Gun confiscation already underway in NY


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
" Thursday, a state Supreme Court Judge ruled guns seized from David Lewis, 35, must be returned to him after he was incorrectly identified as violating the mental health provision of the SAFE Act. “We know that from the health care agency to the State Police, there was some kind of breach,” said Lewis’ attorney, Jim Tresmond.
I don’t know how much more chilling that lede could be, really. This isn’t some worry about the government possibly confiscating guns. These are guns that were already confiscated by the government. But if you think that’s as bad as it gets, guess again. Here’s why his guns were taken.
'Tresmond says his client was ordered to turn in his weapons last week because he was once on anti-anxiety medication, which is a violation of the SAFE Act. Wednesday, State Police informed the Erie County Clerk’s Office that it made a mistake when it said Lewis was in violation of the state’s new gun law.'"

Don?t be fooled. Gun confiscation has already begun in NY « Hot Air
Keep guns away from Mental Patients

Works for me.....would have worked in Newtown
It will be So Great when ATF database is merged with the ObamaCare one!

Just think how many people can be targeted for gun seizures because they take medication!
It will be So Great when ATF database is merged with the ObamaCare one!

Just think how many people can be targeted for gun seizures because they take medication!

That is the goal... whether the leftist shit bags here can bring themselves to either admit the truth or tell the truth or not... that is the leftists goal... an unarmed public is at the complete and total mercy of the government... and people like that commie mother fucking NY Mayor Bloomfuck that thinks they need to FORCE people to do things THEY want can do it a LOT EASIER if NO ONE CAN DEFEND THEMSELVES...


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Keep guns away from Mental Patients

Works for me.....would have worked in Newtown

Was his mother a mental patient?

How did keeping guns in the house with a mental patient work out?

Bad judgment on her part, no doubt, but this law in New York wouldn't have stopped Newtown had it been in place in Connecticut, so I'm not getting the point of your retort other than you clearly support infringing on people's rights, which is not surprising, because that's what so called "liberals" do. You don't fight for people's rights; you fight to take them away.
Bad judgment on her part, no doubt, but this law in New York wouldn't have stopped Newtown had it been in place in Connecticut, so I'm not getting the point of your retort other than you clearly support infringing on people's rights, which is not surprising, because that's what so called "liberals" do. You don't fight for people's rights; you fight to take them away.

This from the anti-gay marriage, anti-gay adoption, anti-right to privacy crowd.
Was his mother a mental patient?

How did keeping guns in the house with a mental patient work out?

Was he a committed mental patient, that was judicially proven to be a harm to himself, and thus committed?

Stop playing lawyer and lets use common sense.

Doctors and Psychologists need to be clear in no uncertain terms that a patient is unstable, suicidal or a potential threat to himself or others. Parents and spouses need to be warned not to keep guns in the house. If the patient goes out and buys guns...take them away

In case after case everyone is scared to death of the shooter, afraid to be alone with him, know that he is getting worse......and they do nothing

Take his fucking guns away and notify authorities that he should not be buying guns
How did keeping guns in the house with a mental patient work out?

Was he a committed mental patient, that was judicially proven to be a harm to himself, and thus committed?

Stop playing lawyer and lets use common sense.

Doctors and Psychologists need to be clear in no uncertain terms that a patient is unstable, suicidal or a potential threat to himself or others. Parents and spouses need to be warned not to keep guns in the house. If the patient goes out and buys guns...take them away

In case after case everyone is scared to death of the shooter, afraid to be alone with him, know that he is getting worse......and they do nothing

Take his fucking guns away and notify authorities that he should not be buying guns

So who elected said doctors and pyschologists to an office where they can decide which of my rights to violate?

And those guns were not his. He had to kill his mother to get his hands on them.
My favorite quarterly magazine, "Paranoids on Parade" arrived yesterday, and there is an article in it that the government has already secretly taken over all the ammo manufacturer's plants, and are stockpiling all production in an underground mined out salt dome in Louisianna. The workers are told that their families will be killed if they reveal this. They have also secretly commondeered several trains for the required shipping needs. The engineers have all been inplanted with microchips that tell them what to do. They are now functioning as robots, with no minds of their own. That is why you never find yourself at a cafe sitting next to an engineer taking a coffee break. They are programed not to go to public places.
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Was he a committed mental patient, that was judicially proven to be a harm to himself, and thus committed?

Stop playing lawyer and lets use common sense.

Doctors and Psychologists need to be clear in no uncertain terms that a patient is unstable, suicidal or a potential threat to himself or others. Parents and spouses need to be warned not to keep guns in the house. If the patient goes out and buys guns...take them away

In case after case everyone is scared to death of the shooter, afraid to be alone with him, know that he is getting worse......and they do nothing

Take his fucking guns away and notify authorities that he should not be buying guns

So who elected said doctors and pyschologists to an office where they can decide which of my rights to violate?

And those guns were not his. He had to kill his mother to get his hands on them.

What I said was that doctors STRONGLY recommend that guns be removed from the house and be clear about potential consequences

His mother was repeatedly telling people that she was afraid of Adam and yet still kept an arsenal of guns in the cost her life and that of 26 others
Stop playing lawyer and lets use common sense.

Doctors and Psychologists need to be clear in no uncertain terms that a patient is unstable, suicidal or a potential threat to himself or others. Parents and spouses need to be warned not to keep guns in the house. If the patient goes out and buys guns...take them away

In case after case everyone is scared to death of the shooter, afraid to be alone with him, know that he is getting worse......and they do nothing

Take his fucking guns away and notify authorities that he should not be buying guns

So who elected said doctors and pyschologists to an office where they can decide which of my rights to violate?

And those guns were not his. He had to kill his mother to get his hands on them.

What I said was that doctors STRONGLY recommend that guns be removed from the house and be clear about potential consequences

His mother was repeatedly telling people that she was afraid of Adam and yet still kept an arsenal of guns in the cost her life and that of 26 others

and if they recommend that to someone in the government, that person in the government needs to go in front of a judge, and show cause to remove said person's rights. At said hearing the person accused needs to be present, and afforded all rights those accused of a crime are, such as right to counsel and presumed innocence, (i.e. you cant take the guns before and then make the person wait 6 months for a court date).
Keep guns away from Mental Patients

Works for me.....would have worked in Newtown

If anti-anxiety medication qualifies as mental illness, then every single Cop who has ever been prescribed it should be fired immediately, and their gun Rights revoked too. And don't tell me none have ever taken pills for anxiety.
So who elected said doctors and pyschologists to an office where they can decide which of my rights to violate?

And those guns were not his. He had to kill his mother to get his hands on them.

What I said was that doctors STRONGLY recommend that guns be removed from the house and be clear about potential consequences

His mother was repeatedly telling people that she was afraid of Adam and yet still kept an arsenal of guns in the cost her life and that of 26 others

and if they recommend that to someone in the government, that person in the government needs to go in front of a judge, and show cause to remove said person's rights. At said hearing the person accused needs to be present, and afforded all rights those accused of a crime are, such as right to counsel and presumed innocence, (i.e. you cant take the guns before and then make the person wait 6 months for a court date).

While this is generally correct, there are exceptions. I am pretty sure that the department of health still has the right to quarantine a place or person who has a highly contagoius and dangerous disease. I know that they used to to this to tuburculosis patients. They also did it to typhoid Mary, but that was around the turn of the century. I know for a fact that in tax courts, the government has the right to collect taxes they say you owe, and you are forced to prove that you do not owe them, before they give it back. The Japanese-Americans had no day in court, before they were sent to concentration camps on the west coast in WW2. People are routinely put into jail without a hearing, although they must go through due process in a timely manner soon thereafter. Nobody can even remember how long the Gitmo prisoners have been in prison, without a trial. I feel sure that people who have been deemed to be a danger to themselves and others can be committed to an institution, and THEN given a day in court later. I am not advocating this. On the contrary, I find it reprehensable. neverhteless, there are exceptions to due process.
today is the day you are supposed to start registering your guns and turning in your high capacity mags in NY. funny, i didn't see a bunch of criminals lined up to conform.

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