have anything to do with it. Neither does Obama. Hacking happens, and no system is secure.
In other words there is no failure of government big enough for you to step away and think maybe they aren't trustworthy. You will continue to put all of your faith in them even when they fail at the most basic levels of their jobs. Government really does need fools like you to stay in power and actually get more because you can't even recognize complete failure when it happens. Trustworthy has nothing to do with it right? The difference is I can see failure and not want to be a part of it any longer. You on the other hand see failure and incompetence as an investment opportunity.


What makes you think I find the government "trustworthy"?

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