GUN-HATERS resort to burning down gun range in North Carolina

More americans are killed by cars than guns but libs NEVER burn down race tracks. It's not about saving lives. Libs want america to be a fascist dictatorship

North Carolina Gun Range Goes Up In Flames In Obvious Case Of Arson

april 10 2018 USA – -( Early Monday morning, a North Carolina gun range, Triad Active Shooters Klub (TASK), outside Greensboro/Winston Salem North Carolina lost multiple structures and covered firing ports in an apparent case of sophisticated and deliberate arson carried out by numerous unknown perpetrators.

The fire started around 4:33 a.m. on April 2nd, 2018 at Triad Action Shooters Klub on Fuller Mill road in Trinity NC.

Here’s the statement on the event and the evidence that was found from the club president

“There was arson at the TASK early Monday morning range. Three of the five covered firing points were completely destroyed. The remaining two had five one-gallon plastic containers of gasoline placed strategically next to the wooden posts that support the roof and under the piled up shooting benches. Two covered firing lines were not burned because the fuses to the gas failed.

We believe that more than one arsonist was involved, maybe several. This belief is because, at a minimum, twenty five individual containers of gasoline were used. We found five at each of the unburned structures and assume that there were at least that many at each of the other three. It would take quite a while for one person to remove 25 one-gallon containers from a vehicle and set them out out beside the posts and under the shooting benches. Moreover, our shooting benches are too heavy for one man to lift. Two men can move one but it would require three or four to stack one upon another.

Too bad the perps weren’t shot on site.
When all else fails, resort to destruction. It's only a matter of time before some of these assholes kill someone they cannot, or will not, agree with. I'd definitely be carrying if I lived there. I'd also try to have some "strapped" friends to keep my back. Shits like these who burned the place will not stop at property destruction.

Amazingly you don't think the person burning the place down at 4:30am is the coward.

You're the one who feels the need to be armed 24/7 just to face every day life coward.

Yes...send that post to Dr. Petit.........I am sure he will think about this differently than you.....just a normal day for him...until it wasn't....

Cheshire, Connecticut, home invasion murders - Wikipedia

Home invasion[edit]
According to Hayes' confession, the two men had planned to rob the Petit house under cover of darkness leaving the family bound, but unharmed. Hayes attributed the outcome to a change of plan. Upon their arrival in the early hours of July 23, they found William Petit sleeping on a couch on the porch.[10] Komisarjevsky struck William on the head with a baseball bat found in the yard and then tied him up at gunpoint in the basement. The children and their mother were then bound and locked in their respective rooms.[1][11]

During this time, Hayes and Komisarjevsky escalated the aggravated nature of their crimes: Komisarjevsky raped the 11-year-old Michaela.[15][16] Komisarjevsky, who had photographed the sexual assault of the girl on his cell phone,[17] then provoked Hayes into raping Jennifer. While Hayes was raping her on the floor of the living room, Komisarjevsky entered the room and announced that William Petit had escaped. Hayes then strangled Jennifer, doused her lifeless body and parts of the house, including the daughters' rooms, with gasoline. While tied to their beds, both daughters had been doused with gasoline; each had her head covered with a pillowcase.[18] A fire was started, and Hayes and Komisarjevsky fled the scene. Hayley and Michaela both died of smoke inhalation.[19]
William Petit had been able to free himself, escape his confines, and call to a neighbor for help.[20] The neighbor indicated that he did not recognize him due to the severity of Petit's injuries. In court testimony, William Petit stated that he felt a "jolt of adrenaline" coupled with a need to escape upon hearing one of the perpetrators state: "Don't worry, it's going to be all over in a couple of minutes." Petit then told the jury, "I thought, it's now or never because in my mind at that moment, I thought they were going to shoot all of us."[21]
Hayes and Komisarjevsky fled the scene using the Petit family car. They were immediately spotted by police surveillance, pursued, and arrested one block away.[14] The whole invasion lasted seven hours.
More americans are killed by cars than guns but libs NEVER burn down race tracks. It's not about saving lives. Libs want america to be a fascist dictatorship

North Carolina Gun Range Goes Up In Flames In Obvious Case Of Arson

april 10 2018 USA – -( Early Monday morning, a North Carolina gun range, Triad Active Shooters Klub (TASK), outside Greensboro/Winston Salem North Carolina lost multiple structures and covered firing ports in an apparent case of sophisticated and deliberate arson carried out by numerous unknown perpetrators.

The fire started around 4:33 a.m. on April 2nd, 2018 at Triad Action Shooters Klub on Fuller Mill road in Trinity NC.

Here’s the statement on the event and the evidence that was found from the club president

“There was arson at the TASK early Monday morning range. Three of the five covered firing points were completely destroyed. The remaining two had five one-gallon plastic containers of gasoline placed strategically next to the wooden posts that support the roof and under the piled up shooting benches. Two covered firing lines were not burned because the fuses to the gas failed.

We believe that more than one arsonist was involved, maybe several. This belief is because, at a minimum, twenty five individual containers of gasoline were used. We found five at each of the unburned structures and assume that there were at least that many at each of the other three. It would take quite a while for one person to remove 25 one-gallon containers from a vehicle and set them out out beside the posts and under the shooting benches. Moreover, our shooting benches are too heavy for one man to lift. Two men can move one but it would require three or four to stack one upon another.
We need to regulate guns like we do cars

Licenses, insurance, registration

No....unnecessary and Guns are a aren't.
Typical gay progressive stunt.... and gun grabbers are in here calling gun owners cowards!!:113:

I love this forum....:2up:

So you aren't afraid to leave home without being armed?

Where is this fear you keep talking about....I buckle my seat belt not out of fear, but just in case.....I lock my house when I leave not out of fear but just in case...fear is a strong emotion...and emotion that is so strong a human being would use it to justify banning an item that kills fewer people than the car they drive....
I have guns, but I don't hide behind them. I don't need one to feel like a man either.

No - that's what your 150 mph sports car is for. How many kids do you kill every week?

Never had it over 125, and I never killed any kids.

Cars kill more people than you should just surrender your car and own a real killing must support the terrorist group AAA.......Hey, Hey, AAA, how many kids did you kill today!
2aGuy....just mock these people. Nothing is more fun than mocking gun grabbers except perhaps mocking the climate k00ks.:113:

The other day some Progressive posted up a thread in the environment forum about painting streets white to help combat climate change. You should check it out.... hysterical stuff. These people and watching them be terrified by the mere mention of a gun.... plus their nutty arguments. It's a hoot responding to them but you could try to rationalize with them for a hundred years and they're never going to get it...... plus the Second Amendment is never ever going away so it makes the mocking that much more hysterical.
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When all else fails, resort to destruction. It's only a matter of time before some of these assholes kill someone they cannot, or will not, agree with. I'd definitely be carrying if I lived there. I'd also try to have some "strapped" friends to keep my back. Shits like these who burned the place will not stop at property destruction.

Amazingly you don't think the person burning the place down at 4:30am is the coward.
Oh, I definitely do think them cowards. But cowards would also most likely try to get the drop on anyone they targeted for personal attack. Red is the color of my psyche...not yellow, and definitely not green.
More americans are killed by cars than guns but libs NEVER burn down race tracks. It's not about saving lives. Libs want america to be a fascist dictatorship

North Carolina Gun Range Goes Up In Flames In Obvious Case Of Arson

april 10 2018 USA – -( Early Monday morning, a North Carolina gun range, Triad Active Shooters Klub (TASK), outside Greensboro/Winston Salem North Carolina lost multiple structures and covered firing ports in an apparent case of sophisticated and deliberate arson carried out by numerous unknown perpetrators.

The fire started around 4:33 a.m. on April 2nd, 2018 at Triad Action Shooters Klub on Fuller Mill road in Trinity NC.

Here’s the statement on the event and the evidence that was found from the club president

“There was arson at the TASK early Monday morning range. Three of the five covered firing points were completely destroyed. The remaining two had five one-gallon plastic containers of gasoline placed strategically next to the wooden posts that support the roof and under the piled up shooting benches. Two covered firing lines were not burned because the fuses to the gas failed.

We believe that more than one arsonist was involved, maybe several. This belief is because, at a minimum, twenty five individual containers of gasoline were used. We found five at each of the unburned structures and assume that there were at least that many at each of the other three. It would take quite a while for one person to remove 25 one-gallon containers from a vehicle and set them out out beside the posts and under the shooting benches. Moreover, our shooting benches are too heavy for one man to lift. Two men can move one but it would require three or four to stack one upon another.
We need to regulate guns like we do cars

Licenses, insurance, registration
You apparently fail to recognize the biggest difference between firearms and vehicles. The Right to own and bear arms is a Constitutionally guaranteed RIGHT. Owning and operating a motor vehicle is a privilege. Nothing in the Constitution addresses a right to own a personal conveyance of any type.
Cars kill more people than you should just surrender your car and walk....

No need to get rid of cars. But certainly if libs want to stop violent deaths they should demand things like

1. maximum speed limit of 45

2. speed limiters set at 50 mph on all cars

3. multi-year license suspension for all text-drivers and DUIs.

We could easily cut our annual highway homicides from 37,000 to under a thousand and save billions of dollars too but libs say - forget it. Only gun deaths count.
You apparently fail to recognize the biggest difference between firearms and vehicles. The Right to own and bear arms is a Constitutionally guaranteed RIGHT. Owning and operating a motor vehicle is a privilege. Nothing in the Constitution addresses a right to own a personal conveyance of any type.

Be careful. Libs get very angry and violent when they are reminded of that fact.

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