Gun control is the politics of oppression


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Written By: Bob
Mar• 22•13

Why is it that the gun control laws being proposed around this nation by Democrats have such well-defined targets? The truth of the matter is that gun control has always been politically-motivated, is driven by the oppression of one or more minority groups, and is often directed by racial hatred.

It is no accident that the cities and states with the greatest amount of gun control in the United States are those where rich white Democrats wanted to assure their dominance over minorities they secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) viewed as little more than vermin.

Today, overt racism is less the trigger for Democratic gun control efforts than it once was, largely because it has been instituted and normalized in urban enclaves where liberals have taken root.

Instead, today’s gun control effort is more a battle of urban liberals against moderate-to-conservative suburban and rural Americans. You doubt me? Look at the laws being proposed on the state and national levels.

Who purchases the vast majority of semi-automatic rifles that are the primary target of current gun control efforts?

Law-abiding, middle-aged, politically moderate-to-conservative people with middle-class incomes. Less than 400 rifles of any kind are used in crimes in a year, despite the fact there are millions legally owned and used.

Who purchases the vast majority of standard-capacity magazines?

Purchasers of service-size handguns and rifles that use a standard capacity magazine of 15-30 rounds are law-abiding, middle-aged, politically moderate-to-conservative people with middle-class incomes. Criminals prefer small, concealable firearms and sawed-off shotguns, where magazine capacity is not often a factor.

Who would be affected by expanded background checks and registration?


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Gun control is the politics of oppression « Bob Owens
'We have cried enough'...
Obama urges Congress to pass gun-control legislation 100 days after Newtown
28 Mar.`13 - President Barack Obama spoke at the White House with rows of grieving mothers behind him and publicly implored Congress to pass gun-reform legislation 100 days after the Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shootings in Newtown, Conn.
"We've cried enough. We've known enough heartbreak ... It's something that if we are serious, we will do," Obama said, Vice President Joe Biden at his side. "Now is the time to turn that heartbreak into something real." As the mothers of children killed by gun violence wiped away tears, the president went on to urge the passage of background checks for gun buyers, and for loopholes to be closed for buyers who turn around and sell guns to criminals. He said 90 percent of Americans support background checks, as well as 80 percent of gun owners and 80 percent of Republicans.

The president also implored Americans to talk to their representatives in Congress if their lawmakers oppose the measures. "None of these ideas should be controversial,” Obama said. Perhaps the most controversial proposed gun-reform legislation, an assault weapons ban, was absent from the president's remarks on Thursday. Senate Democrats working on gun-reform legislation recently announced that they would drop an assault weapons ban from an overall package of reform measures and put it to a separate vote as an amendment. That action is designed to boost the chances a reform package will pass, as it's expected that the ban is too unpalatable for some members, especially Democrats in gun rights states and the multitude of Republican opponents.

The White House has been casting a positive spin on that decision, suggesting that offering the ban as an amendment still forces lawmakers to choose sides on the issue, even if it doesn't win passage. "I can't stand here and guarantee that it’s going to pass," White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest said at Wednesday's press briefing, "but it is a question that 100 senators are going to ask themselves when they wake up in the morning and look themselves in the mirror about whether or not they are going to—about which side they're going to be on when it comes to voting on a ban on military-style assault weapons." He added that the president will continue to advocate for the ban.

Democrats in Congress concede separating the ban from the overall package is the best way forward. "We want to come out with the best, the boldest common denominator that we can get," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said at a news conference on Wednesday when asked about the decision to separate an assault weapons ban. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has stated plans to introduce a gun-reform bill next month. On Thursday, Obama suggested too much time has passed since the shooting at Newtown. "Shame on us if we've forgotten. I haven't forgotten those kids. Shame on us if we've forgotten," the president said. Earnest at Thursday's briefing addressed questions regarding timing and whether the president has acted swiftly enough on gun reform. "The president I think has been very forward-leaning in terms of the way he's engaged in this process," Earnest said.

The only "crime" the gun grabbers are interested in preventing is the crime of standing up to government tyranny. If we understand the real reason the founding fathers included the 2nd amendment, it's easy to understand their real objective.

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