Guess Who Has The Most Powerful Military Force In The World

And how the Hell do you figure that? Russia has a great ground game, possibly the best in the world, but there is more to military power than ground game. In today's world, ground game is the secondary concern. The US absolutely eclipses Russia in air superiority.
You're using a child's logic that bigger numbers means something.

Hey using your childish logic, if bigger numbers don't mean anything, why in the hell do republicans keep increasing the military budget?

Todays military relies on what is known as force multipliers. Equipment, training, tactics, communications, intelligence that allows smaller numbers of boots on the ground to defeat much larger forces with minimal casualties

Look at the performance of our forces against the mighty Republican Guard in Iraq. For the most part, they ran
Other nations seem to be really good at the monkey bars....I think if the future battle grounds involve public parks....we may be in big trouble:

Meanwhile, in the Good Ol USA...

Active Military...1,369,532

As of 2014 the army of the United States of America is one of the strongest armies in the world, if not the strongest – and that comes down to money. The yearly budget that the United States of America government has allocated to their army is more than six hundred and twelve BILLION dollars. Yes, you read that right: more than six hundred and twelve billion dollars. It is hard to match the global firepower of a country that spends that much on an army! This is probably because, despite not having a single battle on their own soil for tens if not hundreds of years, American troops are currently deployed in nearly one hundred and fifty countries.

Just would you feel if every time you went to do your grocery shopping there were troops there from a foreign country.....often armed. It seems that somewhere along the way Dwight D. Eisenhower's warning about a military/industrial complex got lost in the fray:

GOP wants to spend more…

Talk about socialism...

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