Guess Who Has The Most Powerful Military Force In The World

food stamps have grown by more than 13 MILLION under obama and are STILL 13 milion HIGHER THAN THEY WERE UNDER BUSH, heading into obama's EIGHTH YEAR

what are you idiots offering that puts into CONTEXT Eisenhower's statements? where are children going hungry here because of the size of our military? specific examples please

nothing you morons say adds up, holds up to scrutiny. that's why you get called names

Very good point

Food stamps are a good indicator of our economy and the need for good paying jobs for lower skilled workers. Eisenhowers quote about military spending coming at the expense of helping the poor is appropriate

If our military was not deployed around the world, propping up puppet dictators in lands that hate the US, we would have more money to help those in poverty

so you agree taking out saddam was the right thing to do????? i mean isnt that an example of a puppet dictator???

then why hasnt obama removed Assad yet? isnt he allowing russia to prop up THAT puppet?

and didnt obama take out khadafy?

why is that puppet any different than the rest dullard?

can you be consistent??

RW is completely consistent. he blows Democrats

You had all night to think of something and that was the best you could come up with?
Active Military...1,369,532

As of 2014 the army of the United States of America is one of the strongest armies in the world, if not the strongest – and that comes down to money. The yearly budget that the United States of America government has allocated to their army is more than six hundred and twelve BILLION dollars. Yes, you read that right: more than six hundred and twelve billion dollars. It is hard to match the global firepower of a country that spends that much on an army! This is probably because, despite not having a single battle on their own soil for tens if not hundreds of years, American troops are currently deployed in nearly one hundred and fifty countries.

Just would you feel if every time you went to do your grocery shopping there were troops there from a foreign country.....often armed. It seems that somewhere along the way Dwight D. Eisenhower's warning about a military/industrial complex got lost in the fray:

Both liberal gurus Wilson and FDR helped militarize the US by forming a collectivist government. Wilson did most of the ground work by creating the federal income tax and the Fed.

World collectivist regime + large pots of money = world conquering armies

Collectivists on the left created this Frankenstein known as the US federal government, and now they wish to restrain him?


Collectivists are warmongers. They have to be because their ideology demands that everyone be under their control in order to achieve their utopia. This means eventual Marshall law and the means to enforce it.
food stamps have grown by more than 13 MILLION under obama and are STILL 13 milion HIGHER THAN THEY WERE UNDER BUSH, heading into obama's EIGHTH YEAR

what are you idiots offering that puts into CONTEXT Eisenhower's statements? where are children going hungry here because of the size of our military? specific examples please

nothing you morons say adds up, holds up to scrutiny. that's why you get called names

Very good point

Food stamps are a good indicator of our economy and the need for good paying jobs for lower skilled workers. Eisenhowers quote about military spending coming at the expense of helping the poor is appropriate

If our military was not deployed around the world, propping up puppet dictators in lands that hate the US, we would have more money to help those in poverty

so you agree taking out saddam was the right thing to do????? i mean isnt that an example of a puppet dictator???

then why hasnt obama removed Assad yet? isnt he allowing russia to prop up THAT puppet?

and didnt obama take out khadafy?

why is that puppet any different than the rest dullard?

can you be consistent??

RW is completely consistent. he blows Democrats

You had all night to think of something and that was the best you could come up with?

Actually, I'm in Europe right now, so i didn't have all night.

And I'm defending you, big guy, they said you were inconsistent. You go down on the Democrat every time, you are very consistent. The accusation wasn't fair
food stamps have grown by more than 13 MILLION under obama and are STILL 13 milion HIGHER THAN THEY WERE UNDER BUSH, heading into obama's EIGHTH YEAR

what are you idiots offering that puts into CONTEXT Eisenhower's statements? where are children going hungry here because of the size of our military? specific examples please

nothing you morons say adds up, holds up to scrutiny. that's why you get called names

Very good point

Food stamps are a good indicator of our economy and the need for good paying jobs for lower skilled workers. Eisenhowers quote about military spending coming at the expense of helping the poor is appropriate

If our military was not deployed around the world, propping up puppet dictators in lands that hate the US, we would have more money to help those in poverty

so you agree taking out saddam was the right thing to do????? i mean isnt that an example of a puppet dictator???

then why hasnt obama removed Assad yet? isnt he allowing russia to prop up THAT puppet?

and didnt obama take out khadafy?

why is that puppet any different than the rest dullard?

can you be consistent??

RW is completely consistent. he blows Democrats

You had all night to think of something and that was the best you could come up with?

Actually, I'm in Europe right now, so i didn't have all night.

And I'm defending you, big guy, they said you were inconsistent. You go down on the Democrat every time, you are very consistent. The accusation wasn't fair

You mean you were lucid when you wrote that?
...We took over Iraq and Afghanistan with no trouble...
The shades of 200+ American (and so-called 'Coalition') dead during the Invasion, and the 5000+ dead in the years after the initial victory, might disagree with you.

...Just didn't know what to do after...
True. It's what happens when you fail to construct an effective, realistic front-to-back (invasion-to-exit) strategy and then stick to it.

In the case of Iraq, it's what happens when you invade another country for no damned good reason and lie to your own people and the world about the causes.

In the case of Afghanistan, it's what happens when you force-out the Bad Guys, fail to capture the Head Bad Guy let him escape to another kindred country next-door, then hang around, for years, afterwards, for no good reason, and to no useful purpose, in a region of formidable and tortuous terrain that historically swallows and buries invaders.

In the case of Iraq, Bush got the US Congress including Senators Clinton and Kerry to authorize the act as well as the right to enforce the UN Resolution that verified material breach of the cease fire that was in place.
The fact that OBL escaped to Pakistan could not be blamed on Bush, but the special ops teams he was responsible for finally located and eliminated the SOB.
You really need to pull you head out of Obama's ass and find out what is real and what is make believe.
I'm an Obama fan?

You're out of your tiny little mind.

In the case of Iraq, it doesn't matter one good goddamn who Shrub managed to sucker into going to war - he and his people knew it was bullshit - that's all that counts.

In the case of Afghanistan, the US military - operating under Shrub's command - flubbed the capture at Tora Bora, and then stayed years too long, for no good reason.

Afghanistan was as close to a 'righteous shoot' as we're like to come in modern times, but we should have been in and out of there within six months, tops.

Iraq was total bullshit - a squandering of American blood and treasure - although I made a great show of supporting the troops in my blogging at the time, so as to avoid giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Who signed-on and who did not sign-on is not the frigging point.

If you bullshit people, then, of course they're going to be more inclined to agree with you.

It is the bullshitting that is at-issue with respect to Iraq, not who inadvertently bought into the bullshit.

Not everyone who keenly focuses upon the 'bullshit' is an Obama fan, nor even a Democrat.

The world is a little more than simple black and white, although 'grey' is not dreamt of in your philosophy.

You mentioned tiny little minds and proceeded to exhibit a perfect example of one with the nonsense in your post.

I make perfect sense in this context.

Stop defending the indefensible.

We owe it to the thousands of dead American kids and the dozens of thousands of maimed ones.

We must own-up to our mistakes and commit to not making them again.

Much as we learned the lessons of Vietnam, and applied them to the Gulf War of 1991.

Then promptly forgot them again, in 2002 and beyond.

1. only undertake righteous missions

2. fight to win

3. walk away afterwards - don't try to nation-build - or, at a minimum, merely participate alongside other wealthy nations, in the rebuilding, and leave, if there's trouble

4. indict and convict and lock-up politicians who bullshit the American People or the Congress into making war for no good purpose

We owe that to the ghosts of those kids, and their maimed and wounded and traumatized comrades.

Stop defending the indefensible.

Like I said. A tiny mind ignores the fact that Saddam Hussein was starving 10's of thousands o his own people when he wasn't killing them with poison gas. That is about as righteous as it gets. The fact that Bush got his intel from the CIA and other free world intelligence agencies just as the US Congress did and they voted on what they knew. And, as I tried to educate you on the fact that the UN clearly stated in UN Res 1441 that Saddam Hussein was in material breach of the cease fire that was in effect.

I also regret the loss of life of every one of my fellow servicemen and women, but will remind your tiny little mind that every one of them was a volunteer, unlike Vietnam where many of them were drafted.
It was a known fact that Iraq was stabilized when Bush left office and the only thing left was to negotiate a residual force to be kept in country to maintain that stability. Unfortunately for the American people Obama couldn't be bothered to do that, and sent Biden there where he failed to get an agreement.

Your coulda' woulda' shoulda' defense is nonsense.
The shades of 200+ American (and so-called 'Coalition') dead during the Invasion, and the 5000+ dead in the years after the initial victory, might disagree with you.

True. It's what happens when you fail to construct an effective, realistic front-to-back (invasion-to-exit) strategy and then stick to it.

In the case of Iraq, it's what happens when you invade another country for no damned good reason and lie to your own people and the world about the causes.

In the case of Afghanistan, it's what happens when you force-out the Bad Guys, fail to capture the Head Bad Guy let him escape to another kindred country next-door, then hang around, for years, afterwards, for no good reason, and to no useful purpose, in a region of formidable and tortuous terrain that historically swallows and buries invaders.

In the case of Iraq, Bush got the US Congress including Senators Clinton and Kerry to authorize the act as well as the right to enforce the UN Resolution that verified material breach of the cease fire that was in place.
The fact that OBL escaped to Pakistan could not be blamed on Bush, but the special ops teams he was responsible for finally located and eliminated the SOB.
You really need to pull you head out of Obama's ass and find out what is real and what is make believe.
I'm an Obama fan?

You're out of your tiny little mind.

In the case of Iraq, it doesn't matter one good goddamn who Shrub managed to sucker into going to war - he and his people knew it was bullshit - that's all that counts.

In the case of Afghanistan, the US military - operating under Shrub's command - flubbed the capture at Tora Bora, and then stayed years too long, for no good reason.

Afghanistan was as close to a 'righteous shoot' as we're like to come in modern times, but we should have been in and out of there within six months, tops.

Iraq was total bullshit - a squandering of American blood and treasure - although I made a great show of supporting the troops in my blogging at the time, so as to avoid giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Who signed-on and who did not sign-on is not the frigging point.

If you bullshit people, then, of course they're going to be more inclined to agree with you.

It is the bullshitting that is at-issue with respect to Iraq, not who inadvertently bought into the bullshit.

Not everyone who keenly focuses upon the 'bullshit' is an Obama fan, nor even a Democrat.

The world is a little more than simple black and white, although 'grey' is not dreamt of in your philosophy.

You mentioned tiny little minds and proceeded to exhibit a perfect example of one with the nonsense in your post.

I make perfect sense in this context.

Stop defending the indefensible.

We owe it to the thousands of dead American kids and the dozens of thousands of maimed ones.

We must own-up to our mistakes and commit to not making them again.

Much as we learned the lessons of Vietnam, and applied them to the Gulf War of 1991.

Then promptly forgot them again, in 2002 and beyond.

1. only undertake righteous missions

2. fight to win

3. walk away afterwards - don't try to nation-build - or, at a minimum, merely participate alongside other wealthy nations, in the rebuilding, and leave, if there's trouble

4. indict and convict and lock-up politicians who bullshit the American People or the Congress into making war for no good purpose

We owe that to the ghosts of those kids, and their maimed and wounded and traumatized comrades.

Stop defending the indefensible.

Like I said. A tiny mind ignores the fact that Saddam Hussein was starving 10's of thousands o his own people when he wasn't killing them with poison gas. That is about as righteous as it gets. The fact that Bush got his intel from the CIA and other free world intelligence agencies just as the US Congress did and they voted on what they knew. And, as I tried to educate you on the fact that the UN clearly stated in UN Res 1441 that Saddam Hussein was in material breach of the cease fire that was in effect.

I also regret the loss of life of every one of my fellow servicemen and women, but will remind your tiny little mind that every one of them was a volunteer, unlike Vietnam where many of them were drafted.
It was a known fact that Iraq was stabilized when Bush left office and the only thing left was to negotiate a residual force to be kept in country to maintain that stability. Unfortunately for the American people Obama couldn't be bothered to do that, and sent Biden there where he failed to get an agreement.

Your coulda' woulda' shoulda' defense is nonsense.

The young men and women are volunteers for a reason. They can't afford college and if they really want an education even approaching the ones rich assholes take for granted in this country the military is the only choice they have. When Richard Nixon took this country off the gold standard and stopped the draft he knew exactly what he was doing. The rich assed Republicans start the unnecessary wars but somebody else's less fortunate kids are sent to fight and die in them....sounds like one helluva deal....for them!!
In the case of Iraq, Bush got the US Congress including Senators Clinton and Kerry to authorize the act as well as the right to enforce the UN Resolution that verified material breach of the cease fire that was in place.
The fact that OBL escaped to Pakistan could not be blamed on Bush, but the special ops teams he was responsible for finally located and eliminated the SOB.
You really need to pull you head out of Obama's ass and find out what is real and what is make believe.
I'm an Obama fan?

You're out of your tiny little mind.

In the case of Iraq, it doesn't matter one good goddamn who Shrub managed to sucker into going to war - he and his people knew it was bullshit - that's all that counts.

In the case of Afghanistan, the US military - operating under Shrub's command - flubbed the capture at Tora Bora, and then stayed years too long, for no good reason.

Afghanistan was as close to a 'righteous shoot' as we're like to come in modern times, but we should have been in and out of there within six months, tops.

Iraq was total bullshit - a squandering of American blood and treasure - although I made a great show of supporting the troops in my blogging at the time, so as to avoid giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Who signed-on and who did not sign-on is not the frigging point.

If you bullshit people, then, of course they're going to be more inclined to agree with you.

It is the bullshitting that is at-issue with respect to Iraq, not who inadvertently bought into the bullshit.

Not everyone who keenly focuses upon the 'bullshit' is an Obama fan, nor even a Democrat.

The world is a little more than simple black and white, although 'grey' is not dreamt of in your philosophy.

You mentioned tiny little minds and proceeded to exhibit a perfect example of one with the nonsense in your post.

I make perfect sense in this context.

Stop defending the indefensible.

We owe it to the thousands of dead American kids and the dozens of thousands of maimed ones.

We must own-up to our mistakes and commit to not making them again.

Much as we learned the lessons of Vietnam, and applied them to the Gulf War of 1991.

Then promptly forgot them again, in 2002 and beyond.

1. only undertake righteous missions

2. fight to win

3. walk away afterwards - don't try to nation-build - or, at a minimum, merely participate alongside other wealthy nations, in the rebuilding, and leave, if there's trouble

4. indict and convict and lock-up politicians who bullshit the American People or the Congress into making war for no good purpose

We owe that to the ghosts of those kids, and their maimed and wounded and traumatized comrades.

Stop defending the indefensible.

Like I said. A tiny mind ignores the fact that Saddam Hussein was starving 10's of thousands o his own people when he wasn't killing them with poison gas. That is about as righteous as it gets. The fact that Bush got his intel from the CIA and other free world intelligence agencies just as the US Congress did and they voted on what they knew. And, as I tried to educate you on the fact that the UN clearly stated in UN Res 1441 that Saddam Hussein was in material breach of the cease fire that was in effect.

I also regret the loss of life of every one of my fellow servicemen and women, but will remind your tiny little mind that every one of them was a volunteer, unlike Vietnam where many of them were drafted.
It was a known fact that Iraq was stabilized when Bush left office and the only thing left was to negotiate a residual force to be kept in country to maintain that stability. Unfortunately for the American people Obama couldn't be bothered to do that, and sent Biden there where he failed to get an agreement.

Your coulda' woulda' shoulda' defense is nonsense.

The young men and women are volunteers for a reason. They can't afford college and if they really want an education even approaching the ones rich assholes take for granted in this country the military is the only choice they have. When Richard Nixon took this country off the gold standard and stopped the draft he knew exactly what he was doing. The rich assed Republicans start the unnecessary wars but somebody else's less fortunate kids are sent to fight and die in them....sounds like one helluva deal....for them!!

Read this link and it will grow your tiny little mind.

Nixon Ends Convertibility of US Dollars to Gold and Announces Wage/Price Controls - A detailed essay on an important event in the history of the Federal Reserve.
I'm an Obama fan?

You're out of your tiny little mind.

In the case of Iraq, it doesn't matter one good goddamn who Shrub managed to sucker into going to war - he and his people knew it was bullshit - that's all that counts.

In the case of Afghanistan, the US military - operating under Shrub's command - flubbed the capture at Tora Bora, and then stayed years too long, for no good reason.

Afghanistan was as close to a 'righteous shoot' as we're like to come in modern times, but we should have been in and out of there within six months, tops.

Iraq was total bullshit - a squandering of American blood and treasure - although I made a great show of supporting the troops in my blogging at the time, so as to avoid giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Who signed-on and who did not sign-on is not the frigging point.

If you bullshit people, then, of course they're going to be more inclined to agree with you.

It is the bullshitting that is at-issue with respect to Iraq, not who inadvertently bought into the bullshit.

Not everyone who keenly focuses upon the 'bullshit' is an Obama fan, nor even a Democrat.

The world is a little more than simple black and white, although 'grey' is not dreamt of in your philosophy.

You mentioned tiny little minds and proceeded to exhibit a perfect example of one with the nonsense in your post.

I make perfect sense in this context.

Stop defending the indefensible.

We owe it to the thousands of dead American kids and the dozens of thousands of maimed ones.

We must own-up to our mistakes and commit to not making them again.

Much as we learned the lessons of Vietnam, and applied them to the Gulf War of 1991.

Then promptly forgot them again, in 2002 and beyond.

1. only undertake righteous missions

2. fight to win

3. walk away afterwards - don't try to nation-build - or, at a minimum, merely participate alongside other wealthy nations, in the rebuilding, and leave, if there's trouble

4. indict and convict and lock-up politicians who bullshit the American People or the Congress into making war for no good purpose

We owe that to the ghosts of those kids, and their maimed and wounded and traumatized comrades.

Stop defending the indefensible.

Like I said. A tiny mind ignores the fact that Saddam Hussein was starving 10's of thousands o his own people when he wasn't killing them with poison gas. That is about as righteous as it gets. The fact that Bush got his intel from the CIA and other free world intelligence agencies just as the US Congress did and they voted on what they knew. And, as I tried to educate you on the fact that the UN clearly stated in UN Res 1441 that Saddam Hussein was in material breach of the cease fire that was in effect.

I also regret the loss of life of every one of my fellow servicemen and women, but will remind your tiny little mind that every one of them was a volunteer, unlike Vietnam where many of them were drafted.
It was a known fact that Iraq was stabilized when Bush left office and the only thing left was to negotiate a residual force to be kept in country to maintain that stability. Unfortunately for the American people Obama couldn't be bothered to do that, and sent Biden there where he failed to get an agreement.

Your coulda' woulda' shoulda' defense is nonsense.

The young men and women are volunteers for a reason. They can't afford college and if they really want an education even approaching the ones rich assholes take for granted in this country the military is the only choice they have. When Richard Nixon took this country off the gold standard and stopped the draft he knew exactly what he was doing. The rich assed Republicans start the unnecessary wars but somebody else's less fortunate kids are sent to fight and die in them....sounds like one helluva deal....for them!!

Read this link and it will grow your tiny little mind.

Nixon Ends Convertibility of US Dollars to Gold and Announces Wage/Price Controls - A detailed essay on an important event in the history of the Federal Reserve.

I don't have to read anything about Richard Nixon. I voted for him three times. My voting record consists of Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times...even Reagan once. Then I saw the new plan of the cuts for the rich while funding it with borrowed money. Now I'm ashamed I ever was a Republican. The modern party doesn't even resemble the old party. I've only voted Democrat in national elections three times during my 81 years but one thing I'll swear to, I won't vote Republican again if I life to 100.
Very good point

Food stamps are a good indicator of our economy and the need for good paying jobs for lower skilled workers. Eisenhowers quote about military spending coming at the expense of helping the poor is appropriate

If our military was not deployed around the world, propping up puppet dictators in lands that hate the US, we would have more money to help those in poverty

so you agree taking out saddam was the right thing to do????? i mean isnt that an example of a puppet dictator???

then why hasnt obama removed Assad yet? isnt he allowing russia to prop up THAT puppet?

and didnt obama take out khadafy?

why is that puppet any different than the rest dullard?

can you be consistent??

RW is completely consistent. he blows Democrats

You had all night to think of something and that was the best you could come up with?

Actually, I'm in Europe right now, so i didn't have all night.

And I'm defending you, big guy, they said you were inconsistent. You go down on the Democrat every time, you are very consistent. The accusation wasn't fair

You mean you were lucid when you wrote that?

Why is that big guy, you think I was wrong about you being consistent, you're saying you're not?
...Like I said. A tiny mind ignores the fact that Saddam Hussein was starving 10's of thousands o his own people when he wasn't killing them with poison gas...
Juicy post facto rationalizations, given that the original and primary casus belli collapsed like a house of cards.

Also, not our business, and not worth the life of a single American boy or girl.

Not one.

...That is about as righteous as it gets...
That was not the primary casus belli, as presented to either the American People or the United Nations at the time.

You engage in transparent backpedaling - easily rebutted.

...The fact that Bush got his intel from the CIA and other free world intelligence agencies just as the US Congress did and they voted on what they knew...
Doesn't matter.

Bush lied.

Americans died.

...And, as I tried to educate you on the fact that the UN clearly stated in UN Res 1441 that Saddam Hussein was in material breach of the cease fire that was in effect...
So, why didn't the United Nations step up to the plate and jointly take corrective action?

Could it be because nobody else believe Bush's bullshit, even at the time.

You could tell that by the reaction to Colin Powell's presentation - a great and honorable American, who was 'only following orders' once too often, and got burned for it. Pity.

...I also regret the loss of life of every one of my fellow servicemen and women, but will remind your tiny little mind that every one of them was a volunteer, unlike Vietnam where many of them were drafted...
Volunteers have the right to expect that their civilian leadership will not squander their lives to no good purpose.

We failed them in that regard... just like in Vietnam.

...It was a known fact that Iraq was stabilized when Bush left office and the only thing left was to negotiate a residual force to be kept in country to maintain that stability. Unfortunately for the American people Obama couldn't be bothered to do that, and sent Biden there where he failed to get an agreement...
Iraq would have been a damned site more stable had we not invaded in the first place.

Oh, and, ISIS wouldn't exist, either.

...Your coulda' woulda' shoulda' defense is nonsense.
Thank you for your feedback.
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Currently Russia has the most powerful. Conqueored Georgia and Ukraine unopposed. That's real military power. Everything else is just paper and theorectical power.

Compared to Russia, the US' military is...Lacking something.


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...Like I said. A tiny mind ignores the fact that Saddam Hussein was starving 10's of thousands o his own people when he wasn't killing them with poison gas...
Juicy post facto rationalizations, given that the original and primary casus belli collapsed like a house of cards.

Also, not our business, and not worth the life of a single American boy or girl.

Not one.

...That is about as righteous as it gets...
That was not the primary casus belli, as presented to either the American People or the United Nations at the time.

You engage in transparent backpedaling - easily rebutted.

...The fact that Bush got his intel from the CIA and other free world intelligence agencies just as the US Congress did and they voted on what they knew...
Doesn't matter.

Bush lied.

Americans died.

...And, as I tried to educate you on the fact that the UN clearly stated in UN Res 1441 that Saddam Hussein was in material breach of the cease fire that was in effect...
So, why didn't the United Nations step up to the plate and jointly take corrective action?

Could it be because nobody else believe Bush's bullshit, even at the time.

You could tell that by the reaction to Colin Powell's presentation - a great and honorable American, who was 'only following orders' once too often, and got burned for it. Pity.

...I also regret the loss of life of every one of my fellow servicemen and women, but will remind your tiny little mind that every one of them was a volunteer, unlike Vietnam where many of them were drafted...
Volunteers have the right to expect that their civilian leadership will not squander their lives to no good purpose.

We failed them in that regard... just like in Vietnam.

...It was a known fact that Iraq was stabilized when Bush left office and the only thing left was to negotiate a residual force to be kept in country to maintain that stability. Unfortunately for the American people Obama couldn't be bothered to do that, and sent Biden there where he failed to get an agreement...
Iraq would have been a damned site more stable had we not invaded in the first place.

Oh, and, ISIS wouldn't exist, either.

...Your coulda' woulda' shoulda' defense is nonsense.
Thank you for your feedback.

Thank you for your post of absolute nonsense.
...Like I said. A tiny mind ignores the fact that Saddam Hussein was starving 10's of thousands o his own people when he wasn't killing them with poison gas...
Juicy post facto rationalizations, given that the original and primary casus belli collapsed like a house of cards.

Also, not our business, and not worth the life of a single American boy or girl.

Not one.

...That is about as righteous as it gets...
That was not the primary casus belli, as presented to either the American People or the United Nations at the time.

You engage in transparent backpedaling - easily rebutted.

...The fact that Bush got his intel from the CIA and other free world intelligence agencies just as the US Congress did and they voted on what they knew...
Doesn't matter.

Bush lied.

Americans died.

...And, as I tried to educate you on the fact that the UN clearly stated in UN Res 1441 that Saddam Hussein was in material breach of the cease fire that was in effect...
So, why didn't the United Nations step up to the plate and jointly take corrective action?

Could it be because nobody else believe Bush's bullshit, even at the time.

You could tell that by the reaction to Colin Powell's presentation - a great and honorable American, who was 'only following orders' once too often, and got burned for it. Pity.

...I also regret the loss of life of every one of my fellow servicemen and women, but will remind your tiny little mind that every one of them was a volunteer, unlike Vietnam where many of them were drafted...
Volunteers have the right to expect that their civilian leadership will not squander their lives to no good purpose.

We failed them in that regard... just like in Vietnam.

...It was a known fact that Iraq was stabilized when Bush left office and the only thing left was to negotiate a residual force to be kept in country to maintain that stability. Unfortunately for the American people Obama couldn't be bothered to do that, and sent Biden there where he failed to get an agreement...
Iraq would have been a damned site more stable had we not invaded in the first place.

Oh, and, ISIS wouldn't exist, either.

...Your coulda' woulda' shoulda' defense is nonsense.
Thank you for your feedback.

Thank you for your post of absolute nonsense.
No, it wasn't absolute nonsense, old sod, merely a combination of facts and well-considered and factually-based opinion that you could not hope to counterpoint, effectively.

I stand by those remarks...

As I stand by the shades of those who went to their deaths, in obedience to leaders unworthy of their trust...

As I stand by those maimed and wounded kids who can no longer stand by themselves, thanks to that unworthy leadership...

Unworthy (visible) leadership, and the shadow-cabal that was pulling many of the strings, and whom will never be held accountable for the misery they caused to our own people...

Our brave boys and girls did their duty, to their Nation, their People, the Constitution, and their Oaths, and I salute and bless them for that, and marvel at their bravery and successes...

And I would never 'give aid and comfort to the enemy' - even on the Internet - by saying anything negative about their handling, while they were still in harm's way...

But, now that they're back from Iraq...

I absolutely loathe and despise the intentional lies and deceit and treachery employed in setting America upon a path of unnecessary and useless and pointless war...

In second place on my loathing and despising scale, are those who continue, to this day, to peddle the bullshit that cost us so much American blood and treasure, for no good reason...

We have a responsibility to ensure that our brave warriors are only put into harm's way when there is an actual and significant need to endanger them...

We failed them, in connection with the invasion and occupation of Iraq, just as we failed them by staying in Afghanistan long past the mission's parameters...

We failed them...


Shame on all of us, for letting that happen - again.
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...Like I said. A tiny mind ignores the fact that Saddam Hussein was starving 10's of thousands o his own people when he wasn't killing them with poison gas...
Juicy post facto rationalizations, given that the original and primary casus belli collapsed like a house of cards.

Also, not our business, and not worth the life of a single American boy or girl.

Not one.

...That is about as righteous as it gets...
That was not the primary casus belli, as presented to either the American People or the United Nations at the time.

You engage in transparent backpedaling - easily rebutted.

...The fact that Bush got his intel from the CIA and other free world intelligence agencies just as the US Congress did and they voted on what they knew...
Doesn't matter.

Bush lied.

Americans died.

...And, as I tried to educate you on the fact that the UN clearly stated in UN Res 1441 that Saddam Hussein was in material breach of the cease fire that was in effect...
So, why didn't the United Nations step up to the plate and jointly take corrective action?

Could it be because nobody else believe Bush's bullshit, even at the time.

You could tell that by the reaction to Colin Powell's presentation - a great and honorable American, who was 'only following orders' once too often, and got burned for it. Pity.

...I also regret the loss of life of every one of my fellow servicemen and women, but will remind your tiny little mind that every one of them was a volunteer, unlike Vietnam where many of them were drafted...
Volunteers have the right to expect that their civilian leadership will not squander their lives to no good purpose.

We failed them in that regard... just like in Vietnam.

...It was a known fact that Iraq was stabilized when Bush left office and the only thing left was to negotiate a residual force to be kept in country to maintain that stability. Unfortunately for the American people Obama couldn't be bothered to do that, and sent Biden there where he failed to get an agreement...
Iraq would have been a damned site more stable had we not invaded in the first place.

Oh, and, ISIS wouldn't exist, either.

...Your coulda' woulda' shoulda' defense is nonsense.
Thank you for your feedback.

Thank you for your post of absolute nonsense.
No, it wasn't absolute nonsense, old sod, merely a combination of facts and well-considered and factually-based opinion that you could not hope to counterpoint, effectively.

I stand by those remarks...

As I stand by the shades of those who went to their deaths, in obedience to leaders unworthy of their trust...

As I stand by those maimed and wounded kids who can no longer stand by themselves, thanks to that unworthy leadership...

Unworthy (visible) leadership, and the shadow-cabal that was pulling many of the strings, and whom will never be held accountable for the misery they caused to our own people...

Our brave boys and girls did their duty, to their Nation, their People, the Constitution, and their Oaths, and I salute and bless them for that, and marvel at their bravery and successes...

And I would never 'give aid and comfort to the enemy' - even on the Internet - by saying anything negative about their handling, while they were still in harm's way...

But, now that they're back from Iraq...

I absolutely loathe and despise the intentional lies and deceit and treachery employed in setting America upon a path of unnecessary and useless and pointless war...

In second place on my loathing and despising scale, are those who continue, to this day, to peddle the bullshit that cost us so much American blood and treasure, for no good reason...

We have a responsibility to ensure that our brave warriors are only put into harm's way when there is an actual and significant need to endanger them...

We failed them, in connection with the invasion and occupation of Iraq, just as we failed them by staying in Afghanistan long past the mission's parameters...

We failed them...


Shame on all of us, for letting that happen - again.

One question.

Are these three statements lies?

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
Hmmm, soooooooooooooo, 9/11/2001 was 200 years ago?

9/11 was an invasion?

what would you call it? an attack? a terrorist bombing? an act of war? or "bush did it" ?

Do you understand what an invasion is?

It takes a occupying force capturing territory

Pearl Harbor was an attack, not an invasion

OK, fine. Attack. do you think our military only exists to prevent a physical invasion force?

No I don't.

The US armed forces are mostly used to do the bidding of the political elite, invading being one of those things.

your liberal socialist brainwashing is evident, seek help.
9/11 was an invasion?

what would you call it? an attack? a terrorist bombing? an act of war? or "bush did it" ?

Do you understand what an invasion is?

It takes a occupying force capturing territory

Pearl Harbor was an attack, not an invasion

OK, fine. Attack. do you think our military only exists to prevent a physical invasion force?

No I don't.

The US armed forces are mostly used to do the bidding of the political elite, invading being one of those things.

your liberal socialist brainwashing is evident, seek help.

Isn't that a great argument? If you can't fight back, just insult, attack and all that. It's not even new. It happens so often on here it's ridiculous.

Would you to discuss the point being made? No?

Reserves in today strenght includes in every even N:Korea war zone with proffesionel Armed I belive in. No nuclear including in my ranks.

N.Korea can invade all land scape in Asia with reserve force if Russia and China trust outside nuclear if N.Korea trying to attacking hole Asia in close future.

Yes, Asia have many strong nations in world. 5 or 6 in top ten.

Biggest forces is strongest in defence even smaller forces can also.

Yes, my list.

Sweden are 50th place with today strenght.

5 billion € in Sweden Defence budjet.
Of course we do. We can win most any stand up fight, it's the occupations that we don't do so well in.

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