Guess Who Has The Most Powerful Military Force In The World

Truth be known this nation in all probability spends far more than other nations in providing for the families of our military. This cost a whole lot of money.
Active Military...1,369,532

As of 2014 the army of the United States of America is one of the strongest armies in the world, if not the strongest – and that comes down to money. The yearly budget that the United States of America government has allocated to their army is more than six hundred and twelve BILLION dollars. Yes, you read that right: more than six hundred and twelve billion dollars. It is hard to match the global firepower of a country that spends that much on an army! This is probably because, despite not having a single battle on their own soil for tens if not hundreds of years, American troops are currently deployed in nearly one hundred and fifty countries.

Just would you feel if every time you went to do your grocery shopping there were troops there from a foreign country.....often armed. It seems that somewhere along the way Dwight D. Eisenhower's warning about a military/industrial complex got lost in the fray:

Number of soldiers doesn't equal power. Didn't you see "300?" :)

Seriously...we have eleven aircraft carriers. Nearly all of the other military countries don't have one. We don't just lead by a little.

So? Couldn't stomp Iraq or Afganistan with 11 carriers? Power you don't use doesn't lend itself to bragging rights. Performance in actual comflict is all that matters. US sucks of late. Simple as that. Theorectical power is top-tier, but real-world performance is a fucking joke.

Honestly US has the biggest stick by far but are very poor at playing the game especially the GOP.

Look at Iraq and Afghanistan they are a GOP mess packaged and given to Obama...

Iran is also a great example. What do America want with Iran...
What they should want is a friendly neighbour, one without nukes. The rest of the world went 'Hey Iran if want to do business you're going to need to drop the nukes' OR GOP 'Bomb Bomb....'

GOP is a clueless mess in international diplomacy. Obama played good cards up til Syria which was a Catch 22 mess..

Someone hand me a barf bag.
Active Military...1,369,532

As of 2014 the army of the United States of America is one of the strongest armies in the world, if not the strongest – and that comes down to money. The yearly budget that the United States of America government has allocated to their army is more than six hundred and twelve BILLION dollars. Yes, you read that right: more than six hundred and twelve billion dollars. It is hard to match the global firepower of a country that spends that much on an army! This is probably because, despite not having a single battle on their own soil for tens if not hundreds of years, American troops are currently deployed in nearly one hundred and fifty countries.

Just would you feel if every time you went to do your grocery shopping there were troops there from a foreign country.....often armed. It seems that somewhere along the way Dwight D. Eisenhower's warning about a military/industrial complex got lost in the fray:

Number of soldiers doesn't equal power. Didn't you see "300?" :)

Seriously...we have eleven aircraft carriers. Nearly all of the other military countries don't have one. We don't just lead by a little.

So? Couldn't stomp Iraq or Afganistan with 11 carriers? Power you don't use doesn't lend itself to bragging rights. Performance in actual comflict is all that matters. US sucks of late. Simple as that. Theorectical power is top-tier, but real-world performance is a fucking joke.

The problem is not with the availability of power, but with our weak leadership's lack of the use of it.
Truth be known this nation in all probability spends far more than other nations in providing for the families of our military. This cost a whole lot of money.
That's why many junior soldiers' families need food stamps.

Yes but a Sargent is knocking down pretty good money. There are probably several hundred or a thousand or so Sargents in the military in non-combat roles who actually do little work in the normal run of a day. You have the housing allowances, the medical, etc. It's not a bad deal.
Active Military...1,369,532

As of 2014 the army of the United States of America is one of the strongest armies in the world, if not the strongest – and that comes down to money. The yearly budget that the United States of America government has allocated to their army is more than six hundred and twelve BILLION dollars. Yes, you read that right: more than six hundred and twelve billion dollars. It is hard to match the global firepower of a country that spends that much on an army! This is probably because, despite not having a single battle on their own soil for tens if not hundreds of years, American troops are currently deployed in nearly one hundred and fifty countries.

Just would you feel if every time you went to do your grocery shopping there were troops there from a foreign country.....often armed. It seems that somewhere along the way Dwight D. Eisenhower's warning about a military/industrial complex got lost in the fray:

Number of soldiers doesn't equal power. Didn't you see "300?" :)

Seriously...we have eleven aircraft carriers. Nearly all of the other military countries don't have one. We don't just lead by a little.

So? Couldn't stomp Iraq or Afganistan with 11 carriers? Power you don't use doesn't lend itself to bragging rights. Performance in actual comflict is all that matters. US sucks of late. Simple as that. Theorectical power is top-tier, but real-world performance is a fucking joke.

Honestly US has the biggest stick by far but are very poor at playing the game especially the GOP.

Look at Iraq and Afghanistan they are a GOP mess packaged and given to Obama...

Iran is also a great example. What do America want with Iran...
What they should want is a friendly neighbour, one without nukes. The rest of the world went 'Hey Iran if want to do business you're going to need to drop the nukes' OR GOP 'Bomb Bomb....'

GOP is a clueless mess in international diplomacy. Obama played good cards up til Syria which was a Catch 22 mess.. alternative plan might include getting the fuck out of middle eastern countries and letting them handle their own affairs. We've been there since the 1930's and the only reason is oil. I have a suggestion....put up a flag which boldly states, "Don't Tread On Me" then come home and let them behead one another.
Active Military...1,369,532

As of 2014 the army of the United States of America is one of the strongest armies in the world, if not the strongest – and that comes down to money. The yearly budget that the United States of America government has allocated to their army is more than six hundred and twelve BILLION dollars. Yes, you read that right: more than six hundred and twelve billion dollars. It is hard to match the global firepower of a country that spends that much on an army! This is probably because, despite not having a single battle on their own soil for tens if not hundreds of years, American troops are currently deployed in nearly one hundred and fifty countries.

Just would you feel if every time you went to do your grocery shopping there were troops there from a foreign country.....often armed. It seems that somewhere along the way Dwight D. Eisenhower's warning about a military/industrial complex got lost in the fray:

Number of soldiers doesn't equal power. Didn't you see "300?" :)

Seriously...we have eleven aircraft carriers. Nearly all of the other military countries don't have one. We don't just lead by a little.

So? Couldn't stomp Iraq or Afganistan with 11 carriers? Power you don't use doesn't lend itself to bragging rights. Performance in actual comflict is all that matters. US sucks of late. Simple as that. Theorectical power is top-tier, but real-world performance is a fucking joke.

We took over Iraq and Afghanistan with no trouble. Just didn't know what to do after...
Reason US is weak lately is obvious enough. We're not fighting wars to win any more. We're pulling every punch pissing ourselves how it'll play in the media. Never win a war worrying about the media coverage.

In WWII we fought all out using what our own generals called 'terror bombing.' Incendiaries, attacks against civilian targets and infrastructure. And we won in multiple countries and on multiple fronts in under 4 years. Ever since though we've fought to be more PC and inoffensive than the enemy. And the result's been easily predictable. Wars agaisnt vastly inferior forces take 14+ years and end in a loss.
Democrats are making every effective weapons system we have illegal.
Truth be known this nation in all probability spends far more than other nations in providing for the families of our military. This cost a whole lot of money.
That's why many junior soldiers' families need food stamps.

Yes but a Sargent is knocking down pretty good money. There are probably several hundred or a thousand or so Sargents in the military in non-combat roles who actually do little work in the normal run of a day. You have the housing allowances, the medical, etc. It's not a bad deal.

Not a bad deal is an understatement. My oldest granddaughter's husband is a Warrant officer and a helicopter pilot flying Chinooks along the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea and they make out like bandits. You wouldn't believe the living quarters they have. They've already saved enough for my two great granddaughter's college educations. They've got it made.
Reason US is weak lately is obvious enough. We're not fighting wars to win any more. We're pulling every punch pissing ourselves how it'll play in the media. Never win a war worrying about the media coverage.

In WWII we fought all out using what our own generals called 'terror bombing.' Incendiaries, attacks against civilian targets and infrastructure. And we won in multiple countries and on multiple fronts in under 4 years. Ever since though we've fought to be more PC and inoffensive than the enemy. And the result's been easily predictable. Wars agaisnt vastly inferior forces take 14+ years and end in a loss.
Democrats are making every effective weapons system we have illegal.

That's a goddam boldfaced lie!!
Truth be known this nation in all probability spends far more than other nations in providing for the families of our military. This cost a whole lot of money.
That's why many junior soldiers' families need food stamps.

Yes but a Sargent is knocking down pretty good money. There are probably several hundred or a thousand or so Sargents in the military in non-combat roles who actually do little work in the normal run of a day. You have the housing allowances, the medical, etc. It's not a bad deal.

Not a bad deal is an understatement. My oldest granddaughter's husband is a Warrant officer and a helicopter pilot flying Chinooks along the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea and they make out like bandits. You wouldn't believe the living quarters they have. They've already saved enough for my two great granddaughter's college educations. They've got it made.

At least he's doing something. Many of these guys hardly have anything at all to do during a normal work day. I'm speaking of the many that are stateside or in non-combat zones like Germany, Hawaii, Alaska, or Japan.
Reason US is weak lately is obvious enough. We're not fighting wars to win any more. We're pulling every punch pissing ourselves how it'll play in the media. Never win a war worrying about the media coverage.

In WWII we fought all out using what our own generals called 'terror bombing.' Incendiaries, attacks against civilian targets and infrastructure. And we won in multiple countries and on multiple fronts in under 4 years. Ever since though we've fought to be more PC and inoffensive than the enemy. And the result's been easily predictable. Wars agaisnt vastly inferior forces take 14+ years and end in a loss.
Democrats are making every effective weapons system we have illegal.

That's a goddam boldfaced lie!!
Not at all.

They're like Hillary.

It's unfair for us to be capable of obliterating our enemies. White Phosphorus has been rendered illegal. The neutron bomb....illegal. Chemical and biological weapons....banned. Next.....nukes. DIME (Dense Inert Metal Explosive)....banned.

The left will find that if a weapons system causes terrible results....which what it was intended becomes a target to be internationally banned. So they're slowly picking away at our weapons systems. Anything that is effective becomes illegal through heavy pressure from the left.
Number of soldiers doesn't equal power. Didn't you see "300?" :)

I'm happy to discuss the implications of the Battle of Thermopylae to the degree of correlation between army size and army strength. But first you must put aside fantasy movies and stick to the facts.

You don't have a clue. This country has a defensive shield set up around it and not one missile stands a chance of penetrating it.
Help me out here -- are you arguing from ignorance or dishonesty?

I'm kinda surprised. Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative(Star Wars) cost this nation about a trillion dollars. How is it you're not proud of what the old movie star did?

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