Guess why this beating death is a local story

Um let me guess,

It's either gays, black people, or trannies

Who are you trying to demean in this one?
Local News Headlines

MABLETON, Ga. -- "I'm trying to be calm but I'm very angry."

Joshua Chellew's Aunt Cindy Standard, has been put in the difficult position of speaking for her sister who lost her only son. Standard says their family is still trying to piece together the horrific events that happened just after 1 a.m. sunday morning.

What they know is that the 36 year old Joshua gave a ride to a 19 year old female friend to a Chevron on Mableton Parkway.

When he was walking out of the store, witnesses told police four teens jumped on him and began beating and kicking him and within two minutes he was shoved backwards onto the five lane road, pushed to the ground and knocked unconscious.

A passing car hit him.

Black on white Mob attack. That's why. The Media isn't doing these stories. They happening every day now somewhere in America and much of it the police is refusing to take reports on! According to a recent article by Thomas Sowell this is being done on purpose. ( blackout with media - police not taking reports )
Libs can't claim this is a dog bites man story since most crime is intraracial. They still choose to ignore it
There is no news value in a white man doing what white men are supposed to do when attacked. Their duty to political correctness is to die.

Had he fought back, you know that the news would have jumped all over the "white man attacks black children" story like white on rice.
While that is true I haven't seen any liberals on this board praising black on white MOB violence.

In fact, quite a few have spoken up against it and one guy said he wanted to see them put down by firing squad or something - so they are hardly going like on this latest craze of Black Mob Violence / Terrorist Nonsense.

The people involved in this chose the wrong state to do it in, Steve. Georgia prisons are notoriously hard. These people are in for a very tough time - for the rest of their lives. The others who join them in this type gang violence are going to end up in prison too. ( with hell afterwards )
Stories like this don't serve the media's agenda, which is to project an inaccurate image that we are still living in the Jim Crowe era and the KKK is still hanging blacks.
There was an interracial couple attacked in ga recently too that was ignored because blacks attacked the white man in the couple
While that is true S.J. that doesn't reflect on the millions of african americans who are doing the right thing. This is obviously a very uncomfortable time for them because these idiots do not speak for them at all.

So there's that too which is something to keep in mind. There is a Mob Mentality group out there but they don't speak for everyone. They wish they did. But they don't.
While that is true S.J. that doesn't reflect on the millions of african americans who are doing the right thing. This is obviously a very uncomfortable time for them because these idiots do not speak for them at all.

So there's that too which is something to keep in mind. There is a Mob Mentality group out there but they don't speak for everyone. They wish they did. But they don't.
True, but it's kind of like muslims not speaking out against Islamic terrorism. Blacks need to start publicly condemning this crap instead of either making excuses for it or remaining silent.
Yes local headlines is just like CNN and the nytimes and the bbc

Steve, the Zimmerman-Martin thing didn't make headlines until black local leaders started pleading to the press.

You're more than welcome to round up white leaders and try to make headlines about this case. I'm sure you have enough free time.

Tally one more for "Black people committing crimes" column.

Novasteve is nothing if not predictable.
Hey I can't figure out why this story was buried
I know why you can't figure it out.

It is because you look at news from an strangely obsessive angle that nobody else gives a shit about, so it is only news to you and it is only you who is constantly baffled as to why your latest "hidden gem" isn't a national news story.

That is also why you can't distinguish between "buried" and not worthy of national coverage.
While that is true S.J. that doesn't reflect on the millions of african americans who are doing the right thing. This is obviously a very uncomfortable time for them because these idiots do not speak for them at all.

So there's that too which is something to keep in mind. There is a Mob Mentality group out there but they don't speak for everyone. They wish they did. But they don't.
True, but it's kind of like muslims not speaking out against Islamic terrorism. Blacks need to start publicly condemning this crap instead of either making excuses for it or remaining silent.

True and I've probably been much harder on the muslims than I have with this situation because I'm still finding out about it - it's all new to me. In my own town I have never once seen any violent act done by an african american. Ever. I've been here for years. I'm equally certain that the people I know would not be going to a larger city to join some riot. They are just not violent folks. They are the same as anyone else. NORMAL. Also in all the black churches I've been to not one ever treated me like an outsider and a few times I was the only white person there- so there's that too.

Even during my time doing prison ministry none of them had any kind of grievance about white people - if they did they never told me and I was in touch with most of them for years. So I think this is a relatively new development and it is being fueled by the very people who should be making statements right about now to diffuse it. I find that very disappointing too! Would one speech kill him???? No! It wouldn't. imo.

I think that has made me feel angrier than anything! What in the heck is going on! It's ridiculous!

- Jeri

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