Gulf Coast

Who's fault is?

  • Mr. Obama

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • BP/Deep Horizon

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • both, and they need to confess it

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jun 8, 2010
Since Apr 18, 2010 there's been an oil spill that's go on for far too long. As an American I'd like to know why hasn't Mr. Obama done something along the lines of a solution instead of photo/press ops. Clearly he's not come up with a solution only the typical finger pointing and lame excuses.
It is BP's fault for having a platform that did not conform to safety standards.

BP is a private corporation.

And the thing is in deep water and it is hard to get at and fix.

So while I yield to no one in my disapproval of the narcissist in chief, it really isn't his responsibly, which is exclusively that of BP.
Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama, Dept. of the Interior (MMS specifically, which has now changed its' name) BP, assorted environmentalist lobbies.
I am sure glad that corporations are responsible for the results of their actions and need no nanny govt regulations to make them do things in a safe manner.

Trust in the corporation.
I am sure glad that corporations are responsible for the results of their actions and need no nanny govt regulations to make them do things in a safe manner.

Trust in the corporation.

Actually, you have inadvertently put your finger on the difficulty for President Obama's supporters.

No, he is not responsible for the leak, even if the final go-ahead was in 2009, under his administration.

No, the philosophical problem is that progressives, i.e., President Obama, have put forth the premise that it is govermnent that can accomplish all, and that is where we should place our faith.

The oil spill casts the lie to this premise.
As I see it, it's an accident.

Maybe it could have been prevented...maybe not.

BP is liable for the cleanup...Obama is responsible for making sure BP does it, and if they don't do it, then he (we) has to do it.

As I see it, the oil spill is not anyone's FAULT, but an unfortunate consequence of living our lifestyle. We as a society have chosen petroleum powered transportation, as opposed to Amish-style horse-drawn buggies.

Usually, things work swimmingly.

Occasionally, we fuck shit up.
As I see it, it's an accident.

Maybe it could have been prevented...maybe not.

BP is liable for the cleanup...Obama is responsible for making sure BP does it, and if they don't do it, then he (we) has to do it.

As I see it, the oil spill is not anyone's FAULT, but an unfortunate consequence of living our lifestyle. We as a society have chosen petroleum powered transportation, as opposed to Amish-style horse-drawn buggies.

Usually, things work swimmingly.

Occasionally, we fuck shit up.

The invention of the internal combustion engine eventually chose petroleum.
The 'we as a society', who live today, had no choice.
So, keep vomitin' on yourself in public, or find a vomitorium in private.
BP has a long and sordid history of this kind of laksasial attitude toward safety and other safeguards. From what we have heard since this, I think all their licenses to operate should be pulled. They can hire other companies to run their assets, but their behavior means they can't do anything but be a rent collector.
BP has a long and sordid history of this kind of laksasial attitude toward safety and other safeguards. From what we have heard since this, I think all their licenses to operate should be pulled. They can hire other companies to run their assets, but their behavior means they can't do anything but be a rent collector.

What other companies to run their assets? The Robert Redford Oil company of proper safeguards and safety?
Shell, Exxon, fill in the blank of any oil company.
They have ALL gotten rubber stamped federal permits to deep water drill since Bush 1.
Where the hell you been livin', in a mole hole?
Lets knee jerk react and pull ALL their licenses towards giving the economy additional head-shots!
WTF, WTF.....:mad:...WTF.....
It is BP's fault for having a platform that did not conform to safety standards.

BP is a private corporation.

And the thing is in deep water and it is hard to get at and fix.

So while I yield to no one in my disapproval of the narcissist in chief, it really isn't his responsibly, which is exclusively that of BP.
You're right on that point. It's their fault for being too cheap when it came to repairs and safety issues. The sad point is that when something like this happens and at the depth they have to drill making repairs costly and without the right equipment, unattainable. While continental shelf drilling has it's sort comings, in comparison to drilling in shallower waters can make repairs easier to do, while drilling in deeper waters makes it harder to fix, because the depth is beyond where a scuba diver can go to. Does this make sence?
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I am sure glad that corporations are responsible for the results of their actions and need no nanny govt regulations to make them do things in a safe manner.

Trust in the corporation.

The problem with your post, UScitizen is that we had government regulations, but our government handled it in a lazy manner and not follow up and make sure the guidelines were followed. If BP, and the government did what they were supposed to have done, this thread wouldn't be on this messageboard right now.
Trust, but verify
As I see it, it's an accident.

Maybe it could have been prevented...maybe not.

BP is liable for the cleanup...Obama is responsible for making sure BP does it, and if they don't do it, then he (we) has to do it.

As I see it, the oil spill is not anyone's FAULT, but an unfortunate consequence of living our lifestyle. We as a society have chosen petroleum powered transportation, as opposed to Amish-style horse-drawn buggies.

Usually, things work swimmingly.

Occasionally, we fuck shit up.
It's someones fault, either the folks on the rig skimping on proper safety valves, or BP for being skimpy when it comes to safety and being responcible when it comes to drilling for oil. This spill just didn't happen by its own self. So, therefore, whoever the owner of DeepHorizon, or whatever that particular drilling platform is names. Should and aught to be the one to clean it up and do so quickly, after all locals who live in the Gulf Coast states derive their living from the ocean. I doubt that BP can give these people enough money to conpensate for their loss in their business.

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