CDZ gun magazine bullet limits...they only effect law abiding gun owners so why do we need them.

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When your action hams someone or places them in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger, sure.
Simple ownership and possession of a firearm does neither of these things
And if someone perceives a danger from a stranger carrying a gun?
I'm sorry -- you'll have to demonstrate how simple possession of a gun harms anyone or places anyone in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger.
Your question indicates you know you cannot do this.
If I perceive a danger it is real to me
As noted - you fully understand you cannot demonstrate how simple possession of a gun harms anyone or places anyone in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger.
Thank you.
If someone comes up to me and pulls a gun out of his pocket I'm going to perceive danger every time.

That someone is probably a criminal so you would be right.
No one who is legally permitted to carry a concealed weapon will brandish it in public for any reason other than self defense or defense of another as doing so will result in revocation of that permit and possible criminal charges
When your action hams someone or places them in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger, sure.
Simple ownership and possession of a firearm does neither of these things
And if someone perceives a danger from a stranger carrying a gun?
I'm sorry -- you'll have to demonstrate how simple possession of a gun harms anyone or places anyone in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger.
Your question indicates you know you cannot do this.
If I perceive a danger it is real to me. Can you guarantee that I'll never see someone with a gun that places me in real danger?

A person legally carrying a concealed weapon that you cannot see or have any way of perceiving poses no threat to you whatsoever.

A weapon in a holster is no threat to him.....
true but open carry is not the norm so I tend to use concealed carry as the standard
And if someone perceives a danger from a stranger carrying a gun?
I'm sorry -- you'll have to demonstrate how simple possession of a gun harms anyone or places anyone in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger.
Your question indicates you know you cannot do this.
If I perceive a danger it is real to me. Can you guarantee that I'll never see someone with a gun that places me in real danger?

A person legally carrying a concealed weapon that you cannot see or have any way of perceiving poses no threat to you whatsoever.

A weapon in a holster is no threat to him.....
true but open carry is not the norm so I tend to use concealed carry as the standard

We need to fight for both forms of carry....we can't give the anti gunners one inch......
I'm sorry -- you'll have to demonstrate how simple possession of a gun harms anyone or places anyone in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger.
Your question indicates you know you cannot do this.
If I perceive a danger it is real to me. Can you guarantee that I'll never see someone with a gun that places me in real danger?

A person legally carrying a concealed weapon that you cannot see or have any way of perceiving poses no threat to you whatsoever.

A weapon in a holster is no threat to him.....
true but open carry is not the norm so I tend to use concealed carry as the standard

We need to fight for both forms of carry....we can't give the anti gunners one inch......

OMG I'm tempted to use one my warnings in the CDZ here :rofl:
What Right requires a prior test? The democrats tried to do that with blacks and voting and were told to stop.........
You must show you can provide for the public safety before you can get a permit to hold a rally. let the town, or city know and they provide the police protection...
Apparently that is the case in some places but not in others. They can also bill you for the protection and require insurance. Again, it varies by loacale.
No one who is legally permitted to carry a concealed weapon will brandish it in public for any reason other than self defense or defense of another as doing so will result in revocation of that permit and possible criminal charges
My memory is fuzzy but I seem to recall a recent FL incidence where someone pursued another person, then "stood his ground" and shot the unarmed man. The fact that the killer faced criminal charges (I think) was of little comfort to the dead man.
A person legally carrying a concealed weapon that you cannot see or have any way of perceiving poses no threat to you whatsoever.
As concealed carry becomes more common I might view everyone as a possible threat.

and you are wrong more people have started to carry guns...our gun murder rate has gone 49%...

in 2016 there are now 14.5 million people with concealed carry permits...and the number is higher because at least 11 states do not require a permit to open carry a gun......and others require no permit to carry a gun in either form of carry......

So again you are wrong.....gun murders went down as more people carry guns for self defense, the numbers show you have no clue....

Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States by John R. Lott, John E Whitley, Rebekah C. Riley :: SSRN

Initially the increase in permits was slow, growing from roughly 2.7 million permit holders in 1999 to 4.6 million in 2007.

But the number of concealed handgun permits literally exploded during the Obama presidency.

For December 2011, the federal Government Accountability Office estimated that there were at least 8 million concealed handgun permits. By the June 2014, it was 11.1 million; in 2015, 12.8 million.
No one who is legally permitted to carry a concealed weapon will brandish it in public for any reason other than self defense or defense of another as doing so will result in revocation of that permit and possible criminal charges
My memory is fuzzy but I seem to recall a recent FL incidence where someone pursued another person, then "stood his ground" and shot the unarmed man. The fact that the killer faced criminal charges (I think) was of little comfort to the dead man.

Do you mean Zimmerman....."Stand Your Ground" was not part of that case.
A person legally carrying a concealed weapon that you cannot see or have any way of perceiving poses no threat to you whatsoever.
As concealed carry becomes more common I might view everyone as a possible threat.

It's already pretty common

So just because you're afraid of people who may or may not have a concealed weapon you don't want people to have guns?

You do realize that most states require a permit to carry a concealed firearm don't you? So all those people legally carrying have been checked out.
You really do not have to worry about legal CC permit holders
No one who is legally permitted to carry a concealed weapon will brandish it in public for any reason other than self defense or defense of another as doing so will result in revocation of that permit and possible criminal charges
My memory is fuzzy but I seem to recall a recent FL incidence where someone pursued another person, then "stood his ground" and shot the unarmed man. The fact that the killer faced criminal charges (I think) was of little comfort to the dead man.

There are entire threads on that case. I have my own opinions based on my personal philosophy on concealed carry but the Stand your ground defense was not used
A person legally carrying a concealed weapon that you cannot see or have any way of perceiving poses no threat to you whatsoever.
As concealed carry becomes more common I might view everyone as a possible threat.

and you are wrong more people have started to carry guns...our gun murder rate has gone 49%...

in 2016 there are now 14.5 million people with concealed carry permits...and the number is higher because at least 11 states do not require a permit to open carry a gun......and others require no permit to carry a gun in either form of carry......

So again you are wrong.....gun murders went down as more people carry guns for self defense, the numbers show you have no clue....

Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States by John R. Lott, John E Whitley, Rebekah C. Riley :: SSRN

Initially the increase in permits was slow, growing from roughly 2.7 million permit holders in 1999 to 4.6 million in 2007.

But the number of concealed handgun permits literally exploded during the Obama presidency.

For December 2011, the federal Government Accountability Office estimated that there were at least 8 million concealed handgun permits. By the June 2014, it was 11.1 million; in 2015, 12.8 million.
I believe almost all crime has gone down so how can you know there is a correlation between the two?
A person legally carrying a concealed weapon that you cannot see or have any way of perceiving poses no threat to you whatsoever.
As concealed carry becomes more common I might view everyone as a possible threat.

It's already pretty common

So just because you're afraid of people who may or may not have a concealed weapon you don't want people to have guns?

You do realize that most states require a permit to carry a concealed firearm don't you? So all those people legally carrying have been checked out.
You really do not have to worry about legal CC permit holders
Thanks that reassuring to know, I just hope the .0001% that don't use guns responsibly don't give the rest a bad name. Ask a Muslim how that goes.
A person legally carrying a concealed weapon that you cannot see or have any way of perceiving poses no threat to you whatsoever.
As concealed carry becomes more common I might view everyone as a possible threat.

It's already pretty common

So just because you're afraid of people who may or may not have a concealed weapon you don't want people to have guns?

You do realize that most states require a permit to carry a concealed firearm don't you? So all those people legally carrying have been checked out.
You really do not have to worry about legal CC permit holders
Thanks that reassuring to know, I just hope the .0001% that don't use guns responsibly don't give the rest a bad name. Ask a Muslim how that goes.

WTF do Muslims have to do with this discussion?

And legal concealed carry permit holders are no threat to you. But if you're looking for a zero risk life I suggest you buy a bullet and rent a gun because the only time your life is risk free is when it ends
A person legally carrying a concealed weapon that you cannot see or have any way of perceiving poses no threat to you whatsoever.
As concealed carry becomes more common I might view everyone as a possible threat.

and you are wrong more people have started to carry guns...our gun murder rate has gone 49%...

in 2016 there are now 14.5 million people with concealed carry permits...and the number is higher because at least 11 states do not require a permit to open carry a gun......and others require no permit to carry a gun in either form of carry......

So again you are wrong.....gun murders went down as more people carry guns for self defense, the numbers show you have no clue....

Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States by John R. Lott, John E Whitley, Rebekah C. Riley :: SSRN

Initially the increase in permits was slow, growing from roughly 2.7 million permit holders in 1999 to 4.6 million in 2007.

But the number of concealed handgun permits literally exploded during the Obama presidency.

For December 2011, the federal Government Accountability Office estimated that there were at least 8 million concealed handgun permits. By the June 2014, it was 11.1 million; in 2015, 12.8 million.
I believe almost all crime has gone down so how can you know there is a correlation between the two?
There is a correlation whether it's causation or not can be argued though
WTF do Muslims have to do with this discussion?
Only that a very small number of extremists have given Muslims such a bad image in this country that banning all of them is quite popular. A very small number of gun incidents may likewise tarnish the image of majority of gun carriers and support calls for it to be banned.
WTF do Muslims have to do with this discussion?
Only that a very small number of extremists have given Muslims such a bad image in this country that banning all of them is quite popular. A very small number of gun incidents may likewise tarnish the image of majority of gun carriers and support calls for it to be banned.

Why don't you try to find out how many legal CC permit holders all of a sudden go on shooting spree
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