Gullible Warming Hoaxers Pimp CNBC

If any climate change deniers would like to submit their "work" for peer review in a refereed scientific journal, I'll be ready to take a serious look. Until then, they're going to have to line up with the truthers, the birthers, and the alien abductees.

The serious debate is no longer "if" human activity is contributing, it is "how much."
Your beloved peer review isn't science.

Nobody needs anyone else to review their information to prove that rising warm moist air causes cumulus clouds to form.....That can be reproduced and demonstrated as a fact on demand.

Get a new talking point.

BTW...The most dire estimates (and that's all they have) don't put man's contribution to overall atmospheric CO2 at 3%.
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REAL scientists submit their work for peer review - political hacks submit op-ed pieces to political organs.

I'm STILL waiting.
Fox Business News (FBN) loves this one. They are right behind CNBC and are gaining on them fast. Look for Fox Business News to overtake CNBC and be #1 in ratings in the near future. NBC is no longer a credible Media Outlet and i think more & more people are figuring that out. More Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is not necessarily a bad thing for the Planet anyway. Many credible scientists point this out all the time. It's all boiling down to (excuse the pun) the Sun. The Sun's activities such as Sun Spots are the main cause of "Global Warming" and Global Cooling. More Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere will actually create a Greener Planet. Most credible scientists are much more worried about possible Global Cooling in the future. Global Cooling will cause catastrophic crop failure which will lead to mass starvation. So if you're going to panic and worry everyday about this stuff then go ahead and worry about Global Cooling instead of "Global Warming." The Global Warming crowd has become nothing more than a gigantic hysterical Doomsday Cult at this point.
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Global Warming and all of the other environmental wacko carp is nothing more than a scam.
More Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere will not be the death of us all. More and more credible Scientists are trying to inform people of this reality. More Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere will actually create a Greener Planet which will be great for crop growth around the World. This whole Carbon thing really has been exaggerated and fear mongered up by the usual suspects. It really does come down to the Sun's activities in the end. Most credible Scientists have actually begun worrying a bit more about possible Global Cooling in the future. Global Cooling can be something to worry about. Global Cooling can be disastrous for this Planet and its inhabitants. If you enjoy panicking then just go ahead and start panicking over that instead of "Global Warming." Personally,i'm not the panicking type so i wont worry about either one. Hey that's just me though.
All conclusions drawn from the available data on the subject are at best educated guesses and at worst politically motivated propaganda. Anyone that claims that any conclusions concerning man-made causation are established facts is either misinformed or themselves politically motivated.
No matter what political claims are made to the contrary - the question is not "IF" it is "how much."

Until some "scientitist" can submit some dissenting work to the rigors of peer review, the dissenters will have to satisfy themselves with op-ed "science" - Right next to the birthers, the truthers, and the alien abductees.

You'll pardon the rest of us if we are underwhelmed.
No matter what political claims are made to the contrary - the question is not "IF" it is "how much."

Until some "scientitist" can submit some dissenting work to the rigors of peer review, the dissenters will have to satisfy themselves with op-ed "science" - Right next to the birthers, the truthers, and the alien abductees.

You'll pardon the rest of us if we are underwhelmed.
The best guess on how much is 3%....TOPS.

Speaking of underwhelming.
So, if the science is so sound and the evidence that man's industrial activities are the cause of gullible warming, why do the cargo cultists need to bullshit people, eh?

100.3 KTLK-FM, 100.3 K-TALK Minneapolis/St. Paul
The people who pulled that stunt, The Yes Men, are hoaxers far and wide. They don't really fall into any neat category, other than elaborate idiot performance artists

The Yes Men - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One thing they are good at is exposing the State Run Media for the incompetent fools they are. The media so wanted to believe that the Chamber of Commerce reversed itself to follow the Obama adminstration they didn't even bother to source the email they received from this group. Whats even better is when the real Chamber of Commerce director showed up and told the media this was all a hoax, they yelled at him and told him to shut up. This group demonstrates perfectly what partisan hacks the media are and the lengths they are willing to go to spread propaganda that favors their agenda.
No matter what political claims are made to the contrary - the question is not "IF" it is "how much."

In absolute terms I can't argue with this. However, if the "how much" is so small it's insignificant, then where does that leave you on the IF?

the science does not support the characterization "insignificant." But the science itself is certainly not infalliable. It's just a matter of whether or not you want to base public policy on the best information available or with the unscientific opinions of the stakeholders.

I've made my choice (subject to change as more evidence becomes available) and of course everyone else is free to make their own as well.

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