Gun owner paranoia---

To solve violence rates like in Chicago problems that are not allowed to be brought up need to be addressd in tha massive rate of single-parent homes witha huge number of minority fathers bailing / leaving their families. Another taboo issue is Black-on-Black, can't talk about that.
We should make abortions easier to get it seems.

Or policies that help black males be providers.
What you suggest?

Pro-job trade policy and ban third world immigration.
I don’t think it’s hard to get a job now. What would that solve?

It is hard to get a good job. It is hard to get a job were wages rise nicely over time.

That used to be the case before globilization.

IMO, right now, black males don't provide for their families, because they CAN'T.
That was the case before when we had strong unions and every company wasn’t a near monopoly.
Gun-Crime Convict-turned Activist sayd murderers want we should pay murderers NOT to kill people.

(I think the Democrat Party has found its 2024 Candidate...)

Any of you stupid chickenshit Moon Bats that are afraid of the right to keep and bear arms can just move to Canada where they don't have the Constitutional right.

You will be safe there. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Canada expected to pass sweeping gun legislation that includes banning handguns
They have a much lower homicide rate.
in 2017 you had a 99.9953% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun.

How much safer do you need to be?

More Americans are killed by weapons that are NOT guns each year than those murdered with guns. When is the federal govt going to outlaw knives, hammers, scissors, baseball bats, bricks, etc...?
And our worse mass killings use guns
You know its against the law for a child to own a weapon, for a child to shot up a school and shoot / kill people, right? What new law do you propose to solve this problem?
Sad it’s so easy for angry children to get guns . Most are armed by some legal gun owner.
'Easy'? More people die every weekend in Chicago than in mass shootings, which do not happen nearlyas often, snowflake. Fail - try again. Better yet, DON'T.
And by what means are they dying?
By blacks killing them.
Males do most the killing.
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.

Great post - this BS has been going on for years and to my knowledge, not a single legal gun has been grabbed by a Democrat.

The stupidity of the scared and paranoid is something.

The stupidity of the scared and paranoid is something.


you're referring to the ones that want to ban assault weapons, right?
Our worst mass shootings have used those weapons. Why do you want well armed killers?

The number of deaths by handguns outweighs those deaths by quite a bit.

Over 30,000 deaths by firearms a year,

less than 200 by 'assault' weapons.
Lots to problems. And the worst mass killings use assault weapons. Why do you want one person to be able to kill 50+ quickly?

The worst mass killing used airplanes.
(Almost 3.000)

South Korean guy used two handguns at Va Tech to kill 32, and wound 17 others.

Every week dozens, if not hundreds, are shot and killed by handguns.

I'm sorry if 'assault' weapons look scary to you.

But they are no more dangerous than the handguns used to kill hundreds across the country.

(psst, over 3 million 'assault' weapons in the hands of civilians across the country. less than 50 used to commit 'mass' murder)
I call NONSENSE but out of curiosity, where do you live?

Louisiana ... And you can look it up.

In Louisiana your vehicle is an extension of your home.
In Louisiana, you can keep a fully loaded firearm in your home at all times.

Even the Federal Law for Gun Free Zones at schools has an exemption if your home is within 1500 ft. of a school.
If a student or teacher wants to go hunting after school, it is not against the law to carry your firearm in your vehicle.
If I drive to the school, It is not against the law to bring a firearm with me.

They also started teaching Hunter's Education at the school ...
When the State Legislature decided to make the course a requirement for getting a hunting license from Wildlife and Fisheries.

To solve violence rates like in Chicago problems that are not allowed to be brought up need to be addressd in tha massive rate of single-parent homes witha huge number of minority fathers bailing / leaving their families. Another taboo issue is Black-on-Black, can't talk about that.
We should make abortions easier to get it seems.

Or policies that help black males be providers.
What you suggest?

Pro-job trade policy and ban third world immigration.
I don’t think it’s hard to get a job now. What would that solve?

It is hard to get a good job. It is hard to get a job were wages rise nicely over time.

That used to be the case before globilization.

IMO, right now, black males don't provide for their families, because they CAN'T.
That was the case before when we had strong unions and every company wasn’t a near monopoly.

Change is sometimes bad. So, let's change BACK.

Globalization, Free Trade, are policies that have failed to deliver what they promised.

Let's change them BACK.

Unions need to step it up too. They need to spend less time supporting dems and more time representing their members.
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.

Great post - this BS has been going on for years and to my knowledge, not a single legal gun has been grabbed by a Democrat.

The stupidity of the scared and paranoid is something.

The stupidity of the scared and paranoid is something.


you're referring to the ones that want to ban assault weapons, right?
Our worst mass shootings have used those weapons. Why do you want well armed killers?

The number of deaths by handguns outweighs those deaths by quite a bit.

Over 30,000 deaths by firearms a year,

less than 200 by 'assault' weapons.
Lots to problems. And the worst mass killings use assault weapons. Why do you want one person to be able to kill 50+ quickly?

The worst mass killing used airplanes.
(Almost 3.000)

South Korean guy used two handguns at Va Tech to kill 32, and wound 17 others.

Every week dozens, if not hundreds, are shot and killed by handguns.

I'm sorry if 'assault' weapons look scary to you.

But they are no more dangerous than the handguns used to kill hundreds across the country.

(psst, over 3 million 'assault' weapons in the hands of civilians across the country. less than 50 used to commit 'mass' murder)
That was a foreign attack.
Any of you stupid chickenshit Moon Bats that are afraid of the right to keep and bear arms can just move to Canada where they don't have the Constitutional right.

You will be safe there. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Canada expected to pass sweeping gun legislation that includes banning handguns
They have a much lower homicide rate.
in 2017 you had a 99.9953% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun.

How much safer do you need to be?

More Americans are killed by weapons that are NOT guns each year than those murdered with guns. When is the federal govt going to outlaw knives, hammers, scissors, baseball bats, bricks, etc...?
And our worse mass killings use guns
You know its against the law for a child to own a weapon, for a child to shot up a school and shoot / kill people, right? What new law do you propose to solve this problem?
Sad it’s so easy for angry children to get guns . Most are armed by some legal gun owner.
'Easy'? More people die every weekend in Chicago than in mass shootings, which do not happen nearlyas often, snowflake. Fail - try again. Better yet, DON'T.
And by what means are they dying?
By blacks killing them.
Males do most the killing.
Black Males.
Any of you stupid chickenshit Moon Bats that are afraid of the right to keep and bear arms can just move to Canada where they don't have the Constitutional right.

You will be safe there. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Canada expected to pass sweeping gun legislation that includes banning handguns
They have a much lower homicide rate.
in 2017 you had a 99.9953% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun.

How much safer do you need to be?

More Americans are killed by weapons that are NOT guns each year than those murdered with guns. When is the federal govt going to outlaw knives, hammers, scissors, baseball bats, bricks, etc...?
And our worse mass killings use guns
You know its against the law for a child to own a weapon, for a child to shot up a school and shoot / kill people, right? What new law do you propose to solve this problem?
Sad it’s so easy for angry children to get guns . Most are armed by some legal gun owner.
'Easy'? More people die every weekend in Chicago than in mass shootings, which do not happen nearlyas often, snowflake. Fail - try again. Better yet, DON'T.
And by what means are they dying?
By blacks killing them.
Males do most the killing.
Women do most of the prostitution...and your point is....
To solve violence rates like in Chicago problems that are not allowed to be brought up need to be addressd in tha massive rate of single-parent homes witha huge number of minority fathers bailing / leaving their families. Another taboo issue is Black-on-Black, can't talk about that.
We should make abortions easier to get it seems.

Or policies that help black males be providers.
What you suggest?

Pro-job trade policy and ban third world immigration.
I don’t think it’s hard to get a job now. What would that solve?

It is hard to get a good job. It is hard to get a job were wages rise nicely over time.

That used to be the case before globilization.

IMO, right now, black males don't provide for their families, because they CAN'T.
That was the case before when we had strong unions and every company wasn’t a near monopoly.

Change is sometimes bad. So, let's change BACK.

Globalization, Free Trade, are policies that have failed to deliver what they promised.

Let's change them BACK.

Unions need to step it up too. They need to spend less time supporting dems and more time representing their members.
We need to end the monopolies first. Then we need campaign finance reform so our politicians can’t be easily bought. We need more unions to make the many jobs we have pay more.
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.

I am 100% behind the idea of enacting laws which keep guns out of the hands of criminals, kids and the mentally retarded.

The problem is that the left wants to go after the actual guns. They do very little to enact laws which deter someone from, say, using a gun in the commission of a crime. You want "common sense"?

If you draw a weapon, or pretend you have a weapon, while committing a crime, you go to prison for 25 years. Period. No parole. If you fire that weapon during the commission of the crime, you go to prison for life. You can apply for parole in 45 years. If you shoot someone, but don't kill them, while committing a crime, you go to prison for the rest of your life, with no chance for parole. You will die behind bars. If you shoot someone while committing a crime, and they die as a result of their wounds, you get the death penalty.

If you've not committed a crime, but are found to be in possession of an illegal firearm, you go to prison for 25 years, no parole. If you happen to be a felon and are found to be in possession of a firearm, you go to prison for the rest of your life, no parole.

Even gang-bangers don't like the prospect of such harsh penalties.

Banning certain weapons is stupid if you enact and actually enforce other laws. I asked a liberal which of these three guns they would ban if they could ban only one, and they said they would ban the one in the middle:


(I'm aware of the misspelling of "rifle" in the picture. I didn't create it.)

When I asked him why, he said because the one in the middle is a military machine gun, and that the other two look like the guns he shot at Boy Scout camp years ago.

The problem is that, functionally, they're the exact same gun. They shoot the exact same ammunition and inflect the exact same level of damage.

But that one in the middle sure is scary looking.

And therein lies the problem: People want to ban certain guns because they look scary. They want to ban "semi-automatic" weapons because all you have to do is pull the trigger to send another round downrange to your target. Well, next time you have a revolver in your hand, take a real close look at it, because it does the same thing.

Anyone involved in the gun debate needs to have a functional understanding of guns. If they don't have that, they have no business being part of the conversation...
Any of you stupid chickenshit Moon Bats that are afraid of the right to keep and bear arms can just move to Canada where they don't have the Constitutional right.

You will be safe there. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Canada expected to pass sweeping gun legislation that includes banning handguns
They have a much lower homicide rate.
in 2017 you had a 99.9953% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun.

How much safer do you need to be?

More Americans are killed by weapons that are NOT guns each year than those murdered with guns. When is the federal govt going to outlaw knives, hammers, scissors, baseball bats, bricks, etc...?
And our worse mass killings use guns
You know its against the law for a child to own a weapon, for a child to shot up a school and shoot / kill people, right? What new law do you propose to solve this problem?
Sad it’s so easy for angry children to get guns . Most are armed by some legal gun owner.
'Easy'? More people die every weekend in Chicago than in mass shootings, which do not happen nearlyas often, snowflake. Fail - try again. Better yet, DON'T.
And by what means are they dying?
By blacks killing them.
Males do most the killing.
Women do most of the prostitution...and your point is....
It’s a crime to hire a prostitute.
Countless times?

yes, countless times.
From, the "I don't like your dog barking" threat to the drunkin "oh yeah?"

I have seen nothing but guns used to threaten rather than engaging in civil conflict resolution.
These people need gun courage.

Have you seen guns used to enforce shit on others, "countless times"?

Cause, I have not.

let's count, how many times have you witnessed this behavior?

Let's be honest, this take place exponentially more often than defending oneself.
I call NONSENSE but out of curiosity, where do you live?

Louisiana ... And you can look it up.

In Louisiana your vehicle is an extension of your home.
In Louisiana, you can keep a fully loaded firearm in your home at all times.

Even the Federal Law for Gun Free Zones at schools has an exemption if your home is within 1500 ft. of a school.
If a student or teacher wants to go hunting after school, it is not against the law to carry your firearm in your vehicle.
If I drive to the school, It is not against the law to bring a firearm with me.

They also started teaching Hunter's Education at the school ...
When the State Legislature decided to make the course a requirement for getting a hunting license from Wildlife and Fisheries.


Okay, thanks for your clarification. I had this vision of you keeping a gun in your locker or your AR next to the coat rack in a classroom. ;-)
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.

I am 100% behind the idea of enacting laws which keep guns out of the hands of criminals, kids and the mentally retarded.

The problem is that the left wants to go after the actual guns. They do very little to enact laws which deter someone from, say, using a gun in the commission of a crime. You want "common sense"?

If you draw a weapon, or pretend you have a weapon, while committing a crime, you go to prison for 25 years. Period. No parole. If you fire that weapon during the commission of the crime, you go to prison for life. You can apply for parole in 45 years. If you shoot someone, but don't kill them, while committing a crime, you go to prison for the rest of your life, with no chance for parole. You will die behind bars. If you shoot someone while committing a crime, and they die as a result of their wounds, you get the death penalty.

If you've not committed a crime, but are found to be in possession of an illegal firearm, you go to prison for 25 years, no parole. If you happen to be a felon and are found to be in possession of a firearm, you go to prison for the rest of your life, no parole.

Even gang-bangers don't like the prospect of such harsh penalties.

Banning certain weapons is stupid if you enact and actually enforce other laws. I asked a liberal which of these three guns they would ban if they could ban only one, and they said they would ban the one in the middle:


(I'm aware of the misspelling of "rifle" in the picture. I didn't create it.)

When I asked him why, he said because the one in the middle is a military machine gun, and that the other two look like the guns he shot at Boy Scout camp years ago.

The problem is that, functionally, they're the exact same gun. They shoot the exact same ammunition and inflect the exact same level of damage.

But that one in the middle sure is scary looking.

And therein lies the problem: People want to ban certain guns because they look scary. They want to ban "semi-automatic" weapons because all you have to do is pull the trigger to send another round downrange to your target. Well, next time you have a revolver in your hand, take a real close look at it, because it does the same thing.

Anyone involved in the gun debate needs to have a functional understanding of guns. If they don't have that, they have no business being part of the conversation...
Any semi auto rifle capable of holding high capacity magazines is capable of killing lots of people really fast. No legal reason to need mass killings weapons.
To solve violence rates like in Chicago problems that are not allowed to be brought up need to be addressd in tha massive rate of single-parent homes witha huge number of minority fathers bailing / leaving their families. Another taboo issue is Black-on-Black, can't talk about that.
We should make abortions easier to get it seems.

Or policies that help black males be providers.
What you suggest?

Pro-job trade policy and ban third world immigration.
I don’t think it’s hard to get a job now. What would that solve?

It is hard to get a good job. It is hard to get a job were wages rise nicely over time.

That used to be the case before globilization.

IMO, right now, black males don't provide for their families, because they CAN'T.
That was the case before when we had strong unions and every company wasn’t a near monopoly.

Change is sometimes bad. So, let's change BACK.

Globalization, Free Trade, are policies that have failed to deliver what they promised.

Let's change them BACK.

Unions need to step it up too. They need to spend less time supporting dems and more time representing their members.
We need to end the monopolies first. Then we need campaign finance reform so our politicians can’t be easily bought. We need more unions to make the many jobs we have pay more.

First? Why wait to have better trade and immigration policy?

YOu think this country can't walk and chew gum at the same time?

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