Gun confiscation already underway in NY

Stop playing lawyer and lets use common sense.

Doctors and Psychologists need to be clear in no uncertain terms that a patient is unstable, suicidal or a potential threat to himself or others. Parents and spouses need to be warned not to keep guns in the house. If the patient goes out and buys guns...take them away

In case after case everyone is scared to death of the shooter, afraid to be alone with him, know that he is getting worse......and they do nothing

Take his fucking guns away and notify authorities that he should not be buying guns

We need the government to tell us when people are dangerous? Did they suddenly develop an infallible process of determining who is dangerous and who is not? If they have, wouldn't it make more sense to lock the dangerous people up rather than taking away the freedom of people who are not dangerous?

Where does my post say anything about Government?

just what do you consider the state supreme court?
While this is generally correct, there are exceptions. I am pretty sure that the department of health still has the right to quarantine a place or person who has a highly contagoius and dangerous disease. I know that they used to to this to tuburculosis patients. They also did it to typhoid Mary, but that was around the turn of the century. I know for a fact that in tax courts, the government has the right to collect taxes they say you owe, and you are forced to prove that you do not owe them, before they give it back. The Japanese-Americans had no day in court, before they were sent to concentration camps on the west coast in WW2. People are routinely put into jail without a hearing, although they must go through due process in a timely manner soon thereafter. Nobody can even remember how long the Gitmo prisoners have been in prison, without a trial. I feel sure that people who have been deemed to be a danger to themselves and others can be committed to an institution, and THEN given a day in court later. I am not advocating this. On the contrary, I find it reprehensable. neverhteless, there are exceptions to due process.

I am 100% positive you are wrong. If you were correct anyone who had HIV would be in quarantine, and it would stop spreading, at least in the US.
People really believe this shit.

It's why they're so meh about the thought of our government taking even more rights from us. They're already certain they are living under the benevolent shelter of the government. What morons.

And I am 100% sure that YOU are wrong..and I can prove it:

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