Gun control advocates now admit: IRS intimidation scandal proves Second Amendment nee


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
LINK: Gun control advocates now admit: IRS intimidation scandal proves Second Amendment needed to stop government tyranny |

In the face of the outrageous IRS intimidation scandal now sweeping across America, gun control advocates are changing their tune. All of a sudden, the idea that the federal government could engage in tyranny against the People of America is no longer a “conspiracy theory.” It’s historical fact right in your face thanks to all the recent scandals now bursting onto the scene: IRS intimidation, secret targeting of non-profit groups for possible “thought crimes,” the Department of Justice seizing AP phone records and so on.

Just which liberals are changing their minds on all this? Piers Morgan, for starters. The man who once called Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America a “very stupid man” on live national television is suddenly reversing course. Here’s what Morgan now says in the wake of the IRS intimidation scandal:

“I’ve had some of the pro-gun lobbyists on here saying to me, well the reason we need to be armed is because of tyranny from our own government, and I’ve always laughed at them. I’ve always said don’t be so ridiculous. Your government won’t turn itself on you. But actually when you look at this [IRS scandal]… actually this is vaguely tyrannical behavior by the American government. I think what the IRS did is bordering on tyrannical behavior, I think what the Department of Justice has done to the Associated Press is bordering on tyrannical behavior.”

Here’s the video: (until YouTube bans it), by the way, is now publicly challenging Piers Morgan to admit the U.S. government has become “fully tyrannical,” not just “bordering on tyrannical.” It begs the question: If using the IRS as a political weapon to intimidate people over thought crimes, books, Facebook posts and prayers isn’t full-on tyranny, what exactly will it take for Morgan to admit a full tyranny is now upon us? The government knocking on his door?
Joe Scarborough also admits gun owners were right all along

Going even further than Piers Morgan, “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough also admits gun owners were right all along, saying:

“I have been saying for months now… that I believe in background checks. After Newton, after Chicago, we need background checks. And my argument has been, don’t worry, background checks aren’t going to lead to a national registry. The government’s never going to create a national registry, right? … I don’t have to even complete my sentence, do I? My argument is less persuasive today because of these scandals. Because people say hey, if they do that with the IRS, asking people what books you read, then how can I trust them with information about my Second Amendment rights? This is DEVASTATING! This IRS scandal is devastating all across the board…”

Well yeah, Joe. This is what we’ve been warning you about all along, you see?

See the video here:

The core philosophy of liberals has just been shattered… government is not trustworthy and compassionate

To be a progressive / liberal person, you have to hold to the belief (i.e. have “faith”) that governments can never go rogue. Governments can never become tyrannies. Governments are always and forever trustworthy and compassionate.

Every progressive government policy logically follows from those core beliefs: government should regulate what people eat, control how businesses run themselves, monopolize national health care, grant amnesty to undocumented illegal immigrants, take all the guns away from the citizens and concentrate power into its own hands. This is all justified because you can trust the government, right? … RIGHT?

Enter exhibit A: The IRS intimidation scandal. The targeting of political enemies. Thought crimes. The IRS demands to know all your Facebook posts, the titles of the books you’ve recently read and even the contents of your PRAYER! The IRS then uses this information to selectively delay only the applications of non-profits that teach the Constitution, or patriotism, or are opposed to Obama. Can you say criminal corruption and total abuse of power? This is anti-American and traitorous!

Enter exhibit B: The Department of Justice, run by the nation’s top criminal Eric Holder, runs a vicious surveillance and secret police campaign against none other than the Associated Press. When the outrageous behavior of the DoJ comes to light, Eric Holder claims, “I know nothing! Nothing!” (Same story for Obama… they knew nothing!)

Exhibit C: The Benghazi narrative pushed by the White House is now obviously a total lie, and this lie strongly influenced the presidential debates and 2012 election. The Benghazi attack was actually a terrorist attack — and the White House knew it! But they covered it up, lied to the public, and even stood down U.S. forces to make sure the ambassador was killed so that he couldn’t spill the beans on the U.S. weapons transfers being made to terror groups in Syria.

What do exhibits A, B and C prove? That you can’t trust the government!
The illusion of trustworthy government has been destroyed

Now the illusion of trustworthy government has been completely shattered. If the IRS would selectively intimidate and threaten Constitutional groups it didn’t like, what else is the government capable of?

All of a sudden those of us who warned everybody about gun confiscation, FEMA camps and false flags don’t seem so outlandish anymore. Now almost everyone realizes the government is capable of ANYTHING. Especially the Obama administration, which respects no laws and no limits to its power. (Drone strikes, secret kill lists, the continued running of secret military prisons, bypassing Congress with executive orders, and so on.)

Now the Second Amendment makes total sense. Why do we even have a Second Amendment? The honest, blatant answer is so that as a last-ditch firewall against a tyrannical takeover, the American people can march on Washington with rifles in hand and shoot all the criminals dead. That is the essence of the Second Amendment — a last-ditch failsafe for liberty. The only real way to keep government in line, after all, is to make sure those who hold office know that if they become outright traitors to America and refuse to abide by the limits of government described in the Constitution, they might be shot dead by citizens who take their country back by force. (I’m not calling for such an action, by the way. I’m only explaining the historical context of the Second Amendment and what it really means.)

When citizens are well armed and have the power to do such a thing, that power should never actually be needed because the government fears the people and thus stays within the limits of power. But when the people are disarmed, the government fears nothing and so expands out of control, functioning as a rogue, tyrannical cabal of mobsters and criminals. Read your history books if you don’t believe me. This is the repeated story of government’s rise and fall throughout history.

Ultimately, this is why the Obama administration wants to take your guns away: Not to make the children safer but to make the citizens defenseless against government tyranny. And yes, that tyranny exists right now. The debate is over. The gun grabbers lost and the Second Amendment won.

Now, the Obama administration is permanently discredited, and the strength of the Second Amendment movement is stronger than ever. Just as it should be.

So I want to thank Piers Morgan, Joe Scarborough and all the other gun control advocates who are now rethinking the logic of their positions and concluding the government can’t be trusted after all. And if the government can’t be trusted, then it only follows that the citizens are the final defense against government tyranny. Furthermore, that role of citizen defense is only viable if the citizens are well-armed with rifles and hi-capacity magazines.

The more the government knows there are millions of law-abiding citizens who are armed and trained in rifle skills, the less that government is likely to overstep its limited powers and try to concentrate power in its own hands.

Learn more: Gun control advocates now admit: IRS intimidation scandal proves Second Amendment needed to stop government tyranny
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You going to Washington armed to protest, Octoldit?

Here's your chance to put your weapons where your mouth is, lad.
You going to Washington armed to protest, Octoldit?

Here's your chance to put your weapons where your mouth is, lad.

Two of the medias biggest lefty loons do a 180 on gun control and this is all you got?
You going to Washington armed to protest, Octoldit?

Here's your chance to put your weapons where your mouth is, lad.

The disinformation agents who are indeed “useful idiots” serving the enemy not only in destroying their own future, but future of their family. They work on behalf of the true internal enemy (Zionist Bankers) to destroy America, and apparently think get some of free pass that grants them immunity from the all the food, water, and air poisoning. All the war, murder, chaos, and suffering that accompanies communist takeover of governments.

When these useful Idiots make such asinine comments regarding very serious issues this country and the world is faced with it's possible to glean a small bit of insight from statement which appear totally block-headed on the surface, but reflects a reality in the twisted minds of those obsessed with tyranny.

The Zionist bankers, FED or whatever you want to call them along with their collection agency the IRS believe that they already own the true Government. They print and control the money so again in their twisted minds the Zionist own all that we know as being the Government.

Understand Zionist have looted and Bankrupted the true American Government, and they pay for everything so the evidence shows the Zionist believe the true American Govt has forfeited it's dominion over the American people. To make a long story short anyone who is indeed an American and stands by the rule of “true American law” and the “Constitution” is portrayed as an “terrorist” nothing could be further from the truth, however the devil is in the details.

The statements of traitor and former president Bush “You're either with us or against us” has meaning when one has insight into what those involved in tyranny “intend to do” about all those who reject their communist new world order. Anyone rejecting Zionist money and refuse to sell out to communism is considered an “terrorist”.

The Zionist are the communist and the real terrorist! It's important to remember how Jacob Schiff fought long and hard against the Russian czars with Bolshevism, Lenin, Trotsky, and many other Masonic operatives to finally destroy the Russian way of life and Government with “Communism”. The civil war that followed the Bolshevik revolution was between the Jews and White Russians this fact is intentionally written out of history by the Zionist.

Jacob Schiff of the banking house of Kuhn and Loeb is already within this country through the Federal reserve banking system, which is a Zionist ponzi scheme. The whole point is that the Zionist are attempting to steal the entire American government just like they did in Russia in 1917.

America is the main target for the Zionist, and before it's all said and done the violence found in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria and many other governments will be happening right here in America. The Zionist finance and control all the terrorist mercenaries one finds all over the world which destabilize and over-throw Governments.

It's not the true American Government under the Constitution responsible for all the carnage worldwide, it's the same Zionist banking houses that control our economy using every part of this Government for their own beastly purposes.

May as well consider the CIA a branch of the Mossad as well as the FBI, DHS, FEMA, and what's left of the American Gov't for they all work for the same Zionist international bankers. The Zionist central bank parasite has bled America dry and now pays the bills and bribes everyone, so at this point it thinks it has gotten big enough to take over much of the world.

To summarize for the record the real objective is to point out what “enormous liars” the politicians, media, and all the traitors that have sold out to the Zionist really are. With every act of terrorism including 9-11 and before they take away everything this country needs to fight tyranny. It's a systematic deception they use terrorism to incite fear and at the same time take away our means of resistance, while blaming someone else...lies and liars such as these are totally satanic.

The on paper destruction of the posse comitatus act along with the shortage of ammo tells any thinking person the Zionist are going to finance terrorist mercenaries here in this country in a attempt to place the American people under the yoke of Communism. The Obama volunteer champaign is nothing more than deception and a transition from getting paid for employment, to the acceptance of the donation of your labor, to brutal mandatory labor camps found in China, and the Gulags of the former Soviet Union. Free labor is what the Communist want.

Syria is a good example of how the Zionist use terrorist to try and steal entire governments, and yes the same Al Qaida mercenary organizations they blamed for the 9-11 attacks here in America are being financed and controlled by the FED bankers in Syria. All the B.S about Sandy Hook elementary school, and the gun control schemes born out of these staged terrorist events is nothing more than “treason” designed to disarm Americans so mass murder will be less problematic. The Zionist want filling all the empty concentration camps found right here in American to be less troublesome.

History proves that the Communist have committed mass murder close to one billion innocent people, and to compare that type of carnage with sandy hook, the Boston event of any other false-flag “strip Americans of the ability to resist schemes” is nothing more than full blown treason.

They don't care about children in Chicago or anywhere else, they are attempting to close 50 Chicago schools, yet they try to use children to take away our 2nd amendment rights. Remember the big lies about lottery funds helping the school children? The funds don't go to the children or Government, the taxes taken out all the lottery winnings go to the Zionist Jews! The taxes stolen, and the most recent lottery drawing would not only keep these 50 schools open but finance them for the next 10 years.*It's only the Zionist who really get all the wealth from the lottery.

Be not deceived how the Zionist use terrorism to try and disarm you, They used terrorism to get the state of Israel, and terrorism is the one size fits all approach to world conquest (in their twisted minds).

Without the 2nd Amendment there is no Constitution. And our Constitution stands in the way of their communist new world order tyranny. The IRS is a unlawful and bogus Zionist shake down racket responsible for the theft of trillions of dollars from the Government and the American people.

When they are allowed to get away with this type theft through usury for so long we the victims are viewed not as human beings, but property or goy cattle that most be disarmed and mass murdered to preserve the wealth for the 1% that suffer from a beastly sub-human greed.

Helpful LINKS: Be not deceived "Communist" Gun-Control is the beginning of overt war on Americans

Gun Control is responsible for the Mass Murder countless Millions
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The Israeli's being in control of the U.S. is backward and self destructive. However when one understands that the Zionist bankers (FED) brought the state of Israel into existance it's should be very clear to everyone how wicked and dangerous these people are to all humanity. They are leading the world into the bowels of Hell. Satan's new world order will be permanent and terrible, but fools never understand what is really in control, and where it's leading them.

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