Gun control works….two 13 year old boys shot in Britain. You know, where guns were banned and confiscated.

More drivel. We have the right to defend ourselves in propotion to the level of aggression faced, aka "reasonable force". You can harm an attacker up to a certain point. Marker Sprays and directional sonic weapons (rape alarms) are quite acceptable and generally very effective, as your own article states.

They are not effective....the bias of the British journalist pushing the myth that they work is just funny..
No he was not. Why do you lie so glibly?

He was...fascism is one type of socialism.......that you guys know that all forms of socialism since 1917 haver resulted in the murder of close to 200 million innocent men, women and children makes you really want to pretend hitler wasn't a socialist..since his crimes are the only ones that seem to attract attention....
Like how heroin was made illegal, and everyone stopped selling and using it!!!!!!!
Everyone didn't sell heroin in the first place.

Anyone with more than two brain cells understands that legislation/regulation on anything reduces and doesn't eliminate.

That's why your brain is foggy with the subject !
Ah. You cannot cite specifics. No surprise.

Fallacy: Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
If you have more guns and a deadlier range of guns per capita, the greater the casualties. It's not fucking rocket science.

Seriously as in - no one needs to walk around in public with a gun. Guns should be locked away when not in use. Ammo should be locked away in a separate cabinet. Thorough checks should be made when applying for a gun licence. Have severe penalties for breaching any part of that. Regulate the type of gun that's actually needed
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Everyone didn't sell heroin in the first place.
reading comprehension evidently isn't your strong suit.

Anyone with more than two brain cells understands that legislation/regulation on anything reduces and doesn't eliminate.
fortunately heroin use and sales isn't a protected Constitutional right like having a gun is.

That's why your brain is foggy with the subject !
no fog here.
No he was not. Why do you lie so glibly?
He was a National Socialist. He was a socialist like any other socialist. You people work damn hard to distance yourselves from the Nazis, but you'll never take socialism out of National Socialism.
If you have more guns and a deadlier range of guns per capita, the greater the casualties. It's not fucking rocket science.

Seriously as in - no one needs to walk around in public with a gun. Guns should be locked away when not in use. Ammo should be locked away in a separate cabinet. Thorough checks should be made when applying for a gun licence. Have severe penalties for breaching any part of that. Regulate the type of gun that's actually needed
They Mexicans do that and their murder rate is 3x that of the US.
So... you , while arguing "more guns = more gun casualties", cannot explain how gun-related "casualties" in the US fell 50% from 1993-2017 while the number of guns increased 30%.
Got it.
The gun nuts always latch onto that statistical crap.

The gun nuts always latch onto that statistical crap.
And thus, your concession that you cannot explain how if, as you claim, more guns = more gun "casualties", said "casualties" fell 50% while the numbe rof guns increased ~30%

Taking guns seriously.
How do I know? Results.
Unsupportable nonsense.

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