Gun Control and the Inner City


Jan 31, 2011
I am not saying that all your rural folks need to have your guns pried from your cold dead hands, but it’s time to ban handguns within the city limits of the US’s major cities. Handguns serve no purpose but to kill other people, and don’t try that home protection crap, a shotgun works just as well if not better for home protection. Handguns are the number one killer of youth in our major cities and it’s time we stop this insanity, really how many more people have to die?
I am not saying that all your rural folks need to have your guns pried from your cold dead hands, but it’s time to ban handguns within the city limits of the US’s major cities. Handguns serve no purpose but to kill other people, and don’t try that home protection crap, a shotgun works just as well if not better for home protection. Handguns are the number one killer of youth in our major cities and it’s time we stop this insanity, really how many more people have to die?

Yeah cause banning handguns has worked oh so well for Chicago and DC.

Perhaps we need to mandate that everyone purchase handguns in major cities.

Just saying...
I am not saying that all your rural folks need to have your guns pried from your cold dead hands, but it’s time to ban handguns within the city limits of the US’s major cities. Handguns serve no purpose but to kill other people, and don’t try that home protection crap, a shotgun works just as well if not better for home protection. Handguns are the number one killer of youth in our major cities and it’s time we stop this insanity, really how many more people have to die?

Yeah cause banning handguns has worked oh so well for Chicago and DC.

Perhaps we need to mandate that everyone purchase handguns in major cities.

Just saying...

Let me rephrase so your feeble mind can grasp what I am saying, Black people in the inner city should be banned from having guns and no I am not rascist, I just watch the news.
Yeah. Nothing racist about that statement. Nothing at all [/sarcasm]

I don't think people are somehow less entitled to exercise their self defense merely because they live in the city or because their skin is darker than someone elses.
Yeah. Nothing racist about that statement. Nothing at all [/sarcasm]

I don't think people are somehow less entitled to exercise their self defense merely because they live in the city or because their skin is darker than someone elses.

I bet if you would come live in East Cleveland for a weekend you would change your mind.
Gosh, I wonder which direction this thread is going to take!
Perhaps everyone in big cities chould have guns. it would thin them out so that when times get really hard they will not spill out into the rural areas looking for food and such in a Roadwarrior fashion.
They need to handle their own problems and not be a burden on we more self sufficient types.
heck the polar shift is going to kill us all anyway.
Perhaps everyone in big cities chould have guns. it would thin them out so that when times get really hard they will not spill out into the rural areas looking for food and such in a Roadwarrior fashion.
They need to handle their own problems and not be a burden on we more self sufficient types.
heck the polar shift is going to kill us all anyway.

one word to fix all the worlds problems THUNDERDOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps the OP would like to explain why he thinks it's a good idea to take away a persons right to self defense when he/she lives in an area prone to violence. Logically, the right to self defense wouldn't really be necessary if you live in a peaceful area, now would it?

And then perhaps he could explain how applying said ban on exercising one's right to self defense should apply to black people and why that would not be racist.
I am not saying that all your rural folks need to have your guns pried from your cold dead hands, but it’s time to ban handguns within the city limits of the US’s major cities. Handguns serve no purpose but to kill other people, and don’t try that home protection crap, a shotgun works just as well if not better for home protection. Handguns are the number one killer of youth in our major cities and it’s time we stop this insanity, really how many more people have to die?
How would you suggest that a handgun ban be implemented and enforced? Please be specific.
I am not saying that all your rural folks need to have your guns pried from your cold dead hands, but it’s time to ban handguns within the city limits of the US’s major cities. Handguns serve no purpose but to kill other people, and don’t try that home protection crap, a shotgun works just as well if not better for home protection. Handguns are the number one killer of youth in our major cities and it’s time we stop this insanity, really how many more people have to die?
How would you suggest that a handgun ban be implemented and enforced? Please be specific.

We should use the THUNDERDOME format
I am not saying that all your rural folks need to have your guns pried from your cold dead hands, but it’s time to ban handguns within the city limits of the US’s major cities. Handguns serve no purpose but to kill other people, and don’t try that home protection crap, a shotgun works just as well if not better for home protection. Handguns are the number one killer of youth in our major cities and it’s time we stop this insanity, really how many more people have to die?

They already banned them in Chicago and DC. Didn't work out to well with all the crime and all.......
Banning guns in the inner city has not done much to lower the crime rate or keep the guns out of the hands of criminals. If anything, I would say it is a failure rather than something that needs to be emulated elsewhere.
The idea that you can pass a law and crime with cease is a ridiculous concept.

You want to induce real change, you need to change the minds and hearts of the people in the inner cities. You do that, and you wont have to worry about gun laws.

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