Gun Laws for All...

Despite people like Bucs who says that certain laws shouldnt be allowed for certain people because he's all about being fair.

The far bigger problem is the lack of lot's of open and concealed carry legal guns in NYC. Ir's a wonder that with carry laws nearly as restrictive as Chicago that the murder rate is not even higher.


But ill just say it. Its extremely politically incorrect....but some populations just cant have open or concealed carry. They're too reckless. Too undisciplined. Too impulsive. Our urban ghettos are just that.

Others...are the opposite. They carry and are safe and reserved and disciplined.

Its everyones right. But ill just be "that guy" who is very politically incorrect. Some people are too dumb to vote. Some are too reckless and violent for a gun. Some are such habitual criminals...they should be searched daily. Screw it. Its not comfortable to say but its true.

I'm just finding out that In 30 states a child can still legally own a rifle or shotgun - The Washington Post

I didnt know of this law...Do you think its a good idea for kids to own guns?

Oh how think you'll shame me out of my stance?

Nope. Certain populations dont deserve certain privileges or "rights". A life long violent criminal shouldnt have a gun. A mentally deranged person...shouldnt vote. A pedophile shouldnt be allowed near kids.

And that's the reason why you can continue to quotes crime stats while making legal actions crimes for certain people.

Shame? You have none but at least I can point to your logic as part of the reason why crime is high for blacks..
See? Republicans totally believe in judging some one on t the content of their character and not their skin color.

Btw, Bucs was a cop. How many blacks doyou think he treated fair with that attitude.?

Countless I bet but he'll tell you they all deserved it... and it has nothing to do with him.

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