Guess who is next on the boycott list?

I wonder when all that shit gets bailed-up and sent to the third world if they will wear it? ;)

They'll probably just turn the shirts inside out and wear them like that. Or perhaps give the images on the clothes a new meaning unassociated with the idea of taking it in the caboose?
You just called yourself a hypocrite.
They don't get it...

These just re-market themselves as Walmart Red and Walmart Blue and carry on...

Walmart know full well that being anti Gay is very bad business... What ever losses you have today looks better than being pro Nazi in the future.. You can get away with it, but you prefer not..

What brands made Nazi uniforms?
Support of Nazism
The Hugo Boss company produced these black uniforms along with the brown SA shirts and the black-and-brown uniforms of the Hitler Youth. Some workers were French and Polish prisoners of war forced into labour.
Do people understand how the internet works with shopping? It's very likely Wal Mart doesn't even carry this item.

" But, but, but Wal Mart needs to better control what is seen from third party sources"..........sheesh.

It might not even be on their site a day. It's a great way for outside sources to manipulate the markets I suppose.

And what does this have to do with politics? (not that we all don't know that all of this is about politics for some)
A friend told me. I didn't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes.

Looks like a hungry month in MAGAT Land.

By whom are they considered that?

What ratio of straight to gay people is needed for a city to be a "gay city"?
---When most people think of Salt Lake, a progressive queer scene probably isn’t the first… or second... or, um, even third thing that comes to mind. But almost any LGBTQ visitor who’s been here before, and nearly every LGBTQ local who calls the city home, will tell you, it’s an inclusive urban destination with tons of super gay stuff going on. In fact, Advocate magazine listed us as one of the Ten Queerest Cities in America.---


In your face. You sure seem to be the one promoting it.

you should take this advice....

Some People are Gay Get Over It​

They don't get it...

These just re-market themselves as Walmart Red and Walmart Blue and carry on...

Walmart know full well that being anti Gay is very bad business... What ever losses you have today looks better than being pro Nazi in the future.. You can get away with it, but you prefer not..

What brands made Nazi uniforms?
Support of Nazism
The Hugo Boss company produced these black uniforms along with the brown SA shirts and the black-and-brown uniforms of the Hitler Youth. Some workers were French and Polish prisoners of war forced into labour.

Do people understand how the internet works with shopping? It's very likely Wal Mart doesn't even carry this item.

" But, but, but Wal Mart needs to better control what is seen from third party sources"..........sheesh.

It might not even be on their site a day. It's a great way for outside sources to manipulate the markets I suppose.

And what does this have to do with politics? (not that we all don't know that all of this is about politics for some)

There is no way an entire city has all gay inhabitants


They have plenty of lightly worn, vintage clothing and they don't advertise. You'll be okay...

Seems like he is full of bullshit, can't answer.

Your hatred of America grows day by day.
Faggots….America’s first weirdo…the first to breakdown and launch an assault on the moral order that made us exceptional, the first to force good, real, core Americans to concede to the filthy left.
The abnormals will never stop pushing filthy shit down our throats…it never ends.
Most good people have finally caught on, they’ve learned that if you give the degenerate left an inch they will always take a mile….NO MORE COMPROMISING!
The degenerate left fucked around and poked the bear for far too long.

“We swear, just pretend faggots are cool and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just get God out of schools and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just give 3.5 million wetbacks Amnesty and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just let us regulate your guns a little and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just believe chicks with dicks are normal and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just give Mexico free healthcare and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just allow us to monetarily penalize our most productive citizens just a little more and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

Turning Point USA CEO Charlie Kirk is cheerleading the far-right boycott of Target over the retailer’s Pride collection — which included trans-friendly youth apparel and other LGBTQ-positive gear — for what Kirk decries as “their support for grooming kids.

Kirk’s condemnation of the retailer coincided with TPUSA’s second-annual Pastors Summit in Nashville, Tennessee, this past week, where Kirk also denounced Target, telling a crowd of hundreds of religious leaders: “If you love God, you must hate evil.”

Yet in delivering these fevered messages about morality and child welfare, Kirk had an odd benefactor, a man whose criminal history opens up TPUSA to charges of hypocrisy.

Rolling Stone has learned that one of the TPUSA summit’s corporate sponsors is a Christian fashion company that is led by a registered sex offender, Shawn Bergstrand, who served time in federal prison for attempted “coercion and enticement” after trying to persuade “a minor female” to “engage in sexual activity.”

In a statement to Rolling Stone, TPUSA spokesman Andrew Kolvet said that TPUSA Faith “was not aware of this incident” but emphasized that, as an “exhibit sponsor,” Bergstrand was not a speaker, organizer, or “professing doctrine from the stage.”

But we won't be giving him his money back.

Charlie Kirk’s TPUSA Teamed Up With a Registered Sex Offender

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