Gun Grabbing bill is signed by Colorado governor,sheriffs vow not to enforce it

I thought the Supreme Coutt has already struck this kind of shit down. Fucking left needs to learn

Nope. The Courts have not ruled on it. Sorry, but your Red Fake News is still fake news. And those 11 Sheriffs are slowing backing down. The real reason they are doing this is that it's been an election year and they are catering to idiots like you. Right after the election they usually change their minds when they find out that if they don't operate within it, they just might end up jailed with a felony record with means they can't be a Sheriff anymore. The lower courts are supporting it. It hasn't made it to the upper Federal Courts yet. Considering it really doesn't deprive the person of their lawful rights, I don't see it being overturned.

If you are talking about the LE in Colorado you are talking out of your ass . Maybe you live there and if you do it’s cloistered away in a closet or some. Weld county sheriff routinely ignored laws coming out of Denver. Know your shit before you talk.

I just read up on Sheriff Reams. So far, the only thing he has done is speak out and refuse to build extra storage for the weapons. So far, 10 County Sheriffs have spoken out against it. Reams is the most vocal. They just lost one in Delta County who says he will adhere to the law. There are 64 counties in Colorado. One by one, the Counties are falling. The Governor is not kidding around with this one. The law goes into affect Jan 1, 2020 and they have until then to contest it in federal court.

The NRA is mixed on the Red Flag Laws at this time. They will support the Red Flag laws as long as due process is in there. The question is, is it in the Colorado version. It wasn't in the Nevada version and the NRA sued and got it bounced. But there is plenty of time for Colorado to handle it like they did the 10 round max per Mag versus 15 and just change it before Jan 1, 2020 and make it fly.
Colorado is facing a full scale voter revolt.
Jared Polis, Colorado Democrats face recall effort over leftist agenda

Maybe the state will vote them all out.
The sheriffs need to go to the capital and remove the governor by force.
Insurrection on the part of those sheriffs would be met with overwhelming deadly force; on the Federal level, if need be.

However, the Colorado Army National Guard should be sufficient.

Hell... the Colorado State Capitol Police should be sufficient.
It's always funny when you leftist morons insist the military would support your totalitarianism.

Not gonna happen. You can just forget about that little Brownshirt wet dream.
As more gun legislation is passed......more & more law enforcement are refusing to uphold it. Colorado wasn't the first state to have to deal with this.

The law that you ultra rightwingers are talking about is the Red Flag law. Let me attempt to dumb it down to you.

If a person is thought to be a danger to him/herself or others and has guns, a family member or a law enforcement can take it in front of a Judge to determine if that person should have those guns in their possession of not. The Judge cannot arbitrarily make a decision at that point. The Person in question has to be afforded the option of a Mental Health test by a Mental Health Professional to determine if a danger does, in fact exist. If none exists then the weapons stay. IF it does exist, the Judge can order the guns to be temporarily removed until the condition passes which will have another court date and mental health exam. Now the tricky part. The Guns can be voluntarily turned over to either the Authorities or even a Family Member or a friend and satisfy the court order.

In Delta County, in the Western Slop of Colorado, the New Sheriff was elected. One of his (about his only one) campaign promises was that he would not enforce that law if passed. He was elected. Now it's passed. He finds out that the State Police will enforce it, the AG will enforce it, the Governor will enforce it and any Sheriff that doesn't will end up with some Jail time fast, have a felony and a Felon cannot serve as a Sheriff. Guess what, he now says he will adhere to the law. You know, exactly what his oath of office says he should.

If you have trouble with this law, chances are, you are either misinformed or wouldn't pass the mental exam and have to temporarily surrender your firearms. Hopefully, there is at least one sane person in your family that could care for your firearms.
You're an idiot.

But I get to keep my guns. If you lived here, you might not be so lucky. We would have to see.
I would keep mine, no matter what.
As more gun legislation is passed......more & more law enforcement are refusing to uphold it. Colorado wasn't the first state to have to deal with this.

The law that you ultra rightwingers are talking about is the Red Flag law. Let me attempt to dumb it down to you.

If a person is thought to be a danger to him/herself or others and has guns, a family member or a law enforcement can take it in front of a Judge to determine if that person should have those guns in their possession of not. The Judge cannot arbitrarily make a decision at that point. The Person in question has to be afforded the option of a Mental Health test by a Mental Health Professional to determine if a danger does, in fact exist. If none exists then the weapons stay. IF it does exist, the Judge can order the guns to be temporarily removed until the condition passes which will have another court date and mental health exam. Now the tricky part. The Guns can be voluntarily turned over to either the Authorities or even a Family Member or a friend and satisfy the court order.

In Delta County, in the Western Slop of Colorado, the New Sheriff was elected. One of his (about his only one) campaign promises was that he would not enforce that law if passed. He was elected. Now it's passed. He finds out that the State Police will enforce it, the AG will enforce it, the Governor will enforce it and any Sheriff that doesn't will end up with some Jail time fast, have a felony and a Felon cannot serve as a Sheriff. Guess what, he now says he will adhere to the law. You know, exactly what his oath of office says he should.

If you have trouble with this law, chances are, you are either misinformed or wouldn't pass the mental exam and have to temporarily surrender your firearms. Hopefully, there is at least one sane person in your family that could care for your firearms.
You're an idiot.

But I get to keep my guns. If you lived here, you might not be so lucky. We would have to see.
I would keep mine, no matter what.

Then don't live here. Works out for all of us.
As more gun legislation is passed......more & more law enforcement are refusing to uphold it. Colorado wasn't the first state to have to deal with this.

The law that you ultra rightwingers are talking about is the Red Flag law. Let me attempt to dumb it down to you.

If a person is thought to be a danger to him/herself or others and has guns, a family member or a law enforcement can take it in front of a Judge to determine if that person should have those guns in their possession of not. The Judge cannot arbitrarily make a decision at that point. The Person in question has to be afforded the option of a Mental Health test by a Mental Health Professional to determine if a danger does, in fact exist. If none exists then the weapons stay. IF it does exist, the Judge can order the guns to be temporarily removed until the condition passes which will have another court date and mental health exam. Now the tricky part. The Guns can be voluntarily turned over to either the Authorities or even a Family Member or a friend and satisfy the court order.

In Delta County, in the Western Slop of Colorado, the New Sheriff was elected. One of his (about his only one) campaign promises was that he would not enforce that law if passed. He was elected. Now it's passed. He finds out that the State Police will enforce it, the AG will enforce it, the Governor will enforce it and any Sheriff that doesn't will end up with some Jail time fast, have a felony and a Felon cannot serve as a Sheriff. Guess what, he now says he will adhere to the law. You know, exactly what his oath of office says he should.

If you have trouble with this law, chances are, you are either misinformed or wouldn't pass the mental exam and have to temporarily surrender your firearms. Hopefully, there is at least one sane person in your family that could care for your firearms.
You're an idiot.

But I get to keep my guns. If you lived here, you might not be so lucky. We would have to see.
I would keep mine, no matter what.

Then don't live here. Works out for all of us.
Whether I live there or not, my guns are off limits, per the second amendment.
The law that you ultra rightwingers are talking about is the Red Flag law. Let me attempt to dumb it down to you.

If a person is thought to be a danger to him/herself or others and has guns, a family member or a law enforcement can take it in front of a Judge to determine if that person should have those guns in their possession of not. The Judge cannot arbitrarily make a decision at that point. The Person in question has to be afforded the option of a Mental Health test by a Mental Health Professional to determine if a danger does, in fact exist. If none exists then the weapons stay. IF it does exist, the Judge can order the guns to be temporarily removed until the condition passes which will have another court date and mental health exam. Now the tricky part. The Guns can be voluntarily turned over to either the Authorities or even a Family Member or a friend and satisfy the court order.

In Delta County, in the Western Slop of Colorado, the New Sheriff was elected. One of his (about his only one) campaign promises was that he would not enforce that law if passed. He was elected. Now it's passed. He finds out that the State Police will enforce it, the AG will enforce it, the Governor will enforce it and any Sheriff that doesn't will end up with some Jail time fast, have a felony and a Felon cannot serve as a Sheriff. Guess what, he now says he will adhere to the law. You know, exactly what his oath of office says he should.

If you have trouble with this law, chances are, you are either misinformed or wouldn't pass the mental exam and have to temporarily surrender your firearms. Hopefully, there is at least one sane person in your family that could care for your firearms.
You're an idiot.

But I get to keep my guns. If you lived here, you might not be so lucky. We would have to see.
I would keep mine, no matter what.

Then don't live here. Works out for all of us.
Whether I live there or not, my guns are off limits, per the second amendment.

Keep telling yourself that. And please, stay away. Do us both a favor. We don't need our property values to drop an further.
If they get away with, not enforcing or upholding
our immigration laws, they can't do shit about others,
not upholding or enforcing gun legislation...

The precedent has been set
If they get away with, not enforcing or upholding
our immigration laws, they can't do shit about others,
not upholding or enforcing gun legislation...

The precedent has been set

You miss one important item. The State Laws, not Federal Laws. There is a huge difference.
You're an idiot.

But I get to keep my guns. If you lived here, you might not be so lucky. We would have to see.
I would keep mine, no matter what.

Then don't live here. Works out for all of us.
Whether I live there or not, my guns are off limits, per the second amendment.

Keep telling yourself that. And please, stay away. Do us both a favor. We don't need our property values to drop an further.
Trust me, until the nutcase commie libs are out of office, I won't live there.

I don't see how it's controversial.

We have the same law in my state. Our state legislature isn't responsible for my state having the law. The people of my state are. It was a ballot measure a while back. It passed with a good margin. I voted in the majority.

If a person is a danger to themselves or someone else they shouldn't have a weapon.

I will never understand why people will work so hard to make sure those who are a danger to themselves or someone are able to get and keep weapons. Then when a horrible shooting happens the same people say the guy was crazy. Yes the guy was crazy and people were trying to make sure that crazy person didn't harm themselves or someone else yet you gun nuts made sure that crazy person gets and keeps that weapon.

Anyone who won't enforce the law shouldn't be in that job.
Last edited:
...It's always funny when you leftist morons insist the military would support your totalitarianism. Not gonna happen. You can just forget about that little Brownshirt wet dream.
There is nothing "American" about rebelling against lawful authority.

There is nothing "American" about sedition.

There is nothing "American" about violence against elected civilian officials because you don't like a law.

Members of the United States Armed Forces are sworn to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign AND domestic.

The only "brownshirts" around here are those advocating to send armed force against elected officials.

GOP dupes have lost respect for our law enforcement and FBI and CIA, but for all the wrong imaginary brainwashed reasons. There is no conspiracy against Trump or Republicans. Or any other conspiracy for that matter, except the right-wing propaganda 1.
Colorado is facing a full scale voter revolt.
Jared Polis, Colorado Democrats face recall effort over leftist agenda

Maybe the state will vote them all out.
The sheriffs need to go to the capital and remove the governor by force.
Insurrection on the part of those sheriffs would be met with overwhelming deadly force; on the Federal level, if need be.

However, the Colorado Army National Guard should be sufficient.

Hell... the Colorado State Capitol Police should be sufficient.

Just like was done to Sanctuary Cities?
As more gun legislation is passed......more & more law enforcement are refusing to uphold it. Colorado wasn't the first state to have to deal with this.

The law that you ultra rightwingers are talking about is the Red Flag law. Let me attempt to dumb it down to you.

If a person is thought to be a danger to him/herself or others and has guns, a family member or a law enforcement can take it in front of a Judge to determine if that person should have those guns in their possession of not. The Judge cannot arbitrarily make a decision at that point. The Person in question has to be afforded the option of a Mental Health test by a Mental Health Professional to determine if a danger does, in fact exist. If none exists then the weapons stay. IF it does exist, the Judge can order the guns to be temporarily removed until the condition passes which will have another court date and mental health exam. Now the tricky part. The Guns can be voluntarily turned over to either the Authorities or even a Family Member or a friend and satisfy the court order.

In Delta County, in the Western Slop of Colorado, the New Sheriff was elected. One of his (about his only one) campaign promises was that he would not enforce that law if passed. He was elected. Now it's passed. He finds out that the State Police will enforce it, the AG will enforce it, the Governor will enforce it and any Sheriff that doesn't will end up with some Jail time fast, have a felony and a Felon cannot serve as a Sheriff. Guess what, he now says he will adhere to the law. You know, exactly what his oath of office says he should.

If you have trouble with this law, chances are, you are either misinformed or wouldn't pass the mental exam and have to temporarily surrender your firearms. Hopefully, there is at least one sane person in your family that could care for your firearms.

As I had said "As more gun legislation is passed..." I wasn't being specific about which gun law as there are many different laws in each state across the country. And as you read the excerpt from one article...….it has nothing to do with Red Flags. Dumbass

13 Wash. Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce New Gun Control Law

The law, which passed with nearly 60 percent of the vote last November, makes it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to buy a semi-automatic rifle and imposes a mandatory 10-day waiting period for purchases, in addition to requiring more-thorough background checks for anyone attempting to purchase those particular firearms, the news outlet reported.
As more gun legislation is passed......more & more law enforcement are refusing to uphold it. Colorado wasn't the first state to have to deal with this.

The law that you ultra rightwingers are talking about is the Red Flag law. Let me attempt to dumb it down to you.

If a person is thought to be a danger to him/herself or others and has guns, a family member or a law enforcement can take it in front of a Judge to determine if that person should have those guns in their possession of not. The Judge cannot arbitrarily make a decision at that point. The Person in question has to be afforded the option of a Mental Health test by a Mental Health Professional to determine if a danger does, in fact exist. If none exists then the weapons stay. IF it does exist, the Judge can order the guns to be temporarily removed until the condition passes which will have another court date and mental health exam. Now the tricky part. The Guns can be voluntarily turned over to either the Authorities or even a Family Member or a friend and satisfy the court order.

In Delta County, in the Western Slop of Colorado, the New Sheriff was elected. One of his (about his only one) campaign promises was that he would not enforce that law if passed. He was elected. Now it's passed. He finds out that the State Police will enforce it, the AG will enforce it, the Governor will enforce it and any Sheriff that doesn't will end up with some Jail time fast, have a felony and a Felon cannot serve as a Sheriff. Guess what, he now says he will adhere to the law. You know, exactly what his oath of office says he should.

If you have trouble with this law, chances are, you are either misinformed or wouldn't pass the mental exam and have to temporarily surrender your firearms. Hopefully, there is at least one sane person in your family that could care for your firearms.

As I had said "As more gun legislation is passed..." I wasn't being specific about which gun law as there are many different laws in each state across the country. And as you read the excerpt from one article...….it has nothing to do with Red Flags. Dumbass

13 Wash. Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce New Gun Control Law

The law, which passed with nearly 60 percent of the vote last November, makes it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to buy a semi-automatic rifle and imposes a mandatory 10-day waiting period for purchases, in addition to requiring more-thorough background checks for anyone attempting to purchase those particular firearms, the news outlet reported.

Since you seem to believe that you can't discuss the OPs ideas and you are abusive then you have absolutely nothing I care to hear. Have a nice day, prick.
As more gun legislation is passed......more & more law enforcement are refusing to uphold it. Colorado wasn't the first state to have to deal with this.

The law that you ultra rightwingers are talking about is the Red Flag law. Let me attempt to dumb it down to you.

If a person is thought to be a danger to him/herself or others and has guns, a family member or a law enforcement can take it in front of a Judge to determine if that person should have those guns in their possession of not. The Judge cannot arbitrarily make a decision at that point. The Person in question has to be afforded the option of a Mental Health test by a Mental Health Professional to determine if a danger does, in fact exist. If none exists then the weapons stay. IF it does exist, the Judge can order the guns to be temporarily removed until the condition passes which will have another court date and mental health exam. Now the tricky part. The Guns can be voluntarily turned over to either the Authorities or even a Family Member or a friend and satisfy the court order.

In Delta County, in the Western Slop of Colorado, the New Sheriff was elected. One of his (about his only one) campaign promises was that he would not enforce that law if passed. He was elected. Now it's passed. He finds out that the State Police will enforce it, the AG will enforce it, the Governor will enforce it and any Sheriff that doesn't will end up with some Jail time fast, have a felony and a Felon cannot serve as a Sheriff. Guess what, he now says he will adhere to the law. You know, exactly what his oath of office says he should.

If you have trouble with this law, chances are, you are either misinformed or wouldn't pass the mental exam and have to temporarily surrender your firearms. Hopefully, there is at least one sane person in your family that could care for your firearms.
No expert testimony needed just a "preponderance of evidence"

That is not an acceptable standard

ARe you saying that a licensed Shrinks testimony isn't an expert in the requirement?

Yes. There is no mention of the testimony of a mental health professional being required

Extreme Risk Protection Orders | Colorado General Assembly

The petitioner must establish by a preponderance of the evidence that a person poses a significant risk to self or others by having a firearm in her or her custody or control or by possessing, purchasing, or receiving a firearm.

If a family or household member or a law enforcement officer establishes by clear and convincing evidence that a person poses a significant risk to self or others by having a firearm in his or her custody or control or by possessing, purchasing, or receiving a firearm, the court may issue a continuing ERPO. The ERPO would prohibit the respondent from possessing, controlling, purchasing, or receiving a firearm for 182 days.

No it doesn't. But the person in question has the right to a mental health exam before hand. If the Mental Health exam says that they are NOT a threat to themselves or others, the petitioner's claim has failed. And let the Civil Suits begin.

You keep forgetting that the 14th amendment of the Constitution affords every citizen the right to due process. Just because someone says that he is a danger doesn't mean that he is. And it's not up to him to prove that he isn't, it's up to the petitioner to prove that he is. That means that he is afforded the opportunity to a lawyer and that Mental Health Professional. It also means that the petitioner is also afforded the ability to introduce the same. It doesn't have to be in that particular law. It's already in the laws.

This law is a side step around due process. And why should a person have to incur the expense of a mental health examination in order to prove anything?

If the court wants to order a mental health evaluation then the court should foot the bill to prove that the state has the authority to suspend a citizen's rights.

THAT is due process
ARe you saying that a licensed Shrinks testimony isn't an expert in the requirement?

Does the 'licensed shrink' own firearms, or does he have a bias against them?

Or does the shrink not think black people should own guns?

Maybe people that ask that question should not own guns

I feel you should turn in your guns....can I get a second on this?

Just as long as I get my due process. And you have to file with the State of Colorado. Tell me, is your house paid for? How about your car? Do you have a nice saving account?
You won't get it with this law as all it takes is a couple family members and a LEO to say they don't think you should have guns

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