Guess What Percentage of Londoners are ethnic "white" Englishmen

I was just there last January and I saw nothing of that. But then, I spent most of the week in East Sussex with rather rich and wealthy people in a neighborhood where the homes are considered historical properties.
It's only a matter of time before this:


shows up at the gates.

The numbers don't lie.

A little more than a third, by recent count.

How would you think of Rome if it were less than 40% Italian? Paris less than 40% French?

For many years the most common "Christian" name of male babies in England has been Muhammad (or variations thereof).

England has allowed itself to lose its English identity. The same trend prevails throughout Western Europe, although Scandinavia seems to be getting its figurative head out of its ass.

And anyone who complains about it, or suggests that it is a trend that should forcibly be stopped is immediately branded as a racist. And yet other countries in the world overtly impede outsiders from settling there, or gaining all the rights of citizenship.

I'm glad I'm old.
Not enough

They shouldn't have conquered and slaughtered all over the world displacing populations for so long then
You hit the nail on the head,and London isn't Britain, we have many Asians and that is because of our Imperialist past, France is the same with a large population of Arabs and some from South East Asia and Africa all down to Imperialism and Colonialism, problem is we don't seem to have learn't anything, the French are being ejected from Countries like Mali kicking and screaming.
Are the demographics of London the same throughout England?
The British Military and LEOs will not succumb to a high % of Unarmed Populace ( Recent Arrivals and first & Second Generation of immigrants ) who attempt to Take over regions or the entire UK .
I was just there last January and I saw nothing of that. But then, I spent most of the week in East Sussex with rather rich and wealthy people in a neighborhood where the homes are considered historical properties.
Sounds as though you might have been one of the badly dressed Americans we see gawping at us through the security gates and from behind the railings .
However , we always wave graciously when we drive past .
Sounds as though you might have been one of the badly dressed Americans we see gawping at us through the security gates and from behind the railings .
However , we always wave graciously when we drive past .

Not likely dweeb. I was in an exclusive area of the country where the streets are private and the homes are considered national treasures, attending a private funeral with celebrities where it was by invitation only.
Sounds as though you might have been one of the badly dressed Americans we see gawping at us through the security gates and from behind the railings .
However , we always wave graciously when we drive past .
Didn't you mention soon after you joined that you were on the dole and were heading out to dumpster dive?

As far as dress is concerned, I hope you don't wear your nicest party frocks when you do that.
They shouldn't have conquered and slaughtered all over the world displacing populations for so long then
Thats the guilt-ridden white lib reaction

Liberals want to be flogged as pinishment for the sins of their grandfathers
I agree that, as in so many other EU countries, the experiment has either failed or was meant to fail .

But it is so much worse in so many parts of the USeless that it sounds like very sour grapes and/or a defensive Coping mechanism.
Muslims do not peacefully coexist.
They erase other cultures.
But the Crazy Wokey Dopeys say that it's intolerant to try and defend your culture.
So naughty of them to copy the example set by White people, particularly the most violent of all tribes , the north Americans .
But then you are such an exemplary Racist .
Forum outcast infamous RACIST motivated posting:
'Luiza' - Nazism:


  • Pro Jihad child killing.
  • Admitting Jews today are the same ethnicity as Jesus . But often tries to lie about it.
  • Advocates for genocide.
  • Pro Jihad entities use of its children.
  • Promoting Hitler garbage.
  • Spamming the forums with despicable wording.

Gas chambers or Ovens - Nazi Luiza asks?

Exterminating J.

Against all Jews.

And more...

Today's Jews are as Jesus ethnicity she admits. But racist Luiza still hates via ancient lies canards stereotypes.

Didn't you mention soon after you joined that you were on the dole and were heading out to dumpster dive?

As far as dress is concerned, I hope you don't wear your nicest party frocks when you do that.
Just noticed .
You and Pasta Jelly must be our two most illiterate youngsters here on the good ship Lollipop.
Of course he has been abused by Hasbara but what caused your problems , Woof , Woof ?

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