Gun Grabber, we will take your AR-15s, but my private security will keep theirs...deblasio.

o yes--you just said FIRE is just as good as an AR--so use that
you just said fire is easy to kill with

Rifle in Gilroy.... 3 killed.

Fire in Kyoto, Japan arson attack... 33 killed....

Fire in Mexico Arson attack....24 killed.

Rental truck in Nice, France...86 killed, 435 injured.

You are such a dumb ass doofus....
so--why don't you use fire or a truck for self defense??
fire and trucks are not even on the list are just like the blacks--concentrating on unimportant crap and the critical items = stupid/OBSESSED/etc

And the racist thing....are you really that stupid....or did your parents use drugs when you were in the womb?
plain and simple question: why don't you just use a knife for self defense instead?
How well do you think that would work against an assailant with a gun?
Rifle in Gilroy.... 3 killed.

Fire in Kyoto, Japan arson attack... 33 killed....

Fire in Mexico Arson attack....24 killed.

Rental truck in Nice, France...86 killed, 435 injured.

You are such a dumb ass doofus....

The french incident was years ago. The thing about these other attacks is that they ARE rare.

We have hundreds of mass shootings every year. I mean, you should know this, you have to pop up after each one and spread the bullshit pretty thick.

"Hey, you know pools are more dangerous than guns!!!"

Yes.....the AR-15 is not the same weapon as the M16...

The only difference is that the AR-15 can't go full auto... unless you modify it which anyone who has an MOS of 76Y could probably do.

(Oh, my MOS in the army? You guessed it, 76Y)

The French police tell you you are wrong....

Paris attacks highlight France's gun control problems

Military-grade guns are banned in France, and even people who want to own a handgun or hunting rifle have to go through strict checks on their background and mental health.

But in recent years a black market has proliferated. The number of illegal weapons has risen at a rapid rate – double-digit percentages – for several years, according to the National Observatory for Delinquency, a body created in 2003.

“In Marseille and the surrounding area almost all the score settling is carried out using weapons used in wars,” a police spokesman told Reuters after the Toulouse attacks, adding that Kalashnikovs were the weapon of choice: “If you don’t have a ‘Kalash’ you’re a bit of a loser.”

ris attacks highlight France's gun control problems

The arsenal of weapons deployed by the eight attackers who terrorised Paris on Friday night underlined France’s gun control problems and raised the spectre of further attacks.

The country has extremely strict weapons laws, but Europe’s open borders and growing trade in illegal weapons means assault rifles are relatively easy to come by on the black market.

France’s real gun problem

Despite these strict laws, France seems to be awash with guns. The guns used in high-profile terror attacks are really just the tip of the iceberg. In 2012, French authorities estimated that there were around 30,000 guns illegally in the country, many likely used by gangs for criminal activities. Of those guns, around 4,000 were likely to be "war weapons," Le Figaro reported, referring to items such as the Kalashnikov AK-variant rifles and Uzis. Statistics from the National Observatory for Delinquency, a government body created in 2003, suggest that the number of guns in France has grown by double digits every year.

This is How AK-47s Get to Paris

France outlaws most gun ownership and it’s almost impossible to legally acquire a high-powered rifle such as an AK-47, so where did the weapons in the Nov. 13 terror attack—not to mention the bloody January assault by Islamic terrorists on the Paris office ofCharlie Hebdo magazine and the 2012 shootings by a militant in Toulouse—come from?

Guns soon became a major export commodity in the Balkans. Western Europe is the target market. “Many firearms trafficked in Europe come from the western Balkans after being held illegally after recent conflicts in the area,” Europol reported. In just one case from 2014, Slovakian cops intercepted a truck trying to enter the country with “a large number of grenades and firearms,”according to Europol. “The vehicle was travelling from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Sweden.”

And it’s not like the stream of weapons will end when dealers in the Balkans run out of war-vintage leftovers. “One of the reasons we see a lot of Kalashnikovs and AK-47s on the black market is because Russia has just upgraded the Kalashnikov,” Kathie Lynn Austin, an expert on arms trafficking with the Conflict Awareness Project, told Al Jazeera, “and that has created massive stockpiles of the older models.”
Can't wait to hear the gun-grabbing left blame the NRA for this...
And it isn't because of their gun control my links show....their criminals have fully automatic miltary weapons.....they just don't use them to kill each other that dipstick.....

Because they know if they did, they'd feel the full wrath of law enforcement.

I don't worry about "criminals" with guns. I worry about the disaffected kid who gets an assault rifle and shoots up his school. I worry about the deranged loser who thinks he's The Joker and shoots up a movie theater. I worry about the guy who just got fired shooting up my workplace because he had easy access to a gun.

Those are the things I worry about... the things that might happen when I'm living my everyday life.

Interesting. You worry more about the things that are far less likely to happen to you than you worry about the things that are far more likely to happen to you. That strikes me as odd.
Joe worries about what he's told to worry about.
Obviously, you only fear them because they're black. How racist of you.

Come back when you want to have a grown up conversation.

2/3rd of Americans think we should ban these weapons.

Two-thirds of Americans support assault weapons ban: Fox News poll

Interesting. You worry more about the things that are far less likely to happen to you than you worry about the things that are far more likely to happen to you. That strikes me as odd.

That's because you are an idiot. I'm more likely to be a victim of a mass shooting than I'll ever be of being shot as part of a drug deal... because I don't do drugs.

I do go to movie theaters, shopping malls, work places and other areas where mass shootings happen.
And some of those big guns are used to save the 26 lives saved at the church shooting.....and the stores that weren't burned to the ground in the Rodney King riots when the Korean store owners stood there with their AKs and AR-15 to protect their businesses.......

Again, not working up a lot of sympathy for the store owners.. there's a reason why they were the victims of the community's ire.

As for the Church shooting.. he managed to kill 9 people... so not so much.

No gun. No shooting.
Obviously, you only fear them because they're black. How racist of you.

Come back when you want to have a grown up conversation.

2/3rd of Americans think we should ban these weapons.

Two-thirds of Americans support assault weapons ban: Fox News poll

Interesting. You worry more about the things that are far less likely to happen to you than you worry about the things that are far more likely to happen to you. That strikes me as odd.

That's because you are an idiot. I'm more likely to be a victim of a mass shooting than I'll ever be of being shot as part of a drug deal... because I don't do drugs.

I do go to movie theaters, shopping malls, work places and other areas where mass shootings happen.
I remember the same percentage voting against gay marriage in California and then some obscure 9th circuit extremist prog socialist globalist judge shoot down the will of the people.
Obviously, you only fear them because they're black. How racist of you.

Come back when you want to have a grown up conversation.

2/3rd of Americans think we should ban these weapons.

Two-thirds of Americans support assault weapons ban: Fox News poll

Interesting. You worry more about the things that are far less likely to happen to you than you worry about the things that are far more likely to happen to you. That strikes me as odd.

That's because you are an idiot. I'm more likely to be a victim of a mass shooting than I'll ever be of being shot as part of a drug deal... because I don't do drugs.

I do go to movie theaters, shopping malls, work places and other areas where mass shootings happen.

2/3 of Americans likely think Elvis is still alive, you dope. You asshats conduct polls on subjects that don't know the issues involved...other than the last thing they heard the late night comics tell them.....

Moron....there were 12 mass public shootings in 2018 in a country of over 320 million voting districts experienced close to 10,982 gun murders, the majority of which involved gangs fighting over drug don't know what you are talking dope.
Law enforcement is not militia you unbelievable fool

The founding fathers did not intend any such thing as the second amendment clearly indicates.

Also prove they were rapists

Thomas Jefferson fathered 6 children on Sally Hemmings.

Sally Hemming was a slave, and therefore any sex he had with her by definition could not be "consensual".

Founding Slave Rapist- Thomas Jefferson
And some of those big guns are used to save the 26 lives saved at the church shooting.....and the stores that weren't burned to the ground in the Rodney King riots when the Korean store owners stood there with their AKs and AR-15 to protect their businesses.......

Again, not working up a lot of sympathy for the store owners.. there's a reason why they were the victims of the community's ire.

As for the Church shooting.. he managed to kill 9 people... so not so much.

No gun. No shooting.

Tell that to the Paris concert goers......where fully automatic, military rifles, pistols and grenades are illegal...but terrorists, on actual government terrorist watch lists were able to get those rifles moron....
Yes.....Mother Jones.....the Centers for Disease Control...the don't believe their numbers...they aren't my dumb ass....

Naw,man, just because you claim that doesn't make it true.

Your numbers are all bullshit, and I pretty much ignore them at this point.

Im waiting for you to claim unicorns kill more people than assault rifles, because you'll claim that with a straight face.
Yes.....Mother Jones.....the Centers for Disease Control...the don't believe their numbers...they aren't my dumb ass....

Naw,man, just because you claim that doesn't make it true.

Your numbers are all bullshit, and I pretty much ignore them at this point.

Im waiting for you to claim unicorns kill more people than assault rifles, because you'll claim that with a straight face.

The numbers are from Mother Jones....left wing, anti-gun....the Centers for Disease Control.....the FBI, and the Department of Justice.....but please.....tell us again...NRA, NRA, moron...
Left wing asshat, mayor Deblasio made it clear on Tucker Carlson, that only normal people will have to surrender their AR-15 rifles......the security details of rich democrat politicians will keep theirs....

Wow... you mean that we are only allowing military weapons for a WELL REGULATED MILITIA?

What a crazy idea.

Clearly, we need to give military grade weapons to unstable, racist nuts, just like the Founding Slave Rapists intended, because nobody gives better advise than a slave-owner who shit in a chamber pot.
Another lie from a traitor.
Obviously, you only fear them because they're black. How racist of you.

Come back when you want to have a grown up conversation.

2/3rd of Americans think we should ban these weapons.

Two-thirds of Americans support assault weapons ban: Fox News poll

Interesting. You worry more about the things that are far less likely to happen to you than you worry about the things that are far more likely to happen to you. That strikes me as odd.

That's because you are an idiot. I'm more likely to be a victim of a mass shooting than I'll ever be of being shot as part of a drug deal... because I don't do drugs.

I do go to movie theaters, shopping malls, work places and other areas where mass shootings happen.

And you're extremely unlikely to ever be involved in a mass shooting. Get robbed at gunpoint point? Much more likely. Get shot during the robbery? Much more likely.
Yes.....Mother Jones.....the Centers for Disease Control...the don't believe their numbers...they aren't my dumb ass....

Naw,man, just because you claim that doesn't make it true.

Your numbers are all bullshit, and I pretty much ignore them at this point.

Im waiting for you to claim unicorns kill more people than assault rifles, because you'll claim that with a straight face.

Of course you ignore the numbers. It's so much easier that way.
Law enforcement is not militia you unbelievable fool

The founding fathers did not intend any such thing as the second amendment clearly indicates.

Also prove they were rapists

Thomas Jefferson fathered 6 children on Sally Hemmings.

Sally Hemming was a slave, and therefore any sex he had with her by definition could not be "consensual".

Founding Slave Rapist- Thomas Jefferson

First of all it has only been proven that a man in Jefferson's family fathered children with her. Most competent historians agree it was likely his brother.

Second you are wrong yes a slave can still consent to sex with their owner. There is no logical moral or legal reasons why a slave cannot consent to sex with their owner and in fact many women would take advantage of sleeping with their owners.

Third he was one man not all of the founding fathers

Massive failure for you
DeBlasio (Warren Wilhelm) like Michael Bloomberg, and all the Democrat politicians who want to disarm only the law abiding citizens have armed security in gated communities to protect them. Meanwhile, they want the average citizen to be disarmed, vulnerable, and at risk of harm in order to make them dependent, and controlled.

They don't care about reducing violence, and murder as it doesn't affect them.
Yes.....Mother Jones.....the Centers for Disease Control...the don't believe their numbers...they aren't my dumb ass....

Naw,man, just because you claim that doesn't make it true.

Your numbers are all bullshit, and I pretty much ignore them at this point.

Im waiting for you to claim unicorns kill more people than assault rifles, because you'll claim that with a straight face.
His numbers are correct and accurate

You on the other hand are a known liar and fraud

You are dead wrong. About Chicago.

Chicago has consistently tightened and increased restrictions on guns and never relaxed them

In the mean time to crime increases

People like you know nothing about the police and are out of touch with them

Most people in Chicago know better than you

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